ghost monk

Chapter 79 Valley Interception

Chapter 79 Valley Interception

"It's still important to practice steadily. For those illusory things, it's not as good as the reality of continuous cultivation." Du Songbai's face was very cold, and he may still be threatened by the master just now. So far, his face has not completely retreated. He took a look at Wu Dazhi, who claimed to be his brother beside him, and said with a smile, "But for soaring in the air, such strength is not only the master of the Zhenyuan stage! At the Zhenyuan stage, it is only a short circle in the air. If there is no strong Yuan force for transportation, it will not last long. However, after we have money, we can still fly a long distance by buying one or two flying weapons in the sect's warehouse, but that kind of flying weapons seem to require a lot of vitality.

"That's it, but it seems that there is something that can replace human vitality." Wu Dazhi seemed to be very interested in flying and talked about it along with Du Songbai's words.

"Are you talking about the spirit stone?" Du Songbai looked at Wu Dazhi beside him and said with a smile.

Wu Dazhi nodded excitedly, as if he had been hit by Du Songbai, and he was very excited.

Spirit stone, a precious stone that contains a lot of aura, has been left from ancient times. The number is very rare and has not been popular among practitioners or on the continent. Most of these spiritual stone mountains are produced in places with sufficient aura, and generally these sufficient places are occupied by these large sects, and all of them naturally occupy the spiritual stone mountains for themselves. It is precisely because of the addition of the sect that the spiritual stone is more rare. Only in the barren deep forest or where warcraft gather, there is this private spiritual stone vein, but these places are all protected by powerful monsters, so the spiritual stone has not been spread on the mainland, and even many people do not know the spiritual stone. Things.

There are several such spiritual stone veins in the Taixuan Mountains. These spiritual stone veins contain this great spiritual stone. Every year, the sect sends disciples from the sect to mine, collect these spiritual stones, and then distribute them to the ancestors in the sect, which will be rewarded by the ancestors to those disciples or those who have meritorious deeds. This is also one of the benefits of personal disciples in the sect. However, due to the scarcity of spiritual stone mines, the progress of mining is not large, so the amount of spiritual stones distributed is not very sufficient. As far as Tai Xuanzong is concerned, the amount of spiritual stones that each personal disciple does not give every month, that is, one or two pieces, even those ancestors are also precious to these spiritual stones.

The spiritual stone is different from the elixir. The elixir can only be taken by people, but the spiritual stone can be embedded in weapons. At that time, the weapon was called the spiritual weapon, which was much more powerful than ordinary weapons. The spiritual stone can also be used for cultivation, which can speed up the pace of cultivation, but because the spiritual power of the spiritual stone is too large to swallow, it may not be digested even if it is swallowed. In addition, most of the spiritual stones will be used on arrays. Powerful arrays, and the spiritual stones that need to be consumed are also huge. A large sect like Taixuanzong looks like nothing on the surface, but if there is a big force to attack Taixuanzong or be attacked by big monsters, the first thing to start must be the mountain protection array of Taixuanzong. Once such a big array is activated, in the large array, unless the opponent's strength is ten times higher than that of the master of Taixuanzong. Otherwise, it will be difficult to take down such a large sect. This is the mountain protection array of Taixuanzong, in which the spirit stone plays a great role in the middle. However, every time the mountain protection array is started, the spiritual stone consumed is the mining amount of Taixuanzong for ten years. Generally speaking, the mountain protection array will not be opened without the necessary circumstances for the survival of Taixuanzong. Therefore, on the surface, Taixuanzong seems to be very quiet and peaceful, but as you know, those big sects dare not attack Taixuanzong.

The preciousness of the spiritual stone cannot be measured by money at all. If it is a spiritual stone, it will cost 10 million spiritual beans, which is equivalent to one million gas elixirs. That is, the amount taken by Wenshan to break through the realm. The spiritual beans mentioned in it are just ordinary spiritual stones.

Among the spiritual stones, there are also three types: spiritual stones, medium spiritual stones and top spiritual stones. In addition to the different spiritual reserves, there are also different spiritual power levels between them. The better the spiritual stone, the fewer the impurities of spiritual power, and the more conducive it is to the absorption of the human body. The effect of the spirit stone and the gas elixir is basically the same, and the spirit stone is also attributeless, which is conducive to any martial arts practitioner. There is no need to worry about the different attributes of the skills you practice, and you will go crazy.

In the spiritual stone, or in a spiritual stone mountain range, there is a kind of spiritual stone called the best spiritual stone. In each large mountain range, there can only be one piece, which is very precious. This best spirit stone contains its own attributes, so it is divided into metal best spirit stone, wood attribute best spirit stone, water attribute best spirit stone, fire attribute best spirit stone, and earth attribute best spirit stone. When the spiritual stone reaches the level of the best spiritual stone, the spiritual power contained in it is no longer comparable to ordinary spiritual stones. As for whether there is a more powerful spiritual stone on the best spiritual stone, no one can know, because no one knows that there are more spiritual stones than the best spiritual stones.

The reason why Lingdou is used to buy and sell in the cultivation world is that Lingdou can be made, and each Lingdou is very cheap. But sometimes, when trading powerful spiritual weapons or elixirs needed to break through the realm, they also need to use spiritual stones in exchange for money. Therefore, spiritual stones can also be bought and sold.

A thousand lower-grade spiritual stones are exchanged for a medium-grade spiritual stone, and a hundred medium-grade spiritual stones are exchanged for a top-grade spiritual stone. As for the very few transactions of the best spirit stone, it also depends on the bids of both sides of the transaction.

"Yes! I don't know if Brother Du has seen the legendary spirit stone. I heard that there are several Lingshi Mountains between our main peaks. If I enter the inner gate, I don't know if I will have a chance to help the sect to mine. If I can breathe in the Lingshi Mountains, I don't know how much my cultivation can grow. It is said that there is a senior master of our sect. Since he became a disciple of the inner sect, he has been mining spiritual stones for a hundred years. When he was replaced, his power had already broken through the legendary realm of life and entered the legendary realm of immortality. Such a strong and incredible thing happened, so it was after that, the inner disciples of the sect who mined spiritual stones were very cautious. Only those who had more merit in the sect had the opportunity to enter there after applying. Now mining spirit stone is also a good treatment. Wu Dazhi said excitedly and didn't ask about the sweat beads on his head at all.

"Have a good practice! Become an inner disciple as soon as possible. If you are lucky enough to be admired by your ancestors and become a personal disciple, then we will have a chance to get the spiritual stone reward of the sect. Du Songbai said lightly, but his inner yearning for strength and his pursuit of power were not so plain on the surface.

When a group of people walked into a valley, they saw that the inner peak in front of them was still thousands of miles away. Juniper seemed to be tired, so they took the lead in resting in the valley. With Du Pine taking the lead in rest, the 228 protozoum miscellaneous disciples who had been following them also sat on the ground. There is no master demeanor at all. Every of their handymen's disciples placed in the rich family on the mainland are guests, but in this masterful Taixuanzong, they are nothing.

And Wu Dazhi walked to Du Pine and stood like this, observing the surrounding environment with Du Pine.

Just as everyone felt relaxed and the wind blew slowly, a figure also quietly came to the valley.

"It seems that you have chosen a good place. People here rarely pass by. It seems good to do it here! At least it can be undetected for a short time. A faint voice came from the mouth of the shadow and went straight into the ears of the juniper. Suddenly, he woke up the juniper standing there watching. He glanced over in consterned and looked at the dark shadow on this side. After a spiritual glance, the expression on his face was even more surprised, but for a few seconds He blinked a few times, squeezed out a smile on his face, arched his hand from afar, and said in the direction of the shadow, "I don't know who the senior is. What's the most important thing about our Liudong disciples? I hope you can say it so that we can correct it."

As soon as Du Songbai's words finished, Wu Dazhi beside him also glanced over, but before the wooden pipe reached ten meters in front of Wenshan, it was separated by the soul power of Wenshan and bounced back. Then a powerful soul force enveloped Du Songbai and Wu Dazhi, and they could see their every move.

With only this hand, he suddenly forced the two strong men in the state of gathering energy to retreat. Under the suppression of the spirit * two, the spirit of the two people poked, and a sense of powerlessness and fear permeated their hearts.

The miscellaneous disciples who had been sitting on the ground saw the situation in front of them and suddenly became nervous. Even the two strong men in the gathering state were shocked by the people in black in front of them, not to mention their small miscellaneous disciples. Even Song Jinxing hid in the crowd and dared not come out.

"Didn't you offend me?" The cold voice of the black figure came out again, but the voice at this time was full of anger. You almost killed all my brothers. If I hadn't stopped them, I believe their lives would have been in your hands today. Isn't this an offend?"

Brother? Do you mean that Dai Mubai and others are all your brothers? Du Songbai was shocked and surprised. He looked at the teenager in front of him. The teenager's breath was strong. His skin, hair and breathing were integrated with the surrounding air. The gas in his body and the aura in the surrounding environment were constantly changing. Although it was very subtle, it was still captured by Duongbai.

'This person's cultivation has not reached the Reiki stage, and it is only the momentum stage. If his cultivation is in the stage of strength, his status in the mountain gate is at least an inner disciple. For us outside disciples who have done wrong things, he has the right to discipline us into the mountain gate where he is. The only thing waiting for us is punishment, and he quietly follows us is to quietly solve us. So it seems that his strength is not very strong. That is, the identity of a disciple of the outer door, and this person has such cultivation at a young age. He has never seen it in the seven holes. He must have just broken through, and his cultivation is also a second level of strength. Thinking of this, Du Songbai's hanging heart was relieved. He was the peak of the first-level gathering, and the ordinary second-level master of gathering gas was not his opponent. In addition, there was a master like Wu Dazhi beside him, so it should not be a mysterious problem to deal with the mysterious person in front of him.