ghost monk

Chapter 20 Do it

Chapter 20

If we pull our eyes closer, we will find that this person is the demon pupil who has just been scared away and fled.

In fact, the demon pupil just did not go far, but ran to a gentle slope a hundred miles away and stopped to see the specific situation here. This is also the reason why he didn't tell Su Hongli and others how powerful the mysterious master was in front of him. He just wanted to watch the behavior of Su Hongli and others. He believed that Su Hongli and others must not want to leave. It is likely that he will choose to fight with the Shen family, and then he can look at the situation and wait for the opportunity.

In the face of what happened just now, he also wondered who this mysterious master was, at least the dull teenager just now. He also thought that today's whole thing was a scam. The purpose of the mysterious man who just made that sound was to scare himself away and save the group of people of the Shen family. He didn't have any masters at all. Is that sound just? It's really like what Su Hongli said about the Jianghu trick of fooling around everyone. There is also a situation that the teenager is likely to be the son of a rich family. In order to protect his safety, his elders have left a wisp of thoughts on the teenager to cope with the unavoidable scene in front of him!

As for the mysterious man who didn't even show his face and left like this before he had a fight, he was a little unwilling. He always held such a trace of luck and was ready to lurk down. If there is a advantage, it's not too late to take action.

Besides, if Su Hongli and others really destroyed the group of the Shen family, and lied about the information when they went back to face the three Jiang, then they would die miserably. They still knew the cruel methods of their own sect, and there was a chill all over their body.

However, just as he was ready to watch the next situation develop with a good attitude, the trembling idea once again reached his mind. At this time, he finally overturned the previous doubts and illusions and immediately fled. He didn't want to be targeted by such a powerful enemy. . Because that idea just now can reach him a hundred miles away, which can show that this person has cultivated the supreme skill to the realm of gathering energy.

And the kind of great power he has just heard, as if it is called 'thousand-mile lock soul', a kind of soul that can lock someone's soul within thousands of miles, making it difficult for this person to fly, unable to escape, and life and death will be in their own hands.

In the face of such a great power, he is really afraid of demon pupils. He knows that the strong man's temper is very strange. He has let him go, and he still hides here to take advantage of it. This behavior is more serious than jumping up directly to challenge his predecessors. He is challenging the dignity of the strong man and is challenging. The face of the strong is as important as life for those strong people. After seeing the mysterious man's ability to lock the soul for thousands of miles, he ran away. He no longer doubted whether it was true or not. For him at this time, he just hoped that Su Hongli, the eyesight guys, would delay the mysterious man for a while, so as to leave him enough time to escape, so that he could escape, at least as far as He went to Su's house to inform Jiang three people.

"Arrogant boy, if it weren't just because of your sneak attack, how could you repel me? Besides, we are here. However, there are more than a dozen people, all of whom are dead soldiers of our Su family. Their cultivation is in five and six stages, and the strength of warriors and martial arts masters! Those car drivers behind your boy are not enough. Wenshan's dull appearance matched with the disdainful idea just now, but it made Su Hongli's anger suddenly rise and laugh angrily.

For Su Hongli, although his strength has not improved much over the years, his status in the Su family has not wavered at all. After all, Wuzong's cultivation is not small. At least he can walk horizontally in this small place of Shengjing City. Coupled with the strength and status of the Su family in Shengjing, it is the so-called a person. It depends not only on the actual strength, but also on its *. As the saying goes, the water rises and the boat rises! No one has dared to insult and underestimate him like this for many years.

"You are like an ant in my eyes, and you dare to be manic in front of me. Come with me... Look at that eye-catching thing that dares to block my way."

This voice is no longer as sarcastic and insulting as before, but only a kind of self-confidence, which gives the Shen family self-confidence.

Just after the end of this sound, Wenshan, who had been there with no expression, finally moved and walked forward step by step. His action was not very fast, but it was not too slow. Every step gives people a kind of pressure, and a kind of aura surrounds Wenshan.

Hearing this, Shen Bing was stunned, and his face was very strange. For Shen Bing today, there are too many things to face. What he is most curious about is Wen Shan's identity, or the relationship between Wen Shan and the mysterious man. In her stunnedness, Wenshan in front of her was already stepping forward slowly. No longer waiting for their reaction.

Looking at the strong back in an ordinary linen shirt, Shen Bing suddenly felt an inexplicable confidence and sense of security emerging from her heart, and her trust in the man in front of her suddenly doubled. She never thought that the strength of the man casually rescued by Scar had reached the strength of Wuzong, which was simply day by day compared with herself. Immediately, he bit his silver teeth, and the jade hand waved like this and shouted gently, "Listen to everyone in the Shen family, pack up and follow up!"

After saying this, the carmen had already quickly packed up the things around them, pushed the vehicles, and moved slowly. Then in this strange atmosphere, they followed Wenshan slowly. The big man around the convoy and the second Miss Shen Bing clenched their palms and faintly appeared with a little sweat. In the face of the Su family's dead team led by Su Hong, the only thing they can rely on now is the strong back in front of them... They have a kind of gratitude for Wenshan walking in front of them, and at the same time, they feel extremely grateful for the fact that Wenshan was saved by the scar.

Su Hongli's face was gloomy and had that little anger at the same time. Looking at Wenshan who came slowly and the Shen family's convoy behind him, there was a faint murderous intention in his heart, which was too arrogant. Wenshan's behavior. Almost completely ignored them. Such an arrogant young man was really the first time he had seen in so many years that he turned a blind eye to himself and the dead men of the Su family.

However, due to the decisive withdrawal of the demon pupil and the mysterious voice, he has some fear in his heart. It is difficult for him to see the exact strength of Wenshan, but from the previous hand he repelled himself, he must also be a strong man of the seven-stage Wuzong. And the level may not be weaker than him.

For Su Hongli now, it's time to make a choice.

From the perspective of strength, the strongest strength of the other party is the young man Wenshan in front of him, seven-stage Wuzong; and Shen Bing, the second lady of the Shen family, six-stage martial artist. As for the guards behind them, the highest is Zheng Zhan, a five-stage martial artist who had just been defeated by him, but he was injured at this time; the rest of his strength did not exceed five-dan, all around four-stage. As for those big men, they are all below three-stage.

And on my side, I am the seven-stage martial arts master, and there are four six-stage martial arts masters and nine five-stage warrior masters. It can be said that for this operation, the Su family has sent the largest operation in history. These dead are the most precious resources in the family. Once used, it must be an extremely important event that is about to happen. So many of them acted, plus the eight-stage martial arts master demon pupil of the blood refining gate. The purpose is to prepare to catch Shen Bing, the second Miss Shen in front of them, so as to blackmail the Shen family and make Miss Shen Jie return home and kill her. This is an extremely important task of the family. For the sake of the Shen family, even if he dies, he will let this matter be completed smoothly. This is his guarantee to Shen Ningyi, the head of the Shen family, when he came.

'If there are only these superficial people, if the mysterious people don't take action, we can completely kill the Shen family here. As for the existence of the mysterious person and can't take action, what should I do? Anyway, all the people in the Shen family here today will not be able to leave alive. If you can't take Miss Shen away, then kill her. Su Hongli thought so, and there was a trace of fierceness in his eyes, and his face became beautiful. His fists were slowly clenched, and the 'squeaky' sound kept coming out. After a moment, a cold chill finally appeared in his eyes. He shouted angrily and said, "Kill!"

Hearing Su Hongli's shouting, more than a dozen shadow people behind him suddenly roared in unison, and a dead body actually spread. They tightly shook the weapon in their hands, brought a strong murderous atmosphere, and rushed away to the Shen family in the convoy.

Seeing the other party launch an attack, Song Dabao and others's faces also changed slightly, and they were also holding weapons tightly. Just as they were ready to meet, Wenshan in front of them slowly stopped, and immediately poked out their palms and held them gently! To the people behind him, he said lightly, "Everyone, step back. Such a battle is not something you can deal with. I'll just do it." At this time, Wenshan did not look as dull as before. His eyes turned quickly, and with a smile, he looked at Song Dabao, Scar and others. Finally, his eyes stayed on Shen Bing's face in front of him. At this time, there was a little delicate anger on her face.

With the grip of his palm, an invisible fluctuation quickly spread out, covering the many dark shadows full of murderousness, and the footsteps of those in black suddenly stopped.

While everyone was slightly stunned, Shen Bing behind finally moved first, dodged and rushed into the crowd.

Wenshan saw Shen Bing's performance, with a slight smile on his face, and looked at more than a dozen people in black besieging a woman in light green. To be precise, there are ten people in black, one with six-stage martial artistry, and the other nine are all five-stage warriors.