
Chapter 187 Rage

Thousands of thick vitality chains wrapped Zhou Cheng to death. One end of the chain was connected to those flags, and the other end was put on Zhou Cheng's body, as if he wanted to lock the target.

However, these chains are like that monster, and they can't touch Zhou Cheng's body at all, let alone lock him up. The virtual world protects Zhou Cheng in an all-round way. Although these chains transformed by the Tianmen array are not small, they are not enough to threaten Zhou Cheng, who is guarded by the virtual world.

However, in this way, although Zhou Cheng will not be harmed, he is surrounded by these vitality chains, and Zhou Cheng can't move his position again.

Seeing that Zhou Cheng fell into those energetic chains and could not move, Xi did not relax at all. It didn't even think of relying on such chains to destroy the other party. To death, these chains can trap the other party for a while at most.

In Xi, the other party not only has an unknown origin, but also can quietly break through the Tianmen array and lurk to his side, which shows that the method is powerful. Later, the monster hit the virtual world and almost fainted. Xi felt the existence of the virtual world. In its opinion, Zhou Cheng did nothing and flew the monster out without even sending a trace of mana. Therefore, Xi involuntarily regarded Zhou Cheng as a very terrible opponent and took 12 points of energy to deal with it.

In fact, Zhou Cheng is not a master at this time. It can be said that he is completely a harmless guy. If there is no virtual world, I'm afraid he can't even move it. Not to mention tearing and killing people.

Xi saw that Zhou Cheng, who had fallen into the chain of vitality and lost his body, was still a little worried. It released its mana into the magic circle to strengthen the power of the magic circle. And began to mobilize other wonderful uses of the array.

After receiving Xi's mana, the Tianmen array immediately became bright. A moment later, many boulders appeared in this light. These boulders seem to be placed randomly around Zhou Cheng, but in fact, these boulders have specific rules and uses.

These boulders are one of the most powerful uses in Tianmen: these transformed boulders form a huge magic array, a magic array made of boulders. Falling into this magic array is like walking into an endless maze, either using magical power to destroy the magic array in a way that can make huge profits, or find the right way to break the array, otherwise, it will be difficult to get out of this huge stone array.

In addition to trapping the enemy, the creatures who fall into the boulder will also face greater danger. You should know that the Stone Maze, as one of the most powerful uses in the Tianmen array, is not only so simple, but can only be described as dangerous.

Zhou Cheng is surrounded by vitality chains. Now he has no mana and can only rely on the function of the virtual world of his own destiny to protect himself. Therefore, even if he is eager to get rid of these chains, he can't move.

I don't know how long he has been deadlocked with these chains, and Zhou Cheng gradually became a little impatient. I don't have much time. If there is no accident, my head can only survive, and then it will be born out of life. Now, although I have obtained the secret method inherited from the giant, the method of refining the body in it can help me enhance my vitality and prolong the survival time of the head, but it will not be too long. It will be about a month at most.

Zhou Cheng, who was rekindled with hope, felt a heaviness and urgency. Because he knew that he had to seize the time to find those alchemy materials to refine the elixir within a month. After refining the elixir and cooperating with the method of refining the body to completely restore his body, Zhou Cheng is really safe. If you can't complete these within a month, you will still die.

"In a month, we need to find seven, seven or forty-nine materials and refine them into elixirs. This is too difficult, even impossible to accomplish.

Zhou Cheng deeply knows his situation at this time: he has no magic power, so he can't use spells and magic powers. And those materials are not common. If you really look for them one by one, I'm afraid they can't be completed in a month, not even a year. The only way to find these materials is to go to the gathering place of insects and beasts to plunder as Zhou Cheng thought before.

Although this is not a good way, it is indeed the only way. Because Zhou Cheng doesn't have so much time to find materials slowly, he has to take risks and choose this most dangerous method.

Let's not talk about whether Zhou Cheng can plunder enough materials like this. Even if he has obtained those materials, there are more serious problems later. Zhou Cheng is not good at refining drugs, and even has never had such experience, so he has little hope of refining the elixir that can help the reorganization of the body.

Take a step back, even if Zhou Cheng has this ability, don't forget that refining medicine, like sacrificial weapons, also needs to be operated by practitioners, and requires magical power and manpower. Zhou Cheng's mana ruler is lost and his magic power is gone. Even if there are materials and can be refined, he can't really operate it.

"Daw! Yes, even if I have those materials, how can I refine them into elixirs? Refining medicine requires mana. If I want to recover mana, I have to restore my body first. But it's the elixir to restore the body. In this way, it is impossible for me to refine this elixir.

Zhou Cheng suddenly realized why the giant told Xi immediately after getting the inheritance information, because the giant faced the same problem as Zhou Cheng, that is, the giant did not have the ability to refine the elixir, so he could only tell Xi the inheritance information and use Xi's power to complete this vital thing.

The giant told Xi the inheritance information he got, on the one hand, because he had to use the power of the other party to complete the refining of the elixir, and on the other hand, because they have been together for many years, the two have a deep understanding and can fully trust each other. Otherwise, the giant would never reveal the method of physical reorganization without hesitation.

In the inheritance of this physical reorganization, there are not only many kinds of refining elixir, but also an incredible method of refining the body. Perhaps the part of refining medicine can't attract all practitioners, but the method of refining the body behind it can definitely attract any practitioner to go crazy.

The two more important parts can be combined to achieve the magic effect of physical reorganization. But for all practitioners, which one will not encounter danger and which one will not suffer all kinds of harm. All of these will cause great harm to the flesh of practitioners.

Before reaching the yuanshen period, any practitioner must rely on the body, and if the body is destroyed, he will die. Even if the practitioners of the Yuanshen period have got rid of the limitations of the body to a certain extent, they can't live without the body, but have more ability to change weight. Only practitioners in the Yangshen realm can truly get rid of the shackles of the body and no longer rely on the body.

Before reaching the Yangshen, the restorer's body will be destroyed or damaged, and if it is less damaged, it will die directly. Therefore, this magical method that can reorganize the body is so important. Even a magic weapon cannot be compared with this inheritance of the secret method, because it can save lives and give practitioners more opportunities to achieve immortality and eternity. This is more important than anything else. The magic weapon is just strength and magic power, which is not comparable to an opportunity.

How can Zhou Cheng be willing to give up like this? He knew that this was his only chance. If he abandoned it, the end would only be death, complete death, falling into eternal darkness and sinking into the time and space of the past.

"No, I'm not willing. I am absolutely unwilling. Since I can encounter this opportunity, I must seize it. I won't die!"

Like a gambler on the end of the road, Zhou Cheng began to have red eyes. He roared in his heart, and his spirit and soul began to boil.

The virtual world is closely related to Zhou Cheng's spirit. His soul changes, and of course, the virtual world will become violent. The power of the virtual world suddenly became thousands of times stronger, and in an instant, it tore the chain of vitality around Zhou Cheng tore it inch by inch, and turned it into a stream of vitality scattered into the surrounding space, bringing a gust of wind.