ghost monk

Chapter 69 Changes

Chapter 69 Changes

If this is the case, the people in front of you who come to overcome the triple thunderstorm are bound to attract the attention of the giants in the sect, or the thunder pool space you are in must be in the attention of those giants, so won't the thunderstorm you have experienced be noticed by the giants of the sect?

Wenshan suddenly had a feeling that his strength was exposed. Once this feeling came to his mind, he could not stop him from thinking.

"In this thunderous space, there should be no giant's soul that can cover it! Not to mention being able to find this insignificant soul body in this thunderous space! It should not be noticed. Even if it is found, it will not be detected who it is? Wenshan muttered that it was also self-analysis.

In the stunned spirit of Wenshan, I saw that the thunder around the figure began to move on a large scale, and countless powerful heavenly ideas rushed to the weak figure like a tide, constantly hitting the figure, trying to use this powerful idea of heaven to make the body in front of him. Shadow assimilation is a part of heaven and earth.

In the face of the continuous turbulent attack frenzy of such a powerful idea of heaven, Wenshan was shocked. Not to mention whether he can resist, if ten Wenshan are involved in the edge of this frenzy, they will no longer exist. In the three layers of energy, it will actually cause such a crazy attack of the frenzy of heaven!

Wenshan opened his mouth wide and looked at the figure in front of him incredulously. For the figure in the triple thunderstorm area, Wenshan's soul sensed that it should be a woman, and she was very beautiful and should be a beautiful woman.

The formation of the soul is generally basically the same as its own body, or according to the appearance of the body. Wenshan's soul at this time was formed according to Wenshan's body. Now Wenshan has survived a thunder disaster, and the shape of his soul body has been fixed. Even if new ideas arise in the future, it will still be concentrated in Wenshan's soul body. When the more thunderstorms the soul body passes through, his formation will become more stable. In the end, when it reaches the realm of ghost saints, ghost emperors and even ghost immortals, people's soul body will be the same as their own master, and even their own soul body can participate in the battle with their own master and compete with martial arts practitioners together. This is the ghost cultivation. A powerful place. When the ghost cultivates to the ghost emperor and fights with people, it is equivalent to two people fighting against one person, one is the body and the other is the soul body.

In the blink of an eye, the wild thoughts of heaven were blown up against the shadow. The crackling sound made a great noise in the whole thunder pool space. Countless lightning gathered together and exploded, and the firelight suddenly rose to the sky, sweeping the surrounding gas layer, which is the edge of the thunder pool space of Wenshan. The edge is also involved in this fire.

Looking at the sudden rushing firelight, Wenshan's soul skill operated and constantly resisted the hot firelight. When this firelight hit Wenshan's body, a hot feeling rose in Wenshan's heart. In the firelight, there was a strong idea of heaven rising, constantly devouring and tearing Wenshan's body, trying to tear Wenshan's soul and trying to devour Wenshan's thoughts.

This sudden firelight, or electric light, contains the idea of heaven, which can not be compared with the idea of heaven on the edge of his. This terrible idea of heaven has a strong and vast spirit of justice, with a strong spirit of justice. The great power to suppress all evil, injustice and ghosts. Although this is only the aftermath of the idea of the three layers of heaven, and even the idea of the two layers of the sky, it is still very fierce for Wenshan, a small ghost king who has just survived a thunderstorm. Or it is not at all what ordinary ghost kings can fight against.

In this powerful light mass, Wenshan's soul, including the second hundred and one idea, all of them cracked in an instant and slowly were torn by this firelight.

Wenshan's consciousness fell into a blank. I don't know what's going on now. I can only watch my thoughts constantly disappear in this firelight.

In this powerful firelight, there are cold-blooded and ruthless thoughts, bloody cruel thoughts, great power of destruction, strong soul suppression power, and...

During the period when Wenshan fell into a coma, there was a text light ball constantly hovering under the thick cloud, constantly rolling up and down, as if it was being stared at by something, constantly anxious, as if to besiege Wenshan in the firelight, and also for... this group of words The light is constantly hovering, and I don't know what it is waiting for and what miracles to happen.

Just when Wenshan's soul was in trouble and lost, the shadow that was besieged by the more powerful idea of heaven and bombed by the more powerful idea of heaven actually began to be powerful.

"Hmm! Just rely on the soul storm to besiege me, just like devouring me, like assimilation me? This is a joke."

A cold hum came from the mouth of this shadow, and I saw that the shadow suddenly released its soul, and every powerful idea in the soul was wrapped in the soul power, constantly devouring the thoughts of heaven. It's just that the way she devours is different from Wenshan. Her thoughts were like soldiers, in twos and threes. When the ideas of the day rushed in, they began to become a trend of encirclement, trapping the thoughts of heaven in the middle, starting to tear from all around and begin to devour.

Every idea of this shadow is like a little devil, growing up with his own blood basin, constantly biting this heavenly idea, making a strange sound. The originally aggressive idea of heaven, in the continuous resistance of the soul idea of this mysterious powerful woman, was constantly swallowed up and besieged.

With the acceleration of the rhythm of the mysterious woman's devouring, the momentum of the idea of heaven, which is like a torrent, is constantly decreasing. Even the idea of heaven that later joined the torrent is constantly disappearing and being swallowed up and absorbed by the mysterious woman.

Time flies, but in the blink of an eye.

The Heavenly Mind Legion, which has just occupied the position of active attack, is indeed facing a continuous counterattack by the thoughts of the mysterious woman.

"Since you are here, don't run anymore! How can you escape such a big thing as today?

A cold voice came from the woman's mouth, with an irrefutable word, in which there was a strong murderous meaning.

When the mysterious woman finished saying this sentence, she saw that the woman's hands were opened and closed, forming a soul network like a spider's web-like soul organization between her hands, and captured the idea of heaven running around. In the process of her action, a simple little glowing green The bottle suddenly emerged from her soul body and floated to the center of the soul net. With this small bottle as the center, every tentacle of the soul net is more flexible, constantly capturing the idea of heaven running around in front of her. When the captured idea of heaven is constantly transported to this simple small bottle. I don't know what magic weapon this small bottle is, and I don't know how big this small bottle is. The idea of heaven constantly has been captured, and the powerful idea of heaven keeps sending it into this quaint bottle. This bottle did not make a sound, as if it had a natural suppression in the face of this point of heavenly idea.

In this three layers of energy, every idea can destroy the soul of the ordinary ghost king strongman. Even the aftershocks released, it is not what the ordinary ghost king strongman can compete with. But this bottle can collect these heavenly thoughts, and can collect so many heavenly ideas without any fluctuations... If there is a second time to see this strange scene, it is bound to attract attention, or amazement, which is incredible.

When the mysterious woman saw this scene, there was a trace of relief on her cold face.

"What?" A doubtful voice came from her mouth.

The mysterious woman's eyes stared at the edge of the thunder pool space. At that edge, there was a small light fire. Although it was only a small idea of heaven, it could not enter the eyes of the mysterious woman, but in the center of the light fire, there seemed to be something that attracted her attention. Just as she was stunned, a hand suddenly pointed to the light mass, and a long thought rope wrapped in the direction of Wenshan, trying to catch all the light mass around Wenshan. He shot in the direction of Wenshan, who was suffering from pain.

At this time, Wenshan, the thoughts of the soul were broken one by one, and he lost consciousness one by one, and his whole body was also in the firelight. His consciousness was blurred. I don't know how long it took before he was defeated in this battle.

In the face of the aftermath of the heavenly idea on the second layer of energy, Wenshan still has the confidence to fight. Even if he is defeated, he can escape and keep his soul immortal. However, in the face of the aftershocks of the third layer of Kangqi, this aftershock is stronger and fiercer than the general idea of the second layer of Kangqi, which is not comparable to Wenshan at all. At the beginning, Wenshan planned to escape, but at the moment Wenshan's mind moved and was ready to escape, he was entangled by this powerful heavenly idea, a wave of divine soul pressure, and a stream of crazy attacks on Wenshan's thoughts continuously, making Wenshan failed for a while in this storm. Time doesn't know what to do, followed by the continuous loss of consciousness and the continuous weakness of will, so that until now, the thoughts are constantly shattered.