ghost monk

Chapter 94 Continuous Breakthrough of Strength

Chapter 94 Continuous Breakthrough of Strength

After Wenshan used a tower furnace to refine the surrounding magic gas, the magic gathered in a tower actually condensed into an extremely powerful energy. This powerful energy broke through the top of a tower, that is, when a tower was broken, the two towers flashed. Originally, the domineering magic energy, when entering the second tower, seemed to encounter the natural production. Unexpectedly, An An was born in the second tower and no longer fluctuated, as if it were the magic power in the first tower, and was suddenly controlled by Wenshan.

For this new energy, Wenshan is even more curious about the Linglong Tower. The Linglong Tower is originally transmitted by the gods and can restrain ghosts, but it can also store the energy of demons such as magic gas. That is to say, no matter what energy Wenshan absorbs in the future, it can completely store it. Even if it is stored in a difficult place, it will no longer be affected by environmental factors.

With the emergence of the second tower, it also represents the further improvement of Wenshan's strength. According to the normal cultivation comparison, Wenshan's current strength standard should be in the stage of gathering gas. When the three Linglong towers appear, Wenshan will also break through the realm of gathering gas and enter the legendary realm of killing.

Wenshan's eyes suddenly became sharper. Looking at a group of wandering ghosts in front of him, Wenshan directly slapped out and immediately refined all the ghosts on the opposite side. At the same time, the strong wind blew on the air, as if twisting the whole space and swept towards a mountain in the distance.

"Boom!" ......

With the strong wind bombardment, the opposite peak was cut off, and the house-sized stones rolled everywhere and hit the foot of the mountain. Deeply trapped on the rocky ground, suddenly there was chaos in the peaks.

Seeing that the power of his palm actually has such an effect, Wenshan is very satisfied. Wenshan, who has never known what kind of cultivation he has now, basically understood that is, in the face of the master of gathering divine power, Wenshan also has the power to fight. Although he will not die, his ability to protect himself should still be Yes, coupled with the existence of a soul ring, Wenshan has the ability to protect himself.

Wenshan's consciousness glanced at the direction of the core of the cemetery, and there was an obvious movement in his heart. Wenshan was amazed at the horror of it. For his current strength, he can't go deep yet. After thinking about it, he wants to go in the direction of Bazhou City. Entering the inn where he used to live, he began to close down.

For the operation of the second tower, Wenshan is trying. With the operation of the second tower, the first tower also follows the operation, and a continuous flow of yuan force into the second tower, turning the yuan force into magic gas, constantly filling the space of the second tower. The furnace of a tower captures the aura in the air and integrates it into the tower. With the continuous operation of the tower, all the aura integrated into the tower into the second tower again. As soon as the aura enters the second tower, it actively rushes to the magic gas. When it rushes into the magic circle, it is swallowed up and assimilates by the magic gas little by the magic gas. , as if this aura is originally a magic gas.

At this time, Wenshan remembered the words about aura and magic. He still saw it when he read the miscellaneous books in the soul ring. Magic qi is originally Reiki, and Reiki can also be transformed into magic qi. This is originally the one in nature, the energy body in nature. With the progress of time, the aura in the air around Wenshan continued to be absorbed, and then a new spiritual pressure came, and then it was consumed by Wenshan. The room where Wenshan was located became the gathering place of the whole aura. It was one such reason that caused the aura around the inn to rush in. Seeing this scene, the shopkeeper of the inn was also an insightful person. He immediately closed the inn and knew that there were tall people living in his inn. In order not to offend the master, the inn was no longer open. Wenshan, who was hiding in the room to practice, did not know about this situation.

After a few days of consolidation, the current cultivation has been stable, but if you want to push forward and officially step into the divine power stage, it is still far from the cultivation. At least at present, Wenshan can't do it. Wenshan, which originally had 30 lower spiritual stones, is still left. Less than five, for such a Linglong two towers that need amazing energy supplement, Wenshan's heart is full of rolling. At the same time, I don't know what to do about my current predicament.

In fact, in such a short time, Wenshan has raised his cultivation from the body to the realm of gathering qi, and his strength level has reached the divine power stage. Because of this improvement, the consumption is absolutely huge for him, one million gathering elixirs, 25 spiritual stones, and so on. Although the consumption seems to be a lot, for those general practitioners who have been constantly supplementing these resources for a long time, although they do not consume as much as Wenshan, the total elixirs resources spent on cultivation to this level are absolutely a lot, and even some people who are not very talented. Cultivating to this level consumes much more than Wenshan.

However, Wenshan is also an open-minded person. He has not thought about these problems for a long time and devoted himself to the cultivation of the soul.

In his mind, Wenshan faces two light masses, one is a golden text light mass, and the other is a pure thought group. This pure group of ideas is the devil's soul body refined by Wenshan.

There are not many thoughts about these pure thoughts. Wenshan's soul opened and swallowed up this pure thoughts.


It is not easy to devour any ideas. It should be said that everything is extremely difficult. As long as you fail, the consequences are likely to disappear all your memories and become an idiot.

With the progress of devouring, Wenshan is facing more and more pressure. Although this group of simple ideas, the power of its ideas is not small at all. With the devouring of Wenshan, this originally quiet group of ideas also began to become extremely uneasy. He began to resist the devouring of Wenshan's soul, or became bao. Wenshan was caught off guard by this phenomenon, but Wenshan's will stabilized and began to devour and assimilate this group of ideas.

With the increase of Wenshan's devouring of this group of ideas, every idea in Wenshan's soul is a villain, opening his mouth wide and eating the group of ideas. Although the group of ideas had a desire to resist, it would not attack Wenshan's soul idea. For a while, Wenshan still steadily occupied the line and besieged this group of ideas.


The section between Bazhou City and Pingqiao City is desolate, full of mountains of large and small. Among them, there are bandits who dominate the mountains and horse thieves who gang up.

What these horse thieves often do is to intercept passing convoys, rich merchants, and extort money for the use of horse thieves in the mountains. This phenomenon is very common in this Hanwu Dynasty.

But between the two places, there is also a mountain range, which is 100,000 meters high and steeper. The existence of such a mountain range makes this area called the Dragon King Valley. And why is this place called the Dragon King Valley? Because there is a sleeping dragon on this mountain.

This is a dragon that sleeps forever. As long as someone doesn't want to disturb its rest, he won't attack. But if any blind guy wants to hit its attention, he will be poisoned by it.

And opposite this Dragon King Valley, it is a dangerous place. Or in other words, this Dragon King Valley is still the entrance to that dangerous place. That dangerous place is a very familiar place in Wenshan. Its name is Bone Cliff.

In the territory of the Hanwu Dynasty, there are only two places that can enter the bone cliff, one is the Dragon King Valley, and the other is a cliff on the other side of Shengjing City, that is, the place where Wenshan was thrown.

As for where the mysterious bone cliff leads, no one knows, but no one who wants to enter the bone cliff to explore where the other side of the bone cliff is has come back alive. This is a very cruel fact.

There are basically not many people coming to this Dragon King Valley, mainly because of the existence of this giant dragon. Therefore, if you want to enter the corpse cliff, the only entrance is the capital city, which also brings great economic benefits to the capital city.

For the old dragon in the Dragon King Valley here, Emperor Wu, the founder of the Hanwu Dynasty, and the contemporary suzerain of the Taixuan Sect, the two fought against him together and prepared to defeat it, but since the two of them left, they disappeared without any movement, and the dragon still slept every day. This amazing change attracted the attention of the royal family of Taixuanzong and the Hanwu Dynasty. He once sent masters to encircle and suppress it many times, but all of them were gone, and there was no news. Over the past few years, the fear of this Dragon King Valley was also strong, so the later it was, the more no one dared to come here.

"Boom! Proud~!"

Suddenly, a huge voice came from the direction of the Dragon King Valley, with the sound of mountains and rocks breaking and roaring dragons. Such a sound has not appeared for hundreds of years, but it has appeared today. In the sound, the dragon's power suddenly appeared, and its momentum was magnificent. The sound alone shook the surrounding birds down from the sky. This is Longwei. With a roar, he convinced all the beasts.

Wenshan was shocked when he saw such a scenery. If only he could have such strong strength. Sound alone can make hundreds of birds fall from the air. In that case, what will happen to your strength?

Just as Wenshan was thinking like this, a figure suddenly flashed out of the Dragon King Valley and rushed in the direction of Wenshan very fast.