It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 51 The little chef raises waves!

In the kitchen, Xianglin's sister-in-law heard that Zhou Xiong was going to see Zhang Sanfeng and watched Zhang Sanfeng being taken away, but she had nothing she could do. Only when Zhang Sanfeng left, she silently told Zhang Sanfeng to 'calm down'!

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng heard that Zhou Xiong wanted to see her. Thinking of what had happened many years ago, she had a surge of anger in her heart. She bit the back of her teeth, and her face was also tight. Seeing that Xianglin's sister-in-law gave her a wink, she was stunned for a moment, and then nodded her head to reassure Xianglin.

"The grass people saw my emperor, long live my emperor!" Zhang Sanfeng's body trembled, his knees knelt stiffly on the ground, buried his head very low, and his voice trembled coldly, looking excited and frightened.

"Are you Zhang Sanfeng, who cooks Jiangnan cuisine?" Zhou Xiong asked.

"It's the grass people!"

"Very good, ten taels of reward, retreat!" Zhou Xiong just wanted to see Zhang Sanfeng with great interest, but after seeing him, he only gave a little reward and was dismissed. This made everyone present puzzled.

Zhang Sanfeng hesitated slightly. Gong You said, "Why don't you thank the emperor for your reward?"

"..." Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be flattered and kowtowed in a hurry and said, "Caomin, thank you for your kindness." After saying that, he got up and retreated to the door, kowtowed again, and then left in a hurry.

Su Ziyang heard that King Wu of Zhou was so generous with a cook, and thought about what kind of reward King Wu of Zhou would have for him, the greatest contributor to the cook. Who would have thought that Zhou Xiong just nodded with admiration: "You have made the greatest contribution to this matter. Let's retreat flat!"

Huh? Just let yourself retreat like this? Su Ziyang couldn't help but be disappointed. He secretly curled his lips, replied respectfully, and retreated.

There were only a few of them left in the hall. Everyone hadn't understood Zhou Xiong's move, so they didn't say anything. The queen looked at the scene coldly and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this person has also seen it. The food is also rewarded. The food is getting cold. Let's eat well!"

"I'm almost used. I'm tired. I'll go back to the palace first!"

"Your Majesty..." The queen wanted to stop it. She glanced at Zhou Xiong coldly. Although she didn't understand why Zhou Xiong's attitude suddenly changed, she could not go against it, so she had to laugh and say, "I'm tired of concubines!"

Everyone was as puzzled as the queen, but they still respectfully sent Zhou Xiong out of the house. The wedding banquet between Murong Luo and Gong Zhenzhu broke up unhappily.

In everyone's eyes, they also secretly speculed about the emperor's meaning.

At the beginning of the marriage, he also came to marry in person. It was so grand that it also gave face to the Murong and Gong families. However, they only ate halfway through the banquet, but suddenly left. Did something happen during the banquet? Did the two families offend King Wu of Zhou? So, is it the Murong family or the Gong family? However, now the two families are already grasshoppers on a rope. No matter which one causes the trouble, I think these two families will no longer have the glory of the past in the future.

Princess Nalan followed Zhou Xiong. Zhou Xiong deliberately distanced himself from everyone to talk to Nalan: "Sister, how are you doing in the Murong Palace these days? Although Gu is not completely clear, he has also heard a little about it. Don't worry, Gu will not let you be wronged again.

Nalan was moved when he heard it, and he was also a little panicked: "Brother, you can't listen to others. The prince treated me very well!"

Zhou Xiong sighed, patted the back of Nalan's hand, and said with concern, "Sister, with the royal brother, don't be afraid of everything. The royal brother will definitely make the decision for you!" If Changtian is sorry for you, even if he is my good brother, I will never be soft. Speaking of this, Zhou Xiong's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Nalan said anxiously, "Brother, Changtian is really good to me! For so many years, there has been only one aunt around me, who was still raised by me, and I also tried my best to teach Luoer. The imperial sister felt very good. The royal brother worked hard in state affairs. I really don't have to worry about Nalan anymore.

"Oc's it, you don't have to say it. I'm just saying if!" Zhou Xiong was a little annoyed when he saw the attitude of Princess Nalan guarding Murong Changtian, and his tone also regained the majesty of the emperor. After saying that, he let go of Nalan's hand.

Nalan suddenly felt the coolness of the palm of her hand and looked at Zhou Xiong's back uneasfully. When the queen came to her side, she came to her senses and half knelt and said, "I respectfully send the emperor to the emperor!"

I have a lot of thoughts in my heart.

After Zhang Sanfeng left, Xianglin's sister-in-law had been worried. Finally, she saw Zhang Sanfeng return to the kitchen safe and sound, and then she was slightly relieved. When Zhang Sanfeng passed her, she quickly lowered her voice and said three words to Zhang Sanfeng: "See you in the evening!"

Zhang Sanfeng's front foot returned to the kitchen, and someone touched the tray with the emperor's reward and followed him in.

Everyone looked at it and envied Zhang Sanfeng. At the same time, they also sighed why they were not so lucky. After all, Aunt Zhang is a stewul in the royal palace, and she has also seen the world. She immediately greeted her with a smile: "Congratulations to Master Zhang. You can be valued by the emperor on the first day and get rewards. The future will be boundless!"

Aunt Zhang took the lead, and everyone came forward to congratulate them. Many people were enlightened by the ten ingots of gold ingots. Of course, many people immediately worshipped the master: "Master Zhang, you are so skilled, you should have a good competition with your brothers in the future. Otherwise, you can accept your brother as an apprentice. If there is any dispatch in the future, just tell me, the brother has nothing to say!"

"That's right, brothers will do their best and will not disappoint Brother Zhang!"

"Cough!" Xianglin's sister-in-law pushed aside the crowd, suddenly made a sound, looked around the crowd and said harshly, "Don't you have to work?" With that, he also deliberately stared at Zhang Sanfeng disdainfully, waved the crowd with his big hand, and strode towards the Eight Immortals Table in the middle of the big kitchen.

"What's the look? Isn't she jealous that you got the emperor's reward?

"That's right, I'm not good at cooking, and I'm not happy to be favored..."

Some people are not used to the buzzing discussion.

Zhang Sanfeng said modestly, "Don't think about it. In fact, it's not my credit to being rewarded by the emperor. If it hadn't been for the help of Xianglin and Aunt Zhang, I wouldn't have made so many good dishes alone, and the biggest credit is Xianglin's sister-in-law! Therefore, this reward obviously belongs to me alone, but it is actually the three of us!" With that, he took the tray, walked to Xianglin's sister-in-law and bent down respectfully: "If it weren't for my sister-in-law, Sanfeng wouldn't have had this honor. This reward should be shared with my sister-in-law!"

Zhang Sanfeng's humble attitude immediately made everyone more fond of him, and even Aunt Zhang couldn't help nodding secretly. But Xianglin's sister-in-law didn't appreciate it and snorted coldly, "That's your blessing. I can't stand it!"

"Sister-in-law..." Zhang Sanfeng bent down to holding the plate of gold, but suddenly was embarrassed by Xianglin's sister-in-law's expression and looked embarrassed that she didn't know what to say.

Xianglin's sister-in-law got up in disgust and walked to Aunt Zhang: "My task is over. Let's go!" After saying that, he left with a cold face without looking back.

"Sister-in-law..." Aunt Zhang is the clearest person. She has never been an accountant compared with these gains and losses. Otherwise, she would not have given up her position as a kitchen stewmer and ran to the cold Meiyuan to serve the sick Murong Wan. However, today's attitude is really a little abnormal, and Aunt Zhang can't help but be puzzled. Just as I was about to make a sound, Xianglin's back had disappeared at the gate of the courtyard.

The chefs who married by Gongfu did not have a good impression on Xianglin's sister-in-law. If it hadn't been for her command, no one would have listened to her. Now Xianglin's arrogant attitude has made them lose their little admiration for Xianglin's sister-in-law. What's more, because Zhang Sanfeng was married together, and now they have appeared in front of the emperor, so they are also glorious. Originally, they were worried about their status in the Murong Palace, but now they are all full of confidence. Isn't the big stewmer in this big kitchen still empty? I think there is a great opportunity for Zhang Sanfeng. As long as Zhang Sanfeng sits in the position of stew, can these brothers who came together not have a good day?

When they thought about it, they planned to take Zhang Sanfeng in the future.

When the banquet was over, there was naturally no need for their chefs to clean up. They were dealt with by the little maids, and the chefs were arranged to live in the previous side courtyard. The yard is not big, and there are only four rooms in total. Originally, one room was arranged for two people, but in Zhang Sanfeng's previous incident, everyone specially vacated the best one of them and left him to live alone. This is also much more convenient.

At night, when everyone was resting, Zhang Sanfeng sneaked out of the yard. As soon as she came out of the yard, she saw Xianglin's sister-in-law hiding from the wall and wading to herself. She looked around at no one and hurriedly ran over.

Xianglin's sister-in-law dragged him all the way into a green pine path, then stopped, turned around and knelt down.