It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 63 Star Absorbing (Harmonious) Method

"Damn! Are you threatening me?" You think I will be obedient in this way. Even if this body does not belong to me, at least I am also her master now, and I will never let 'self' suffer any losses.

"I just kindly remind some people!" Xuan Sa's strong arm slipped in the pool, and Lin Yi's body floated to Xuan Sa's side. Lin Yi was still struggling. He didn't know when his chest cooled down and looked carefully. The thin cotton-padded jacket outside had slipped into the water. Before Lin Yi grabbed it, Xuan Sa's hand gently stroked it again. The cotton-padded jacket leaped over Lin Yi's head like a dragon gate in the water and landed firmly on the ground behind her.

"What the hell do you want to do?" After all, Lin Yi is a modern person. She doesn't feel ashamed when her coat is taken away. Anyway, there is a thick middle coat in it, and there is a belly pocket in the innermost part! I just can't stand being played with. He suddenly stood up from the pool and forgot that there were still injuries on his hands and put his hands on his waist. Originally, he wanted to stare at him to death, but he didn't expect that he hummed twice because of the pain, and his sprained ankle waist softened and squatted back into the water.

"Good boy, I finally understand that I'm your uncle!" Xuan Sa turned around and fell on the wall of the pool like a carp and said slowly, "Come and pinch your uncle's shoulder!" I'm happy to serve your uncle and heal you!"

He also kicked his nose and face! It's simply shameless and disgusting! Why did she think he was a cold and fanatical good person? You are blind!

"No need!" Lin Yi took a fierce look at Xuan Sa's back and couldn't wait to kill him with an eye knife thousands of times! One side slowly and struggled to approach the pool wall on the other side and was ready to climb out again.

"Come here!" Xuan Sa did not look back. With Xuan Sa's fierce shout, Lin Yi felt that the buoyancy of the water under him suddenly became huge, and his heels slowly floated to the bottom of the pool. His body staggered heavily into the hot spring, and several mouthfuls of water were poured into his nose. But the body did not stop, as if there was a strong force behind her that sucked her in one direction.

Big star-absorbing (harmonious words) method! Lin Yi's chaotic consciousness only thought of this word! However, for a moment, he felt that the water surface was gently patted, and his body rotated 360 degrees in the water. When his face surfaced again, Xuan Sa's evil smile had magnified in front of his eyes!

"Damn! You are sick!" Lin Yi coughed several times before spitting out the water in his throat. After slowing down, he still wanted to struggle, but his body seemed to be blocked by the acupuncture point and could not move. Without thinking about it, he spit out a mouth and spit out a mouth on Xuan Sa's face.

She thought she would do this, and the boy would not be able to stand it. I didn't expect that Xuan Sa just plucked a handful of water to clean his face angrily. The palms were slowly raised from the pool, and her arms were raised obediently and straight above her head, completely exposing the loose clothes on her chest to the air! The gauze wrapped around the slender neck did not know where it fell at this time, revealing a large white neck.

This posture is extremely embarrassing! Just as Lin Yi's heart was stirred, Xuan Sa raised the corners of his lips, and a evil smile appeared on Tieqing's face! The palm crossed a beautiful arc in the air and slowly approached Lin Yi's chest!

No way! It's all like this. This bastard is still interested in this kind of thing! Son of a bitch, I and a little girl who are still underage! It's just a beast! No, it's simply worse than beasts! Lin Yi wanted to curse and opened his mouth wide, but he could only make a low hoarse sound. Unexpectedly, he also ordered his own dumb hole! Did you do this for a while?

It seems that I don't have a guarantee for the late holiday today! Oh! No, I! It's not that I don't want to keep my innocence for you. My ability is too limited! He is a master of martial arts! In order not to see the obscene reality, Lin closed his eyes tightly, locked his eyebrows tightly, bit his lower lip, and looked at him to death!

Xuan Sa smiled secretly in his heart, and his palm suddenly stopped at Lin Yi's chest, closed his five fingers, and then quickly crossed Lin Yi's hands.

Lin Yi felt a crisp (harmonious word) numbness in his palms, and his body collapsed into the pool.

Huh? What's the situation? Did he really see that his body was too small, especially if he was too 'thin' in some places, and temporarily found that he had a conscience and let himself go? Opening his eyes unbelievably, he saw Xuan Sa casually throwing what he was holding in his hand outside the pool and carefully rubbing his hands in the pool.

After a closer look, I found that it was the sharp thorns embedded in my palm and chest. Unbelievingly spreading the palm of the hand to check, there were only small red dots stabbed by spikes, where there were still traces of half a thorn.

He looked up suspiciously at Xuan Sa. The man had turned around and lay on the wall of the pool as before, with a little tired voice: "No, it hurt me!"

It should have taken a lot of internal effort to help him pull out the thorn just now! I just thought that they wanted to... Think about it, how can such a handsome man be interested in themselves as an immature little girl! Lin Yi was very ashamed, and because Xuan Sa not only did not dislike his dirty body, but also brought himself back in person and helped him heal his wounds. His heart was full of gratitude.

couldn't help floating over, put his hands on Xuan Sa's shoulders and gently kneaded them up.

"Didn't you eat?"

Brother, didn't you forget that I hurt my hands! But I can't bear it when I think of his life-saving kindness!

Wither the pain of the hand and heart, pinch it hard!

"Eat too much?"

You! Don't bully like this! But because she is really curious about the move Xuan Sa just used, Lin Yi also clearly knows that she is now the meat on his cutting board. As long as he doesn't want to, she can't escape at all and can only take advantage of it: "Your uncle, is this force appropriate?"

"Ye" Xuan Sa made a comfortable moan in his throat.

"Son, what's the name of the trick you just made?" Looking at Xuan Sa tilting his head and enjoying his face, Lin Yi couldn't help scratching his curiosity and couldn't wait to ask.


"Is that the way you sucked me directly from that end to this end just now?"

"You mean the star-absorbing (harmonious word) method?"

"Hey! It's really called the star-absorbing (harmonious word) method. It's not creative!" Lin Yi curled his lips and said disapprovingly. He thought for a bad smile and said, "What's the relationship between prince and Ren Mexing?" Is he your master?"

"What can I do? How do you know this person?" Lin Yi just asked casually. Thinking of Xuan Sa's such a big reaction, he suddenly turned around, put his left hand forward, and clenched Lin Yi's neck. His eyes were as cold and murderous as a wolf's eye: "Who the hell are you?"

"I, I, I'm Lin Yi!" It's not bad to use this trick again, but it's undeniable that it's absolutely deadly. This boy, I really don't know when or what words can make him anxious. It seems that his little life is in danger in his hands at any time, and he will still be cautious in his words and deeds in the future!

"Typ, how do you know it's up to me!" As soon as Xuan Sa's finger joints were closed, Lin Yi felt as uncomfortable as burning in his throat, and his face was blue. His hands waved to his neck in the air, staring at him and begging for mercy.

Xuan Sa caught a glimpse of the thin wound on Lin Yi's neck. Because of the immersion of water, the scab on it had fallen off, revealing a bright red color. The corners of his eyebrows twitched, and his fingers were loose, but he still restless on Lin Yi's collarbone.

"I just saw it in a miscellaneous book. I thought it was all fabricated. I didn't expect that there was really this person. Please believe in the maidservant. The handservant's heart to the prince can be seen by the sun and the moon, and the heaven and earth can be proved. I absolutely dare not have any evil intentions!" If he hadn't been in the pool, Lin Yi would really want to lie on the ground with his hands, give Xuan Sa a noble etiquette, and then shout three times, 'The prince will live forever!'

Such books were circulated in the morning, but they were all destroyed by their people. However, this girl is in the palace, and it may not be surprising that a copy is missing in the palace. Xuan Sa thought for a moment, and the girl had no foundation in martial arts, and she was heartless in everything. If you are really a person with a heart, you will never blurt out this name casually. It should be just a coincidence. Thinking of this, Xuan Sa had to take back the hand locked on Lin Yi's collarbone. However, as soon as her finger crossed the skin of her collarbone, she felt that her heartbeat beat twice in an instant, with a little panic and a little surprise. This feeling made Xuan Sa hate puzzled and depressed. His expression shook, and his subconscious hand did not want to leave.

"Son, don't you believe in slaves?" Lin's eyes blinked moistly.

Looking at her pitiful appearance, Xuan Sa's heart trembled slightly, and he instinctively felt bored. He stiffly withdrew his arm and patted him in the pool: "You dare not!"

"Thank you for believing in the maidservant!"

"Where are my clothes?" The warm smile in that tone also upset him.

"Please wait a moment, and I'll pick it up!" Lin stood up from the pool, ran to the room wet, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Almost subconsciously, Xuan Sa wanted to fly from the pool to help him. When he saw that Lin Yi had got up and looked at himself with a shy face, he smiled twice: "Ha ha, the maidservant is stupid, which made the prince laugh!"

Xuan Sa stopped, but leaned on the wall of the pool helplessly, looked up at the dark blue sky, and his thoughts were drifting back to many years ago!

At that time, he was still a carefree child. He practiced martial arts with his master every day. Although he could not accompany his parents all the time, he knew that they had always loved him deeply. And his family is guarded by his father and uncles, and he will always be safe and happy! But now, all this has disappeared, his home has been destroyed, his father has died tragically, and his mother is no longer the same as before! Why? At the beginning, he didn't understand that the fight was so meaningful to them? And what they fought for was not exactly what he wanted! But now he wants revenge! For his lost home, for his deceased relatives!

"Prem?" Lin Yi took the clothes and saw Xuan Sa closing his eyes, his thin lips tightly squeezed into a line, and his face was pale. He hesitated for a moment before he shouted carefully.

Xuan Sa suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were intertwined with endless sadness and hatred, which made people feel a little distressed in an instant.

"Is this the dress you prepared for me?"