ghost monk

Chapter 7 Soul Ring

Chapter 7 Soul Ring

In addition to the fastest way to practice the soul, there is also a set of safest methods, which is to meditate, constantly visualize, and exercise your soul. There is also a way to practice soul attack, which is also a good way to exercise the soul. As for other things, use needles to stimulate acupuncture points, use your own flesh and blood to make up for the soul power; integrate the wish power of all sentient beings into the soul and strengthen your soul; the method of soul and soul to rest, etc.

It can be said that there are thousands of Taoism methods, each with its own strengths, good and evil, which is difficult to distinguish. However, Taoism is natural, and monks should follow the way of nature, not destroy human nature, and do everything that is harmful to heaven and people. Everything should follow your own heart and choose the method of practicing Taoism that suits you, which is the most effective and useful method.

As for the text on the wall, Wenshan can be sure that it was written by the predecessor master with his soul, and kept the memory of martial arts in the soul and engraved on the wall for a long time. From this aspect, we can see how strong the seniors are. But is it so easy for such a strong person to escape death and seize his life with heaven for eternal life?

For the current stage, Wenshan's soul cultivation only needs to constantly devour the light green light spots in his mind. On the one hand, it can involve a lot of knowledge, and on the other hand, it can exercise his soul, and the light green light ball does not reject itself.

But the strange thing is that it is not possible for his soul to devour this photosphere. It is not so easy to catch this photosphere and deprive part of the light point of the light sphere. It is very soul-intensive. With his current ability, he can swallow the text of this photosphere. Light spot, but a very small part. If you want to swallow and digest all the soul balls in your mind, I don't know how long it will take. At that time, what kind of strength will you have?

After Wenshan chased the pale green light ball for a period of time, he had to give up until he couldn't catch up. It seems that only after your soul power becomes stronger can you continue to devour it. And if you want to make your soul stronger, you have to think of other ways.

At this time, Wenshan has an urgent idea in his heart, which is to see how far his soul cultivation has grown. See if your soul can be separated from the body and reach the ability of the soul out of the body.

Wenshan suddenly calmed down, condensed, and let his thoughts focus on rushing out, but what on earth should he do? How can I get my soul out of my mind? At this time, Wenshan recalled the memory absorbed by the light spots of words and explored the way out of his mind.

Is that it? Calm down, concentrate, concentrate, the feeling of jumping out, and get out of the body...

The feeling of jumping? Is it the feeling of floating when I fell off the cliff when I was thrown down by the Shen family slave?

I'm afraid Wenshan will never forget the feeling of jumping off a cliff or being thrown off the cliff for the first time in his life! Wenshan's heart suddenly calmed down, quietly, waiting, and jumping gently... Yes, gently jumping!

buzz! Buzz! Buzz...

At this time, the body is no longer the original body.

Just as soon as this thought jumped and fell off the cliff in his mind, the feeling suddenly surged into his heart. Wenshan suddenly felt that his body was light, as if it was floating gently. The scenery in front of us is still the scenery. In front of it is still a stone wall that has lost its words, behind it is still a bluestone platform, and the whole person is still in this mysterious cave.

But the only difference is!

Wenshan saw his body and body!

To be precise, his whole body was light, floating on his head without any weight, and he saw his body.

My body's breathing was weak, and my eyes were closed, as if I was asleep and fainted.

"My soul is gone!" This feeling is very mysterious and ethereal. It's unbelievable.

An idea rose in Wenshan's heart. Obviously, the soul is an invisible and unquality idea.

Take a look.

The shadow illuminated by the faint brightness around me looks very illusory.

is still in the tangible and intangible stage, and there is still a long way to go before the materialization of your soul.

At this time, Wenshan's soul suddenly floated and rotated around his body. At the same time, he expanded the scope of soul movement to see how far his soul was from him at most and what the limit was.

Slowly and carefully, the soul is slowly drifting away. When drifting ten feet away from the body, Wenshan suddenly stopped, as if he had reached his limit...

Wow! Whoo!

Wenshan's soul feels that his mind seems to be out of breath, or seriously deficient in oxygen. Of course, this is just a feeling. A metaphor, the soul does not need to breathe.

It seems that I haven't reached the ability to travel thousands of miles a day and thousands of miles at night. The reason why the night tour is farther than the day tour is because the soul is yin, the sun is yang, and the soul itself is difficult to walk in the sun. Only the strong man who survives a thunderstorm and reaches the realm of the ghost king can get out of his soul in broad daylight.

Immediately after, Wenshan used his soul to carry stones.

First, it transported small pieces, about half a catty, followed by one catty, two catties... When carrying ten catties of objects, Wenshan obviously felt difficult, so he gave up continuing to carry stones that increased weight. Then, the soul also eagerly returned to its body. When it returned to its body, it felt a feeling of emptiness, tiredness, powerless and extremely poor mental state.

In fact, it is very difficult to use the soul. For the soul to get out of the body, the stronger the body, the soul can come out of the shell for a longer time. For a body like Wenshan himself, if the soul comes out of the shell for a long time, the body will gradually weaken. If you come out of the shell for a day or two, your body will die of thirst and starvation, and you will get a serious illness if you don't die.

Wenshan's face was depressed and sat cross-legged to start the meditation on the mixed realm of yin and yang. Under the effect of meditation, the feeling of Wenshan's soul weakness is constantly recovering. It seems that meditation is really a good method.

Gradually, I don't know how long it took. When he heard the sound of "goo, coo..." again, Wenshan woke up from the closed state. At this time, his mental state was excellent. At this stage of closed meditation, Wenshan obviously felt that his mental state had become a little stronger. Before Wenshan closed his eyes and meditated, his whole person was in that kind of half-dead and dying state, but now he seems to be fierce and recovering his spirit, although there are still scars, hunger and physical fatigue all over his body.

At this time, Wenshan's eyes were shining in the dark cave. Under the operation of the soul, some dark squares appeared, and even the grooves, bumps and lines on the wall could be clearly seen.

Even in his ears, he can accurately capture the sound of ripples on the surface of the water in the groove of the ground a hundred steps away.

I heard the sound of water waves.

The eyes and ears are more than ten times smarter than before, and the potential of the body has been completely developed.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the good spirit that the feeling of hunger is more obvious. That feeling of panic stimulates the cerebral cortex, as if you don't eat some physical objects, your internal organs will be exhausted. Thinking of this, your breathing is not smooth and very uncomfortable.

Wenshan's current idea is to quickly find food, or find a way out and go directly to the outside of the skeletal cliff. Although his spirit is relatively strong now and his soul can be out of his body, he is not arrogant enough to cross the cliff, which is a lifeless move.

Standing up slowly from the ground, your vision is much wider, and you can observe the whole cave carefully. Because the soul has become stronger and the eyes and ears have become smarter, it is easier to see the things around you. Some subtleties that were not observed when they came in before were also noticed by Wenshan. In the observation, one of the very important points is that there is still a sound of water dripping in the tunnel on the right side of the cave. Like the whole cave, there are some drops of water dripping from the top. It seems that I have been at the bottom of a river and have not yet gone out, which proves that the river is very long.

Judging from the experience of living in Wenshan, for understanding the rivers around Shengjing City, the river is so wide that it can only be surrounded by the ancient moon river of Shengjing City. The Guyue River is semicircular, surrounding the north, northeast and east of the capital. This river has become a natural moat, and it is very wide and boundless. Its water is fresh, drinkable and sweet. The water used by users in various restaurants in the whole capital is this river. Therefore, the protection of this river is extremely important, and even the city lord's government has issued many policies to protect the river.


At this moment, Wenshan turned his eyes to the bluestone platform in front of him. There was a green light on the platform. A human-shaped skeleton sat in the shape and sat there quietly. Presumably sitting on it was the owner of the whole cave. Wenshan's attention is not the skeleton, nor the bluestone platform, but a ring worn on the left index finger of the skeleton, covering the pale green light of the whole bluestone platform, which comes from this ring.

This ring is very strange. When Wenshan's soul scanned the whole bluestone platform, he did not notice the existence of the ring, as if it was transparent, but with Wenshan's current vision, it did look real, but if you use the soul to scan, you can't find it. It's simply a very magical object. It seems that if there are two treasures in the whole cave, this ring is the second treasure.

If you guess correctly, the ring in front of you is the legendary space ring, and it is a rare soul space ring (which can absorb the existence of other people's souls and can be released at critical times, and can ensure the integrity of the soul. That is to say, after the soul leaves the body, it hides in this soul ring for a long time to ensure that its soul will not be damaged and perish.)

Of course, these are all things that Wenshan knew after absorbing the words on the wall. The use of this soul ring is extraordinary.