It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 62 Let's take a shower together!

I found a lot of dry branches outside the wooden house, but no materials suitable for making a fire were found. Looking at the early days, Lin Yi put the branches he picked up on the roadside and went down the slopes on both sides of the bluestone road. Not far away, I saw a cluster of dry thorns in front of me that had not pulled out the tender buds. Seeing that it was suitable for a fire, I was happy and rushed down in a hurry.

I didn't expect that my feet were in a hurry. I tripped to a tree root on the ground. My body only shook and fell down. Seeing that his face was about to hit a thorn full of sharp thorns, Lin Yi wanted to protect a face, and his hands struggled forward, and his palms pressed heavily on the spikes of the thorns. The chest also crawled on the edge of the thorn bush, and some small barbed thorns plunged into the meat. Suddenly, bursts of pain hit the whole body, and tears couldn't help falling.

The palm of her hand was full of spikes, and with a slight movement, there was bursts of hot pain. Fortunately, she was sensitive, and her face was only gently scratched on the bushes of thorns, and the injury was not serious. It's just that she looks very embarrassed now. She holds her head high and tries to avoid secondary injuries, but she can't be so deadlocked all her life.

Gritting his teeth, he had to endure the pain from his hands and hearts. As soon as his arms worked hard, his palms were raised, his body leaned back, and rolled aside crookedly before stopping.

Finally left the dangerous thing. Lin Yi struggled to sit up and checked his two hands full of blood. He saw a few dark inverted thorns deeply embedded in his palms, and he didn't care about many people who had to stand up. Who knew that as soon as his left foot moved, he felt more bone-breaking pain on his ankle, and his body crooked and fell down again. .

Oh no! The injury on the hand is not the most important thing. The most fatal thing is that the foot can't move and can't walk back to the wooden house! Seeing the sun setting in the west and the weather getting later and later, Lin Yi was worried! In this deep mountain, it's really hard to scream every day! What's going on now? You can still see the eaves of the wooden house. Lin Yi thought about whether the man would be kind-hearted and heard his call for help and put down his body to help him get out of trouble for the sake of saving his life and taking care of him! However, if he really can't help him, or simply pretends not to hear him, then he won't be dead! It's just that you can't die, and it's hard to have a deeper cold night! Forget it, now I can only be a living doctor. As long as he is willing to save himself this time, he must treat him well in the future. It is definitely not like now!

Thinking about this, Lin took a sniff, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly: "Help--" That sound is enough to shock thousands of miles away!

As soon as he exited, Lin Yi quickly stopped talking again! Thinking that the sound in the mountain is enough to spread thousands of miles, the people at the foot of the mountain have been summoned? So I had to suppress my voice and only estimate the extent to which the person above could hear!

It is said that when Lin Yi was helpless, Xuan was lying on his back on the bed with his eyes closed. He regretted being swallowed by the three steamed buns wrapped in vulgar linen. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. After sitting up for a long time and didn't see Lin coming back, he wondered if the girl had taken the opportunity to escape again. However, she thought that her silver had not been given yet. She would certainly not miss such a good opportunity because she was so greedy for money, but the girl who waited left and right did not come back. He simply got up and took off his shoes, put his shirt on his waist belt, tied a loose knot, and walked straight to the direction of the small kitchen

However, it is undeniable that although the steamed bread was extremely disgusting to think of it, it restored his physical strength a lot.

When he was bored during the day, he not only soaked in the hot spring, but also visited the whole wooden house, so he knew that there was a kitchen in the wooden house, so he asked Lin Yi to fry ginseng immediately. However, when he walked to the kitchen door, he did not smell the expected smell or hear any sound. When I was confused, there was a faint hoarse cry for help in my ear accompanied by the sound of the wind. Then I listened carefully and felt a little familiar.

Looking at the empty kitchen, he frowned, roared in his throat, and shook his hand out of the courtyard.

Following the direction of the sound, I saw a slightly moving figure in the dark woods under the hillside.

Lin Yi heard the footsteps. At first, he thought it was his own hallucination, and he shouted feebly. When Xuan Sa's cold voice sounded, he cried with joy: "Sir, please help!" While shouting, she was worried that the night was getting heavier and Xuan Sa couldn't see her position clearly, and her hands waved in the air.

"What's wrong with you?" Xuan Sa roared impatiently, but his footsteps stopped more than ten meters away from Lilin.

"Son, I'm injured and I can't move now. Please do well and save me!" As he spoke, he began to cry.

"Oc's it, don't cry!" What I hated the woman most was crying in front of me, and what I couldn't hear most was this sobbing sound. Xuan Sa immediately waved his hand and interrupted Lin Yi's crying.

"Thank you for saving my life! The great virtue maidservant has no retribution, just waits for the next life to be a cow and a horse to serve the prince!" Lin Yi's Xuan Sa still knows a little bit! I think he could save him when he didn't even know who he was. Now that he is not only his lifesaver, but also has the heavy responsibility of taking care of him. He will definitely not sit idly by.

"Do you make a horse? So, you will be my person in the future, and you will do whatever I say? I seem to have heard this there, but there? I can't remember it for a moment. Xuan Sa shook his head slightly and asked with his arms around his chest.

"Yes..." As soon as Lin Yi opened his mouth, he found that he had been calculated by Xuan Sa. He changed his voice and said, "I also want to be a prince, but the maidservant has already sold himself to Murong's mansion. If the prince does not dislike it, he can wait for the slave maidservant to save enough money and redeem himself and stay with the prince! But if the prince can't wait, he can also borrow some money to redeem his maidservant first!"

"There are a lot of slaves in my family! No need!" At this time, don't forget to extort my money! Xuan Sa suddenly closed his pupils and turned around in disgust and was about to leave.

"Son, son, if you leave, the maidservant will die. Please save the maidservant for the sake of saving the prince's life and continuing to take care of the prince!" Lin Yiyi was anxious and crawled forward for two steps. The piercing pain in the palm of his hand couldn't help taking a few breaths coldly, but he didn't want to annoy Xuan Sa, as long as he bit his lower lip and endured it. Seeing Xuan Sa's footsteps, Lin Yi roared anxiously: "Bad boy, I was injured to find firewood for you. You can't be so ungrateful!"

Lin Yi's scolding made Xuan Sa very uncomfortable, but he clearly heard Lin Yi's muffled roar. At the moment of pause, he lowered his head and saw the neat branches on the roadside. After a little thought, I thought that although the girl loved money, she still needed her care during the period when she was here to recover from her wounds. She hesitated for a moment and weighed the pros and cons. Then her toes fell lightly and fell lightly on Lin Yi's feet.

Lin Yi looked up at Xuan Sa's tall figure. In the thin night, his bottomless eyes were still as if they met for the first time, shining like gems, but there was a faint layer of dark purple around his pupils in the haze. She lost her mind.

What she didn't expect was that Xuan Sa actually hugged her!

Yes, at this moment, she is leaning against Xuan Sa's chest, gently touching his strong chest on her cheeks, and his ears are his powerful and thick heartbeat. A single blow directly hit her heart. Let her heartbeat and breathing gradually move closer to his rhythm, as if everything around him has been far away at this moment, only the same breath and heartbeat.

This feeling made Lin Yi feel confused. Xuan Sa's body seemed to have a warm breath, which made her dizzy and have a sense of emblance. Fortunately, it was in the dark, and Xuan Sa only cared about the road under her feet and did not notice the change of Lin Yi's expression at all.

When Lin Yi was still recalling this wonderful and warm feeling, his body was cold. When he opened his eyes again, his whole body was immersed in the water. His ears were no longer his heartbeat and breathing, but only the gurgling spring, and his vision was like a faint light emitted by fireflies in the dark, splashed in the pool. Water flowers.

He actually threw himself directly into the hot spring!

"Damn!" Lin suddenly roared unconsciously and completely forgot his awkward appearance just now and now.

"Damn? What is it?" Xuan Sa raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"It's a tone!" As soon as Lin rolled his eyes and was about to get up from the pool, he saw Xuan Sa pull down his long shirt and throw it aside casually. He only wore a pair of trousers and two long slender legs, and slowly slipped into the hot spring. His expression was extremely elegant and calm.

"You, you, what are you going to do?" Lin lost her mind in an instant. When Xuan Sa had been immersed in the pool, she shouted in horror.

"Take a shower!"

"Isn't the prince afraid that the slave's body will be dirty and dirty?" Isn't he seriously super obsessed with cleanliness? How can he tolerate bathing with a slave like himself? Are there any special requirements? Before saving himself just now, he said that he would listen to him in everything in the future! Good boy! Dare to wait for my aunt here!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi quickly retreated, leaned his back tightly against the wall of the pool, and subconsciously protected his arms tightly in front of his chest, panickingly trying to climb out of the pool.

Xuan Sa's half-naked upper body, only wrapped in gauze, opened his arms and leaned on the edge of the pool, closed his eyes, tilted his head slightly, and gently closed his thin lips: "Are you going to serve your savior to bathe?"

"You are shameless!" Lin's lips trembled and said angrily, and half of his body had climbed out of the pool.

"I don't know if anyone is still interested in returning to some places. Maybe the night scenery will be good!" Lazy and soft, but with irresistible warning and majesty.