official immortal road

Chapter 211: Hayes

In Lin Ran's words, everyone couldn't believe his eyes. His current cultivation is only Sanyuan Xuanshen, and although the cultivation that was contracted by Lin Ran is the lowest among them, he also has the cultivation of Bayuan Xuanshen.

Sanyuan Xuanshen's battle against Bayuan Xuanshen is completely a death-seeing act. No one will think that Lin Ran will win.

Regins' eyebrows were twisted together, and he had no sense of rejection of this Kakarot, but the other party actually said so much that he also felt that he was not suitable to be a captain.

As a captain of the guard, or the captain of the temple of Jiulijin, how can he be competent without a rational head? It makes no sense for Lin Ran to hit the stone with such a egg.

"Hahaha! Did you hear what he just said? Are you going to compare with me in three days? What a joke! I can knock you down with one hand!" Harris laughed and looked at Lin Ran with a sarcastic face.

Several other escort captains also sneered. Lin Ran's behavior completely made them even more disgusted. It was not such a way to die if they wanted to win their recognition. It was completely meaningless.

Domit, the captain of the escort, shook with a smile, "Young people, self-confidence is a good thing, but self-confidence also depends on the situation of equal strength. What's the difference between you doing this and dying? You are conceited and suicidal!"

"Brother, don't talk to him. If he wants to compare with Lao Qi, just let him compete with Lao Qi! Don't blame anyone if you die! A grasshopper also wants to jump into the sky to become a mantis? What a joke!" Another captain Ludley sneered.

"Kakarot, you are not Harris's opponent. Forget it." Regins frowned and walked to Lin Ran and shook his head at him.

If Harris really kills Lin Ran, you won't blame them. After all, Lin Ran is just a newcomer, and his status here is not comparable to them.

"Don't, second brother, he is so confident, so I'll promise him." Harris doesn't want to let go of Lin Ran. What a pity it is to seize such a good opportunity.

It turns out that this nigger is their second brother! No wonder he dared to stare at Harris. Lin Ran soon had a general message in his heart. It seemed that their group of guards had bowed, but Lin Ran was rejected. It seemed that it was still a place to speak with strength.

Lin Ran saw at a glance that Harris was the lowest among them. Although there is a big gap between him and himself, three days is enough for Lin Ran to do a lot of things, and he may not necessarily be promoted to five yuan.

If Lin Ran reaches the five-yuan Xuanshen, it is not impossible for Harris to win against the eight-yuan Xuanshen!

In fact, Lin Ran doesn't have to be so arrogant and strong and directly challenge, but their group of people obviously look down on him and will definitely make trouble everywhere in the future. He doesn't have much time to pay attention to them, so he can only do this trick.

"Harris! Do you think it's interesting to bully a new person like this? Do you have a sense of accomplishment? Let others know what it looks like for the people of our escort to bully the small?" Regins scolded again.

Harris looked unconvinced, but he didn't dare to attack. He viciously glanced at Lin Ran and turned his head and stopped talking.

"Let's go, Kakarot, let's forget it. Let's take you to your place now and arrange your work." Rekins was obviously a little unhappy with what Lin Ran had just done, but his self-restraint was not bad and did not show it, but his tone did not have the kindness of the front.

"Thank you for your concern, but I still insist on what I said just now. Three days later, I will fight with Harris! If I win, I hope you don't have any prejudice against me and don't treat me as an outsider. If I lose, I will automatically withdraw from the position of captain of the guard!" Lin Ran's eyes were extremely firm. What he said had never been retracted, and he was also very unhappy to see Harris and wanted to teach him a good lesson.


Everyone was stunned again. This Kakarot simply didn't know what death was.

"Haha! OK! You said it! See you in three days! As long as you can beat me, I, Huggins, will worship you as the eldest brother!" Harris smiled ferociously and then went straight out of the door.

"Carrot, you really don't know what's good or not! Ha ha, but you are so persistent, then we will wait for you to defeat Huggins in three days. Ludley sneered, walked to Lin Ran and stopped and said, and then walked out.

Several other escort captains also looked contemptuous and disdainful and left with a sneer.

"I don't think you are a stupid person. It's too late to repent now, otherwise everything will be late." Domit shook his head and said that after all, he was the boss of their group and naturally had to worry about a lot of things.

No matter who wins or loses this matter, it is not good for them. On the contrary, even if Lin Ran loses, he will be famous here.

Lin Ran shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "I, Kakarot, never do anything uncertain."

"Good! As long as you win, we will never embarrass you again! If you lose, you should also remember what you just said!" A trace of coldness flashed in Domit's eyes, and then went out.

"Why do you have to do this? You are not his opponent, so you will only humiliate yourself. Regins frowned and said, his tone was a little harsh. He was obviously very unhappy that Lin Ran repeatedly did not listen to him.

Lin Ran smiled faintly, "Don't worry, I won't do anything uncertain. Now please introduce my work and residence. Thank you very much."

Lin Ran is still very fond of the black man in front of him, unlike others who are hostile to him and have been thinking about himself.

Rekin took a deep look at Lin Ran and was stunned for a moment, because he saw confidence in Lin Ran's eyes. That confident look made him think for a moment that Lin Ran might really be able to win.

"Well, I will tell Harris not to make things difficult for you, but if you lose, the position will really be retired." Regins shook his head. He didn't know what nerves he had just had just passed, and said helplessly.

Lin Ran smiled and nodded.

The news that Lin Ran was going to challenge the captain of the guard Harris three days later quickly spread all over the field, and everyone felt that Lin Ran was simply not good or bad! In the future, if you beat Erdoni, you can challenge the captain of the guard of the Big Man. That's a completely different level of character!

As soon as Hailong heard the news, he immediately sneered. His apprentice was almost abandoned by Lin Ran, but he did not dare to do it, but now he is challenging Harris, which will definitely mutilate Lin Ran with his knowledge of Harris.

In a temple, an extremely evil-like man was sitting in his seat, with a golden gourd hanging around his neck and crossing his legs. Several women next to him kept dancing enchantingly in front of him. From time to time, he sat on the man and took a grape next to him and put it in his mouth. The man smiled evilly and greeted his mouth.

"Lord Hayes, the new temple guard Kakarot will challenge Harris in three days." At this time, a woman with silver armor came in and frowned slightly at the willow eyebrows in front of her.

"Oh? Kakarot? Is that the guy who defeated Erdoni?

That man is the champion of the fairy martial arts competition in the divine world, Hayes, the apprentice of the beet.

"Yes, it will be in the competition three days later. It is said that if Kakarot loses, he will automatically withdraw from the position of captain of the guard." The female guard kept lowering her head and returned quickly.

Hayes's face was covered with a ** smile, pushed away the woman who was constantly scratching his head, stood up, and the gauze on his body slid down, revealing strong muscles.

"Your name is Monica, right?" Hayes walked to the female guard, walked around her, and then pinched her chin and raised her.

"Yes." The female guard named Monica looked pale and closed her eyes tightly.

They know this Hayes very well, very sexy, and the guards around them are all women. As long as they have a little beauty, almost all of them have been ruined by him. This Monica has just joined.

"You all retreat." Hayes smiled evilly and directly took Monica into his arms. The ** women behind him were a little unhappy, but they did not dare to disobey Hayes' intention and quickly retreated away.

"Your Excellency, please don't do this." Monica pushed Hayes away in a panic and hurriedly retreated.

Hayes frowned. He had never met anyone who dared to rebel against him, but this also increased his desire to conquer and rushed directly to Monica's body again.

"Your Excellency!" Monica made a sad cry and slapped him in the face, making an abrupt sound.

Hayes covered his face and looked at Monica angrily, "What? Do you dare to hit me?"

"Please take care of yourself and leave." Monica's face was extremely pale and immediately retreated.

"Did I tell you to step back?" Hayes shouted angrily, held it in the air with one hand, sucked Monica directly, and then tore his big hand.

"Tear it!"

Monica's armor was torn to pieces like this! Revealing pink underwear, Hayes laughed and wanted to tear her underwear again to make her completely exposed to himself.

"Your Excellency, Kakarot asks for a meeting." Just then, a female guard walked outside the door and saw Hayes and the desperate Monica, with a trace of sympathy and sadness in her eyes.

"What!" Hayes scolded, and the interest he had just mentioned was completely swept away. "Call him in!"

Hayes released Monica, rotated her body for a week, and quickly rolled up the gauze that had fallen to the ground.

Monica had two tears on her face and ran out with a little lost her chest.

After Regins introduced him to his work and residence, Lin Ran immediately said goodbye to Regins and came to visit the legendary champion of the Xianwu Association. One of his purposes here was the mixed gold furnace on Hayes.

If possible, Lin Ran doesn't mind killing this Hayes after obtaining the mixed-yuan gold furnace, so as to avoid any accidents during the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association in the future.

When Lin Ran was allowed to enter Hayes' temple, he happened to bump into a woman with a disheveled clothes.

"I'm sorry." The woman burst into tears, hurriedly apologized, and then quickly ran to the door.

Lin Ran was hit inexplicably. He ran away without even seeing the other party's appearance, and smiled helplessly.

Paralyzed, this Hayes is indeed a perish! If you don't practice well at this time, you still play with women!

Lin Ran cursed in his heart and strode in.