It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 65 Old Things

Just as Lin Yi was secretly thinking about himself, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the tent, and then the curtain was lifted. A soldier came in, gave a chest salute to Lin, and then turned his face to King Hu and said, "King Qi, there is an envoy visiting in Zhou!"

Hu Wang frowned, looked at Gu Wa and Lin Yi's faces, and asked suspiciously, "How could Da Zhou have an envoy to come at this time?"

Your soldier replied respectfully, "I heard that you are here to hand over the invitation to the king!"

Hu Wang was even more puzzled, and Lin Yi was also puzzled. Guwa took the lead in standing up and said to King Hu, "Brother Wang has visited me, so I will retreat first!" After saying that, he looked at Lin Yi. Lin Yiyi also followed Guwa to bow to King Hu, followed Guwa and withdrew from the tent.

As soon as I got out of the tent, I saw a large official standing with his head held high and holding his hands behind his hands at a distance outside the tent. Hearing the footsteps, he only glanced at Gu Wa and Lin. His face seemed calm and waveless, and he could not see any emotion, but Lin Yi could never make indifferent eyes. God regarded the pride and majesty on the face of the ministers of Zhou, especially the messengers sent by Zhou Xiong. It seems that he came to the Hu nationality, which was just condescending, and it seemed that he was just passing a message and was about to leave in a moment.

Although Lin Yi is puzzled, she is more concerned about Xuan Sa's safety at this moment. Out of the tent, I wanted to go back immediately to discuss how to save Xuan Sa, but I didn't expect Guwa to stop her and didn't mean to let her go.

Lin Yi estimated that Guwa had something to say to himself, so he did not refuse. He sent back the spirit that came with him. He followed Guwa to the tent where Guwa lived temporarily.

Guwa's tent is between Lin Yi and Hu Wang's tent, which is closer to Hu Wang's tent. The appearance does not seem to be any different from the ordinary tent, but as soon as I walked inside, I found that although it is only Guwa's temporary residence, it is particularly magnificent, which is not inferior to King Hu's. Lin Yi couldn't help marveling.

"Do you think it's beautiful?" Guwa picked up a string of red agate beads on the dressing table and handed them to Lin Yi's eyes to ask.

"The king valued the princess very much!" Lin Yi didn't understand why Guwa suddenly asked her this question, and said with a little thought.

"Real?" Guwa's slender index finger gently stroked the string of red blood-like agate string. Her white skin echoed with the agate, which stunned Lin Yi. For a moment, Gu Wa threw the agate string heavily to the ground and took off the veil. Her fingers slowly slid on her cheeks that could not be seen by a trace of vicissitudes. Her lips opened slightly, and her voice was like a mountain. Jian Qingquan slowly flowed: "That year, he was only fifteen years old and passed through our Hu tribe with his master. Because of a serious illness, his brother Wang was stranded in the clan. When I first saw him, I was deeply attracted by him!" Saying this, Guwa paused slightly, and a soft and faint blush appeared on her cheeks in an instant, as if recalling the best time in her life: "Master has cured Brother Wang's illness. I was afraid that he would leave, so I begged Brother Wang to let Master stay in the clan and promise me to stay with Master to study medicine. At that time, most of the people in the clan died in vain because of lack of doctors and medicine and lack of timely treatment. Brother Wang was very happy to see me. In fact, Brother Wang knows that I just want to see him every day.

"Is that Dr. Jane?" Lin Yi asked.

Guwa looked back at Lin and nodded, closed her eyes, and smiled at the corners of her lips: "Those five years were the happiest time in my life, but the time was in a hurry. When I was 15 years old, the saint, your mother, disappeared in the territory of Yan. Brother Wang was anxious and asked Emperor Yan to help find it, but Emperor Yan mentioned You have to accept me as the imperial concubine before you are willing to help. Guwa's lips were pulled down, and her face showed a look of pain and contempt.

Isn't it a beautiful woman offered by King Hu? Why did Guwa say that it was the calling condition required by Xuan Sa's father?

"I refuse! Originally, I always thought that Brother Wang regarded me as a pearl. As long as I showed my heart, he would not force me. Who knows, Brother Wang actually suppressed me as the princess of the Hu nationality and asked me to put the happiness and honor of the people. Your mother and I were close friends. I have been greatly influenced by your mother since childhood and know everyone's happiness. Blessing, especially marriage, can't let others make the decision, so they hunger strike! Who knew that Brother Wang didn't pay attention to my attitude at all, but imprisoned him and used his life to coerce me..."

Needless to say, Gu Wa, Lin Yi also knows the truth. Hu Wang threatened with his simple life. Gu Wa loved simplicity deeply. How could she watch him get into trouble and naturally agree to Hu Wang's request. It's just that Emperor Yan is already such an image in Guwa's mind, so after arriving at the palace of the State of Yan, Guwa adhered to his simple admiration and was very indifferent to Emperor Yan. Even if Xuan Sa was born later, he was unwilling to admit it at all. It's just that the mother and son are connected. Although Gu Wa is unwilling to recognize Xuan Sa, when Xuan Sa is really in danger, he will still stand up! That's why Guwa returned to the Hu people to beg King Hu.

However, no matter what, although she and Simple have experienced so many things, now they have finally got married, which is also a bittersweet and happy life. Moreover, it is reasonable that she and Qinglian are good friends, and the years of resentment should also be resolved. What is the purpose of all this she has told herself now?

"I love you!" Guwa sighed and said slowly.

"Ah?" Lin Yi was stunned.

"From the first day he brought you back to Yunyin, I knew that he would be involved with you all his life!"

"Yun Yin?" Lin Yi asked blankly.

"I've always been around!" Gu Wa nodded and said, "Later, he brought you back. I thought I could leave at ease, but what I didn't expect was that things finally came to such a situation!" After saying that, Gu Wa sighed faintly.


Seeing Lin Yi's words, Gu Wa suddenly asked, "If one day you encounter a similar situation I encountered in those years, will you also choose to give up and sacrifice for the sake of sas?"

When Guwa suddenly said so much to himself, Lin Yi was already very surprised and heard that although Guwa did not like Xuan Sa, she had been close to Xuan Sa's side to take care of him. Guwa's maternal love for Xuan Sa was not inferior to other mothers. After listening to Guwa's meaning, Xuan Sa has not known it for so many years. Xuan Sa is also pitiful. His mother is beside him, but he remembers the deceased Queen Yan in his heart.

But Guwa's last question also made Lin Yi fall into meditation. I don't know how to answer for a long time.

At this time, the voice of a soldier outside the tent sounded: "Your Highness, is Your Highness with you?"

"What's the matter?" Guwa asked with a faint expression.

"The king has something to summon the Holy Lady!"

"I know!" After saying that, Gu Wa looked at Lin Yi in a daze. Lin Yi frowned and his lips were cowardly: "Since Wang has something to summon, I will retreat first!"

"Go!" Guwa walked to Lin Yi for the first time and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, with a soft tone with a little dark sadness.