
Chapter 188 Wonderland

Breaking free from the shackles of the chain of vitality, Zhou Cheng found himself in a vast wilderness, which was really grassless, yellow sand was everywhere, and a violent sandstorm wandering in four pieces. In addition, there are countless strange rocks erected in the wilderness.

"What is this place? Why did I suddenly come here?

In this crooked wilderness, Zhou Cheng gently hit a boulder but felt a dull pain in his head.

"Impossible. I must have been trapped by monsters with comic arrays again. These things must be illusions, but these illusions are too real, as if they are real. What a smart illusion. What a magic array!"

Although Zhou Cheng has lost his spells and magical power, even his soul is extremely weak, so he can only observe everything in front of him with his naked eyes. There is no way to find a flaw with the naked eye, but Zhou Cheng knows very well that these scenes in front of him will never be real.

Since he knows that these are illusions in front of him, and he has a virtual world to protect himself and is not afraid of being hurt, Zhou Cheng walks into this illusion unscrupulously and never thought about whether there is murder in it.

The virtual world flies in this illusion with Zhou Cheng. Although the speed is not fast, it will never be too slow. However, after flying for a long time, he still failed to get out of the scope of this illusion.

Xi's eyes flashed, staring at the head that fell into the Tianmen array. The head was surrounded by some layers of psychedelic light, and there were many magical boulders around the head that seemed to be randomly piled up. There was a faint halo on these boulders, which were combined into a formation that trapped the head in.

The head flew quickly in this boulder, but it could not break through the blockade of the boulder, just walked between the boulder and circled one after another.

Seeing this, Xi couldn't help but be a little confused. It is absolutely extremely difficult to deal with this strange head, but from the current situation, it seems that there is nothing special about this head, and even an illusion can't be seen through.

Although the illusion of the Tianmen array is extremely real, it is extremely difficult for ordinary practitioners to see through, let alone break through the array. However, since this head can quietly touch the cave, how can it not even see a flaw?

Xi does not believe that this head can break through the Tianmen array, but he thinks that this head should be able to see through this illusion and then break the array with huge profits. And this is exactly what Xi wants to see. This Stonehenge can not only trap the enemy, but also have terrible lethality.

Once the practitioner who falls into this magic array uses huge profits to crack it, the power of the whole magic array will be activated. The attack method of this magic array is not magical, but very simple, that is, there will be a phenomenon of meteorite pressing the top: the phantoms in the magic array will become meteorites falling from the sky, and with endless flames and terrible impact will directly crush all the creatures falling into the array to death.

Although those boulders are just transformed from magic arrays, they think that these boulders have no power at all. On the contrary, these boulders transformed with vitality are more horrible than real stones. They operate much faster and more flexibly than real stones. Although they have little weight, after being hit by them, these vitality-reinated boulders will turn their own vitality into powerful forces.

If you use a real boulder to deal with the master of practice, it is tantamount to finding your own death and living impatiently. Practitioners, even those who can't fly, are flexible and extremely quick to react. If you want to hit them with a big stone, the possibility is extremely low.

In fact, even if a boulder can hit the repairer, it is estimated that it will not hurt them. The boulder is not a magic weapon, and can only rely on its weight to hurt the enemy. And a stone, even a big stone, does not pose any threat to practitioners. As long as they use their best to protect their bodies, the stone can't bring them much harm at all.

But this Stonehenge is completely different. The boulders in this magic array are not real stones, but things that extract vitality from the void, which can be regarded as special spells. Therefore, neither the speed nor the spirituality nor the power of the attack should be underestimated.

Of course, the most important thing is the magic weapons used to deploy this magic array: 9981 Tianmen array forms a complete set of magic weapons.

If this is the power of light theory, I'm afraid that even a magic weapon cannot be compared with this set of magic weapons consisting of up to 81 magic weapons. However, although this set of magic weapons is powerful, the use limit is not small, and it is difficult to destroy. Generally, this magic weapon can only be used to evolve into a magic array to fight against the enemy, not as flexibly as a magic weapon.

What will happen if two practitioners of the same realm meet, one with a magic weapon and the other with this set of magic weapons? It depends on under what circumstances they met. If the two meet inadvertently and there is a conflict, the practitioner with magic weapons will definitely take advantage and can easily win.

However, if the practitioner with a complete set of magic weapons has evolved the magic weapon into a magic array, the practitioner with magic weapons may not only not win, but also have great danger. Although the power of the magic weapon is great, the power of the set of magic weapons will be extremely powerful after the transformation of the magic weapon, while the power of the magic weapon will, on the contrary, will be dispersed into many parts, and the power will plummet, which cannot threaten the magic array evolved by this set of magic weapons.

Xi is very clear about these. It has studied for many years after accidentally discovering the secret method of sacrificing this set of magic weapons, and knows everything about this magic array very well.

It is with this set of magic weapons that Xi can build her own tribe in this dangerous underground world. It is with this set of magic weapons that Xi has become a master of the powerful side in the underground world. If it were not strong enough, I'm afraid that even if Xi established his own tribe, it would have been destroyed by the holy clan or other forces.

If it hadn't been for the destruction of Xi's tribe being attacked by another tribe not long ago, its confidence would have been greatly damaged, and it would not have been so cautious, let alone regarded Zhou Cheng so highly.

However, when Xi observed for a moment, he found that Zhou Cheng really couldn't even see the flaw of this illusion, and then gradually relieved.

"This head can't even see the illusion, which shows that it will never be powerful. It may be an accident that it can dive into this cave. No, maybe this head was really powerful, so it could quietly enter the cave, but now it must have been seriously injured, so it can't see through the illusion.

Xi has guessed the truth of the facts. Even if it is not completely correct, it is not far from each other. Thinking of this, a trace of excitement suddenly flashed in Xi's eyes.

"No matter what this guy is, he only has one head left to survive. It can be seen that this thing is definitely not an ordinary creature. Watts is a powerful giant, but he can't survive without losing his lower body. This thing is still alive well with its head, so it will be very good if it can be swallowed down!"

Xi did not jump directly. Although it has been confirmed that Zhou Cheng will not pose any threat to him, it is still a little uncertain about Zhou Cheng's details.

It is not too difficult to kill a practitioner, but it is somewhat dangerous to devour a practitioner to increase his strength. The creatures in the underground world are very cautious. If they are not completely sure, how can Xi take risks to try? If it can't be swallowed, but it is damaged, then it will be sad.

The Stonehenge besieged by Zhou Cheng suddenly changed under the control of Xi. While flying quickly, Zhou Cheng must find that the air around him seemed to suddenly freeze, and the transformed wilderness suddenly quieted down. The sandstorms disappeared out of thin air, and there was not even a trace of wind on the whole wasteland.

"No, the monster must have manipulated the magic array and began to attack me. Damn, although this attack is unlikely to break through the protection of the virtual world, when will I get out of here? There is only one month, and I don't have time to spend here.