
Chapter 123 Seizing

This group of insects, with a strange face and crawling along Zhou Cheng's body is essentially the vitality of life, which is a kind of mutant vitality of life.

The reason why this vitality of life mutates is because of the hundreds of souls collected by Haotianjing. These souls entered Zhou Cheng's body together with the vitality of life. Of course, the vitality of life does not know how to resist, but those souls that have not yet dissipated are all things with thinking.

It is precisely because of this that the vitality that enters Zhou Cheng's body will resist the refining of light and fog like a living creature. But these souls have lost their bodies, so they have lost their power. How can they resist?

When the vitality of life becomes less and less, the space for these souls to survive becomes smaller and smaller. In the end, they can only crowd together and tear each other up and devour each other.

When the light fog keeps refining the vitality of life, these souls, in order to compete for a trace of living space, they tear it up crazily, tear each other into pieces and swallow it up.

It is a crazy and dangerous act for the soul to devour the rest of the souls. Because souls are different from vitality, they are formed by the spiritual power of monks, and the spiritual power of each creature is different, among which there are countless thoughts and memories.

When a soul devours another soul, it will become chaotic, and its memory and thinking will be chaotic. The soul is like the most sophisticated instrument. Even if there is a problem with the smallest part, it will cause the whole instrument to collapse.

But in order to survive for a while, these souls can't take care of so much. Only by tearing and swallowing the rest of the souls crazily can they take a trace of space for survival.

Just a moment later, these souls that devoured the rest of the souls became crazy. They gradually lost their minds, forgot their own situation, and only remembered to devour all the other souls.

With the passage of time, these souls are getting fewer and fewer, and the vitality of life is getting less and less. In the end, there is only one most powerful soul left, which devours all the rest of the souls.

In fact, this thing can no longer be called a soul, but a monster, a monster that devours hundreds of monks' souls and is born in the flesh and blood of monks, and a horrible blood demon.

The characteristic of this blood demon is to devour everything, and even the light fog in Zhou Cheng's body will inevitably be swallowed up by it.

This blood demon is very powerful and has high wisdom, because it devours the souls of hundreds of monks and absorbs the power, memory, knowledge, etc., but each monk's soul is different, so the thinking of this blood demon is also extremely crazy and chaotic.

The spiritual world is the most ingenious and sophisticated thing. A trace of confusion in ordinary people's thinking will cause great harm, making that person become a psychopath and crazy. And there are hundreds of completely different memories and thoughts in the thinking of this blood demon, so it will be extremely crazy while having infinite wisdom.

After the birth of the blood demon, he climbed straight to Zhou Cheng's head. It actually wanted to devour Zhou Cheng's consciousness and seize Zhou Cheng's body.

The body of this blood demon is something like a bug. This thing is formed by the flesh and blood of those monks. It can change its form at will, that is, it can turn into a ball of dirty blood or disperse into a vitality, which is between tangible and invisible.

This blood demon is very terrible. As long as it is a living thing, the blood demon turns into an invisible vitality and rushes through the body, which can devour the flesh and blood, vitality and spirit in the living object. Whether it is a monk or an ordinary creature, the end of death is inevitable.

Even monks in the soul refining period can't resist such an attack, unless they have a powerful magic weapon to protect themselves. And ordinary magic weapons can't resist the blood demon, but I'm afraid that if they are slightly contaminated, they will lose their spirituality and become mortal.

However, the blood demon wanted to get Zhou Cheng's body, so he did not devour Zhou Cheng's flesh and blood. It kept crawling in Zhou Cheng's body and gradually came to Zhou Cheng's brain.

At this time, Zhou Cheng's heart had completely occupied his body. When the blood demon just came to Zhou Cheng's brain, the heart demon instinctively woke up after sensing the danger.

When Zhou Cheng's heart demon woke up, the blood demon had begun to spread to his brain. I saw pieces of blood constantly eroding Zhou Cheng's brain, and these blood formed extremely small tentacles, which penetrated into Zhou Cheng's brain like the nervous system.

The blood demon actually plunged his body into Zhou Cheng's brain and then controlled his body. After a while, Zhou Cheng's brain had been stained with blood, as if he had been thrown into blood.

The blood demon eroded Zhou Cheng's brain and also launched spiritual power to attack. The spiritual power of this blood demon is extremely terrible. It is not only powerful, but also extremely vicious. Among them, countless negative and evil thoughts keep attacking Zhou Cheng.

If a normal monk, even a monk in the late stage of soul training, comes to face the spiritual attack of the blood demon, I'm afraid he doesn't have much ability to resist. However, Zhou Cheng is not weak, and at this time, Zhou Cheng has become a demon, which itself is extremely evil and horrible. Therefore, although the spiritual power of the blood demon is vicious, the negative and evil thoughts in it have no effect.

Suddenly, two evil and horrible monsters collided directly, and they fought at the spiritual level. At the same time, Zhou Cheng's brain has also become a battlefield. A black gas invisible to the naked eye appears in Zhou Cheng's brain, competing for control over the brain with the spreading blood-red color.

Influenced by external dangers, the demon's suppression of Zhou Cheng's nature gradually weakened. Zhou Cheng's nature has recovered a little, but he has been deeply possessed, and the power of the demon is too strong, so not only can he compete with it, but he has a tendency to be completely silent again.

If there is no unexpected situation, Zhou Cheng's nature will be completely suppressed by the heart demon for a long time. However, the accidental birth of the blood demon and the beginning of the invasion brought him a little opportunity to get rid of the control of the heart demon.

Just when Zhou Cheng's heart demons and blood demons tear each other apart, Zhou Cheng's nature is under less and less pressure. At this time, Zhou Cheng's nature is still extremely weak, but these natures are still instinctively aware of this change. Therefore, Zhou Cheng's nature struggled hard and wanted to wake up from the suppression of the heart demon.

The heart demon is born from Zhou Cheng. Although it is completely different, it is actually one, just like a person with schizophrenia has two different thoughts at the same time. Zhou Cheng's nature is the normal thoughts in his spirit, and the heart demon is the dark and evil thoughts.

Two different ideas are impossible to exist and dominate the physical action at the same time. When one side wakes up, the other side will be silent. If the two appear at the same time, there must be a fierce struggle between the two ideas until one side is completely suppressed.

At this time, the battle between the heart demon and the blood demon has reached a critical juncture. If the light is magical, the blood demon is stronger than the heart demon, and the spiritual power of the blood demon is also stronger than the heart demon. It must be that this blood demon is a monster mutated from the soul and flesh and blood vitality of several monks.

Zhou Cheng is very powerful, and the more powerful the creatures are, the stronger the demons will be. However, no matter how powerful the individual is, it can't compare with the monsters produced by hundreds of monks' souls devouring each other in terms of spiritual power.

Although the heart demon is slightly weaker than the blood demon, the two sides have just come into contact, but the situation is not as expected. The heart demon not only does not show a trace of weakness, but is extremely strong. The heart demon was not afraid of the spiritual attack from the blood demon at all, but encouraged the body of those blackness to wear out the blood demons.

Just a moment later, the blood red color in Zhou Cheng's brain has faded a lot. The blood demon was gradually forced out of the brain.

The reason why this is that the heart demon is a part of Zhou Cheng and his evil part, so there is no rejection between the heart demon and the body, and the two are incomparable harmony. And the blood demon is a foreign body for Zhou Cheng's body. If it wants to move in Zhou Cheng's body, it has to bear great obstacles. Moreover, Zhou Cheng is the body of a dragon, born with the dragon power that restrains all creatures. Whether it is people, beasts, birds or monsters will be a little weak under the dragon power.

One plus one subtraction, the blood demon has stronger magic and spiritual power than the heart demon, but when competing for Zhou Cheng's physical control, it is not the opponent of the heart demon at all. It is directly forced to retreat by the heart demon.

Although heart demons and blood demons are all monsters, they are not low-class creatures that have no wisdom and rely on instinct to act. They are all extremely intelligent and very terrible beings and are the kings of demons.

This blood demon was born from the flesh and soul of hundreds of monks slaughtered by Zhou Cheng. It can be said that this monster is extraordinary, arrogant, and has an instinctive hatred for Zhou Cheng. Otherwise, it is impossible for it to take Zhou Cheng's body as soon as he was born.

The first thing this intelligent and arrogant monster did was so unsmooth, so how could it not be angry? It was attached to Zhou Cheng's brain, like a bloody body, suddenly roaring silently, like a crazy lion roaring and demonstrating.

While roaring, the blood demon's worm-like body suddenly melted into a thick blood water and poured into Zhou Cheng's brain, instantly stained Zhou Cheng's whole brain red. The blood demon suddenly desperately rose, directly dispersed his body, and penetrated into Zhou Cheng's brain, trying to seize the body with a breath.

Zhou Cheng's mind is full of black gas that is invisible to the naked eye, which was originally used to dispel the power of the blood demon invasion. However, as the blood turned into blood, half of the black gas was evaporated in an instant.

These black gases are nothing else, but the magic of the heart. Magic is unique to monsters, some of which are similar to the mana of monks, but there is a big difference. If mana is said to be the magical energy generated in the body of creatures, then magic is a kind of spiritual energy, some like the mind and mind of monks.

Therefore, after the demon's magic is evaporated, the demon suffered a lot of damage. The heart demon suddenly weakened. When the heart demon is weak, Zhou Cheng's nature is immediately stronger, and the more the nature awakens, the weaker the power of the heart demon will be.

With the addition of the two, the heart demon weakened sharply. Zhou Cheng's real consciousness finally woke up and he could start thinking. Zhou Cheng and the heart demon are one, so as soon as he woke up, he instantly knew everything, so he couldn't help shouting:

"Bitter! The heart demon is still exorcised. How come there is another powerful monster in my body! If this monster occupies the body, not only will the demon suffer, but even I can't protect myself! This is really a vicious wolf in the way, and then a vicious tiger chasing it! What can I do now?"

At this moment, Zhou Cheng was shocked and anxious, and almost jumped up. It's not that Zhou Cheng is not calm, but that his situation is not optimistic. Due to his awakening, his consciousness immediately competed with the demon for the control of the body. Under mutual restraint, their respective forces were extremely weak. Moreover, the blood demon didn't care about this, but it took the opportunity to speed up the erosion.

Zhou Cheng wants to save his life, or he can only take the initiative to silence his consciousness again, give up the control of his body to the heart demon, or completely suppress the heart demon in a very short time, and then expel the blood demon from his body. Otherwise, if he exists at the same time as the heart demon, he will only benefit the blood demon in vain.

Zhou Cheng can't guarantee whether he will have a chance to wake up again after taking the initiative to be silent, so he can't choose this way. But he can't suppress the demon in an instant. And even if the heart demon is suppressed, the damage to your spirit is absolutely not small, and you can't resist the invasion of the blood demon at all.

Therefore, as soon as Zhou Cheng woke up, he found that what he was facing was not a good thing, but a dilemma. In an instant, he already understood that he was in a desperate situation.