ghost monk

Chapter 78 Shock

Chapter 78 Shock

is also the state of gas gathering, but the realm of gas gathering is hierarchical. Of course, it is also the initial stage of the energy gathering realm, that is, the first level of gas gathering, which also has profound strength. It has just entered the realm of gathering energy. Although it is also the first stage of gathering energy, the strength stored in the Qihai Dantian is quite small. Compared with the real old strong people in the first stage of gathering energy, it is 108,000 miles away. The real old-fashioned gathering gas level has been consolidating at this stage for at least ten years, constantly eating some natural treasures, constantly devouring spiritual herbs, adding its own flesh and blood, the continuous operation of the meridians into the aura into the body, and then transformed into a relatively mild strength, stored in the Qihai Dantian, which is the only way for a long time. Storage can make the strength in the sea Dantian more and more gathered, and the strength can become deeper and deeper.

It is for this reason that Wu Hao, Dai Mubai, Qingwu and Tietou are just young people who have just stepped into the realm of gathering energy. In the face of Wu Dazhi, who has been practicing at the first level of gathering for more than ten years, and Du Songbai, who have been practicing for more than five years, they are just fighting between children and adults, which is obviously against each other.

Seeing that all four of them were extinguished by the powerful balloon shot by Du Songbai, their iron teeth clenched their teeth, held a force, and rushed to the strong balloon opposite.

Facing the powerful balloon, with a fierce wind, tearing the air, and the sound of explosion between the energy and the air, constantly filled the whole space. At this time, the iron head's face became white and bloodless, but he thought that standing behind him were all his brothers, although not The brother was more kissed than the brother. In his heart, he ran the only remaining strength in his body and pushed it away against the powerful balloon.

Feel a strong breath full of blood and came to my face.

Just a foot away from the iron head, the fast-fired strong balloon stopped strangely. The originally irritable strong balloon slowly dispersed in the air, little by little, but in the blink of an eye, the explosion still sounded in my ear, but the strong balloon disappeared strangely.


Du Songbai, the owner of the powerful balloon, first made a questioning sound, and then shot his eyes into the opposite crowd, trying to find out what was going on. Obviously, the powerful balloon that had sensed with him suddenly lost contact with him and was full of explosive power. The balloon disappeared silently...

The iron head knelt down weakly on the ground, as if trying to get rid of force, the whole body softened, his legs curled up, and his body leaned forward. Wu Hao, Dai Mubai and Qingwu had already run forward and helped up the iron head spread out on the ground. Qingwu looked at the juniper in front of him cautiously. His little face was white and his small eyes were round. The small body stepped forward and protected Wu Hao and the other three behind him, looking like an old hen protecting the young.

For the light dance in front of him and Wu Hao and others, Du Songbai did not pay much attention to him, and his eyes kept looking at the opposite crowd. Not many people know what happened just now, but Wu Dazhi, who has been standing beside Du Songbai, also looked puzzled and looked at Du Songbai in front of him with a puzzled face.

"Brother Du, what's going on? Do you want to let go of the people opposite? Wu Dazhi took a look at Du Songbai beside him and said strangely, "Brother Du, has something happened?"

Du Songbai did not answer Wu Dazhi's inquiry and still glanced at the crowd, but when his eyes glanced back and forth in the crowd seven or eight times, suddenly there was a rare white and blue on his face, or a burst of white and blue on his face at this time, which looked very surprised.

Wu Dazhi also found that the situation of juniper seems to be unusual, and his face has also changed. This is absolutely unusual. Wu Dazhi also glanced at the opposite crowd, but it was also to no result. Then he once again put his eyes on the face of Duongbai, waiting for what the strange younger brother would do.

Just as Wu Dazhi stared at Du Songbai's body doubtfully, Du Songbai, who had been speechless, slowly said, "I don't know where the younger generation has done something wrong and offended the seniors. I hope the seniors will forgive me. I will take people away. I hope they don't care about the places that disturb the seniors. The younger generation, Du Songbai, is the outer disciple of Liudong, one of the seven caves of Taixuanzong. With that, he was ready to leave for many handymen behind him.

His move suddenly caused an uproar. Song Jinxing, who was still watching the play, suddenly shouted, "Brother Du, are you going to let go of these beasts in front of you? They just hurt me. This revenge must be avenged!"

Du Songbai did not pay attention to Song Jinxing's shouts, but directly took people to prepare to leave.

"Brother, what the hell is going on?" Wu Dazhi took a few steps forward, walked beside Du Songbai, and asked quietly. Wu Dazhi is also an insightful figure. He has been struggling for decades in Taixuanzong. He has also seen a lot about retreating from the battle. Seeing that Du Songbai has lost his fighting spirit, he must have met some powerful role subconsciously, so he followed Du Songbai and was ready to leave. At the same time, he was surprised. Strangely asked.

"The strong ball I just released was inexplicably out of control and dissipated in the air. There must be a master in the other party's camp. I glanced at the other party's camp, but I didn't find it, so the other party's strength is destined to be higher than mine. If I don't leave at this time, will I wait for the other party's people to take action against me? At that time, it will be a small loss. If we lose our lives here, then our generation will be over!" Du Songbai rolled his eyes and whispered, as if he was afraid of disturbing others.

"Your strength only wants to lose control?" Wu Dazhi grew his mouth in surprise, subconsciously covered his mouth with his hand, looked behind him and said, "Who is this person? How strong is this person's spiritual power to control the ball of energy released by the first-level practitioners? At least it can be done by monks at the level of Reiki!"

While speaking, Wu Dazhi couldn't help but speed up his pace. He didn't want to leave himself and teach himself because of his slow walking a few steps.

"We left quickly and went to the mountain gate to report today's deacon. At the same time, we talked about the situation of Dai Mubai, Wu Hao and others in detail. I believe that with this credit, the deacon of Liudong is destined to reward us. Hey hey!"

Suddenly, I heard Du Songbai say this. Wu Dazhi, who was originally depressed and pale, also showed a rare pride on his face and said, "Be careful, don't let Song Jinxing, the fool, take the lead in this matter. This is a great credit. At that time, we just need to explain the matter clearly. As for why the strength of the four people has been promoted to the realm of gathering gas at the same time, and why there is such a master hidden in their crowd, this needs to be judged by the top officials of Liudong!" After saying that, the two of them smiled badly and walked towards the inner peak.

Xiaowu, Wu Hao, Dai Mubai and Tietou, who were still waiting, suddenly saw that all the other party's people had suddenly left. The big stone of fear in their hearts was finally put down, and then a wave of curiosity surged up. They didn't know what had happened. The four looked at each other and didn't know. So. But I didn't think much about it. The people with the bright moon left like this. As for the shadow that has been hidden in the crowd, I don't know where to go.

Go from the outer peak to the inner peak. Although everyone's strength and physical strength are also very long, after all, the distance is thousands of miles, which cannot be achieved overnight. It is those miscellaneous disciples who have reached the peak of Wusheng, but there is already a trace of fatigue on their faces when they have traveled more than a thousand miles of mountain roads. This morning, they dared to come to the Valley of Lovers and walk thousands of miles back and forth. It goes needless to say that Wu Dazhi and Du Songbai's faces are also flushed. The beads of sweat on his forehead also kept dripping.

"Brother Du, we have also gone so far, and we must have left the sight of any master! If he wants to wait for me, we can't leave even if we want to. So we are not as busy as this. Let's go to the valley in front and stop and have a rest! Those handymen look very tired!" After saying that, Wu Dazhi's hand wiped a handful of sweat on his forehead and muttered something in his mouth. At the same time, he turned his head to look at the face of the cypress beside him.

In fact, among this group, Wu Dazhi has stayed in Taixuanzong for the longest time and the longest generation in the cave, but for the juniper in front of him, he always feels that his status is smaller, because the cultivation of the juniper at this time is comparable to that, but it is better than when he practiced. Half of the time, just from the perspective of time, the future strength of the juniper in front of us is absolutely necessary to strengthen itself. It is certain to enter the inner door. As for whether he can be favored by the Liudong ancestor and accept him as a personal disciple, it also depends on his cultivation talent. After all, there are many people in a large sect like Taixuanzong. Don't think too many geniuses like Du Songbai, but there are more demons more powerful than Du Songbai, so Dusongbai may not be able to become a personal disciple, but it is still possible to become an inner disciple, at least much better than himself. It is also because of this that everything is led by Duongbai and helps by himself. This is to get a good relationship in advance. In the future, when Du Songbai officially becomes an inner disciple, you can take care of yourself.

For Du Songbai, now among the outer disciples of Liudong, most of them are like Wu Dazhi, who is very polite to himself. Of course, he also knows the reason, so he also suffers. No matter what he does, he is the leader and has hidden I see myself as an inner disciple. He didn't think much about Wu Dazhi's proposal or answer. He just took the lead in moving forward. He didn't want to waste the practice time on the road. When he returned to the sect, he had to report what he had just happened to him, and then he was ready to practice behind closed doors and prepare to break through the existing progress.

Looking at Du Songbai, who was only on the way in front of him, he didn't seem to have any intention to adopt his proposal just now. Wu Dazhi was inevitably a little angry, but after shaking his head slightly, he hid his anger in his heart and his face changed. He took a few steps forward to Du Songbai and joked, "Brother Du His cultivation is really strong. After driving so far, he is still so free and comfortable. He can't be compared with his brother! If you can cultivate your cultivation to the legendary realm of Zhenyuan in your life and have your own original power, you can take off in the sky at that time, and you don't need to hurry so!"