official immortal road

Chapter 207: Stinger

Lin Ran followed the man and flew directly into the sky. The man seemed to be interested in seeing how Lin Ran's strength was, and his speed was very fast.

Lin Ran sneered in his heart. Although he has let go of this man now, he has been included in Lin Ran's devouring list. The first one to devour him will be him. As long as he successfully enters the field of Jubit, then he can start.

About an hour later, Lin Ran had seen the vague outline of the divine world. The suspended bunkers fell in front of him, very magnificent and towering, with a sacred atmosphere and golden light.

This is just one of the fields of many masters in the divine world, similar to the division of mortal princes, but their gods and emperors have absolute leadership, and no matter who has to obey his orders unconditionally.

Compared with the fairyland, all places are kings and have a lot of freedom. As long as something big happens, they are generally not restrained or dispatched. Moreover, the lords in each field are the giants of this place. Lords in other fields should be very polite to enter other people's domains. General lower gods can't be casual. Enter the territory of other forces.

The five-yuan nine-power gold general god is a very powerful existence even in the fairyland, indicating that the status of lord in this field should be very high in the divine world. Lin Ran is a little difficult to devour the gods and steal the mixed-yuan gold furnace here.

is equal to the cultivation of the five-yuan Luo Jinxian. A slap can kill Lin Ran, so he has to be very careful at every step of this industry.

"Oh, by the way, what's your name? My name is Rexston, and you can just call me Rex." The man suddenly turned his face and asked.

Lin Ran was stunned, and then suddenly looked for the names of people in the divine world in his mind. Seeing that Lin Ran's face was a little bad, Rex's eyebrows frowned and his eyes flashed with a trace of warning.

"Well, my name is Kakarot." Lin Ran found that Rex was a little suspicious of himself and immediately said casually that it was just a name. Just follow the naming method of the divine world.

"Kakarut? Last name or first name? Rex asked doubtfully, it would be strange if there was a surname. He had never heard of this surname.

"Name, surname Vegeta, Kakarot Vegeta." Lin Ran smiled. He got the name completely randomly. He remembered it desperately in his heart for fear that he would forget it later.

"Bergeta?" Rex obviously didn't hear the name, but he didn't ask anything more. He quickly flew to the hanging castle in front of him.

Soon, the two came to a huge and wide building. Lin Ran was almost out of sight. All the buildings seemed to be connected. The tall stone pillars were engraved with patterns that Lin Ran couldn't understand, and a simple and sacred atmosphere emanated from it. A team of angels with full armor were He kept patrolling everywhere, all wearing armor and couldn't see clearly.

"Join Lord Rex." As soon as Rex landed, the guard half knelt down and said respectfully with his right hand covering his heart.

Rex just nodded, and then glanced at Lin Ran beside him, "Let's go and take you directly to see Lord Bit."

Although Lin Ran was very curious, he nodded calmly and followed Rex on the surface, but kept looking at the buildings inside.

To Lin Ran's surprise, none of the buildings are made of wood, all made of unknown stone carvings. Although it looks very majestic, it does not have the pleasant feeling of fairyland.

Relatively speaking, Lin Ran still prefers the architectural style of fairyland.

After entering the gate, there are many temples in it, which seem to be carved from huge stones. There are at least thousands of them. The temple in the front is obviously much larger than other places, and it is also more elegant. It should be the nine-power golden general.

There are guards, guards and patrols around, which makes Lin Ran depressed. It is so strict that it will be much more difficult to do things in the future.

"Hmm?" When Lin Ran passed by a temple, suddenly a very strange feeling rose in his heart, as if something was summoning him. Lin Ran stopped and looked at the temple.

That temple is slightly different from other places, but there are a group of women guarding the door of the temple! Wearing armor and being heroic, Lin Ran was puzzled. The ancestor of Bodhi said that he had a special feeling for the mixed yuan gold furnace. Is this the feeling? If that's the case, then the owner inside is his goal this time.

"That's Hayes' residence. He is the representative of the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association this time, and his cultivation is in the five-yuan Xuanshen." Rex saw Lin Ran staring at the temple not far away, and also stopped and said.

"What?" Lin Ran was shocked, Wuyuan Xuanshen? Do you want to be so paralyzed? He was the first in the fairy world and only arrived at the Sanyuan Xuanxian. Unexpectedly, a five-yuan Xuanshen came directly in the divine world! If he is not the first, then Lin Ran will feel very stressed.

"Well, he is the first in the selection of this Xianwu Association. Now he is the treasure of a big man, but he is more lustful and arrogant." Rex obviously didn't like the guy named Hayes and looked a little disdainful.

I can see it! Even the guards are female, and they can be seen as a sex embryo at a glance! Lin Ran thought secretly in his heart.

Hearing Rex's words, Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief. It's good to be the first. If it weren't for the first, this divine world would be too horrible! However, even so, the fairyland has fallen a little. After all, no one in the fairyland has reached the level of five-yuan Xuanxian.

What is Gui Tianjue? What is Liu Ming? If it's a real game, I will be abused like no one! Lin Ran thought viciously in his heart.

"How about the other cultivation? You won't do either, will you?" Lin Ran asked, if it is the same for Rex, then Lin Ran will really start killing here. The paralyzed four-yuan Xuanshen, this talent is also very horrible, and there are many benefits to kill the two fairyland.

"Me? Ha ha, I'm not, but there are also two of them who are also four-yuan Xuanshen. Rex's eyes were a little dim, and the selection of the fairy martial arts meeting in the divine world was also the highest quality in history. When he participated, he was only a nine-yuan god, which was completely incomparable.

After hearing this, the corners of Lin Ran's mouth twitched. The reputation of the dark divine world was really not covered, and the weakest paralysis was also four yuan, which exploded the fairyland. At the same time, he also understands why the ancestor of Bodhi must come to the divine world. One is to understand his opponents, and the other is to improve his strength as much as possible. Here, Lin Ran does not have to worry about anything and can run as soon as he is found.

"It seems that this time the four worlds immortal martial arts meeting has overwhelmed the other three worlds!" Lin Ran pretended to be excited and said.

Rex smiled faintly and showed a trace of pride on his face, "Of course, our divine world has been the first for hundreds of years. How can they compare? However, I heard that there has also been a strong hand in the fairyland recently, called Lin or something. It is said that the practice is very fast.

After hearing this, Lin Ran felt a sense of pride and pride arose. He was famous in the divine world, not the ghost Tianjue and Liu Ming, which showed that he was still very popular with others.

"Okay, go to the adult's place. He should be in the main hall at this time." After saying that, Rex turned around and walked forward.

Lin Ran smiled and followed, then turned back slightly and glanced at the temple of Hayes, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

"Five yuan, hey, this time I will kill the number one player in your divine world!"

"Yo, who did I think it was? It turned out to be our Lord Rex!" At this moment, a strange laugh came from the side, and Rex's face immediately became extremely cold and clenched his fists.

Lin Ran was unhappy when he heard the voice, and secretly said that Rex was not very popular here! Why are these rotten people everywhere? Hearing those words, Lin Ran wanted to beat him.

Lin Ran looked in the direction of the sound and saw a very strange-looking man with long white hair with blood red eyes shaking towards them with a fan, with a sarcastic smile on his face, followed by several guards.

"Can't see the cultivation clearly? The breath is not very strong, it should be between four or five yuan." Lin Ran was shocked, and then laughed. This person was very unhappy at a glance and had been included in the devoured list by Lin Ran.

Seeing Lin Ran, the man was stunned for a moment and then laughed, "Rex, where did you find this boy? Sanyuan Xuanshen, it seems that his cultivation is good!"

Rex's eyes were cold and he looked at the man coldly, "Erdoni, I don't have time to play with you now. Let's go." After saying that, he continued to walk forward.

Lin Ran shrugged his shoulders at the Doni and followed.

Erdoni showed a ferocious smile, and a red light flashed in his eyes, "Stand, do I allow you to go?"

Rex and Lin Ran stopped at the same time. Lin Ran had an expression of watching the play. They had better fight and become seriously injured, so that they could take advantage of it.

"What on earth do you want? Don't think that I'm afraid of you! I'm going to take him to see Lord Bit now. Can you afford the delay? Rex's eyes almost spewed fire. It seemed that he had a lot of feud with this Erdoni before, and Lin Ran was a little pitiful Rex.

"Haha, presumptuous, you are just a seven-grade god. How dare you talk to me like this?" Eroni saw that he was looking for Rex's trouble, went straight to him and said with a sneer.

Seven priests? Official position? Lin Ran doubted that he did not know the official position of the divine world at all. If it was the same as the fairyland, the seven grades would be too low, but according to Rex's current cultivation, it should not be so much.

"You just rely on your teacher to rise to power. What are you proud of? After hundreds of years of practice, it is only five yuan Xuanshen. Humph, wandering around all day, and I'm not afraid of embarrassing your teacher!" Rex sneered and was not afraid of Erdoni at all.

Hundreds of years of cultivation? It's really rubbish. Lin Ran shook his head secretly and knew at a glance that Erdoni was the second ancestor, and it couldn't become any climate.

Hearing Rex's words, Erdoni's face immediately turned ferocious, "What? Unconvinced? Do you want to compare?"

"Hmm! I don't have time to play with you today!" Rex doesn't want to pester him too much. That man is a scoundrel here. Relying that his teacher is the first man of Lord Bitter, he does whatever he wants here, and almost no one else dares to do anything to him except him.

"That's not up to you!" E Doni snorted coldly, pulled out a big sword directly at his waist, and waved it directly.

Lin Ran was shocked. Isn't it too irregular here? Can you fight casually? If it is in the fairyland, who dares to do this? Of course, Lin Ran obviously forgot what he had done before.

Lin Ran hurriedly jumped away. He didn't want to participate in it. In the end, both of them were injured and did nothing harm to himself.

Rex was also angry and directly sacrificed his long gun and stabbed him fiercely.

"Bang!" With a sound, the two quickly retreated, and the ground was shaken to crack in all directions, like a spider web.

This place is really free and democratic! You can fight as you like! Lin Ran, who had hidden not far away, sighed in his heart, but he was helpless when he thought that he seemed to encounter this kind of thorn wherever he went.