It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 66 The Marriage of the Nine Prince

At this time, it was already nightfall, and the tents under the dim yellow lights under the dark sky were like bright stars in the sky, and there was silence around, and occasionally you could hear a few winds roaring through your ears. There was a bright light in King Hu's sleeping tent. As soon as he entered the tent, he felt a warm breath coming, as if he had forgotten that he was still in the middle of winter, and he lost his mind for a moment, as if he smelled the warmth of spring.

Hu Wang was still in the same dress. He stood in the bedbook with his hands behind his back. Hearing the footsteps, he turned his head and hurried forward with an anxious expression and came to meet Lin Yi: "Saint Lin Yi, it's not a big deal!"

"What happened to Zhou Xiong that made Wang so worried?" Lin Yi frowned slightly when he saw this.

"A month after Zhou Xiong's ninth prince got married, he sent envoys to invite him to the imperial capital to watch the ceremony!" While Hu Wang was talking, he frowned and looked at Lin Yi with an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

"Wang is worried that this move is Zhou Xiong's conspiracy to do something wrong to you after inviting you to the imperial capital?" As soon as he arrived at the Hu nationality, Zhou Xiong invited King Hu on the grounds of the wedding of the ninth prince. If there was no trick in it, even Lin Yi did not believe it. Does Zhou Xiong already know that they are going to rise up with the help of King Hu's troops? What is the situation in the imperial capital now?

Who knows that King Hu shook his head repeatedly and asked anxiously, "Doesn't the saint care about who is married to the ninth prince?"

The family that can be valued by Zhou Xiong and give his favorite ninth prince must be a pivotal person in the Zhou Dynasty, especially when they choose to get married at this time. Naturally, it is not as simple as ordinary marriage. However, Lin Yi was not interested in who had such a privilege to become the royal family. However, since King Hu asked this, Lin Yi still took the opportunity to ask, "I don't know what a rich and noble family Dazhou is?"

"The Chen family!" Hu Wang gritted his teeth and stared at Lin in an instant.

"Chen family?" Lin Yi muttered and tilted his head. He wanted to have the Chen family in the Zhou Dynasty. Suddenly, his eyes were wide open and he looked at King Hu unbelievably and said, "But my father Chen Jialuo's Chen family?"

Hu Wang nodded firmly and then looked at Lin Yi nervously: "What the hell is going on? Why did Zhou Xiong suddenly let the ninth prince marry you as a concubine?"

At this time, Lin Yi only felt that his mind was like a paste, chaotic, and he couldn't figure out a clue. He never said anything about his return to the Chen family. When did Zhou Xiong know that he had his own existence? And the ninth prince has just tried on Xuan Sa's fake identity. How long has it been since he came to marry himself as a concubine? This is something that Lin Yi can't figure out anyway.

"Saint, saint..." Hu Wang saw that Lin was stunned and hurriedly called out.

"Uh!" Lin came to his senses and looked at Hu Wang with empty eyes.

King Hu sighed slightly and frowned and asked, "Is it a strange trick made by Prince Chen to save His Royal Highness?"

Is it done by Chen Jialuo? Impossible! Lin Yixin felt that it would never be Chen Jialuo's idea. It's two different things to marry the ninth prince and save Xuan Sa's life! Anyway, Lin Yi hollowed out his head and couldn't even think of the trick.

"My Hu nationality and Zhou Xiong have not been friends for a long time. This time, it's just a prince's wedding. How can I think of inviting you to attend? I don't know if Zhou Xiong has invited other frontier ethnic groups besides our Hu people?

"...The saint means that Zhou Xiong invited me because it is possible to know about the prince's secret alliance with me? So do it first. If I go, it means that I have no intention of rebellion, but at that time, I was in the capital of the Central Plains. At that time, whether I have this intention or not, everything is under the control of Zhou Xiong, and I can only obediently obey his orders, and if I don't go, he has enough reason to believe that we and the prince have reached Is there also an excuse to send troops to fight? Hu Wang reacted in an instant and asked.

Lin nod his head, his eyes flashed, and he looked worried in an instant: "I just don't know how my father is doing now?"

"Now I don't know how King Chen and Zhou Xiong discussed it. You are not in the imperial capital now, but Zhou Xiong asked the ninth prince to marry you, and he has also told the world, which shows that Zhou Xiong is very sure of this move!" King Hu's worries are also the doubts in Lin Yi's heart. Not many people knew about her return to the Chen family at that time except for the Chen family and the Murong family. And how did Zhou Xiong know why he told the world to marry him at this time? Has the emperor changed dramatically in the period of time since he left?

Aware of the suspicion of Chen Jialuo in Hu Wang's tone, Lin Yi hurriedly expressed his heart and said, "Wang Da can rest assured that this matter will never be his father's intention, but why is there such a situation today? I think I still have to rush back to the imperial capital as soon as possible to know the truth."

"Are you going back to the imperial capital at this time?" Hu Wang asked in shock.

"Zhou Xiong is treacherous and cunning, and his eyes are all over the world. Now I'm not sure whether he knows our relationship and plans with His Royal Highness, so I must go to the imperial capital and find my father to understand it clearly!" Lin Yi replied firmly.

"None!" King Hu said to stop him: "Since you also said that Zhou Xiong is treacherous and cunning, you are also worried about whether he already knows your relationship with the prince. If he already knows, then the matter of the ninth prince may be his treachery. Maybe the purpose is to lead you out so that you can capture you in one fell swoop!"

"I accept Wang's kindness, but there are still fathers and brothers in the imperial capital. I can't ignore them for the sake of my own selfishness. Moreover, when I go to Beijing this time, I also need to have a good understanding of our current situation and how to deal with Zhou Xiong to ensure that we are foolproof. Secondly, we should also confirm the safety of Xuan Sa!"

When King Hu saw that Lin had made up his mind, he knew that he could not move the admonition, so he had to sigh, "Since the saint has made up her mind, he is no longer reluctant, but it must be very dangerous to go here. If there is no one to protect the saint, he is really worried. It's better to let Musha follow the saint to Beijing!"

"Musa?" Suddenly hearing the name, Lin Yi's mind flashed when Musha suddenly visited when he met King Hu. After passing by him, a sarcastic smile at the corners of his lips flashed in his mind, but the speed was so fast that Lin did not catch it for a while. However, she didn't like the man named Musha at all. What's more, if it hadn't been for Musha's forced marriage, the light curtain would not have escaped, and there would have been no later Guwa marrying Emperor Yan. Xuan Sa's sad life was just a subconscious Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Musha is the most powerful general in the clan. How can he risk his life for the sake of my people? What's more, there are two dark guards around me that my father chose for me, as well as the master, and the people next to me can't hurt me! Wang, don't worry!" After a pause, Lin Yi turned around and said to King Hu, "Before I got the exact news back, Wang didn't move for the time being. On the surface, he only made a look of rushing to Beijing to show the messenger, so that he could rest assured that he could go back to the imperial capital to send a message!"