ghost monk

Chapter 6 Yin and Yang Mixed Skills

Chapter 6 Yin and Yang Mixed Skills

The mysterious cave is peaceful. Except for a few drops of water dripping from time to time, everything has become calm and strange. Wenshan has woken up and quietly relied on the bluestone platform.

The opposite stone wall lacks the original strange words, making the originally bright cave a little dim, but there will still be bright light on the top of the cave and other stone walls, making the whole cave extremely strange.

Wenshan's whole body is no longer painful. He is familiar with the changes brought to him by those strange words. As soon as he closes his eyes, he sees a fist-sized light ball floating in his mind. At this time, he looks very quiet and not as grumpy as when he first entered Wenshan's head. This photosphere is very strange. Wenshan can only feel its existence except to feel it with his own spirit. If you don't touch it, it is like an invisible transparent object and can be ignored directly. Except for Wenshan, if someone else enters Wenshan's mind with spiritual thoughts or energy to visit, the text light ball is absolutely impossible to be found.

This photosphere contains devastating power. Wenshan feels that if he rushes out of his mind and releases his energy on a large scale, the whole cave will be destroyed, and even affect the water source channel at the top of the cave.

Why did I not die when I was clicked by these text light, but also entered my mind and condensed into a fist-sized light mass? Wenshan is also puzzled.

In particular, as long as Wenshan uses his own spirit to feel it, immediately in the depths of his eyebrows, a small ball with a light green halo will emerge, and every light point of the ball is faintly written.

This photosphere will make a solemn sound, shaking his mind and buzzing. But others can't hear it, which is purely mental fluctuation.

The sound is twelve words.

"All laws of heaven and earth seek the coordination of yin and yang!"

With the middle of the eyebrows, the light ball kept passing these twelve words, and Wenshan also slowly tried to communicate with this light green light ball with his thoughts.

The light green light ball fell directly from the wall and entered his eyebrows, like a fairy, always giving Wenshan a mysterious, vast, infinite and irresistible feeling.

And for the person who wrote these handwritings, the self-creator of Guangtuan, this is a powerful existence and absolutely invincible master!

Even more powerful than Hou Yulin, who abolished its meridians with one move. Hou Yulin is a master who can release his energy and has reached the "real state of gathering energy". He stepped into the "gas gathering state" step by step, turning his hands over the clouds and turning his hands into rain, holding power, holding life and death, and power is powerful, but the pressure is far less than his eyebrows. The light green light ball. So far, Wenshan has never seen anyone whose pressure can be so powerful. It's really horrible. But it seems a little incomprehensible that the photosphere with such a strong pressure is encased in his mind.

Pressure, an aura at the spiritual level, the special power of the soul.


At the moment when he communicated with the pale green light mass, the light mass suddenly separated several text light spots, separated from the light mass alone, and entered his sea of knowledge. This time, there was no bao movement phenomenon, which seemed very peaceful. It entered the source of his soul and slowly merged. After a while, he felt that his spirit was stunned, his spiritual thoughts seemed to have become a little stronger, and a very unique explanation of martial arts and ghost cultivation appeared in his memory.

"At the beginning of heaven and earth, all things have spirits, and all things are divided into yin and yang, one yin and one yang, all kinds of coordination. The human body is yang, the soul is yin, the soul is divided into soul and soul, the soul is yin, the soul is yang, and the soul is mysterious.

Those who cultivate themselves, as martial arts practitioners, cultivate their flesh and blood. If you want to make the body and blood vigorous and the yang qi swim around the whole body, you must be united with the spirit and flesh all the time. Over time, the soul and soul are completely united. Although the soul is powerful, it can no longer come out of the shell. The body and soul are united to achieve the Mahayana of martial arts. However, such a person is still horrible. He raises his hands, spreads his whole body, and reacts sensitively. As soon as his thoughts move, within a few feet, killing people are like turning over his hands.

And ghost practitioners often come out of their souls and travel around the world, and their bodies are always divided into two extremes of yin and yang, which cannot be integrated. However, those who have the power they have can also shake the sky and earth, which is no worse than martial arts practitioners, and they have endless methods of soul. Compared with martial arts, the two really need to compete with each other. Distinguish who is good and who is bad

Ghost practitioners, yin and yang transformation, soul exchange, spirit and flesh, have thousands of ghost skills, reverse Kunyuan, between life and death, kill ghosts.

Ghost practitioners pay attention to the cultivation of the soul. In terms of realm, it can be divided into the stage of out-of-body manifestation, the realm of ghost king, the realm of ghost emperor, the realm of ghost saint, the realm of ghost emperor, and the legendary ghost fairyland, which corresponds to the realm of martial arts. Every time a martial arts practicer crosses a stage, there is a life and death barrier, which not only breaks through the realm for a living, but also dies, which is very dangerous. No one dares to touch the barrier of life and death until it is fully grasped. But the difference is that ghost practitioners separate yin and yang and gather yin qi in the soul, which breaks the natural routine. Every time they cross a realm, they will be punished by thunder and between life and death.

The ghost practitioners are also called thunder robbery masters. After suffering a heavy thunder disaster, they reach the realm of the ghost king. After suffering double thunder disasters, they reach the realm of the ghost emperor. The triple thunder robbery becomes the first level of the ghost saint, the fourth is the middle level of the ghost saint, the fifth is the higher level of the ghost saint, and the sixth is the emperor.

In the stage of the ghost emperor, the person who breaks through the six thunder robbers is the first level of the ghost emperor. After the seven thunder robbery, he is the middle level of the ghost emperor. The eight thunder robbery becomes the high level of the ghost emperor. Only by breaking through the nine thunder robbery and reaching the 99th level, that is the real master of the ghost world, reaching the realm of ghost immortals, corresponding to the reincarnation realm of martial arts.

In fact, if a monk wants to step into the realm of immortality and fall into immortal reincarnation, he is destined to fight with heaven and break nature.

But heaven and earth are natural, indoing nothing, and so is the way of heaven and earth. Those who practice martial arts but do not cultivate the soul, and those who practice ghosts but do not practice the body are all the art of small paths, which is not desirable and embarrassing to achieve the road, let alone set foot in the realm of life and death and turn the law of reincarnation.

Heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang, and heaven and earth are not divided. ( Everything is divided into yin and yang, but the development of everything pays attention to the coordination of yin and yang, regardless of yin and yang.)

In today's world, many martial arts geniuses step into the realm of longevity when they are full of blood and vitality for a long time, but if they want to take another step and turn into the realm of reincarnation, they are like rabbits fighting tigers. Throughout their lives, they can only slowly age in the long river of time. And those who only practice ghosts and Taoism only want to become a generation of ghosts and immortals, and do not enter the reincarnation of life and death, just like picking stars and taking the moon.

Those who practice truth pay attention to the way of nature and the coordination of yin and yang. If you want to see through life and death, you must practice martial arts and ghosts.

Immediately after that, another memory entered the sea of knowledge in Wenshan, which was actually a skill of cultivation.

The mixed realm of yin and yang.

"The mixed realm of yin and yang, cultivate the soul, exercise the body, adjust the yin and yang, make the body and soul rotate with each other, the soul and soul rotate with each other, and the body soul together, and turn Kunyuan. Kill ghosts and souls, in one thought..."

This skill text entered Wenshan's idea, which made him almost jump. He has never heard of ghost cultivation and ghost Tao in the Shen family, let alone yin and yang... But one thing he understands is that he is likely to... regain a lot of strength, even stronger than before.

"What kind of skill is this? So smart! It turns out that there is something called soul in my body, that is, my own spirit. My own spirit can condense into a body, which has great power. Not only that, this set of skills also has the method of physical practice, and the method of exercise is more than a thousand times higher than the skills I practiced in the Shen family!"

The physical exercise method of the Shen family is also very smart. Shen Huaiyuan, the head of the Shen family, has also reached the stage of physical change of blood. The strong man of martial arts is a first-class master in the huge capital.

"As long as you start martial arts practice, you must always combine spirit and flesh, soul and soul, which will not delay the cultivation of the soul. If you want to become a master of a generation, you have to separate the soul from the body first, and then cultivate the body. Fortunately, I have abolished all my meridians, and my original physical body, qi and blood have been exhausted, and now I have become a real waste. So doesn't it mean that you can fully start the cultivation of the soul now? Wenshan thought about it in his mind.

In fact, he is not an idiot, but a very talented young talent. He has read many classics. Originally, his cultivation was not bad, and he was about to enter the realm of four stages of "refinement". That was the first small watershed on martial arts. After the breakthrough, he became a young master in the Holy Capital. It's a pity. Trapped by feelings...

His insight is not shallow.

This skill obtained from the words in the wall is completely different from ordinary practice. Generally, it only focuses on martial arts, and there are not too many soul cultivation. On the Qianlong Continent, it is estimated that there are only a few methods of soul cultivation that can have, and I'm afraid there are no more comprehensive methods at all.

In this yin and yang mixed realm martial arts, there are thousands of ways to record the cultivation of the divine soul. After all, the cultivation of the divine soul is not easy, and compared with martial arts, it must be difficult. Among them, the fastest way to record is to devours the souls of others, some devouring the origin of other people's souls, and some directly devouring the souls of others (after all, other people's souls have thoughts and retain alien soul breaths, such as ghosts, evil spirits, blood gas, resentment, etc. If these souls with impurities are directly devoured, their own souls It will be more or less affected, making your soul strong and impure, and sooner or later you will face the possibility of being swallowed up by a soul. Even if it is not swallowed up by a soul, the heart of cultivation will be affected and changed. In the end, it will be difficult to become a road. If your soul is not very strong, it is best not to directly devour other people's souls. You should deprive others of their original ideas, purify other people's souls, and make their souls pure.

Of course, the only benefit of directly devouring other people's souls is to have other people's memories, practice experience and martial arts.

Wenshan is not afraid to directly devour other people's souls, because there is a record of how to purify the soul in the mixed realm of yin and yang. The ghost fire can directly refine the resentment and evil spirit of other people's souls, and can be remembered by others. This is a rare thing.