It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 64 Guwa's Blood

"Guwa, what are you talking about? Who is in deep trouble?" Hu Wang suddenly asked nervously.

"My son, Brother Wang's nephew!" Guwa's eyes were firm, but Lin Yi could feel a deep rejection in her eyes, as if she had no choice but to admit that she had a son.

"Your son? Why didn't you ever know that you had a son?" King Hu's tone was full of doubts.

"Hmm!" Gu Wa snorted coldly again, followed by a trace of pain in her dark purple eyes and said coldly, "If I could, I would rather I have no son!"

"Guwa..." There was also sadness and guilt in Hu Wang's eyes.

"Just like when Brother Wang forced me to marry the State of Yan, although I don't want to marry the State of Yan now, he is my bloodline after all. For so many years, I have been owe him a lot. Now, he is deeply trapped and his life is on the verge of eve. I... can't escape any longer!" Guwa's tone is still cold, but compared with the slight temperature just now, Lin Yi can also detect the soft maternal love that she is deeply buried in the bottom of her heart as if she can't bear to touch.

She was forced to marry Yan! Suddenly, Lin realized Guwa's words and instantly recalled the life that Chen Jialuo had told Xuan Sa. Could it be said that Guwa was Xuan Sa's direct mother? The alien woman who was taken away by Emperor Yan. All the fog dissipated in an instant. No wonder when I first saw her, Lin Yi seemed to have seen her there. Now when I looked carefully, I found that Xuan Sa inherited her unique eyes, the kind of dark purple pupils that can emit faintly in the night.

"You mean that Xuan Sa's life is in danger now?" Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't sit still any longer. He involuntarily stood up from his seat, looked down at Gu Wa, and asked nervously and anxiously.

Gu Wa turned her head and looked at Lin Yi in a staring manner, as if she was examining whether Lin's concern was sincere or something else.

"Xuan Sa? Prince of Yan!" King Hu was shocked and subconsciously leaned forward and asked in disbelief, "Is the prince of the State of Yan the child of you and Emperor Yan?"

Lin Yi saw a trace of disgust in Guwa's eyes, which were completely different from the tenderness of looking at simple, but he nodded reluctantly for a long time.

"What happened to him now? Guwa, tell me more about it!" Hu Wang also got up from his seat, walked around in front of Gu Wa, and stood him up and said.

Lin Yi's eyes stared at Guwa in an instant, afraid of hearing any bad situation about Xuan Sa from her mouth. For a moment, he forgot that there was still wood sand in the hall.

"A few days ago, he was captured by Zhou Xiong and is still imprisoned in Zhou Tian prison!"

"You mean that Xuan Sa was identified by Zhou Xiong?" Lin Yi was stunned. She left the imperial capital only a few days. Why is the variable there so big? This shouldn't be right! Isn't there Yun's eldest son Taoist priest beside Xuan Sa? There is also Chen Ren in the palace, and the Chen family and Murong family outside the palace. Hearing Guwa's words, Xuan Sa's identity was recognized, so the Taoist priest of Yun's eldest son was naturally not guaranteed. Why didn't there be a trace of news from the imperial capital to her?

"What the hell is going on? What do you know?" Hu Wang asked more nervously when he heard the words.

Guwa didn't know much about Xuan Sa's entry into the palace. Hearing Hu Wang's question, she was slightly stunned. Seeing this, Lin Yi hurriedly explained, "His Royal Highness followed Yun's eldest son Taoist priest. Qiao pretended to be Yun's eldest son Taoist Taoist child and sneaked into the palace in an attempt to assassinate Zhou Xiong, but he didn't expect that our arrangement was seamless. How could he be recognized by Zhou Xiong?"

Guwa suddenly thought of something and said harshly, "Ninth Prince! It was recognized by Zhou Xiong's ninth prince!"

"Ninth Prince?" Lin Yi frowned, and the young man in white who was arrogant and domineering on the streets of the imperial capital came to his mind. For a long time, he suddenly remembered the situation when he met Xuan Sa on the official road of going to Heyi when he woke up for the first time in this other world. Now that he thinks about it again, he found that the young man in white was later in the emperor. They all met the ninth prince and couldn't help screaming, "It's him!"

"Do you know the ninth prince?" Hu Wang and Gu Wa looked at Lin Yi together.

After Lin Yi finished talking about the enmity between Xuan Sa and the ninth prince, Guwa's eyes blamed Lin Yi more heavily.

Lin Yi knew that he was wrong. At the beginning, if it hadn't been for Xuan Sa's rescue, he would not have formed a relationship with the ninth prince, and he would not have had today's knowledge**. He was silent in the face of Gu Wa's reproach!

"In your words, the ninth prince and Xuan Sa have been married for a long time, but I don't know if Zhou Xiong knows Xuan Sa's true identity?" King Hu said with a little worry and luck.

"Wait, how did you know that Xuan Sa was captured by Zhou Xiong?" Lin Yi suddenly thought of something and turned his face to ask Guwa.

"Zhou Xiong has told the world about this..." Gu Wa said hatefully and suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Yi suspiciously. Hu Wang also understood in an instant, frowned and asked, "How did Zhou Xiong tell you?"

"It's just said that he caught the sharpness in the palace, but he didn't say his identity!" Guwa's eyes were covered with a layer of gray fog in an instant.

"I'm afraid that Zhou Xiong's move is intended to test the attitude of Yunyin and various forces!" Lin Yi said decadently.

"In this way, Zhou Xiong must have known Xuan Sa's true identity and will not dispose of Xuan Sa for the time being, just to use him as bait, so that all the forces that follow Xuan Sa can be eradicated to avoid worries!" Hu Wang said coldly.

"Brother Wang, please save him!" Guwa pleaded sadly.

"Guwa, don't worry, I have already promised the saint to send troops to help the prince overthrow Zhou Xiong. Now that I know that Xuan Sa is my nephew and has the blood of our Hu people, I am definitely not going to sit back and ignore it! Now I only hope that all forces will be stable for the time being and not give Zhou Xiong a chance to hold it. Zhou Xiong is afraid to temporarily protect Xuan Sa's comprehensiveness!" Hu Wang said firmly, and his eyes looking at Guwa were full of self-reproach and guilt.

"Wang, we need to discuss this matter in the long-term!" Musha, who had been silently paying attention to the three people, suddenly said at this time.

Lin Yi turned his face and didn't know why he saw a trace of pride and tremishness on Musha's face, and his heart trembled. When he looked at Musha, Musha had regained a clear and cold color, as if that moment just now was just Lin Yi's illusion.

"Musha, what do you have for advice?" Hu Wang turned his face and asked.

"We might as well send a spy to the imperial capital first to find out, see Zhou Xiong's true intention, and then make a final determination!"

Yes, Xuan Sa was captured. The Chen family and the Murong family must have been in a mess about such a big thing. As King Hu said, at this time, they must not act rashly, otherwise all their deployments will be defeated! At that time, not only can't save Xuan Sa, but also they will fall into Zhou Xiong's hands!