ghost monk

Chapter 70 A Group of Powerful Minds

Chapter 70 Strong Group of Minds

Just when Wenshan's consciousness was blurred and he fell into a coma. Just when Wenshan's idea was basically torn and the soul power was weakened, when Wenshan's shattered idea was swallowed up by this strong idea of heaven, a soft green light penetrated in, and this soft green light cleverly separated Wenshan's body from the mass of light with the destructive idea of heaven. .

The food in my mouth was robbed by a thought rope that suddenly broke in. Heaven's mind was about to go crazy and was about to fight back. Suddenly, when I wanted to encounter something terrible, I subconsciously avoided it, hid from the green rope in front of me, and fled around.

This is when a weak idea meets a strong idea, it chooses to escape instead of fighting head-on.

Just as this green rope entangled Wenshan's soul body, Wenshan's idea moved slightly, as if he felt something, but he still couldn't escape weakness and slowly entered a dormant state.

"I didn't expect that when I came to cross the triple thunder disaster, there were still people secretly crossing a heavy thunder disaster." The mysterious man looked at Wenshan, who was swept by the rope of his soul and frowned, "But it seems that this little guy is still quite strong. He has survived the life and death of the ghost monk without the assistance of external forces. With this perseverance alone, this powerful soul power is worthy of my rescue. Among the ghost monks, this boy seems to be the figure of the future.

A heavy thunderstorm, also known as a life-and-death thunderstorm.

First, this is because when the soul has just condensed and has just formed, the soul power is still very weak. In the face of a heavy thunder disaster, it is often difficult to overcome the situation where the idea of heaven is bombarded.

The second is that when you have just crossed a thunderstorm, you have no experience. In the face of the sudden pressure of heaven, you are often timid.

Third, a thunder robbery is also known as the thought robbery, which means to condense people's thoughts. For everyone, there is their own privacy or secrets in the depths of their hearts. The deeper they hide, the deeper they are in their own thoughts. What a thunderstorm carries is a kind of inducement. Under the impact of the temptation of heaven, it will be difficult for people's souls to keep them. If they don't pay attention, they will fall into their own thoughts and minds, and finally be swallowed up by the thoughts of heaven and assimilated into nature.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that a heavy thunder disaster is difficult, and it is not possible to have a strong soul to overcome. What is needed is that people with great will and belief can pass. At the same time, this is also the will that ghost monks should have.

In fact, there are three hurdles in the process of crossing the disaster, each of which is a door of life and death. Once crossed, it will have great power, and on the contrary, it will fall.

The first one is a thunderstorm, known as a life-and-death thunderstorm, and the second one is a six-fold thunderstorm, also known as the emperor's robbery. When crossing the sixth thunder disaster, it will produce a great power in the soul, a unique power given by God, and every strong ghost emperor will be blessed by God. This power given by God is the only one that cannot be given to each other. Even the method of ghost cultivation circulating on the mainland now is just that those ghost emperors are constantly grasped by themselves according to the ability given by God. Or imitate it according to the magical ability given by God.

Everyone who cultivates to the ghost emperor is the inheritor of a generation of sects or families. Their ghost cultivation method will continue to be derived and passed on to future generations. Only by mastering its true marrow can we truly master the method of ghost cultivation and cultivate to reach the road. Some powerful ghost emperors may choose to devour the souls of the weak ghost emperor in an attempt to have a stronger ghost cultivation power. Fully absorb the power of the other party. At this level of battle, it is no longer accessible to ordinary people. It's just a legend.

The third hurdle is the disaster of ghosts and immortals. Once it breaks through, it is the only immortal in heaven and earth. It has a long and immortal life, the power to destroy the world, and the will of God. Facing the world, there is...

After the mysterious woman finished speaking, between her fingers, gentle green halos kept rushing towards Wenshan's soul. Under the cover of this green halo, Wenshan's thoughts shattered by the thoughts of heaven are constantly reorganizing and gathering.

The sound of Zizi came from the soul, and a numb and itchy feeling suddenly filled the spirit of Wenshan, and every thought of Wenshan was recovering. With the recovery of Wenshan's consciousness, it was like being fried, like the feeling of being roasted by fire, and a feeling of death filled every thought in the soul.

In the process of the gradual recovery of the soul on Wenshan's side, the strange little bottle has absorbed all the ideas of heaven. Then, several rounds of crazy thoughts of heaven kept attacking the mysterious woman, attacking crazily and disdainfully. At this time, Wenshan had gradually recovered. At this time, he was still very weak, but for a few powerful thunderous intentions and rushed to the mysterious woman, he could still feel it. Of.

At this moment, Wenshan is also in the center of these frenzy, feeling the powerful thunderlight swarming around. A soft green light maintains Wenshan in the middle and shields all these attacks. Then came the crazy counterattack. The mysterious man's soul is really strong. Every idea is like an ancient beast, with a strong fighting spirit, constantly devouring the thoughts of heaven from these attacks...

Watching this massacre up close, Wenshan's heart was entangled. He has been thinking about how powerful this mysterious man is. Unexpectedly, in this three-layer territory, he constantly counterattacks and devours the thoughts of heaven that attack around him. With this hand, the power of this person's soul is Wenshan can't compare.

Under several rounds of attacks, the mysterious person or soul body is changing, the momentum on the body is getting stronger and stronger, and the mental pressure is getting bigger and bigger...

"Hmm! Uh-huh!"

A gentle moan came from the mysterious woman's mouth, and a comfortable feeling was released. The green light around the mysterious woman is dazzling and piercing her eyes. This strong green light flashed away, and then once again hid in the mysterious human body. Not long after, I broke my body and ejaculated again...

Back and forth, over and over again, constantly turbulent several times, knowing that in the end, it finally calmed down and calmed down. The pale green halo on the mysterious woman's body appeared again, constantly hovering around her, soft and quiet.

With the end of the woman's physical changes, the whole third layer of energy seems to suddenly calm down. Even the storm of heaven no longer shoots at the mysterious woman, but deliberately avoids the woman, and everything becomes quiet again.

"Who are you? What is the identity of Taixuanzong? Why did you choose Ghost Repair?

Several consecutive questions came coldly from the mouth of the mysterious woman and went straight to Wenshan's mind, stimulating Wenshan's thoughts.

"I, I..."

Just when Wenshan was stammering and didn't know how to answer the woman's questions, suddenly a large mass of text came directly, emitting a green aperture. Facing the gas layer in the thunder pool, it completely ignored and shot directly in the direction of Wenshan, just a hundred meters away from Wenshan and the mysterious woman. The distance suddenly stopped, floating in the air and hovering up and down.

When this text light group came, the three layers of energy seemed to be very familiar, and they no longer deliberately attacked it.

Is it because it took a lot of money to attack the mysterious woman just now, causing the three layers of heaven's idea to be very weak? However, there are obviously a lot of heavenly ideas around, and those gathered heavenly ideas are constantly dodging and avoiding something. It seems that she is more afraid of the text light ball in front of her, and even more afraid than the mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman's eyes also stared at the text light in front of her, and her face changed dramatically.

"What a powerful thought group!" The mysterious woman frowned, looked at the text in front of her and said, "What are you?"

"Buzz! Buzz..."

At this moment, the green light mass suddenly made a buzzing sound, and the sound became louder and louder, as if it was losing its temper. It was very dissatisfied with the mysterious woman's words just now.

"What the hell, he ran in front of me and looked for death!"

Suddenly, the mysterious woman's mind rotated crazily and turned into a huge mouth, devouring the green light.

Wenshan looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. When the green light mass appeared, Wenshan was also stunned, but there was a familiar smell on the light mass that went straight to Wenshan's mind. Suddenly, Wenshan knew that the light mass in front of him was the mysterious light mass of words living in the middle of Wenshan's eyebrows, but at this time it looked only It is a mass of light, and there is no text flashing.

Just as the mysterious woman's huge mouth grabbed the light mass in front of her, the text light mass suddenly had a green aperture, and the coverage suddenly became larger. Just before the giant mouth arrived, it was ejected out of the halo.

"Hmm?" The mysterious woman let out a puzzle, and saw that her hands suddenly formed a trick, and another powerful soul force surged towards the text halo in front of her. With the addition of this soul power, the huge mouth became more crazy, constantly hitting the pale green halo formed by the word light mass, and kept The impact.

At every time of the impact, Wenshan's heart was entangled and hovering, and he didn't know what to do. At this moment, Wenshan's heart was worried about the light mass of words, afraid that the light green halo formed by the light mass of words would be swallowed up by the huge mouth of the mysterious woman. I don't know if the light mass of words can resist.

Wenshan has seen the magic of the text light group, but Wenshan has just witnessed the strength of the mysterious woman. In these three layers of energy, the mysterious woman actually resisted under the attacks of thought storms again and again. In the end, she actually woke up and captured those heavenly thoughts...

Wenshan was also worried that the text light group would suddenly lose its temper and hurt the mysterious woman in front of her. After all, she just saved herself...

Just when the giant mouth could not attack the text aperture, the text halo rotated faster and faster in the aperture. In the end, it made everyone dazzling. Even the soul could not distinguish which one was the entity and which one was the virtual shadow.

Then, the text halo suddenly disappeared, and the text light suddenly shot into the huge mouth in front of him and rushed into the dark mouth with a bloody smell.


A exclamation suddenly came from the mouth of the mysterious woman, and the mysterious woman seemed to have been fiercely attacked, and her face changed dramatically. At the same time, the condensed huge mass of ideas suddenly slowly dissipated and collapsed. Every idea in the huge mouth, unexpectedly Fei Sui at the same time... The text light appeared in front of him again, constantly floating, hesitating, constantly looking at it, and also beingware of the mysterious woman in front of him.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you appear blatantly in Taixuanzong? The mysterious woman scolded angrily.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The text light group did not answer the mysterious woman's question, but when the text light group made a buzzing sound, suddenly a huge suction suddenly sucked in the direction of Wenshan. Wenshan suddenly felt that his body was light, and he broke away from the shackles of the mysterious woman's soul and floated towards the light of words.