
Chapter 124 The Battle between the Two Demons

The situation is extremely urgent, and there is no room for Zhou Cheng to think about it carefully. Just a moment, the blood demon has suppressed the magic emitted by the heart demon to a ball the size of a fist, and countless small tentacles stretched out from the body of the blood demon into Zhou Cheng's brain and connected to the physical nervous system.

The blood demon can gradually control Zhou Cheng's body. His body keeps trembling under the control of the blood demon, and it seems that he is about to wake up. However, because the heart demon still controls a small part of Zhou Cheng's brain, although his body keeps shaking, it still can't really wake up.

Zhou Cheng can feel that his connection with the body is rapidly weakening, so Zhou Cheng feels that his strength is also rapidly fading. The magic of the heart demon quickly cuts off the connection between him and the body. I'm afraid that after a while, the connection between Zhou Cheng and the body will be completely cut off.

Zhou Cheng knows that once he completely loses contact with the body, his advantage at home will be completely lost, and the situation will be reversed. The blood demon will establish contact with the body to suppress himself through the body.

The spiritual power of this blood demon has already been higher than that of Zhou Cheng or his heart demon. Once the situation is reversed, Zhou Cheng will not only lose his body, but also the horror will not be able to escape from the yuan god. In the end, he will only end up being swallowed up by the blood demon.

Facing the critical moment of life and death, Zhou Cheng did not dare to hesitate. He immediately took the initiative to silence his consciousness and was willing to be suppressed by the demon. Surely, even after the heart demon completely suppressed him, Zhou Cheng just lost himself, but the heart demon could not destroy him, because the heart demon was one with him.

It is only temporary to lose yourself by being suppressed by the heart demon. Zhou Cheng still has the possibility of waking up again, but if he is swallowed up by the blood demon, Zhou Cheng will never turn over. Even if he does not fall, he will only become a vassal of the blood demon forever.

Zhou Cheng fell silent in an instant, but tried his best to keep a faint clarity in the deepest part of his heart. After Zhou Cheng's consciousness was suppressed, the fierce power of the heart demon immediately began to recover, and in the blink of an eye, it had returned to its heyday.

As soon as the heart demon recovered, it immediately encouraged its own magic to resist the spreading blood red, and kept the final position to prevent the blood demon from completely eroding and controlling Zhou Cheng's brain.

And the blood demon has controlled most of Zhou Cheng's brain, and it has established a connection with Zhou Cheng's body, so it has gradually begun to adapt to this body, and the dragon body has greatly weakened its restraint. Therefore, when it saw that the magic of the heart demon suddenly became stronger, it was not afraid, but became more and more excited, and kept encouraging its magic to spread to the heart demon.

For a while, the two monsters, the heart demon and the blood demon, actually competed with each other. After suppressing Zhou Cheng's consciousness, the heart demon became fierce, and it still occupied the advantage of the home court. Even if the magic is not as good as the other party, it can control the body to suppress the other party by virtue of a closer connection with the body.

Although the blood demon suffered some injuries at the beginning, it just took the opportunity to establish a trace of connection with the body. The body's suppression of it has been much weaker. Therefore, even if the heart demon tried his best to repel it, it only maintained a situation where the two sides were evenly matched, and no one could help it.

It can only be seen that the surface of Zhou Cheng's brain has been stained with blood red, and only the fist-sized ball in the center of the brain is protected by a black gas invisible to the naked eye, so that the magic of the blood demon can't go further. The two demons held their breath and wanted to take down each other, but they did not have the ability.

"You humble creature can't escape the fate of being swallowed up by me! Give up resistance! If you give up resistance, maybe I will give you a chance to be reincarnated!"

The two monsters have fallen into a stalemate, and no one can help each other. They have released all their magic to kill and assimilate each other's magic.

This stalemate is very damaging to the two monsters, and every time the magic is consumed, it will damage them. However, the two monsters were unwilling to stop and wanted to destroy each other.

Therefore, with the passage of time, the power of the two monsters is getting weaker and weaker, and the magic of the two sides has been intertwined. It is impossible to take it back. Only one side destroys and the other side can be freed from this stalemate.

It is precisely because the two sides are trapped in an endless situation that the blood demon saw that he could not attack for a long time and immediately began a verbal attack, trying to disrupt the other party's mind, thus creating a favorable opportunity.

"Hmm, you sinister guy who only knows how to attack! Just because you want to devour me, I think it will definitely be you who will die in the end! This body is mine, and you want to take away my body! This is simply a way to die!"

But all monsters are extremely sinister and cunning, especially this kind of monsters that have generated wisdom and have consciousness are born conspirators. The consciousness of playing tricks, grasping people's hearts and manipulating creatures is inherently engraved in their instincts.

Therefore, how can the heart demon not know the idea of the blood demon? It knows that it and the other party are in an endless situation, and there is no other way to end the battle except to destroy the other party. Therefore, it is impossible for the demon to believe the other party's words at all, and they don't even bother to listen.

"Your humble thing is so bad! Do you really think I can't destroy you? If I want to destroy you, it's just as simple as raising my hand to look at the lines. It's just that I didn't kill you because I belong to the same demon!"

"Bah! What a shameless thing! What do you think you are? You are just a bastard born from a ball of dirty blood, and you dare to be compared with me! I'm just raising my hand to say that I will destroy it! It's extremely ignorant!"

"Bold! You humble creature is so offensive to me! You said that I was born from dirty blood, but what about yourself? You are not even as good as me. At the beginning, I am free, and you are just a vassal of the rest of the creatures." When the blood demon heard that the heart demon actually said that he was a bastard born from dirty blood, he was suddenly furious, but in a blink of an eye, he returned to normal and ridiculed.

"Me? Humph, how can you compare with me! I am the first dragon in the world, surpassing the existence of all creatures. I am the ancestor of the dragon and the most noble existence in heaven and earth!" The heart demon instinctively exudes a high meaning, which seems to be contempt for all the creatures in the world.


The blood demon seemed to hear something very ridiculous, and it suddenly burst into laughter. Seeing that it had a hard time resisting, he said:

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous! You are just a demon transformed by the evil thoughts of creatures. You are just an idea of this physical master, an evil idea. It's funny that you dare to claim to be the most noble existence in the world! What is the ancestor of the dragon! Bullshit, you are just a tiny thought of others! Once the owner of this body wakes up, I'm afraid you will be destroyed.

" shut up! You bastard, shut up! Humph, do you think this can shake my mind? Don't think about it! I am indeed the existence of this evil idea, but there is one thing you said wrong! I am not a vassal. I am myself. I am the master of this body, and the master of this body is me! The creatures in this world are just my rations. In the past, I was too kind. Now I'm just doing what I should do, so I'm not a demon."

"There is no tiger in the mountains, and monkeys are also kings! Shameless guy. You know best what you are. The owner of this meat has just woken up once, and you are still so quibious. In this case, I will wake up the physical owner and let you see what you are!"

"Hmm! What just woke up is just my good thoughts, not the master of this body! The owner of this body is me! And if you could awaken my kindness, I'm afraid you would have acted long ago. Where can we wait until now! Bastard, stop bluffing! I advise you to withdraw from my body as soon as possible, otherwise if you stay in this stalemate, I will wear out of you sooner or later!"