It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 50 Zhang Sanfeng, someone wants to see you

Zhou Xiong refers to a soup. There are a few golden goldfish floating on the green soup. He doesn't know what the goldfish is made of. It looks lifelike, as if it is really swimming in the blue waves, which makes people feel delicious and appetizing at sight.

When Zhou Xiong mentioned it, everyone also noticed such a seemingly ordinary soup.

In the main hall, there is a big red round table, headed by Zhou Wuwang, Zhou Xiong, on the left sitting the queen and Princess Nalan in turn, first on the right side is Murong Changtian, then Chen Jialuo, and then Gong Youdao.

Suddenly, Zhou Xiong asked that Murong Changtian paid special attention to it, but he had never seen this dish. Because Aunt Su couldn't attend the banquet, she couldn't tell him in time that the Gong family had changed the menu and the cook. Of course, it was not clear. After thinking about it, she said, "This dish should be made by the chef invited by the city!"

"Oh? When did you have such an excellent Jiangnan master in Heyi? Why don't you know? Zhou Xiong still smiled, a little like joking. But the sound of 'you' made Murong Changtian's back tingle.

There are top chefs in Zhou Xiong's palace, but there is a lack of this master in Jiangnan. Now, isn't it alluding that Murong Changtian is hiding and refusing to give it to Zhou Xiong? Suddenly, Murong Changtian recalled many unusual things that happened on this day and felt uneasy.

Thinking about how to deal with it, Princess Nalan once again relieved Murong Changtian: "Brother, I haven't even seen this dish. It's really exquisite, but it should not be made by our house or the master in the city. It must be the craftsmanship of the chef who was married by the Gong family.

"Oh? Dowry chef?" Zhou Xiong asked with great interest when he heard the words.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Gong's marriage of such a good daughter as Pearl to our Murong family is a blessing for my family. It is understandable for Master Gong to worry that Pearl is not used to the food in our royal palace. Moreover, today, Master Gong was thinking about his brother, so he specially discussed with me and temporarily changed their chef, which was made by the people in our house. Speaking of which, it must be the person found by Master Gong. Nalan said and inadvertently took a look at Gong Youdao's position.

Gong Youdao immediately got up, bowed his hand and said with a smile, "This matter is rude. It's just because the emperor has always remembered the famous dish in the south of the Yangtze River, so he specially borrowed the pearl and searched all over the country. I didn't expect that hard work would really make me find such a skilled person in Jiangnan. Thinking of the emperor's presence, I discussed with the princess to replace some of the dishes on the original menu. If the emperor is happy, the villain will also have glory!"

Who knows that after listening to Gong Youdao's words, Zhou Xiong turned pale with some unhappiness.

The queen looked at the words and said in a blink of an eye, "It's also my brother's heart. The emperor naturally remembers my brother's intentions in his heart, but he doesn't know where he is looking for the master. Speaking of which, the emperor has never forgotten this matter!"

"It really took a lot of time to talk about this matter. The villain originally ordered people to search all over the country, but found nothing. Just a few days ago, the person sent by the family to Jiangnan to collect crabs inadvertently followed Jiangnan County. Su Ziyang mentioned this matter and didn't think about it. Su Ziyang immediately heard it, but the next day he finished the matter. Therefore, Su Ziyang is the most credited when it comes to this matter!"

"Su Ziyang?" Zhou Xiong raised his hand to signal Gong Youdao to sit back, muttering Su Ziyang's name, but a trace of viciousness flashed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, do you want to see this person?" The queen reminded softly beside her.

Zhou Xiong took a look at the queen and nodded silently.

"Brother, can Su Ziyang be on the guest list today? If so, pass on the emperor's will and announce his pilgrimage to the Holy Driver!" As the queen said, she gave Gong You a dark wine.

"Yes, the villain will pass it on immediately!" Gong Youdao got up and withdrew from the main hall. The moment he went out, he glanced at Princess Nalan blankly.

Murong Changtian and Chen Jialuo looked at each other secretly, but they couldn't figure out what Zhou Xiong's move was. More importantly, why did the queen propose to the emperor to see a trivial county guard? Or on such an occasion?

What surprised Murong Changtian was that Nalan helped him twice. Thinking of this, she couldn't help aiming at Nalan. It happened that she also stared at herself secretly. She looked up sharply, turned her face in a hurry, picked up her glass to hide her loss.

All this is devious.

I'm also curious about Su Ziyang!

"To the emperor, Su Ziyang, the guard of Jiangnan County, brought it to you!" Gong Youdao entered the hall, shook his robe, knelt on the floor, and shouted loudly.

"Weichen, Weichen, Jiangnan County Guard... Su... Su Ziyang, kowtow to the emperor!" A chef not only made him successfully get into the Gong family, but now he has broken into the eyes of the emperor. At first, when Gong Youdao went to find him, he couldn't believe it. Until he walked to the main hall of the throne and saw Tianyan, he knelt down excitedly and couldn't even speak. After saying that, his back was soaked with sweat.

"Are you Su Ziyang?" Zhou Xiong's tone was majestic, and Su Ziyang was already shocked, and now he said cowardly: "...Weichen...zheng, it's my subordinates..."

How can such a person who can't calm down have such a profound ambition? Zhou Xiong couldn't help wondering how could the Gong family choose such a person as a staff? Is it really just because of that chef? Thinking of this, Zhou Xiong waved his hand: "Faling!"

"Thank you!" Gong Youdao said loudly. At the moment of getting up, he inadvertently pushed Su Ziyang behind him, and then Su Ziyang stood up: "Wei Chen Xie Huang"

"I heard that you found today's Jiangnan chef?" Zhou Xiong slowed down his tone and felt a little close.

Listening to the emperor's meaning, do you feel that you have merit? Thinking of this, Su Ziyang relaxed a little and said proudly, "Your Majesty, Zhang Sanfeng is looking for it!"

"Zhang Sanfeng?" Zhou Xiong repeated and asked, "Is that the chef's name?"


"Today's dish is very lonely. Naturally, I won't miss your reward, but I'm a little lonely. Such an excellent chef has been lonely for many years, and I can't get it for a long time. So where did you get it?"

"Your Majesty, speaking of which, Zhang Sanfeng had been retired from the world for many years. Before that, he worked as an internal chef in a rich family in the south of the Yangtze River. However, because Weichen had some friendship with the rich family, he was inadvertently lucky to taste it once, and he would never forget it. So last time he learned that Master Gong was looking for someone, so he came to ask for it. For a long time, the rich man finally heard that he had the honor to cook for the emperor, so he gave up his love and gave up Zhang Sanfeng to Weichen. Speaking of this, Su Ziyang couldn't help but float proudly, and his words became smoother and smoother. His previous panic had also been completely forgotten. He only thought about how Zhou Xiong would reward himself and whether he would be promoted to several levels?

"Your Majesty, why don't you pass on the three phoenixes in front of the emperor?" The queen came to Zhou Xiong and whispered.

Zhou Xiong thought for a moment and turned his face to discuss with Murong Changtian: "Brother Xian, I don't know how you arranged the cooks sent by Gongfu. Can you send them over? Everyone should also see the real face! If you have such a good craft, you have to appreciate it!"

"The emperor's uploading is his blessing! Please send someone to pass it on!" Gong Youdao echoed.

Thinking about Zhou Xiong's thinking about Jiangnan's famous chef for many years, he has never been able to get it. Now he finally has his own eye, and I guess he wants to take the opportunity to bring him back to the palace. This Gong Youdao is really a good plan! In this way, he inadvertently placed people in the palace. Although he acted a little high-profilely, it was not easy for others to doubt his intentions. How high!

Murong Changtian was instinctively worried, but the oracle could not be violated, so he had to pass on to a girl by the door and go to the kitchen to invite someone.