official immortal road

Chapter 210: Three Days

Lin Ran has been silently following Bit, looking around with his eyes constantly muttering. Bit didn't say anything more and walked straight forward.

The feeling here is very different from that of the fairyland. The hierarchy is not so strict. The guards around him just covered his chest slightly and bowed his head, unlike the fairyland, who had to stop to say hello to a big man.

Lin Ran also likes the system similar to the feudal system of princes very much. He is completely an earth emperor. Even if the god king comes, he will give some face to the lords here. In the fairyland, wherever a fairy or fairy king goes, he has to be busy. He should be treated like an uncle and should not be neglected at all.

"Your Excellency."

Lin Ran followed Bit to his temple, and the guard immediately bowed his head slightly. Bit just nodded and walked in.

Lin Ran looked curiously at the temple, which was much bigger than the surrounding area, and it was still golden, with a trace of golden light flowing above it. The gate of the temple is also engraved with some carvings that he can't understand, which are ferocious, kind, sad and happy. Anyway, there are all kinds of expressions, which surprised Lin Ran.

Following you into the temple, it was extremely empty. The blood-red carpet was directly laid up, and there was a huge golden chair at the end, which was very high. Lin Ran looked at at least ten meters, majestic and solemn.

On the wall above the chair, there is a white angel engraved. Unlike others, it is an angel with twelve wings on one side, bowing its head, as if overlooking the world, and a sense of solemnity haunts Lin Ran's heart.

That may be their god emperor, right? Looking at the statue makes people feel like a huge stone in their hearts.

Lin Ran was palpitated. He was already sitting in his seat. I don't know when two angels stood beside him, holding a halberd and standing expressionless.

"Kakarut, your cultivation looks a little different from the divine world, but similar to the oriental fairyland. Where did you learn it?" Jubit looked at Lin Ran and asked faintly, and the golden light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Ran felt that his mind was in a trance again, and the spirit-eating hole of his hands woke him up again. "My subordinates found a mansion in the field of Caster. I don't know which divine world is left behind. There are many methods of cultivation in it, and my subordinates began to enter the road of cultivation from there."

Lin Ran has already figured out this reason. After all, there is a clear difference between the fairy warfare skills of the divine world and the fairy world. There is no need to make any fingerprints in the divine world, and there is no rune.

They call magic magic, but they need to sing without fingerprints, which makes Lin Ran very depressed.

As for the combat skills, they are the same as the fairyland. Just now, Eroni and Rex also used combat skills and did not perform magic.

The fairyland and the divine world are the same. Martial arts are popular, and the magic series has gradually declined. After all, there has been no large-scale wars in the past thousand years, and magic is also a large-scale attack, which is very useful in war. As for one-on-one confrontation, it is a waste of power.

Over time, it will naturally decline.

Youbit frowned. He was very confident in his mental control. Naturally, he would not doubt Lin Ran, but he didn't know who else's cultivation skills in the divine world would be similar to those in the Oriental Fairyland.

"In this way, what you practice is really an oriental immortal?" Bibit thought for a moment and continued to ask.

"Oriental Fairy Law? I don't know, but I just practiced according to the practice method there. Lin Ran naturally will not admit that he knows any methods. After all, his current identity is a mortal who cultivates into an angel and should belong to the role that knows nothing.

"Would you like to give me those cultivation methods?" Youbit has always been very curious about the magic skills of the East.

At the beginning, he sneaked into the fairyland and wanted to steal some back, but he didn't expect to encounter chaos in the fairyland. He only stole a treasure in the chaos, and he could not advance, which made him very angry and finally gave it to his apprentice.

Lin Ran scolded the man for being greedy, but now he must pretend to be dull and controlled.

"Those skills are just a divine knowledge. After entering, they will be automatically passed on. If adults want to learn, they are willing to teach." Lin Ran said slowly without focus.

If that Bit really wants to learn, Lin Ran can just give him some garbage. If he doesn't give it, he will be suspected.

The corners of his mouth rose and nodded secretly, "No need."

What he wants is just the level of fairy warfare skills practiced by Lao Jun and Erlang God. Lin Ran is really not interested in using it, and he is also very confident in his own strength.

After saying that, his eyes returned to their normal color, Lin Ran immediately shook his head, and then looked at him angrily.

"Your Excellency, I would like to follow you, but you can't always exert mental control on the little one, can you?"

Of course, this is what Lin Ran deliberately said. He has probably speculated about the character of this little Bit, that is, to appreciate those who have their own personality and talent in front of anyone.

Jibit didn't look angry at all and smiled, "I didn't think about it, but it's also to prove your innocence. It won't be like this in the future."

Lin Ran nodded, and it's not easy for him to care about anything else when he said that. Doesn't he have to pretend? To clarify your current identity, he is a capable person, a master of the field, and his status is noble. It is incredible to talk to Lin Ran like this.

"Your Excellency, what do you have to do?" Lin Ran is still very interested in the position of captain of the guard, and finally he can be free, so that he can have enough time to devour.

"In my field, there are a total of 1,000 temples, all of which are at the level of golden gods. Of course, all talented and cultivated angels can also live in the temple. Each temple will have three guards, divided into three captains. And there are eight guards in my temple. You are the captain of eight groups, Rubio, to call the other seven captains. nubit snapped his finger at a guard next to him, and the guard retreated.

Lin Ran is very shocked now. A thousand temples are all golden gods? That's the golden fairyland, a thousand! There are only a thousand areas of paralysis, so how many fields are there in the whole divine world?

Thinking about the angels with more than tens of thousands of golden immortals flying all over the sky, Lin Ran felt a sudden twitch in his heart, and he didn't know if there was such a big hand in the fairyland! This divine world is indeed the strong enemy of the fairyland!

In a short time, the guard named Rubio brought seven men in silver armor and helmets. Lin Ran was surprised that there were two black skins inside. This was the first time he saw them.

Paralyzed, this divine world is really strange. It's okay if the skin is white. Now there are still black skin. Do you want some red or blue skin?

Lin Ran looked carefully and suddenly felt bitter. He couldn't see through the cultivation of the seven captains! No wonder the other people's expressions when Bitter announced him as the captain of the guard.

"See you." The seven guards glanced at Lin Ran, with obvious disdain in their eyes, and then half bowed their bodies and put their right hand on their chest and said.

"Well, are all here? Let me introduce you. This is Kakarot, the eighth captain of the guard. Bibit pointed to Lin Ran and said.

The other seven captains immediately looked at Lin Ran, curious, disdainful and puzzled, which made Lin Ran feel uncomfortable.

"Karot Vegeta, please take good care of the captains." Lin Ran said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, this Kakarot's cultivation is too low, isn't it? I'm afraid the people below will be unconvinced. A man standing in the front row stood up and said, ignored Lin Ran at all. Except for the two black men who smiled back at Lin Ran, the other captains regarded him as nothing.

Lin Ran was immediately unhappy and paralyzed! Except for those two niggers, all of you will become my food!

Youbit smiled faintly, "It doesn't matter. Kakarot's talent is very good, but now the selection of the Xianwu Club has passed. As a guard to learn from you, it will definitely be a great help for us in the future. Please mention more."

When those escort captains heard such words, they were even more unhappy. Why did they value a newcomer so much? Moreover, their guard captain has always been in a group, and his cultivation is similar. At least, he is also an eight-yuan Xuanshen. The rest are all in one or two yuan of golden immortals, and Lin Ran is just a three-yuan Xuanshen. It's strange that he can respect him.

Another group of snobbish villains who look down on people! Lin Ran said contemptuously, but he was too lazy to care about anything. Anyway, he would not stay here for too long. He swallowed a few advanced Xuanshen, and then grabbed the mixed-yuan gold furnace and went back immediately.

"Rekins, you take Lin Ran around, but before that, you get to know each other. I still have something to deal with." Bibit said lightly, and then got up and walked back.

Jibit naturally knew that those escort captains were very unhappy with Lin Ran, and he had no choice. This is based on strength. He can't help Lin Ran with anything. For dignity and status, everything depends on himself to fight for.

Soon there were only Lin Ran and seven other escort captains left at the scene, and the Regins mentioned by Jubit was one of the two black people.

"Ha, let me introduce, my name is Regins, his name is Ludley, and his name is Donnie..."

Regins looks good, always smiling, and has no hostility or contempt for Lin Ran. He introduces Lin Ran to the people present one by one.

Although Lin Ran is unhappy with those high-ranking captains, now that he is in the enemy camp, he has no choice but to put up with it.

"The last one is the captain of our escort, and he is also the most cultivated, the three-yuan golden god, Domit." Regins pointed to a man next to him and said to Lin Ran.

"I have met Lord Domit, please give me more advice in the future." Lin Ran smiled and said very politely.

"Hmm! Is a little Sanyuan Xuanshen also qualified to be the captain of the guard? What a joke!"

At this time, there would be a very discordant sound. A captain beside Domit coldly mocked that in fact, not only he, but almost all the captains except the two black people were unhappy with Lin Ran.

In order to become the captain of this escort, they went through a heavy selection, but this Kakarot was selected by himself to fight with others with Sanyuan Xuanshen. How can this make them feel balanced?

"Harris." Regins frowned and stared at the captain of the escort who had just spoken sarcasticly.

"Do the captains think I, Kakarot, can't do it?" A cold light flashed in Lin Ran's eyes.

"Nonsense, your three-yuan Xuanshen cultivation, there are more people with higher cultivation than you here! Why can you be elected? Harris stood directly in front of Lin Ran and shouted.

Other people are looking at the play, and even Regins and another black man are not talking. Lin Ran's words just now are indeed a little rude. As a newcomer, he should have a new attitude.

Lin Ran smiled coldly, "That's good! Three days later, on the martial arts stage! Do you dare to compare with me?"