It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 11 What did I do?

Chapter 11 What did I do?

When her consciousness was gradually blurred, she saw Murong Qing's figure gradually approaching in front of her in a trance. Unconsciously, Lin raised the corners of her lips and bent out a beautiful arc, but her body became softer and softer--

"Be careful!" Just as Lin Yi was about to fall down, Murong Qing had walked to her side in a few steps and hugged her slender waist, so that she did not faint to the ground.

The tip of his nose touches the dry fragrance of his body, like the smell of mint, but also like the smell of grass and trees, like the sunshine in May, warm and intoxicating.

Lin Yi took a deep greedy breath and indulged in this warmth.

"Qing'er is back!" Princess Murong put the tea cup on the table with a crisp sound.

Lin Yicai came to his senses, pushed Murong Qing away in panic, quickly took a step back, buried his head deeply in his chest, and tried his best to stand straight. He felt countless eyes or bright or dark around him. He remembered that he had been so embarrassed in front of Murong Qing several times, and his cheeks couldn't help burning red. , even the roots of the neck are hot.

"Mother, good health!" Murong Qing looked at Lin uneasily and saw that she was finally standing firmly. Then she stepped into the hall, lifted her robe and knelt down on one knee to salute Princess Murong.

"Get up!" It's still three short words, but in the face of Murong Qing, he invisibly has two more majesty.

Murong Qing got up, helped Aunt Su first and helped Murong Wan sit in the chair, and then went to the chair on the left to sit down.

The maids saluted Murong Qing again.

Lin Yi quietly pinched a pill in his mouth while everyone was greeting, and then felt that his strength had recovered a little, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief to dissipate heat dissipation.

"Have you seen your father?" Princess Murong gently pressed the corners of her lips.

"I've seen it!" Murong Qing's voice is clear.

"Qing'er, can you get anything from this trip to the imperial capital?" The princess held her hand on the table and half narrowed her eyes at Murong Qing on the seat.

"The child finally lived up to the high expectations of his father and mother. The emperor promised me a third-grade waiter, but now the child is still young and has been away from home for many days. The emperor allows me to go home to do filial piety first and come back to the court next year." Murong Qing's answer was also respectful, but there was no emotion in his tone!

"Since the emperor means, then Qinger will take this time to stay at home and stay with your father!" Princess Murong didn't touch the corners of her lips, and she couldn't see whether she was happy or worried about Murong Qing's official position.

However, Aunt Su and Murong Wan obviously have joy on their faces.

"Children are obed!"

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and only the crisp sound of the princess fiddling with the tea cup was heard.

Rao is the scorching sun in autumn, and the stagnant atmosphere also makes people feel depressed and tight.

Lin Yi prayed silently in his heart that the princess would leave soon, otherwise she really didn't guarantee that she would not go wrong again. After thinking about it, she poured two pills under her tongue.

The princess who happened to raise her eyes caught a glimpse of her little movements.

The princess put down the teacup and looked sideways at Murong Qing: "I look at the maid at the door very much, not like the one you used to serve in your yard."

Lin Yi's strong spirit did not expect that his little maid had attracted the attention of the princess.

"In my mother's words, today, my son was almost stolen by a thief's wallet on the street. It was she who was not afraid to recover some losses for her son. The son looked pitiful and clever, so he took back to the house to be a slave." Murong Qing stood up and explained.

"Oh? Is it really a good time to say so?" The princess's voice turned and said, "Let me see what kind of girl has such courage."

"..." Murong Qing is still hesitating, but the maid beside the princess has been ordered to leave the hall.

Ah? Does the princess want to see me? Lin Yi was stunned and panicked. What kind of medicine did this princess sell in the gourd? I, an inconspicuous little girl, got into her eyes.

"What are you still rubbing about? Why don't you follow me into the hall!" The dignified maid whispered, but she had a little majesty of the princess, and even pushed Lin Yi in her hand.

"Revelation to the princess, the little maid brought it!" The maid led Lin into the hall.

Lin did not dare to raise his head and hurriedly knelt on the ground: "My maidservant Lin Yi said greetings to the princess and wished the princess good health and youth forever!"

No matter what she means, it's not wrong to say something auspicious first.

"What a sly girl. Look up and let me have a look!" I guess Lin Yi's flattery was right, and the princess's tone was softer, although it was still irresistible.

Lin Yi clenched his hands tightly in his sleeve and slowly raised his head but did not dare to look directly at the person above. He half lowered his eyelids and looked humble and obedient.

"The long one is also beautiful!" The princess said lightly and turned to Mu Rongqing: "I like this maid. Why don't you stay in my yard to serve her?"

Lin Yi was so anxious that he didn't know whether Murong Qing had given her to Princess Murong.

After seeing her methods against Murong Wan and Aunt Su just now, she doesn't think it's a good thing to be under her in the future. The only reason why one of her mistress in the royal palace would like a little maid like her is that Murong Qing's attitude towards herself made her have a plan in her heart. As for what it is, she can't think of her little head that has never lived in a rich family.

However, I have never eaten pork and have seen the pig run. I have also seen a lot of the scenes of the palace fighting of the rich family in the previous life. After thinking about it, I just want to test Murong Qing and give Murong Qing a majesty, so that Murong Qing can know that no matter what he is now, she, the princess, has the final say in this palace. And the reason why she was picked up is probably because Murong Qing helped himself outside the hall just now! So fortunately, it became a gun target.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi secretly complained to himself: God, I just want a place not to starve to death on the street, but I don't want to be the cannon fodder of the fight between you! But how will Murong Qing react?

On the one hand, Lin Yi hopes that Murong Qing can save himself, but on the other hand, he is worried that Murong Qing will help. If Murong Qing refuses the princess, it only shows that her life in the house will be more sad in the future. However, she is a beggar and a exile, but she only helps Murong Qing resolve a theft loss, and she can't take it as much as he does.

Just when Lin Yi had determined that he was going to fall into the hands of the princess, Murong Qing spoke unexpectedly.

"Mother, she is just a drifter on the street. She has not learned the rules of this house and really dares to cause trouble to her mother. If my mother's yard is short of manpower, the green in my yard is usually the most clever and sensible. If my mother doesn't dislike it, she can help my mother do rough work!"

Murong Qing is obviously refusing! Lin Yi didn't dare to look up, but his heart beat violently.

However, Brother Murong, if you refuse, just refuse. Why do you want to push out the green beautiful woman? Don't you mean to find fault with me? In this way, whether I go to the princess's yard or not, my life will not be better!

"Green Qiao is the girl you have been used to since childhood, and she is in charge of this yard. How can I take away your love!" Obviously, the princess did not expect that Murong Qing would refuse her for a strange girl. Her half-squinted eyes suddenly widened, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and there was a cold hum in her nose, and her face turned slightly white.

"As long as the mother looks at it, it's a blessing of green skill!" Murong Qing naturally sensed the strangeness of the princess, but he said calmly.

In the gap where Murong Qing spoke, Lu Qiao had cleverly knelt beside Lin Yi.

"Lvqiao is willing to serve the princess!"

At the half-arm distance from Lv Qiao, Lin Yi can feel the vicious eyes cast from the corners of Lv Qiao's eyes towards her. At this time, she should have been a scholar and made some grateful and loyal remarks, but she rejected Princess Murong from the bottom of her heart and couldn't think of any countermeasures for a moment. She could only bow her head and not say a word to respond to all changes.

"I can't afford to call Qing'er!" The princess's chest was full of ups and downs, but her tone with a smile was heavier.

Without waiting for Murong Qing to speak, Murong Wan got up and walked to Lin Yi and Lv Qiao's side: "If the mother really likes Lin Yi, or her daughter will teach her in person and wait until her daughter's etiquette is clear that she knows the distance before giving it to her mother."

Lin Yi's heart became more and more nervous. Princess, I'm just an ant. I just want to live secretly. Don't keep me in mind!

"Mother, what my sister said is reasonable. The people in my sister's yard are the most well-behaved. After being taught by my sister and then obeyed by my mother, she was clumsy enough to provoke my mother. Besides, this girl's body is very weak, and I'm afraid it's inconvenient to bump into her mother's noble body!" Murong Qing looked directly at the princess for a good reason, but his tone was neither humble nor arrogant.

"Wan'er has filial piety! Qing'er is thoughtful! In this way, Lao Wan'er is so good!" Although the princess was angry, she still tried her best to maintain a good demeanor, but with a cold sniff, a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes. Then he held his forehead and said, "I'm also tired. Qinger has just returned home, and he must have worked very hard. Let's take a rest first!" We prepared a family banquet in the evening, and our family got together!"

After saying that, he left surrounded by maids.

"Congratulations to my mother!"

"Congratulations to the princess!"

When he passed by Lin Yi, he stagnated and said lightly, "I hope you can learn the rules of this house earlier!"

"The slave province!" Lin Yi hurriedly knelt down and turned around and crawled at the feet of the princess, responding timidly.

When the footsteps of the princess were far away, Lin Yizi sat softly on the ground.