official immortal road

Chapter 208: First Shot

Rex's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping water. It was not the first time he had to fight with Erdoni, but because he defeated him in a game. Later, he kept looking for various excuses to make it difficult for him to fight with himself.

Now that he has something important to do, he has summoned a man for Bit, which is a great credit. Unexpectedly, Eroni will suddenly appear.

"Edoni! I warn you again, I don't have time to play with you now! If you want to have a hand, practice martial arts as you like!" Rex shouted.

Erdoni didn't listen to Rex's words at all, "What do you say? Then I'm not very faceless?" After saying that, he rushed over again, and the black sword in his hand made a buzzing sound, and more than a dozen black lights burst past.

Rex was really angry. His body moved horizontally to avoid Erdoni's attack. His left hand condensed a white light ball and smashed it.

The two fought like this and saw the corners of Lin Ran's mouth twitching.

"Hey, I said you are so free here? Is there no constraint? Can you fight casually?" Lin Ran walked to Eroni's men and asked in a low voice.

Those subordinates are just five-yuan gods. Seeing that Lin Ran, who can't see through his cultivation, nodded hurriedly, "That's how we are here. Lord Bit likes it. His subordinates can compete with each other at will, as long as they don't kill people, so we are so powerful in the field of bits, Haye That's how Lord Si trained and won the first place.

Lin Ran suddenly realized that he looked like I knew, "It's paralyzed. It's really strange. If it's in the fairyland, I'm afraid it will be directly locked up. However, this can also cultivate competitiveness and compete at any time. After such a long time, the strength must be stronger than that in other places. This Bith also seems to be a brainy person, but in this way, aren't they not united here?

Lin Ran really doesn't understand the management methods here, so that everyone has become enemies. What's wrong?

Looking at the battle between the two of them, Lin Ran is a little impatient. When will this end? He doesn't have much time here.

Rex can use the cultivation of the four-yuan Xuanshen to fight against the five-yuan Xuanshen cultivation, which shows that this man's foundation is much stronger than that of the second ancestor.

"Hey, did you two have enough? I have something else to do!" Lin Ran finally couldn't help it, and his body appeared between the two of them in an instant. The purple soared and bounced the two of them away.

Seeing that Lin Ran was so powerful, even Rex was stunned. They had used all their best to engage in the competition just now. Lin Ran was able to shock them away with the cultivation of Sanyuan Xuanshen, which really made them unbelievable.

"What are you? Get out of here!" Erdoni is now full of stomach and has never been better than Rex. This time, he saw that the situation was somewhat beneficial to him, but he didn't expect to be disturbed by an unknown boy.

Lin Ran took a deep breath. Although his current cultivation is in Sanyuan Xuanshen, he is more than enough to deal with Rex, and Etoni is naturally no exception.

The cultivation is not the same as strength. Although Lin Ran's cultivation is low, except for the time when the Xianwu Association was selected, didn't he leap the level to kill the enemy at other times? If you really count it, Lin Ran's current strength can defeat the ordinary six-yuan Xuanshen! This is the gap!

Of course, for Hayes's players, their cultivation and strength are above Lin Ran, and Lin Ran is not very sure of winning.

"Do you want to play? OK! I will fight with you! Get out of here after fighting!" Lin Ran's most annoying thing is this kind of shameless person. He has never dealt with people in the divine world. This time, he is a practice.

A trace of gratitude flashed in Rex's eyes, but soon hid, "You're not his opponent. I'll do it."

"I'll do it! What paralyzed me is the most unaccustomed thing to is this kind of thing that has no strength and barks here!" Lin Ran pushed Rex away and looked at Eroni coldly.

Erdoni was angry and laughed. He had never been looked down so low, and a trace of murder flashed in his eyes, "With you, a three-yuan mysterious god? Humph, pinching you to death is like pinching an ant to death! Get out of here, Rex is okay, you? Sne..."

Rex is also worried about this. After all, Lin Ran's cultivation is too low. Although E Doni's cultivation is not directly proportional to his strength, he is also a five-yuan Xuanshen, which is several or two levels higher than Lin Ran.

"Kakarot, don't show your strength." Rex's tone of speech to Lin Ran was not as cold as before, and he advised him with some worry.

Huh? Oh, it's okay." Lin Ran was stunned when he heard Rex's "Carrot" and remembered his current name after a while, and his heart almost revealed it.

"Then be careful. I'll stay behind. If I can't defeat the enemy, I will take action immediately." Rex didn't know what nerves he had. He actually thought that Lin Ran could fight against Eroni, which was a feeling, and he didn't know where he came from.

Eroni was so angry that his face turned blue when he saw that the other party despised him so much. OK! Very good! You are very arrogant! You are not from our field yet, are you? Then it's nothing to kill you!"

Lin Ran sacrificed a mixed halberd, moved a few times in the air, and a few purples swung out, shaking and twisting the surrounding air. Yo, do you want to kill me? Then come and have a try. I'll show you today. The second ancestor will always be the second ancestor! Wearing a vest is not a thing!"

Hearing Lin Ran's curse, Rex couldn't help laughing. He found that Lin Ran was getting more and more appetite for himself, which made him extremely happy.

Eroni's men also gritted their teeth and laughed. They didn't have a good impression on this Eroni. Usually, he either beat or scolded his opponents, and it was helpless to follow him. Lin Ran's words gave them a big breath.

"You are dead!" Eroni's face was almost twisted together, and he roared angrily and rushed to Lin Ran. The black sword in his hand burst into an extremely cold airflow.


More than a dozen black spirits hit Lin Ran. Lin Ran was not afraid at all. The fairy Yuanli of the man didn't even have two-thirds of himself. He played this trick with himself and didn't know how to die!

"Go back!" Lin Ran shouted loudly, and the mixed halberd in his hand directly hit more than a dozen purple airflows and directly hit it.

With a "bang", Erdoni's attacks were all resolved by Lin Ran, but Lin Ran's attacks did not stop like this, and there were still a few vigorously bombarded.

Edoney's face changed greatly. He didn't expect that the strength of the man in front of him was so strong that the Sanyuan Xuanshen could suppress his five-yuan Xuanshen!

A light flashed in Rex's eyes, and this man of unknown origin seemed to be very strong! If he is taken as a subordinate by Lord Bitter, he will definitely make a great contribution.

Erdoni roared angrily. If he was defeated by a trioyuan Xuanshen, what face would he have to fool around here? The whole body was murderous, the body was completely wrapped in black gas, and the surrounding ground was shaken by black gas and quickly cracked around.

Lin Ran's face became slightly serious. The man's momentum is much higher than just now, but if he wants to defeat him, it will be a matter of the next life.

With a strong black gas in his body, he quickly wrapped around his body like a ribbon, constantly beating in front of him, beating the air disorderly and fluctuating, and immediately exploded as soon as he touched the ground.

Lin Ran stood still and stood still. He wanted to be amazing and let everyone know his talent! Because there are already many powerful people observing themselves in the dark, this is a good opportunity! As long as he defeats Erdoni in an unrivaled way, he will definitely be able to get enough reuse.

Rex looked at it with a worried face. Erdoni obviously made a real fire and killed him. I don't know if Lin Ran can carry this attack. He is ready to take action at any time, otherwise he will lose a lot if Lin Ran is killed. It's hard to pull such a talent, and the credit is not because of his own death. What a pity.

"Don't think that the five-yuan Xuanshen is very powerful! I'll show you now! What is strength? Lin Ran shouted and burst out all his potential, and the surrounding ground immediately split and rose like lightning.

"Boom!" Lin Ran held the mixed halberd and injected almost all the immortal power into it. The mixed halberd burst into a dazzling purple light, and finally formed an ancient dragon, roaring for nine days. He rushed over with the momentum of thunder. All the ground that passed by exploded in an instant, and the earth and stones were also crushed into foam, forming a huge gully.

"Get out!"

Lin Ran shouted loudly, and the purple dragon rushed to Eroni's face in an instant. Erdoni's pupils suddenly contracted and he wanted to retreat, but it was too late, and the purple dragon hit him directly.

Eroni's attack was completely like paper paste in front of Lin Ran, which was vulnerable and smashed in an instant.


The ground shook violently, and Eroni made a sad scream, and his body was submerged in an instant. All the 100 meters around exploded in an instant. Countless mud and rocks were shot. Erdoni's men were so scared that they were almost paralyzed and hurriedly escaped.

Rex is completely stunned. This man who calls himself Kakarot is too perverted! He and Eroni's repair were two yuan away from defeating the other party, and even he felt frightened by the attack. He measured it himself and was surprised to find that if it were him, he would not be able to take his blow!

"Who the hell is this Kakarot!" Rex muttered.

The huge movement here shocked everyone, and all of them ran over from their temples and saw a huge purple mushroom cloud slowly rising, and the surrounding air was extremely violent, showing a look of horror.

At the door of the main hall, a big man with golden armor and an eight-character beard on his face was curious about what happened in the distance, and a smile of appreciation appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"What's the situation? Such a big move?" Those angels who didn't know anything frowned and asked their hands.

"Rex brought a man back and fought with Eroni."

"How could there be such a big noise? Did Eroni kill him?"

"No, it's the stranger's hand! I just bombarded Eroni, and now I don't know whether he is alive or dead!"

Hearing his men's answer, the priests and angels immediately flew to the place where the incident happened. Although Erdoni was an incompetent person, he was also on their side anyway. If they were killed by an outsider, where would their faces be put?

Lin Ran has now put away the mixed halberd. His face is very pale and his breath is disordered. For the effects just now, it can be said that he is almost desperate. If Erdoni is all right, then he will have something wrong.

"Karot, are you all right?" Rex walked to Lin Ran excitedly and asked worriedly.

"Who hurt my student!" Lin Ran was about to answer Rex, but a shocking shout suddenly resounded throughout the audience. A blue figure fell heavily from the sky less than 50 meters in front of Lin Ran, shaking all the surrounding soil.