ghost monk

Chapter 95 See the mysterious woman again

Chapter 95 See the Mysterious Woman Again

Wenshan practiced in the inn room for nearly half a month before he came out of Bazhou City and rushed to Pingqiao City. I saw the desolate Wenshan Mountain along the way. It is rare to see a single person walking along the way, usually a caravan or gang. If he is a strong man with profound cultivation, he will finish this road in a few hours, and when Wenshan comes, he will finish this road in a few hours. However, due to the growth of his cultivation, Wenshan was not too eager to go, but began to be more interested in the surrounding environment.

When Wenshan walked to this Dragon King Valley, Wenshan's divine consciousness found that there was a strong breath of life on this mountain, which was far comparable to the giants on the five main peaks of Taixuanzong. Wenshan did not dare to touch such a powerful life, and it was for this reason that Wenshan was ready to leave.

While Wenshan was preparing to leave, there was a huge noise in the mountain, followed by a figure shooting from the distant peaks, and the direction of shooting was Wenshan.

Wenshan has just felt that the breath of biological life in this mountain range is very strong. At this time, such a person shot out of the mountain range. Can the person who can enter this mountain range be a person with low cultivation? Absolutely impossible. It was for such a reason that Wenshan was ready to escape now. He didn't want the person he was shot to destroy.

However, just as Wenshan was about to escape, an extremely powerful spirit suddenly locked him. This spiritual idea was extremely powerful. Even with a high-level ghost king like Wenshan, a person with 480 ideas, was not the opponent of this idea in front of him. He just locked the idea and put Wenshan When the whole person was given, Wenshan's brain suddenly lost control and his body followed him. For such a situation, Wenshan only experienced it when he crossed a heavy thunderstorm, but at this time, Wenshan suddenly felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart. At the same time, a cold woman appeared in his mind.

For Wenshan, he only hopes that this person is injured so that he has no ability to kill himself again, or this person is seriously injured, and he definitely needs to help himself.

When Wenshan was thinking like this, he suddenly felt that there was a trace of loosening the spiritual idea that locked him. It was at this moment of loosening, Wenshan's soul quickly operated and quickly broke away from this spiritual idea.

Wenshan was slightly happy. Although this man was strong, he had indeed reached the end of the crossbow. Then the man continued to use his spiritual ideas to lock on his side, and Wenshan kept resisting. Wenshan has been guessing what this person left him for. Is there anything in him that deserves his attention, or the evil skills of this person when he practices are ready to swallow him alive, which can restore his skills. But no matter what kind of conjecture, it is not what Wenshan is willing to see, nor is it what Wenshan is willing to face. After all, each result will be tried at his own expense. Thinking of this, Wenshan was no longer a complete resistance, but began to fight back. Unexpectedly, the owner of this idea has suffered such a serious internal injury. Wenshan believes that with his powerful soul power, he should be able to compete. After all, there are few ghost monks on this continent, so in terms of souls, he has an absolute advantage. Even with the high-level cultivation of the current ghost king of Wenshan, even if he meets a strong man in the desperate realm, his soul cultivation will not be much worse. It is for this reason that makes Wenshan more confident to defeat him.


A cold hum sounded extremely sharply in Wenshan's mind. This sharp voice can't distinguish between men and women, even whether they are monsters. After all, powerful monsters can spit out people's words. At the same time, a ghost claw shot in his direction, like an eagle catching a chicken, and abruptly lifting Wenshan.

Due to the ghost claws that suddenly attacked him, Wenshan has been familiar with such a soul attack method many times and has seen many devils used it, but compared with this person, it is definitely one day and not the same. At this time, Wenshan's heart was numb, and his head was dizzy and blank. Wenshan could only vaguely feel that he was firmly bound by a huge soul force, and his whole body could not move at all, and his bones were about to be pinched.

At this time, Wenshan's eyes were blackened and he couldn't see anything clearly. Even his soul consciousness also temporarily lost the ability to detect his surroundings. Then he felt that he was light all over, and the strange force suddenly disappeared. His legs softened, fell to the ground, and smashed a large pit on the ground. His whole buttocks I got stuck. At the same time, Wenshan's vision also became clear.

When he fixed his eyes, Wenshan found that he was sitting on the ground awkwardly, as if he had no strength at all, and there was a big deep pit under his buttocks. His buttocks hurt and a numb feeling. I seem to be weak.

And there is also a deep pit not far from Wenshan, which is much bigger than the pit under his buttocks, and there is a person lying in the deep pit. This person as a whole looks more embarrassed than Wenshan.

Looking over, the long-haired beauty in a black robe lying on the ground was messy, and the black robe was also extremely damaged, especially near the thigh, with a very deep scar. This scar is so long that it seems to be about to connect between the legs. In the broken cracks of the black robe, Wenshan's shadow saw about half of his face. The skin on his face was very white and his eyes were slender, not big, but the cold light in his pupils was like substance, which was chilling. The most beautiful thing is her mouth. Her mouth is like a diamond, and her lips are bright red, which is extremely charming. Her figure is also extremely beautiful. Wenshan looks that compared with the two best beauties of Taixuanzong, Shen Jie and Dai Mingqiu, they also lack a little charm.

But Wenshan was frightened and inexplicably. From the use of the ghost claws just now, it can be seen that this woman is also a ghost monk. Although she is seriously injured, her soul power alone can directly subdue her, the senior strong man of the ghost king in the real realm. It can be seen that this person's means are very strong. It can be said that this woman is by no means easy. People. Her soul has at least stepped into the holy land. This bold imagination suddenly made Wenshan panic, but it only passed in a flash, and then returned to a light face, which became a deeper level of everything in front of her.

With the vision of Wenshan's eyes and the clear perception of the soul, it was found that the woman lying opposite was in excellent figure and exquisite curves, and the woman's eyes had been closed, her face flushed and her eyebrows were locked. As the black robe burst everywhere, the woman's spring light suddenly appeared, and the plumpness on her chest was close to Wenshan's sight. With the woman's rapid breathing, the suckling pigeon on her chest fluctuated up and down. With the increasing range of ups and downs, Wenshan could see the beautiful suckling pigeon through the cracks in the broken robe around her. A little red in the white, white milk attracted Wenshan's attention. For a while, Wenshan had completely forgotten that he was in a dangerous place.

At this moment, the woman finally moved, but it was the moment she turned her whole body, ' hiss~! Hiss~!' Two voices came from her body, and the relatively damaged robe bloomed again in her thigh and the two precious places in front of her chest. The broken robe on her chest, half of her chest, and her breathing also fluctuated. And the middle of her legs was also torn apart, and her legs were crossed, ready to cover the gap.

Wenshan seemed to have an illusion. This woman seemed to have been poisoned by an extremely **dang, or ate something **. At this time, the two beautiful legs crossed together kept rubbing against each other, especially the part between her legs. Wenshan seemed to see water stains flowing out. Come on. And the woman's face turned red at this time.


Just as Wenshan stared at the woman in front of him, he suddenly snorted coldly and closed Wenshan's eyes. Wenshan coughed awkwardly, and then stared at the woman in front of him again.

At this time, the woman's eyes had been opened, and there was a trace of hatred in her eyes, staring at herself angrily, as if she was very annoyed by her behavior. But because of the flush on her face, her angry look was a little strange, like an angry little girl, and she looked very cute. Such an idea appeared in Wenshan's heart.

For the woman in front of him, Wenshan really has no angry thoughts at all, but only the appreciation of the woman in front of him.

"Hmm! Why is it you again!" The cold voice came out of the woman's mouth again. At this time, there was a trace of doubt in the voice and a little hatred.

is a sentence from this woman. Wenshan suddenly felt that this woman also had a little familiarity with herself, as if she had seen it there, but she didn't seem to have seen it, but this woman said, 'Why is it your boy', which is enough to show that this woman knows herself, or has seen herself before, but she has such a soul cultivation. And the woman who has seen herself and has hatred for herself seems to be gone except for the mysterious woman she met when crossing the thunderstorm. Wenshan thinks so.

"Mysterious woman?" Wenshan suddenly said to the woman, and at the same time, he opened his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him with a happy smile on his face.