ghost monk

Chapter 21 Liwei

Chapter 21 Liwei

A fierce battle is taking place at the north gate of the capital, hundreds of miles north of the ancient moon river. Ten masked men in black are besieging a woman.

And the besieged woman, dressed in a light green Luoyi, holding a cyan sword, emitting a blue light. As her waist twisted, her jade arms waved freely and calmly without any panic.

This woman is Shen Bing, the second lady of the Shen family, who is vigorous and experienced.

Wenshan stopped and looked at more than a dozen people in black besieging Shen Bing. Looking at Shen Bing's beautiful posture of waving his sword, his heart seemed to be touched by something, and a desire for protection rose spontaneously... Wenshan shook his head slightly and stopped thinking much. He looked at Su Hongli and the other three who also stopped to watch. Wenshan, a master in black in the stage of martial arts, had a trace of disgust on Wenshan's resolute face, and the light flashed in his eyes. Just as he was preparing to act, the man in black who besieged Shen Bing quickly retreated and surrounded Shen Bing within a range of more than 20 meters. The retreat was blocked. The situation was very strange.

Wenshan's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and Su Hongli's old face had a little smile.


Suddenly, a dense * sound sounded, and with the shooting of a sharp arrow, the ten masters in black used weapons against Shen Bing. The arrows were ten feet long, and the tip of the arrow was sharp with a little curved arrow hook, which seemed very dangerous. The smooth sound of the spring click shows that these * are very new, followed by 'swish!' The sound of sharp arrows coming out of the crossbow began to sound endlessly.

"Breaking crossbows, destructive ordnance weapons used in large-scale wars." Wenshan was shocked when he saw this. The crossbow was actually an extremely powerful killer. When shot out, it could easily penetrate the skin of the master and penetrate into the muscles. Even the master in the six stages of bone refining could not resist. If the master of the seven stages of 'dirty refining' is not careful, he will also be injured. Even if Wenshan now has the strength to fight against the nine-stage 'blood-changing' stage martial arts master, his cultivation is still only the strength of the seven-stage 'dirty refining' stage, and he still can't let the body resist these broken crossbows. Of course, if Wenshan uses gas to release, he can also resist these crossbows by forming a faint strong armor on his body surface.

As for the eighth stage, the masters of the Wusheng stage of the ninth stage of Wuwang, their whole body muscles, meridians, skin membranes and even internal organs and blood are well exercised, so they can not be afraid of this kind of broken crossbow, but the eyes and other ** fragile places still need to be paid attention to.

The crossbows all over the sky, and the raindrops rushed towards Shen Bing, covering Shen Bing's whole body under the sharp arrows.

Seeing that Shen Bing had no way out under the big net of sharp arrows, and if he retreated again, he would be penetrated by the sharp arrow.

But 'Wo!'' Spros!'

A cyan sword light shot out of the sword, the small waist twisted rapidly, and the jade arm waved more quickly. The cyan sword in his hand trembled repeatedly, and the sword light gathered and did not disperse. For the trace of sword net, it condensed into a very lethal sword light, covering the space around his body, densely It is dense and continuous.

The whole river beach is actually shrouded in sword shadows.

A wide net of sword light suddenly unfolded, and each sword covered a range of two feet, bringing a strong wind, so that the sharp arrows shot around her were shot down one by one and broke into two, making her avoid the shooting of crossbows. The beaches on the ground were stirred by sharp and dense swords, and the sand grains turned into dust and leaped away.

This sword is so sharp that it is not ordinary.

"What is this? Silky Love Network! A superior martial arts of the Shen family turned the sword into a net, and his heart to the sword spread around like emotions, touching the surroundings and melting around. This dense sword net can be used to fight against many people at the same time, and temporarily make yourself invincible under siege. Wenshan was shocked. This secret love network is a sword trick that is difficult to learn. Even his own sword move in those years was not so coherent, let alone against the enemy on the spot.

At the same time, Wenshan also realized that the purpose of Shen Bing's use of this trick was to hint at himself and wait for his assistance.

'I didn't expect her to be so shrewd and measured everything.' Wenshan thought about it and moved his body.

At the moment when Wenshan moved, Su Hongli, who had been watching the play, and three other black clothes also moved together and surrounded Wenshan in the middle.

Then Su Hongli suddenly slapped and made his strongest blow, trying to solve Wenshan in the shortest time. Wenshan saw a strong palm and slapped himself. The palm drove the surrounding air and spread vigorously.

The strong airflow scraping surface is like cutting with a knife.

At the moment when Su Hongli took action, the other three black clothes also tacitly attacked Wenshan's back directly.

The enemy is fierce and should not be underestimated.

"Break and stand up!" Secretly, the whole body was full of strength. Wenshan directly used the killing move recorded in the supreme skill method, turning his hand into a cloud, turning his hand into the rain, the dragon flying in the blue sky, the tiger roaring in the earth, in the snake disk, overlapping shadows, a series of six styles, energetic flow and gathering, forming a humanoid shield around Wenshan, and completing the launch in the blink of an eye. The body rotated vigorously, and the huge aura suddenly exploded all over the body. At the same time, the momentum hung over the fists and collided with Su Hongli's palms. At the same time, it took the attack of three black clothes with the back, which aroused the yellow sand all over the sky.

The strong hands were bluntly repelled by Wenshan's fists with a strong strength, and an invisible momentum suddenly gushed out and poured into Su Hongli's body.

"What skills does this boy practice?" Su Hongli's strongest killing move was unexpectedly repelled in an instant, and was poured into his body by a nameless dark force. At this time, the meridians in his body were a little messy and broken. Fortunately, his muscles and bones were solid and his internal organs were not injured. "This boy's skills are only seven paragraphs, which are comparable to mine. How to fight against him is like he is oppressed. I'm afraid he has deeper internal strength than himself. He has such strength at a young age. He seems to be a genius of the young generation in the Holy Capital, but why haven't he heard when the Shen family has such a figure? In addition, how do I feel that there is a dark energy pouring into the body against this boy's palm, destroying the meridians, qi and blood in the body. What kind of technique is this?

In fact, Su Hongli estimated that it was actually the strength that poured into his body. A kind of energy that can only be produced by the master of gathering energy. Although the momentum generated by Wenshan is still relatively weak, it is enough for the master who deal with his physical realm. The body, bones and flesh of the master of the physical realm.

At this time, Su Hongli is ready to adjust his internal strength again and prepare to show another killing trick.

While Wenshan punched Su Hongli away, it also ushered in the attack of three other men in black.

The sound of "Rolling Stone Fist", "Thousand Mountain Palm" and "Inextreme Legs" from three aspects made the surrounding air shake.

The three men in black used their strongest killing moves in an attempt to kill Wenshan in the shortest time. Rolling stone fist, thousands of mountain palms, infinite legs, violent fist strength, palm strength, leg strength covered his body at the same time.

Wenshan once again exerted his strength, covering his whole body, forming a short-term armor. The energy emerged and covering the whole body, so that the attack on the fists, palms and legs was disintegrated.

"You dare!"

Faced with such a situation, Wenshan was angry and shouted at the three people in black.

Wenshan has never given the enemy any respite. His face became cold, and his murderous cold eyes were like substance. He shot out. His body quickly broke down and then the meritorious method broke out. He used his strength to stimulate his fists. His strength condensed on his fists, condensed into an iron ball twice the size of his fists, and bombarded the three people behind him repeatedly. After only a few breaths, he released his energy and punched hundreds of punches.


In an instant, three six martial masters were punched by Wenshan at the same time, flew upside down and floated into the distance. A mouthful of blood spewed out like cutting wheat, and fell down strangely... The blood spewed by them fell on the beach and dyed red every grain of sand on the ground. These three men in black, all six martial arts-level masters, were so unbearable. Under the first round of the battle with Wenshan, they flew back like a broken kite.

It looks very desolate to see the three people dying on the ground. The momentum poured into the bodies of the three of them, and the pain of the rupture of the meridians and the feeling of bones being scratched constantly impacted their brains, making them constantly wailing and struggling desperately on the ground. Some wanted to get up, but just as they fell to the ground, a big knife, quickly He ruthlessly cut off his neck, and his hand fell with a knife. It was very crisp. He cut three knives in a row and cut off three heads. This big sword is not a good knife. Generally, the martial arts used ordinary goods, but he solved the lives of three six-stage warrior masters, or ended the pain of these three people.

The big knife is like a blood knife, constantly drinking blood. The blood stretched along the handle of the knife and slowly dripped down. Under the moonlight, the blood drops looked a little active, integrated into the sand grains and moistened.

When the three bloody heads rolled at the feet of the man who held the knife high, the man's face showed a happy smile, and the already more grand face. With the appearance of the smile, the scar on his cheek became more vivid.

"Kid, you!" In an instant, three men in black were shot away, and Su Hongli's eyes were round and his face was incredible. He couldn't believe what he saw in his eyes. A seven-stage martial arts master, facing the attack of three six-stage martial arts masters, actually smashed the attack with one punch and defeated and wounded three six-stage martial arts masters. And it's just the first round of the match, so clean and neat. The teenager in front of him is so terrible and treats the enemy so fiercely. What a terrible enemy. Who is he?