It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 52 The Mystery of Xianglin's Wife's life!

"Three sisters, what are you doing?" Xianglin's sister-in-law suddenly knelt down to herself. Zhang Sanfeng panicked and hurriedly pulled her up: "Sister, what happened? Why are you in the royal palace?"

In those years, King Wu of Zhou was just a heterosexual prince of Dayan. Suddenly, he rebelled. Originally, it was evenly matched and could not be divided into victory or defeat, but suddenly there was a fire in the palace of Dayan, and the Empress of Dayan and many palace people were killed in the sea of fire. Although everyone only said that it was an accident, Zhang Sanfeng I don't think so. And importantly, several of his peers were in the palace at that time. Originally, he thought that all of them had unfortunately died, but he didn't expect to meet his third sister here.

Xianglin's sister-in-law nodded sadly, sucked her nose, looked around and pulled Zhang Sanfeng and said, "This is not the place to talk. Brother, come with me."

The two took advantage of the moonlight and went all the way to Meiyuan. Along the way, Xianglin's sister-in-law gently told Zhang Sanfeng to remember the road of Meiyuan. Princess Murong moved out of Meiyuan, and Murong Wan also lived in Rongxuan Pavilion. Meiyuan is now vacant. Because it is remote, no one usually comes. Xianglin's sister-in-law has lived in Meiyuan for so many years, and she is naturally familiar with everything there.

After entering the plum garden, Xianglin's sister-in-law closed the courtyard door, went directly to the backyard kitchen with Zhang Sanfeng, opened the door and sat at the table and lit a small kerosene lamp. The dim light in the room flashed, reflecting Xianglin's sister-in-law's old face. Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but feel distress and frowned and asked, "Sister, what happened that year What's the matter?"

"Brother, it's my fault that I didn't protect the brothers and sisters in the door and let them die innocently." Xianglin's sister-in-law said and knelt down again, her eyes turned red, tears fell, and her rough voice choked.

"Three sisters, get up first. There was a big fire in the palace. I thought you couldn't escape, but now I'm grateful to see you again. God is finally treating me well!" Thinking of such a disaster at the beginning, the third sister could still escape from death, and she must have suffered a lot. Zhang Sanfeng's heart also turned red. She hurriedly pulled Xianglin's sister-in-law up and pressed it on the stool: "Tell me about these years in detail!"

"In those years, Zhou Xiong rebelled and said that Emperor Yan had no way to govern the country and the people had no place to live. In fact, I knew more or less about it in the palace. Those so-called people who lived a helpless life were all Zhou Xiong's secret hands and feet. Although Zhou Xiong held heavy troops, there were no weak soldiers under Emperor Yan. The two sides have been deadlocked, and Zhou Xiong has not been able to take down the Yangtze River and Mountain for a long time. At this time, there was an inexplicable fire in the palace, saying that it was ignited by the imperial kitchen. Speaking here, Xianglin's sister-in-law seemed to remember the tragic situation at that time, and her face was covered with tears.

Zhang Sanfeng had long disagreed with the original fire and immediately asked, "Is it ignited by the imperial kitchen? But how can the fire spread so fast? Did you devour the whole palace in an instant? The fire in the palace burned for three days and three nights. If it hadn't been for a heavy rain, it might have burned until when. As long as it is found in time, can it cause such serious consequences?

"That's what happened outside, but everyone in our palace knows what's going on. Zhou Xiong must have sent people to sneak into the palace and sow fire everywhere, otherwise few people in the palace would have escaped." Xianglin nodded and gritted her teeth.

"How did you escape from that third sister?"

"At that time, I happened to pick up the ingredients outside the imperial dining room. As soon as the imperial dining room caught fire, the fourth sister and the second brother found me and pulled me to put out the fire, but the fire was ignited by fire oil. As soon as the wind blew, the whole imperial dining room was swallowed up and uncontrollable, so we had to abandon the imperial dining room and cut off other places. The party's contact minimizes the loss. Who knows that at this time, behind us also ignited. The three of us were trapped in a sea of fire. Just as we were helpless, a group of people in black fell from the sky and rescued me and the fourth sister, but the second brother was not so lucky. He was crushed by a collapsed beam, and we watched the second brother He was burned alive, but there was nothing he could do. Xianglin's sister-in-law said that she was already sobbing.

"So, the fourth sister was also rescued with you, so where is she now?" The second brother could no longer be resurrated. Although Zhang Sanfeng was very sad, he still felt comforted when he thought that there were still two people in the door who could escape.

"I don't know!" Xianglin's sister-in-law shook her head and said, "At that time, the palace turned into a sea of fire everywhere. My fourth sister and I were taken everywhere by the man in black and were injured in many parts of my body. Later, I was separated from the fourth sister when I was weak at a corner. However, I was vague and saw that the fourth sister was taken away by the man in black. I thought there should be no life in danger. Risk. Over the years, I have been secretly searching for her whereabouts, but there has been no result... Well, cough..." I haven't said so many words in one breath for many years, and Xianglin's sister-in-law's throat was also burned by the original fire, which was hot and painful at this time.

Zhang Sanfeng hurried to the edge of the water tank and scooped a ladle of cold water and let Xianglin's sister-in-law drink it: "Slowly, your voice was also injured at that time, right?" He was also stunned when he remembered to meet again and hear her voice for the first time. It turned out that it was really because of the fire.

Xianglin's sister-in-law drank half a ladle of water and nodded.

"Then why did you stay in the royal palace later?" If the fire was really done by Zhou Xiong, Murong Changtian was also an accomplice. Anyway, she was their enemy. How could she work under the hands of the enemy?

"Later, I narrowly escaped from the palace, but was rescued by a woodcutter because I was seriously injured. On the other hand, I was grateful. At that time, Zhou Xiong took down Dayan and secretly assassinated the people who escaped from the palace. At that time, many people died. In order to hide my identity, I married Xianglin. Soon after, Xianglin also died due to an accident. I buried him and prepared to go to the imperial capital with entanglement to find an opportunity to revenge. On the way, I heard that Murong's mansion was recruiting cooks, so I entered the palace under the name, thinking that I could not enter the palace. Maybe there would be a chance to see Zhou Xiong in the palace. Even if I didn't see him, the people who could kill Murong's mansion would be regarded as revenge.

"However, you have had many opportunities to do it in the royal palace for so many years, but you haven't taken action?" Thinking of this, there was a complaint in Zhang Sanfeng's tone.

"At the beginning, I did do it secretly, but I was discovered by Princess Murong at that time, that is, Zhou Xiong's sister Ningxiang. However, the princess knew my true identity and not only did not expose me, but also concealed it for me. In addition, she has always had deep feelings for Queen Yan in the past, and because Zhou Xiong has always felt guilty about what she did, so she returned her guilt for the queen and the emperor to me like a sister. " At the beginning, if it hadn't been for the kindness of Princess Ningxiang, she would have lived there for so many years. How could she have had the opportunity to meet her brother?

"But she has been dead for so many years, do you still want to forget our deep hatred because of the friendship of the past?" If the person named Ningxiang has a rebirth kindness to her, it is also acceptable that she can't do it, but what about others? Princess Nalan, Murong Changtian?

"Brother, I know you blame me for being too kind and soft-hearted, but Ningxiang still left a daughter. Before she died, she asked me to swear to treat her daughter well. However, for so many years, I have failed her instructions and tortured her daughter. If it hadn't been for the appearance of that girl, Wan'er would still be in deep water. It's hot!" Xianglin said guiltily.

"Even so, other people are reluctant to do it?"

"No, brother, now Ningxiang's daughter's lifelong event has also fallen. Now you have entered the royal palace. Next, we can let go and do it. But please promise me one thing. Xianglin's sister-in-law said, and a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes.

"Do you want me not to touch Murong Wan?" Although I haven't seen you for so many years, through the conversation just now, can Zhang Sanfeng not know what his sister's wishes have?

"Please read it for my sake and complete me!"

"I can understand that the kindness and resentment of the previous generation will not affect the next generation. As long as Murong Wan will not do evil, I will not embarrass her."

"But brother, why did you have a nickname and become a dowry of the Gong family?" After talking about her experience for so many years, Xianglin's sister-in-law also remembered Zhang Sanfeng's sudden appearance, and things were strange.