It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 32 The Origin of Hatred

"Sister, sister-in-law He sent something and said she wanted to see you!" Murong Wan just had another attack, and she fell asleep tiredly. Lin Yi and Hongzhu carefully untied the cloth on Murong Wan's hands and feet, and Linger came in and replied.

"What's sister-in-law? Does she want to see me?" Sister-in-law He never came alone except for holding Murong Wan into the yard on the first day. What happened this time was worth her visit in person.

"Ye" Linger looked at Murong Wan and the two of them, and was distressed and anxious. Every time Lin Yi did not allow her to enter the lady's bedroom, she was only allowed to reply outside the door, and even the clothes they had worn were not allowed to be touched. She said that she was afraid of getting sick at a young age. But the two sisters waited for nothing day and night! But she couldn't help but listen to Lin Yi's order, so she had to help Hongyu make delicious food for them every day.

"You go down first, I'll pack up and go down!" Lin wiped his sweat and sorted out his scattered hair and clothes. When Linger went far away, he went downstairs.

"What's wrong with my sister-in-law!" Across the door, Lin Yi asked.

"It's winter and it's cold. The house sent charcoal and quilts today, so I sent them!"

"Sister He sent it to someone. How can you bother your sister-in-law to come here in person!" Lin Yi secretly slandered himself. Is it really so simple to send something?

"Recently, the young lady is very ill. I'm worried about the young lady, so I came to have a look in person. Please open the door and let the maidservant meet the young lady!"

Although she couldn't get out of the yard, she still heard some rumors from simple. Sister-in-law He came here in person, probably to confirm the authenticity of Murong Wan's illness. Without thinking about it, Lin opened his mouth and said, "Sister He, it's not that I won't let you see the young lady. It's really has a plague. Dr. Jane also said that when the young lady fell ill, it was the most infectious time. It's better for my sister-in-law not to come in for the safety of the whole villa!"

"It doesn't matter. You have been serving you all day and haven't seen anything wrong with you. Why did I catch it at a glance? Besides, the stewor who sent things in the house today also said that the princess and the prince were very worried, but I couldn't answer when I asked about my illness, so I had to muddle through. This time, it's a huddle. Next time, I don't know how to reply!" What Sister He said was true. The people of the royal family did ask her about Murong Wan's condition, and she did not know the real situation.

"Sister-in-law doesn't have to worry. When she came, the princess told us to wait close to her. And the next time if someone in the house spreads the master's words, you can say that Dr. Jane will take care of her. Miss is fine. As long as she survives the dangerous period, she will be healthy to return home for a few months!" Will the high-ranking Princess Murong miss Murong Wan? Who are you cheating? Murong Qing's memory is true, but Dr. Jian will occasionally go back to the city. Naturally, he will inform Murong Qing of Murong Wan's situation, and there is no need for anyone to inquire.

"But..." Mrs. He still wanted to fight for it. Suddenly, she heard another ping-pong sound in Murong Wan's room. She thought that Murong Wan woke up again. Lin Yi hurriedly said to Mrs. He, "Sister-in-law just put things at the door!" He hurried upstairs.

Murong Wan collapsed to the ground, and Hongzhu pressed on her body, allowing Murong Wan's hands to grab her face randomly. Lin Yi quickly came forward and put Murong Wan on the bed with Hongzhu's left and right, tied her with cloth strips, and stuffed cotton cloth into her mouth to make Murong Wan Won't bite your tongue.

Murong Palace

"What are you talking about? She is not a plague, but an evil one? After listening to the woman kneeling below, Princess Murong sitting in the chair, her pupils shrank slightly and questioned unbelievably.

"It has spread all over Zhuangzi, and some people say..." The woman lowered her head and stopped talking.

"What did you say? Don't talk about it in detail!" Princess Murong was most annoyed by others stammering in front of her. She immediately shook her long sleeves and shouted impatiently.

"Yes!" As if she had received the imperial edict, the woman knocked on a song before saying, "It is said that they are the ghost of the young lady, who is attached to the second lady!"

With a 'bang', the tea cup on the table was swept to the ground by Princess Murong. Huo stood up and raised his finger to the woman shaking like a sieve on the ground: "A lot of nonsense, who said this? Tell me out and kill it one by one!"

"I obeyed!"

The room returned to calm, and the dignified girl in front of Princess Murong helped her sit back in the chair.

"True, do you think it will be Xiang'er?" Princess Murong leaned decadently in the circle chair, holding her forehead with one hand and being silent for a while, but her voice was indescivable fatigue and sadness.

"That's all the nonsense of an ignorant villain. How can the princess be trusted!" The truth was only one sentence to dispel the princess's concerns.

Her fragrance died at the age of four, and everyone said that Wan'er had killed her fragrance. For so many years, she has never liked Murong Wan, and has always refused to let the people in the house call her a big lady, because in her heart, the eldest lady of Murong's mansion can only be her fragrance. But only she knew best that if it hadn't been for her negligence, Xiang'er would not have fallen off the swing, broke her neck and died. But she can't say that. For her status in the royal palace and for Murong Changtian's heart to return to herself, she can only let Murong bear the notoriety of her mother. Since she left, although Aunt Su has been very favored by him, she is the only concubine of Murong's mansion. Thinking of the days when she competed for favor, her heart couldn't help but feel resentment and faint guilt and sadness!

At this time, the study in the backyard of Zhiquan Pavilion.

"Father, the son of the world has news!" Xiao Si held a note that had just been taken from the foot of the carrier pigeon and handed it to Murong Qing.

Murong Qing saw the words on the note clearly and frowned more tightly.

"What did the son of the world say?" Seeing this, Xiao Si sounded timidly.

"I'm still investigating. You clean it up. I'll go to the imperial capital in person tomorrow!" Murong Qing kneaded the note in his hand into a ball and lit it on the candlelight and threw it on the ground as if thinking.

"But will the prince let you out?" Xiaosi's worry is not unreasonable. Since Murong Wan suffered from the plague, Murong Changtian was afraid that Murong Qing would sneak to see her, so he ordered the people in the house to take good care of him. Even if he had to go out of the house, he would definitely send several bodyguards to follow him.

"In this way, I will write a letter, and you can pass it on to the son tomorrow!" Now I can only rely on the son of the world.

Two days later, Chen Wangshizi's invitation was sent to the royal palace.

"Since this is the invitation of the son of the world, go and come back quickly! By the way, convey my condolences to me like King Chen!" Murong Changtian held Chen Shizi's invitation in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly.

"Son, you are obeying!" Murong Qing hugged his fist and was secretly happy. As long as he left the house, he could visit Wan'er by the way. Dr. Jane hasn't returned to the city for a long time, and he doesn't know how Wan'er's situation is.

"You are the eldest son of our Murong family. You bear not only your rise and fall, but also the interests of the family." Murong Changtian squint at Murong Qing and said, "I will send two people to escort you all the way to Beijing!" You don't have to go to Zhuangzi's side!"

Don't be a father!

Murong Qing was worried but still had to respond.

The group had four horses, but they arrived at the imperial capital Chen Wangfu in two hours.

Prince Chen greeted him in person at the door of the house.

"Brother Chen Kang!"

"Brother Murong!"

The two saluted each other, and Prince Chen told the servant beside him to take the two guards down to rest and walk to the house with Murong Qing's shoulders.

"Brother, let's go and give our peace to the prince first!" Although it was urgent, Murong Qing still couldn't forget the etiquette.

"My father has entered the palace and hasn't come back yet. Let's talk about you first!" After saying that, he took Murong Qing back to his study.

Xiao Si and Chen Wang's little six sons are outside the study.

"Brother Chen, you didn't tell me in detail what's going on in the letter!" Chen Kang closed the door, and Murong Qing asked anxiously.

"I have checked the configuration of this medicine in the palace, and it is impossible for ordinary people to get it. According to what you said, your sister has been taking this medicine for five years, then the possibility of mobilizing this medicine from the palace is extremely low." Chen Kang told the truth about his investigation.

"What does Brother Chen mean by saying that? Isn't it the work of the imperial doctor? Murong Qing was puzzled.

"No, the poison that can leave no trace should be done by the royal doctor, but it is certain that the medicine your sister took is definitely not from the palace."

"That is to say, this medicine comes from the people!" Murong Qing asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" Chen Kang nodded and asked carefully, "Do you really suspect that Princess Nalan did it?"

Murong Qing was silent for a moment, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Even if the medicine comes from the people, it can't be proved that she didn't do it. Who can buy the royal doctor in the palace except her?"

"But why did she do this?"

"In those years, she married my father with my mother, and she was a princess, but she was just a side concubine like her mother. Later, she became pregnant with her mother. At that time, everyone knew that as long as the eldest son of the Murong family would be the imperial concubine of the Murong Palace. My mother gave birth to me, but she gave birth to a daughter. Therefore, my mother successfully became Princess Murong. For this reason, she complained about her mother for many years!" Although her mother was the imperial concubine of the royal palace, she was kind-hearted and was always suppressed by her as a princess. If it hadn't been for her father's favor, her mother would not have suffered.

"Even so, there is no reason for her to target your sister as a weak woman! What's more, it's still such a sinister trick!" There are countless battles between such wives and concubines in everyone's house, but they are different from all the doors of families in King Chen's Mansion. Since the death of Chen Kang's mother, Prince Chen has never continued, and now there is only Chen Kang's bloodline under his knees. Therefore, Chen Kang can't understand why Murong Wan, a weak woman who is not yet able to fight, becomes a victim.

"Brother Chen didn't know anything. Later, his mother was pregnant with Wan'er, but unfortunately gave birth prematurely and was seriously ill. At this time, her daughter Xiang'er unfortunately died. She listened to the villain's slander and counted Xiang'er's death on Wan'er, saying that Wan'er was a disaster for her mother!" Thinking of Xiang'er's child's childhood, she cried in front of her father and said that Wan'er's mother was not good, and he was very angry.

"She also believes this? Is that the reason why she treats your sister like this? Does your father also believe such nonsense? If it is said that Princess Nalan has lost her beloved daughter, it is still possible to do something irrational for a while, but after so many years of careful planning, I really hate it to the bone. I can't wait for Murong Wan to die!" Hey!" Murong Qing's face was painful and sighed helplessly, "My father didn't believe it, but who knew that at this time, my mother fell ill because of giving birth to Wan'er. As soon as I got sick, my father believed it. Until seven years later, when her mother died of serious illness, she took the opportunity to slander in front of her father. From then on, her father completely regarded Wan'er as a disaster!"

If it weren't for her, her father would not have snold Wan'er, nor would he care about Wan'er's life or death. If it hadn't been for his eldest son, I'm afraid Wan'er's life would have been even more sad. However, because she personally invited the oracle and sent the imperial doctor in the palace to regularly diagnose Wan'er's pulse, but she gained a good reputation.

Who knows that she has such a snake and scorpion heart!

Chen Kang and Murong Qingguo's son have been in the same class for two years. They have a close friendship. They know that he has a direct sister who has lived in idyllic for many years, but he didn't expect that he was a poor man whose father didn't love and his stepmother was cruel. I couldn't help but feel pity for this little sister I had never met. Although I was not sure that this was the work of Princess Nalan, I still had a grudge against her. He also secretly made up his mind to help Murong Qing find out the people behind the scenes and no longer let Murong Wan suffer from poison.

"The only breakthrough now is the royal doctor who diagnosed your sister's pulse!" Think about it a little, in Chen Kang's words.

"Yes, it's just that after all, we are from the palace. I'm afraid it's inconvenient!" This is the reason why Murong Qing has been asking Chen Kang to investigate secretly. This matter is implicated in the palace, so if it is not handled properly, it may alarm the person above. At that time, it will be difficult to clean up if the matter is big.

"Don't worry about this, just leave it to me!"

"Thank you very much, Brother Chen, but please be careful in everything!" Murong knew that this was not so easy to do. Since Chen Kang was willing to help him like this, he really regarded him as a brother. Murong Qing was very grateful.

"Do you still want to be polite, my brother! Go home and wait for my news! I will help you find out as soon as possible!" What Chen Kang can't stand is Murong Qing's politeness. After a pause, he asked uneaslessly, "How is your sister now? Is there a trustworthy person around you?

In those years, his mother was in distress and his sister did not know her whereabouts. If she could survive, she should be about the same age as Murong Wan. Thinking of his sister, Chen Kang cared about Murong Wan a little more.

"There is a very considerate person around my sister now!" Last time Lin Yi's self-made decision put Murong Wan in trouble. Murong Qing was very angry with her, but later he heard Dr. Jian say that Lin and Murong Wan were very attentive, and if she hadn't made this plan, Murong Wan would still be trapped in the house and continue to suffer. Murong Qing just regretted his attitude towards Lin Yi at the beginning!