It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 10 Sword Like a Rainbow

Seeing Aunt Su and his party entering the courtyard door, Lin Yi quietly followed.

The yard of Zhiquan Pavilion is paved with green bricks, and there are not too many flowers and shrubs. Only the two sides of the yard are full of lush green trees that do not know the species. Aunt Su's group of pink beauties shuttled between them, like delicate flowers swaying on the branches in the wind, just a beautiful scenery of the world.

The buildings of Zhiquan Pavilion are all in a northern style. There are wide hall doors on the three steps. The vermilion doorposts are magnificent, and there are no exquisite and complicated carvings on the doors and windows. However, they are all composed of the simplest ten thousand characters and longevity patterns, but they are simple and low-key luxury everywhere.

Although Lin Yi doesn't know much about those trees, looking at the shiny luster of the wood itself on the window lattice doorpost, he also knows that it is definitely not a material that ordinary people can enjoy. In the hall, there are red-haired and purple wooden circle chairs, which are still simple longevity patterns and covered with dark green longevity brocade.

At this time, Aunt Su had entered the main hall with the help of Mother Rong, but several maids who followed Aunt Su did not follow her into the hall and stood on the steps outside the hall. Lin Yi did not see Lv Qiao, and no one told him what to do. He had to learn from the maids and stood opposite them with low eyebrows, but his eyes secretly glanced at the movement in the hall.

The girl I met at the gate of Zhiquan Pavilion raised her eyes and saw Aunt Su's hurriedly get up and saluted Aunt Su.

"Aunt Wan'an!"

Aunt Su hurried to the girl's side, personally helped the girl up and whispered softly, "Do Wan'er and aunt want to be so polite? I'm not a princess!"

As she spoke, she personally helped Murong Wan sit back on the chair, and then sat down in the circle chair next to Murong Wan and fiddled with the things on the table with Murong Wan. Mama Rong saluted Murong Wan and stood behind the two people.

At this time, Lv Qiao was followed by a maid also dressed in green clothes holding a tray and walked past Lin Yi and stepped into the hall.

Lin Yi secretly looked at the maid who followed the green skill. She was slightly shorter than the green skill. Although she was not as beautiful as the green skill, she was also a beauty. The willow eyebrows were curved, the red phoenix eyes, and the small upturned nose. The most attractive thing was the corners of her lips and the two deep pear vortexes on her cheeks looked particularly flexible.

"The maids of Zhiquan Pavilion are really stunning! But unlike my Ningxiang Pavilion, it's all vulgar!" Aunt Su took advantage of the tea cup on the girl's head, pinched her softness, patted her, and praised.

The maid's face was damp, her knees were bent, and the pear vortex was deep on her cheeks: "Aunt Su laughed, and the green and Qiao sisters in the green spirit."

Lion pulled out his hand and stood obediently behind Aunt Su without squinting.

Lin Yi saw a dark color flashing in Luqiao's eyes, and then returned to normal.

"Wan'er, are you feeling better today? Do you have all the prescriptions prescribed by the doctor? Aunt Su's voice was soft, like a feather gently brushing her heart, full of concern for Murong Wan.

"Aunt Meng is thinking that the weather has been good recently, and Wan'er is much better." Murong Wan bent the corners of her lips and smiled back to Aunt Su, but after saying that, she coughed softly.

Princes Murong sat down and looked down at Aunt Su and Murong Wan, who had knelt down and saluted herself.

"Princess is auspicious!"

"Mother, good health!"

"Gance to the princess!"

'Mother'? Hearing Murong Wan call the woman like this, Lin Yi looked at Princess Murong carefully. Is this the mother of Murong Wan and Murong Qing? Although he is also good-looking, there is nothing similar to their two brothers and sisters? Is it possible that the beauty of the two brothers and sisters inherits from Prince Murong? Prince Murong, whom Lin Yi had never met before, became more and more interested.

"Get up!" Princess Murong raised her hand and waved her hand, which was still a few short words, indescribably majestic.

And the warm atmosphere in the hall fell cold in an instant.

Louqiao bowed and retreated, but in a moment, he held the tea cup.

The maid stepped forward to take the teacup in Lu Qiao's hand, waved her hand to signal Green Qiao to retreat, tried to touch the temperature of the teacup, and then took out a silver needle from her arms to probe into the tea. After looking carefully, she held her hands in the princess's hand.

Good boy, does the princess also use such precautions in her own house?

Princess Murong just took a sip, took out the brocade handkerchief from her waist and pressed the corners of her lips.

"My sister came early!" The cold voice was sarcastically.

"The maidservant has just arrived!" Aunt Su sat upright and listened to Princess Murong's question, so she got up, bent down for a blessing, and replied respectfully.

Princess Murong picked up the corners of her lips and sneered, "Is that right? Qing'er returned home, and some people were very sharp!"

Without waiting for Aunt Su to answer, she turned to look at Murong Wan: "Look at your face. Your brother thought I abused you." Jinpa shook his mouth and nose, and his expression was full of disgust.

"Wan'er has been weak since she was a child. Thanks to the care of her mother, it's too late for my brother and me to be grateful. How can she misunderstand her mother so much?" Murong Wan got up with a blessing, and her attitude was also very respectful.

Wh! Why doesn't this sound like the attitude that mother and daughter should have? Do the mother and daughter of this prince's deep house get along like this? It's really chilling! Lin Yi sighed secretly in his heart.

Is that right? Do you remember me well? I'd like to see how grateful you let your brother thank me!" Even a modern person like Lin Yi who has not lived in the inner courtyard of a rich family can also hear the sarcasm and warning in Princess Murong's words.

"My brother and I will definitely repay my mother's kindness and teaching!" Murong Wan's voice trembled slightly, but she was still calm.

Lin saw that Aunt Su and Murong Wan, who were still salute, were secretly worried about Murong Wan. He was already sick. If he knelt down like this, he was afraid that he would not stand it.

At this time, Princess Murong seemed to forget that Murong Wan and Aunt Su were still kneeling under the hall and siping tea leisurely without raising their eyelids.

Lin Yi secretly glanced at Murong Wan's body and shook slightly, and glanced uneasily at the door of the courtyard, hoping that Murong Qing would appear quickly.

Because of his worries, and his weak body and standing in the sun for so long, Lin Yi also couldn't stand it, his vision became more and more blurred, and his body began to stand unsteadily.