It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 33 New Year!

It's New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye!

Qingquan Villa now lives in a master. Although he is sick, he should not have been too publicized. But Mrs. He said she would be happy for Murong Wan. The whole village was decorated with lights, that is, Murong Wan's isolated yard, and the door was also decorated with red lanterns.

Looking around the whole villa is also full of joy.

After breakfast, Mrs. He took dozens of servants from the village to the yard where Murong Wan was recuperating, and knelt on the ground outside the door of Yu Shuyuan.

Across the door, Lin Yi conveyed Murong Wan's meaning: "The second lady said that this year, red tape can be avoided in illness. These days, she has also caused trouble to recuperate in the village. Please go to the account room to get two taels of silver and have a good reunion dinner!"

As soon as they heard the reward, everyone was very happy to thank them and said another auspicious word before retreating.

Because it was New Year's Eve, Sister-in-law He ordered Zhuangzi's big kitchen to cook a table of rich meals and specially made dumplings.

29, I was simply invited to the house for New Year's Eve dinner. And because of the relationship to continue to hide people's ears, Linger and Hongyu did not sit at the same table with Lin Yi. There were only three of them in the room, and Murong Wan did not avoid it. She called Lin Yi and Hongzhu surrounded the table.

Lin Yi is a modern person in his bones, and he doesn't pay so much attention to it. On the contrary, Hongzhu looked frightened, and finally couldn't stand Murong Wan's order, so she sat down cautiously. However, most of them rarely use chopsticks to serve Murong Wan for food.

Without the rules of the royal palace, you don't need to look at Prince Murong's indifferent and disgusted face, and you don't need to look at Princess Murong's face. In addition, her body is much better than in previous years. Although I can't see my brother's heart somewhat lost and regret, it is the most relaxed and comfortable New Year's Eve that Murong Wan has lived for 13 years.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, they cleaned up the bowls in red, and the three of them washed their clothes and went to bed after the bell of the new year rang.

The night in the mountains is very quiet, but the sound of firecrackers came from Heyi City. Murong Wan toss and turns in ** and didn't fall asleep at half a sound. Hearing the sound of turning over on Lin Yi's couch in the room, he called, "Sister, are you asleep?"

"No!" This is the first New Year's Eve when Lin Yi came to this world. When the old dean was alive, she would return to the orphanage to spend every year on New Year's Eve with the old dean. Later, the old dean left. On New Year's Eve, she was alone in the rental room, cooking frozen dumplings bought in the supermarket. Whenever she hears the happy laughter from other people's homes, she is more or less lonely. And in this life, it is not easy to be reborn, but still can't escape the fate of being abandoned! Hiding in the dark, Lin Yi sighed secretly and replied softly.

"I can't sleep. Come and talk to me!" Murong Wan said as she got up and moved into the bed.

"Ye" Anyway, I couldn't sleep, so Lin Yi answered.

"I heard from my brother that my sister fled to Heyi after the disaster in her hometown!"


"What about my sister's family?"

"It's all dead!" In her previous life, she always couldn't accept the fact that her biological parents abandoned her, so she told herself in her heart that her parents were dead, as if only in this way could she feel better. So she didn't want to blurt out.

Murong Wan was silent for a moment, sighed almost inaudible, leaned against Lin Yi, and reached out to hold Lin Yi's arm: "Sister, don't be sad. My sister will have Wan'er in the future!"

"Ye, Wan'er will be my own sister in the future. My sister will definitely take good care of Wan'er like a prince!" Sad? When she was a child, she would, and then when she grew up, she knew that sadness was simply a waste of life. As the old dean said, sadness does not make people happy. Only when people have ideals and strive for them can they gain the value and meaning of life.


The two were wrapped in the quilt and talked for a night. It was not until dawn that they fell asleep in a daze. On this night, Hongzhu heard the buzzing voice outside, and she didn't sleep all night, and she always felt empty in her heart.

On the third day of the first lunar month, he simply came back. As soon as he entered Zhuangzi, he didn't have time to change his clothes, so he came to Murong Wan's yard.

"Are you feeling better, Miss?"

"It's much better. I haven't had an attack for five days!" Lin Yi poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to him simply.

"Really?" After listening to it, his eyes lit up and didn't go to pick up the tea cup. He went straight to Murong Wan's side to diagnose Murong Wan's pulse.

"Why doesn't Dr. Jane stay at home for a few more days?" Lin Yi knew that he was simply worried about Murong Wan, but since he came to take care of Murong Wan's illness, he rarely returned to the city, and the business of the medical center was not questioned. It was not easy to celebrate the Spring Festival, and he only came back in a few days. Lin Yi was afraid that although his family was afraid of Murong's mansion for a long time, it was difficult to protect him. I won't have any complaints.

It's simple but doesn't seem to hear it, and his face looks happy: "Vin's good, very good! In two months, the residual poison in the body can be removed.

Hongzhu was helping to pick up a simple medicine box. Suddenly, when she heard the simple words, she was stunned and looked at it suspiciously.

Lin Yi rushed forward when he saw this: "Does Dr. Jane mean that Wan'er's plague will be cured in two months?" Lin Yi deliberately said the word 'plague' a little more.

Simplicity was shocked to find that he had lost his words for a moment, and he laughed twice: "Yes! You can recover in two months at most, but even if the plague recovers, you still need to recuperate for another three or two months to fully recuperate!"

In fact, to put it simply, Murong Wan will also ask to stay here for a few more days, and it's better not to ever have to go back to the royal palace. Anyway, neither father nor stepmother are happy to agree with her, and brother, as long as Dr. Jane goes back to tell the people of the royal palace that his plague is over, then his brother can come here to see him.

"What Dr. Jane means is that Wan'er doesn't need to be quarantined after two months, and she can go out?" Murong Wan has been poisoned for so many years. Although she has good supplements, her body foundation is basically destroyed. If she wants to be happy and healthy like a normal girl in the future, she must exercise more physically. And the exercise plan has been drawn up in Lin Yi's mind for a long time! Let's start with the most basic radio gymnastics!

"If nothing happens, yes!" Originally, Murong Wan had no choice but to be quarantined now. Even Lin Yi, a little girl, nestled in this small yard and almost couldn't leave Murong Wan's room. Naturally, she knew that she was depressed and nodded with a smile.

"I also!" Lin Yi jumped up happily: "Wan'er, do you hear me? As long as you stay for another two months, we can be discharged from the hospital!"

"Ye" Looking at Lin Yi's happy appearance, Murong Wan was also infected.

"In the cold winter, the weather is cold. Miss, please be careful not to catch the cold again!" Simple and gentle instructions to Murong Wan.

"Thanks to Dr. Jane's care these days, Dr. Jane won't be polite to me in the future. Call me Wan'er like my sister!" Murong Wan bent the corners of her lips and looked at the simple big eyes, full of agility and said gratefully.

"Wan'er?" He simply muttered, the corners of his eyebrows twitched gently, and his thoughts returned to the afternoon when he first saw her.

"That is, Dr. Jane is Wan'er's lifes lifesaver. As a benefactor, there is no need to be polite in the future! There's nothing to see!" Lin Yi took the opportunity to help.

"Since the young lady doesn't mind, it's hard for me to refuse anymore!" This girl with a similar appearance to her always makes him have a desire to be close from the bottom of his heart, and he simply hesitates to respond generously.

In the following days, the interval between Murong Wan's attacks became longer and longer, and her symptoms became lighter and lighter. Since New Year's Eve, the experience of the two falling asleep together, Murong Wan has often pestered Lin Yi to sleep with her, and the two have become good sisters who talk about nothing.

Ten days have passed, and in two days, it will be the Shangyuan Lantern Festival. On this day, whether men and women are old or young, whether they are nobles or civilians, whether they are married young women or young ladies who have not left the boudoir, they can go to the streets to enjoy the lights. If you have a heart, you can generously date your heart, and the elders of the family will also treat you with the most tolerant attitude on this day. No one can find the person he loves on this day.

Hearing Linger's words, Lin Yi thought that although this week is fictional, the trajectory of history is still similar, and it also continues the customs and habits of the Tang Dynasty. Since ancient times, there have been many love stories of talented women at the Shangyuan Lantern Festival. Didn't you hear that the most noble Taiping princess of the Tang Dynasty also sneaked out of the palace at the Shangyuan Lantern Festival? On the street of Chang'an, behind a Kunlunnu mask, she met a man who changed her life? Thinking of this, Lin couldn't help but be a little curious and yearned for it.

Sister, what's wrong with you? I've been distracted all day!" Murong Wan saw that Lin hadn't eaten the rice in the bowl for a long time. She thought she was sick, frowned and asked worriedly.

"Huh?" Lin was distracted and followed Murong Wan's eyes to see the table in front of him. He sprinkled a lot of rice grains by himself and swept the rice on the table in his bowl: "Nothing, nothing!"

"My sister has something on her mind, hiding it from Wan'er!" Hearing this, Murong Wan patted the chopsticks in her hand on the table, put her arms around her chest, pouted her face to the other side, and pretended to be angry.

"Oh! Waner, don't be angry." Lin Yi knew that Murong Wan was not really angry with herself, but just set her own words.

"Hmm! My sister is not Wan'er's younger sister, and she lied to me!" Murong Wan ignored Lin Yi, glanced at Lin Yi and moved to one side. His eyes turned red, and he really looked like he was about to cry.

"Okay, it's my sister's fault, I'll tell you!" Lin Yi sighed helplessly before coming to Murong Wan's ear.

"What should I do! What's so difficult for my sister to go!" Five years ago, Murong Wan never went to the Lantern Festival after she fell ill. When Lin Yi said so, she yearned for it very much.

"Huh? Do you have a way?" Lin Yi's eyes were wide open and his face was eager.

"Cough!" Murong Wan just praised Haikou, and now she is a little regretful, but she doesn't want to lose face in front of Lin Yi. She coughed softly to cover up the embarrassment and said, "Well, it's very simple. Sister, just wait to hear my good news then!"

Lin Yi noticed something strange for a long time, but because of the little girl's self-esteem, she did not break it immediately. Anyway, on that day, she would pretend to be ill and say that she couldn't go.