ghost monk

Chapter 74 Collective Trouble

Chapter 74 Collective Trouble

"I didn't expect that it would cost so much to condense and form this simple tower furnace. It seems that if you want to improve your cultivation in the future, you need to think of other ways. I just don't know if the unknown space of the soul ring will be expanded again and whether there will be richer resources to ingest.

Wenshan curled his lips and said, as if he was very dissatisfied with the gas elixir stored in the soul ring.

In fact, when it comes to elixir, the condensation elixir in Wenshan's hand is the most precious, partly because it is difficult to refine and the output is relatively small. Compared with the gas elixir and Lingdou, it is still relatively precious. The condensation elixir is the first choice for cultivating young disciples, and it is also the most important elixir. Zongmen is also constantly thinking about the refining degree of condensation and enhancing it. Every year, many pharmaceutical masters gather for research, that is, they are also related to other sects.

And the qi elixir is not as difficult as the condensation elixir, mainly because the condensation elixir should consider converging the aura with the elixir, but it cannot destroy the body of the martial arts practitioners in the physical realm. Because the aura is very violent. Because of this, what ordinary martial arts practitioners in the physical realm need is a gentle elixir. The condensive elixir is a small version of the gas elixir. The aura it has is only 1% of the elixir, but this 1% of the aura is enough for the body. The martial arts in the world have broken through their existing realm. Not everyone is as perverted as Wenshan. He dares to break through the key point of the realm of gathering qi in his body and swallow the qi elixir directly, and the amount of elixir swallowed by ordinary masters in the real stage of gathering qi can't do it.

Although the amount of aura considered by the energy elixir is not so important, it is not so easy to practice. The energy-gathering elixir or condensation elixir is refined by the demon elixir of monsters and some spiritual herbs. The attributes that these monsters had in life are certain. For martial arts practitioners in the energy-gathering stage and the energy-gathering aura stage, they can't swallow the elixir with different attributes into their stomach, so they need the neutralization of the spiritual grass. These demon elixirs are neutral and become attributeless gas elixirs.

It is extremely difficult to obtain the elixir, and the cost of some scarce spiritual grass to refine a qualified gas-gathering elixir is very high. If measured by spiritual beans, it is probably one million spirit beans and a gas-gathering elixir. Such a sky-high-value gas-gathering elixir can't be bought by anyone who wants to buy it. The main reason is that a large number of gas elixir are concentrated in the mountain gate. Their purpose is to cultivate disciples of their own sect. They don't want to sell the elixir of their own sect to the children of other sects. At that time, the young children of other sects will surpass the young children of their own sect, so in the development of the sect will be very It is unfavorable.

For general martial arts practitioners, there are not so many resources. It will take at least 20 to 30 years to cultivate the strength stage of the energy-gathering realm, that is, the three stages of the energy-gathering realm, unless you are an outstanding person with talent, are appreciated by the sect, and are selected as a personal disciple by the ancestor of any mountain gate. Rich elixir replenishment, in this case, you can make rapid progress in your cultivation. I think Shen Jie is like this. Coupled with her talent, she has been cultivated to the Zhenyuan stage in a short time and has her own original power.

And Wenshan actually directly swallowed millions of gas-gathering elixir directly at one time, which Shen Jie did not have. As for Zhan Tailuo Yun's financial resources, he estimated to rely on Jinshimen's financial resources. If a million gas elixir is replaced by Lingdou, it will be a trillion, which is the financial resources that can fully support a large mountain gate for a year.

However, Wenshan does not pay attention to these things outside his body. As long as he can improve his strength, no matter how much money he spends, he should spend. For this Taixuanzong, you must have strong strength to truly protect yourself. Without strength, everything is empty talk.

In the process of retreating in Wenshan, the expansion of Wu Hao's four people was really wide. All the masters who did not join any camp on the 58 peaks around the Lover's Valley were won by them. According to preliminary statistics, the members of the bright moon and starry sky have reached more than 500,000. These are just masters of the physical realm. At the same time, this matter has been known by Dai Mingqiu, who was in the small hole. Dai Mingqiu scolded Dai Mubai. However, Dai Mubai was his nephew after all, so he acquiesced in such behavior of the Mingyue Starry Sky Organization. Originally, he wanted to go directly to Wenshan's cave to settle accounts with him, but because he saw that Dai Mubai had been trapped in the physical realm for a long time, he actually broke through and actually crossed into the realm of gathering gas. This surprising discovery , the hatred for the behavior of the bright moon and starry sky organization has faded, and then it is surprising to find that Xiaowu, as well as the strength of Wu Hao and Tietou, are also in the realm of gathering energy. This surprising discovery made Dai Mingqiu's little thoughts germinate. If all four are reported to the owner of the small cave where she is, she will definitely get more rewards.

For the development of a mountain gate, the number of outer disciples, the quality of inner disciples, and the number of personal disciples are determined. Some large mountain gates such as Tianmoling and Jinshimen have a wide range of their outer peaks. Tianmoling can actually have one-fifth of the outer peak of Taixuan Sect. Under such a development state, the number of their outer disciples must be very high. With the strength of Tianmoling and the strength of the mysterious Tianmo Ancestor, even Zhantai Jinshi dares not rob the external peak miscellaneous disciples within the Tianmoling. It really occupies a large number of disciples, and then there are a few good seedlings among the disciples, becoming disciples of the inner disciples or directly becoming personal disciples. There are many cases. Such a large mountain gate can only develop bigger and stronger the strength. Far beyond the seven holes at the bottom.

It is for this reason that the competition between the seven holes is also extremely fierce, and there are many disciples from each other. If anyone first finds that the handyman disciple enters the realm of gathering energy before declaring, he will be directly admitted to the door. If it is reported to the sect, then the only place waiting for them is to be distributed among the annual comparison of seven-hole outer disciples. This is a big comparison that happens every year. During the big comparison period, if the outer disciples of any hole win more, then this hole has priority and give priority to the election and declare as miscellaneous disciples of the outer disciples. The more you choose first, the quality and quantity of the outer disciples selected are the most.

For such a big ratio, because the time to establish the small hole is relatively short, and the strength of Zhu Xiaolei, the owner of the small hole, has just been promoted, the small hole is at the bottom every year. In the face of such a situation, Zhu Xiaolei returns to his sect angrily every time. Before or after the competition every year, Zhu Xiaolei will send his own disciples from the sect to find miscellaneous disciples who have the ability to break through to become the realm of gathering gas, and then quietly bring these miscellaneous servants into the door in advance and raise them in captivity. But in this way, ten or twenty years is only small. Add a few more disciples to the cave. It is really difficult for the physical realm to break through to the realm of gathering qi. It is difficult to achieve without 20 years of hard practice. In fact, such behavior as a small hole has also happened in other six holes. Every cave is not a fool and has its own mind.

In the face of the four miscellaneous disciples who suddenly appeared in front of him, they have not been reported. This is the discovery of a huge treasure for the small hole, which is much better than finding some potential miscellaneous disciples. So he was ready to report to the small hole, and at the same time asked the four people not to report to the sect, because the four of them had been looked after by the small hole.

Wu Hao and the four of them had no objection to Dai Mingqiu's behavior, but after all, their strength really helped him improve Wenshan, so they still wanted to be with Wenshan and become the disciples of which cave. Therefore, Dai Mubai talked about Wenshan's situation with Dai Mingqiu, and also talked about the condensation pill to Dai Mingqiu.

For such a huge situation, Dai Mingqiu's personal disciples of Taixuanzong who had seen the world were also slightly stunned, and then the upsurge in his heart also surged. Wenshan had so many condensive elixir, which means that he added more outer disciples to the small hole. Therefore, Xiaodong must win this Wenshan over. This Wenshan is even more important than a personal disciple. Therefore, Dai Mingqiu rushed to her small hole and was ready to report to Zhu Xiaolei, the owner of her small hole. She did not dare to delay such a big event. However, Dai Mingqiu promised Wu Hao and others not to disclose the news that Wenshan had condensed elixir, which was the basis for the development of power in the bright moon and starry sky in the future. Of course, the condensation elixir will be secretly distributed to the miscellaneous disciples raised in small holes, and only the miscellaneous disciples raised in small holes can control it. Only when there are so many outer disciples suddenly in a mountain gate that the masters of the realm of gathering gas will not cause greater shock. If a foreign peak or several foreign peak miscellaneous disciples are suddenly promoted to foreign disciples on a large scale, the physical realm will break through and become a master of the realm of gathering gas, which will shock the whole sect, and even the giants of Taixuanzong will also pay attention to it. At that time, no matter how deep Wenshan's shadow is, it will be excavated. Wenshan will face infinite pressure and even lead to endless murder.

Just after Dai Mingqiu left, Wenshan has been closed for two months. The organizational scale of the bright moon and starry sky has further increased. There are more than 800,000 miscellaneous disciples. Even the disciples in the gathering realm are not only Wu Hao, but also three personal disciples pulled by Dai Mingqiu, ten inner disciples and 100 outer disciples. In the face of the joining of strong people with a gathering realm, as well as the addition of inner disciples and personal disciples, it can show that the small organization of the moon and starry sky has developed to a midstream scale. It is no longer something that any organization can bully.

However, in the face of the further strengthening of this organization, the pressure is also increasing. Sometimes it is no longer the trouble brought to them by the handymen disciples, but the trouble brought by the disciples in the gathering realm.

At this time, two groups of people gathered on the square of Lover's Valley. Wu Hao, Dai Mubai and other four people were led by the bright moon and starry sky organization established by Wenshan. At this time, the four of them were all strong people in the realm of gathering energy. There is also a wave of people from a midstream powerful organization called 228 protozoa. Their purpose today is to warn the bright moon and starry sky organization that the scale of expansion is too fast, and their hands are too long to reach into the handymen disciples they like in the 228 protozoa.

"Wu Hao and Dai Mubai, you two are really good! Unexpectedly, you put your dog's paws on the head of our 228 protozoa to grab food and eat. It's not a bad life!" A fat man with a fat face, spoke with his hands and feet, and was very unstable. He scolded Wu Hao and Dai Mubai. At the same time, he spit his mouthful of phlegm on the ground with a big belly.

"Fat Song, are you still this virtuous man, grabbing food? Do you think the food eaten by your insects will enter the eyes of our bright moon people? The iron head shouted and scolded.