ghost monk

Chapter 77 What is true strength

Chapter 77 What is true strength

Just as everyone was talking, Wu Hao, Dai Mubai and Tietou had come forward and walked to the light dance. Looking at the two masters of the gathering realm suddenly gushing out in front of them, there was an unkind look on their faces.

"Did you ask four of us to join your stream?" Wu Hao looked at the two people in front of him and said.

"What just happened was a misunderstanding. As the saying goes, since you have stepped into the realm of gathering, you must find a mountain gate to rely on. Our Liudong is the top mountain gate among the seven holes. If you join us, you will definitely get a lot of benefits, so I hope you can think about it. Wu Dazhi looked at the four Wu Hao in front of him and said with a smile. His smile was very sincere, as if he had seen an old friend he had not seen for many years.

"Is the flow hole still at the top? I don't know what the market is like when you are your grandfather. Dai Mubai looked at Wu Dazhi, a smiling tiger in front of him, and said unhappily, "The sect is divided into one ridge, three gates, five pavilions, seven halls and seven holes. Seven holes are at the bottom of the ranking. Among the seven caves, there are Fengdong, Yuedong, Bandong, Wudong, Liudong, Qidong and Xiaodong. The flow hole ranks fifth, that is, above the small hole and the hole. The establishment of Liudong seems to have a history of more than 100 years, and the Qidong and Xiaodong have been established for nearly 50 years. Do you think your Liudong or seven holes rank high among them? What a joke!"

"Yes! It's really Grandma Wang selling melons. What's the next sentence? The iron head followed Dai Mubai to say this.

With the cooperation and jokes of Dai Mubai and Tietou, it immediately attracted cheers and sarcastic voices around.

At this time, the faces of the 228 protozoa appeared red, that is, Wu Dazhi and Du Songbai standing in front of them, with a bright blue face. Dai Mubai and others are not good at insulting anyone. They even insulted other people's sects, which is not only seeking revenge, but also insulting people.

"!" Wu Dazhi suddenly blushed and said.

"Hmm! It seems that you guys really don't want to live?" A sudden coldness broke the laughter one after another, and saw Du Songbai take a step forward, rolling all over his body, and the energy quickly spread all over his body. The body exudes a fierce breath, which is completely different from the initial temperament image.

Looking at the strength of juniper all over the body, forming a faint airflow layer, wrapping his whole body in it, constantly roaring, constantly roaring at the surrounding air, as if trying to swallow the surrounding air. At this time, he is like a beast waiting to explode, constantly measuring.

"What are you going to do?" Wu Hao looked at the breath of Du Songbai in front of him and revealed his murderous intention. This is a kind of breath that can only be captured by strong people who enter the state of gathering gas. He asked doubtfully, "Do you want to kill us? We are all in the realm of gathering energy. At this stage, we should have equal status, and you have no right to kill us. Even if the disciples come, if there is no reasonable reason to kill the strong in the realm of gathering gas, they will also be punished by the sect.

In the face of an old gathering power, his four people are obviously not as strong, so Wu Hao wants to use sectarian rules to make Du Songbai give up the idea of killing them.

"Equal status?" Duong berry rolled his eyes, his eyes turned red, and he said with an evil smile, "What are your identities? What is my identity? You are just small miscellaneous disciples, and I am a disciple of the outer door. As long as the four of you don't want to report your own strength for a day, then you are not a formal disciple. It is a felony to offend our disciples as a handyman. We can kill you and then report to the sect!" With that, he glanced his eyes at Wu Hao and the four people, with a strong murderous intention.

"Are you not afraid of being known by the people of the sect when you do this? When the people of the sect know that you have killed four strong people in the realm of gathering in a row today, are you not afraid of the rules of the sect? With so many people present today, aren't you afraid that today's incident will spread?

"Rules? Rules are set by people, and some people abide by them. Only the rule of human existence is binding, but if you don't exist, or even everyone present, unless we don't exist, do you think today's incident will still be spread? There will be no big movement in the sect in order to reduce the number of foreign miscellaneous disciples.

"You four idiots haven't knelt down for your grandfathers and tell them how the four of you entered the state of gathering together. Tell the secrets of the four of you quickly."

At this time, Song Jinxing's face has been stabilized by Wu Dazhi. His original serious internal injury has healed at this time, and he is also roaring. For the face that he has just been defeated by the light dance, the face on his face can be said to be completely gone. In order to regain face, he shouted at the four people in front of him: "If you today If you don't say anything, let you die today. The man was castrated and died, and the woman was killed by **. If you tell the secret of your promotion to the realm of gathering, we will still keep your whole body. Anyway, you are all on the dead end, so you have no choice. With that, Song Jinxing not only kept looking at the four people in front of him, as if he wanted to see the secrets of the four people. Song Jinxing was shocked that the four people had entered the realm of gathering at the same time, and also had jealousy and hatred. He had been constantly exercising and swallowing the spiritual grass for so many years. Originally, he thought that his cultivation had stabilized the four people in front of him, but he did not expect that he had not run on the same starting line with him for a long time. So he was very angry. At the same time, there must be a reason for their sudden promotion at the same time, so Song Jinxing kept asking the four people in front of him, wanting to know what this secret was, so as to prepare himself for him to enter the realm of gathering energy early.

"Soong Jinxing, you are just a dog, and you dare to be rampant here? You have just been defeated by your aunt. Do you still want revenge? Unfortunately, you have no hope in your life. You are not qualified to compete with us at all.

"You... Don't be arrogant. Brother Du and Brother Wu are here today. See how dare you be so arrogant." After saying that, Song Jinxing slipped into the crowd and prepared to look like it. For Song Jinxing, there will soon be a battle between the strong in the realm of gathering. If he stays here, he will inevitably be affected, so he shamelessly hides in the crowd.

"Speak to avoid suffering from skin and flesh." Wu Dazhi also took a step, looked at the four people in front of him, and said coldly in his heart. For this, which can make the physical strong easily advance, then this secret will bring a lot of benefits to Liudong, that is, the increasing number of disciples can also accelerate the development of Liudong. In 50 years, you can definitely catch up with such a big mountain gate as Jinshimen. At that time, Liudong will also be called Liumen, and he is the hero of Liumen. Shanmen will definitely reward the two of them.

"What are you!" Dai Mubai looked at the two people in front of him who suddenly wanted to dominate their lives and couldn't help saying angrily. At the same time, he looked at the three people around him and cursed.

After Dai Mubai took a look, the three were also comrades-in-arms who had cooperated for many years, and their intentions were the same. They operated the strength in their bodies one after another, revealing their bodies, and were ready to take action against the two people in front of them.

While Dai Mubai spoke, the four of them operated their strength at the same time, with a round ball, a strong palm, a strong fist and a strong palm. At the same time, they shot in the direction of the two people in front of them. They wanted to defeat the two people on the spot through the advantage of attacking together. At this time, the four of them had reached a desperate moment.

Four vigors formed a figure, with the sound of breaking the sky and shooting through the long sky towards Wu Dazhi and Du Songbai in front of them. The buzzing sound in the air suddenly emerged, sweeping the surrounding air layer with heat.

"Hmm! It's a joke that he dares to take action with this strength.

The strong ball condensed in the air unexpectedly floated. Although this powerful ball is relatively small, there is no way to hide the power it has. In the face of the four strong spirits, it suddenly confronted it. In the face of these four fierce vigors, the small ball has become a The huge mouth devoured the four vigors in front of him, opened his mouth and closed his mouth, swallowed up the four vigors that came from each other. With the four vigors swallowed up, the strong ball continued to expand his body, from the original ball to the big ball, and paused briefly in the air to the opposite side. Wu Hao and the four of them shot away.

"What?" Four people exclaimed at the same time.

The four of them never thought that their four people's strongest attack at the same time were easily swallowed up by the other party, and with the strength he formed, they shot at the four people.

At this time, the four of them turned pale and their bodies kept gasping. Just now, it didn't look very strong, and it took more than half of the strength of the four people. At this time, they wanted to condense the four spirits again, but it was not overnight. In the face of the powerful ball that came quickly, there was fear in their eyes.

"Ah! That's awesome!" The members of the Bright Moon and Star Organization can't help exclaiming. For them, if the leaders of the four organizations in front of them are defeated on the spot today, they will face the possibility of being killed or controlled by the other party and lose their freedom from then on. Because the two strong people in front of them are not good, they will not let them take out the secret in front of them. They don't expect to escape at all. People in the physical realm are like ants in the eyes of the strong in the gathering realm. A strength can completely kill the strong in the physical realm thousands of miles away.

"Hahaha!" With the panic among the members of the Bright Moon Star Organization, the handymen of the 228 protozoa camp showed sarcastic laughter on their faces. Song Jinxing was even more coaxed in the crowd, insulting with his head...


At this moment, a roar spread all over the audience and immediately covered all the voices. There was determination in the voice, with the power that only the strong can have.

I saw a tall man rushing towards the strong ball in front of him. This person is not someone else, but an iron head.

Looking at the powerful ball shot in front of him, the iron head thought that if he didn't jump on it and put out the powerful ball in front of him, it would be a fatal threat to face the four of them. Instead of killing all four people, it was better than his iron head to sacrifice alone.

After taking a look at the few brothers around him, he rushed to the powerful ball in front of him, trying to extinguish the terrible powerful ball with his own body.

"Iron head!" Wu Hao and the three, who were preparing to accumulate strength against the fast-coming strong ball, suddenly saw that the iron head beside him rushed to the strong ball in front of them regardless of his life. This is the brother they worship. This is the friendship between them, but no one thought that the iron head would do so. He The friendship between the brothers was too heavy. The eyes of the three suddenly soaked, and tears kept pouring out. Even if they took action together now, it was too late to save the iron head that ran away.