ghost monk

Chapter 73 Linglong Tower

Chapter 73 Linglong Tower

Just when Wenshan's soul suddenly rushed up, the text light group unexpectedly became alive again, hovering and spinning in the middle of Wenshan's eyebrows. Facing the attack of Wenshan's soul, he kept dodging. Wenshan could not touch it at all, and Wenshan was resentful.

'This scourge is stronger than me no matter how weak it is!' Wenshan said angrily.

At this moment, a flirting voice came through, and the voice was very old. The little baby seems to be cruel, but he dares to take action against me! But I didn't expect that the baby was an invisible attribute.

At this time, five more light spots floated towards the soul of Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan already knew that these light spots were all thoughts. Don't underestimate these five ideas. Each idea can easily eliminate the thoughts of heaven below three layers of Leichi, which is enough to show its strength. , that is the attack power of this idea that can't be countered by Wenshan's four thoughts.

But this text light group doesn't seem to want to hurt Wenshan. Every time the separated text light point is gently devoured by Wenshan. Facing the five text light points in front of him, Wenshan's soul suddenly had a burst of joy and suddenly rushed to these five text light spots. Facing the five powerful ideas, Wenshan's soul power was constantly strengthening. With the continuous acceleration of time, Wenshan's soul also continued to strengthen, and Wenshan vaguely I feel that my soul cultivation seems to be a little short of breaking through, and I can reach the middle level of the ghost king. At this time, the thoughts of Wenshan God's soul have increased to 2009 and are also mixed with the thoughts of 15 text light groups. In addition to their power, these 15 text light points also have memories.

Among them, the memory of the five newly added text light points is related to Wenshan's current cultivation realm. Wenshan is very confused about the key knowledge sent by the text light group in time every time. For him now, whether he is the reincarnation of the text light group or whether he is originally a text light group, but now his strength is still very weak and his knowledge is not very strong. I don't know whether this text light ball is a good thing or a bad thing in his mind. Wenshan shook his head slightly, stopped thinking about this knowledge, and began to throw his soul into his current body and enter the air sea of his lower abdomen.

From the five text light points, Wenshan learned some information. The so-called intangible is that the constitution of the human body is suitable for the nature of five attributes, that is to say, this person can arbitrarily choose his own meta-power attributes invisibly. On the whole road, there are very few people with multiple attributes, and fewer people with five attributes. From the light spots, Wenshan knows that there is only one woman named Linglong, who has five attributes. This woman is the founder of the Linglong family. For martial arts practitioners with multiple attributes, there are many double, and triple ones are rare. It is difficult to see the four-fold at the beginning. At present, I have heard that the five-fold attribute is the exquisite predecessor and Wenshan.

In the face of multiple attributes, some people will choose to practice only one attribute and finally achieve the road. There are many people who make a difference in martial arts. Those who choose to practice only one attribute and assist in practicing another attribute are rarely becoming masters in the end, just because of distractions. However, those who choose to practice two attributes at the same time and successfully cultivate the two attributes are all geniuses. Such people are all giants of the Shanmen sect in the end. People. As for the triple and quadruple people, there seems to be no achievements. Whether they only pay attention to the cultivation of one attribute, or only pay attention to the cultivation of two or three attributes, none of them can succeed. And the exquisiteness of the five attributes, she practiced all five attributes, and finally stood at the peak of her strength. On this Qianlong continent, she actually established her own family. So far, not many people have figured out about the attributes of the human body. It still depends on your own practice.

In addition to these, Wenshan also knows something about Linglong Tower. Linglong Tower is created by Linglong. It is the only constitution of five attributes, and Linglong Tower brings together the original attributes of different attributes, that is, the forces of different attributes to form the shape of a Linglong Tower. However, when practicing, you will not practice five attributes. On the first floor of Linglong Tower, a furnace layer will be formed, that is, an elixir that can devour any attribute to enhance your cultivation and enhance your aura. When you want to perform skills externally, you can completely change from the aura in the furnace to form different attributes to fight against others. At this time, Wenshan, the martial arts method of practicing the Linglong Tower, has been far from the general standardized martial arts routine, but is an original martial arts road.

In the stage of Linglong Tower, Wenshan's strength is also the realm of gathering gas. It's just that Wenshan directly skipped the stage of transformation into aura, transformation of aura into Zhenyuan, and transformation of Zhenyuan into divine power. However, Wenshan's strength, that is, its own combat effectiveness, is related to how much aura is gathered in the body. Whether it is the masters in the strength stage or the masters in the aura stage, they all have their own strength or aura storage. The amount of gas contained in his body also determines his strength.

According to Linglong's calculation or planning, Linglong's one tower and two towers are divided into the state of gathering qi. The first tower is the stage of gathering energy and the stage of gathering energy, and the second tower is the stage of gathering qi and the stage of gathering divine power. When the three towers, four towers, five towers and six towers are the realm of life. When Wenshan forms the seventh, That is to say, it has entered the realm of real immortality. Linglong is divided into seven towers. As for whether there are eight towers and nine towers on the seven towers, no one knows that this was created by Linglong himself, or the divine skill given by the god.

It is said that when practicing the Linglong Seven Pagoda, you can penetrate the Linglong Pagoda, so that the Linglong Pagoda can directly absorb the aura outside and supplement the consumption of the battle. It is with this hand that Linglong can destroy the cold city and defeat the master of the immortal realm of the martial arts family. It is true that the Linglong Seven Towers can compete with the peak master of the realm of immortality, so the later Linglong seven towers were divided into the realm of immortality by later Linglong descendants.

With the mysterious disappearance of Linglong, the Linglong family was fiercely attacked. Later, two masters of Linglong Towers, who were also the descendants of Linglong appeared. They released the Linglong Seven Towers and defeated the masters of the ancient martial arts family, and then once again maintained the status of the Linglong family on the mainland. Since then, on the vast land of Zhongzhou, there have been seven exquisite pagodas, which are extremely powerful, and seven treasures have appeared... Linglong Pagoda is also called Qibao Linglong Pagoda.

With Wenshan's understanding of Linglong Tower, he also seems to realize that only this set of skills is really suitable for him, and only this set of skills is his tailor-made skills.

Just as Wenshan integrated his soul into the Linglong Tower, Wenshan suddenly felt that the furnace of his Linglong Tower began to slowly take shape, but there was still a long distance from the real Dacheng, and then Wenshan began to penetrate the gas elixir in the soul ring on a large scale. In his mouth, as long as the gas elixir entered his body, the aura that burst out was instantly condensed by the manifold furnace in his body at a speed invisible to the naked eye. At this time, there was only one tower in the tower, and there was a small furnace in the core of the tower. In the furnace, there is a powerful atmosphere, which becomes more and more vigorous as the aura continues to pour in, as if it were a very powerful explosive bag.

Wenshan chose to integrate the gas elixir into the body but did not choose to integrate the condensation elixir into the body, because the air elixir is used by the masters of the energy accumulation realm, and it is also the elixir used by the masters of the energy accumulation realm to improve their strength. The aura in the energy elixir is ordinary condensed elixir. A hundred times. But it is this gathering elixir with a hundred times of aura, which swallowed nearly a million elixir raw and did not form a tower of furnace in Wenshan's body. With the reduction of the gas elixir in the soul ring, the melting pot in Wenshan's body slowly becomes a blurred shape...

Wenshan's heart moved and knew that he was about to truly form a Linglong tower, and he was about to enter the legendary state of gathering.

He knows what the state of gas gathering is, that is, "condensing into the body", that is to say, the human body constantly absorbs aura and transmits it through the meridians in the body, and those meridians are like streams, constantly converging the ingested aura into the sea, that is, his Dantian Qihai Medium.

Once you reach the state of gathering energy, the aura gathers, the physical strength is long, and the combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of ordinary meat master, and it can also be supported for longer. That is, with the power of the body alone, it can completely resist the hundreds of strong people at the peak of the nine martial arts saints. It was also for this reason that the demon girl ignored Wenshan's shadow power and was defeated in Wenshan's hands. And Wenshan was able to win that time, and to a large extent, he stood as a light enemy of the demon girl.

Now the meridians and body of Wenshan have been transformed into the body, which is already equivalent to a hundred times that of ordinary people. One of the auras ingested from the air, such as the Yangtze River, is endless.

This tower furnace is just an aura embryo, which is far from forming. It is equivalent to a fetus still in the abdomen and has not reached the ground. Once the cultivation is successful, Wenshan will not be what it is now. I am afraid that the masters in the stage of gathering qi are not opponents.

Linglong Tower is originally a profound martial arts, which is different from other practices. Otherwise, how could Linglong build its family on Zhongzhou and be known as one of the ancient families above Zhongzhou?

However, even if it was initially condensed into this true qi embryo, the aura in Wenshan's body was gathered and condensed together. With the entry of Wenshan's last gas elixir, the embryo of Wenshan's furnace has really formed, that is to say, Wenshan's strength has really stepped into the realm of gas gathering, and It is still invincible in the strength stage of the energy gathering realm. As for whether it can fight against the aura-gathering stage, Wenshan is still unclear, because Wenshan has not yet fought in the real aura-gathering stage. As for the master of the real gathering aura, the aura base in Wenshan's body is not the opponent of those people. Those are all figures who have been cultivated for many years, have rich combat experience and strong strength. In this Hanwu Dynasty, they all have strong strength and influence, and they are not something that Wenshan can touch at will.