ghost monk

Chapter 155 Zhan Tai Luoyun's Remote Attack

Chapter 155 Zhan Tailuoyun's Long-range Attack

"This thing dares to be rampant in front of me. Is your vision really so bad that you can't even see my real strength? If I really lose to your hands today, then I don't have to live today. Is it very faceless for a strong man in the primary stage of divine power to be provoked by you, a boy in the real stage? If you defeat me today, you are already very great. I am the first master to defeat Zhenyuan in the divine power stage, and I am a master in the divine power stage who is defeated by people in the Zhenyuan stage. A cold sound broke out from Wenshan's mouth, and a deep earthly divine power burst out, almost smelling of thick earthy objects. Facing the long whip of the metal real Yuanyuan force wrapped around his body, the metal disappeared directly and disappeared directly on Wenshan's body, as if it had been directly absorbed by Wenshan before. The huge metal ball-like feeling of entering his body suddenly felt the same as the whole shadow hidden in Wenshan's body, and this time it was the same. All of them disappeared at once.

At this moment, an extremely strong earthy light emerged from Wenshan's body, covering all the Wenshan in front of him, and at the same time covering everything around Wenshan within the range of this earthy divine power, like the earthy light The circle enveloped the whole world into the general feeling. At this time, the divine power of the earth attribute flourished.

In the whole valley, the earth of the valley seems to have revived. This earthy yellow light is the light of the earth, that is, the magnificent breath of life emitted from the earth and the awakening of everything, so that the surrounding people are here. In this kind of light, there is a general feeling of enjoyment. Only Su Wuli is the most painful person. The whole person is all immersed in a painful needle, but there is no effect in it. It is for this reason that Su unreasonable is the god of such earthly at this time. The light of power is completely shrouded. Although it is only the light of divine power, what is hidden in the shadow is the power of attraction, fixing all Su Wuli's whole person there, waiting for Wenshan's next instructions. At this time, these earthy yellow lights seem to have eyes, and they are very flexible and restless, constantly moving around. Zhang Yang, this earthy magic power is far more powerful than the ordinary true energy.


A khaki magic spear pointed straight to Su's unreasonable throat. This sharp spear exuded a cold breath, and the violent energy in it was constantly appearing in front of everyone.

Su's unreasonable body retreated, and the shock on his face flashed. His palms were constantly afraid of making gestures. After gestures, they were constantly intertwined and kept clinging to each other. At the same time, such a golden power light appeared in his hands and suddenly arrived in front of the magic spear of this earth attribute, ready to Try your best to stop the power of this spear.

"Golden Barrier!"

At this time, Su unreasonously exerted his metal power to reach the limit. He actually organized the metallic force in his body into a golden barrier, which was formed by a golden wall like a golden hard barrier, but it was organized by the metal force. It collided with the earth attribute divine power spear hundreds of times in a row. Suddenly, a shock, and the earthly attribute divine power spear of Wenshan suddenly became much stronger. Before the earthy magic power spear touched the golden barrier in front of him, the light alone weakened the golden barrier in front of it a lot.


At this moment, the sound of a very violent energy explosion exploded throughout the air, and the collision between the earthy magic spear and the golden barrier, resulting huge explosive power burst out throughout the air.

Wenshan was bombed, but he did not move at all. The magic spear controlled in his hand kept emitting a strong earthy yellow light, directly sucking the golden light on the opposite side into the spear and disappearing cleanly. Just as the golden light was absorbed, the golden barriers disappeared.

At the moment when the golden barrier disappeared, his earthy magic spear extended forward again. The earth attribute magic spear was long and automatically extended, exuding the earth's resuscitation of the earth's divine power. He wanted to kill everything and kill the evil momentum emanated from the spear. At this moment, the earthy yellow behind Wenshan The light of divine power is constantly sweeping, constantly plundering the light of the divine power of earth's attributes in the surrounding air, and constantly plundering the energy in the surrounding air. Constantly absorbing the powerful energy light around it. The light of the earthy magic power emitting around him was constantly absorbed by Wenshan's magic spear and absorbed into his spear.

In the air, there is a continuous conversion between the divine power. In this process, Wenshan is constantly converting between the divine powers of earthy and yellow earth to the spear of the divine power under his control. Between swallowing, the breath of the spear is constantly emitted, showing a breath of recovery. Come out.

At this moment, the whole image of Wenshan has completely turned into a different appearance, with a fierce breath, with the majesty of a strong divine power, and the hegemony of a strong man with divine power, constantly releasing the breath of his own earth attributes around and releasing his own energy. The people around the Golden Stone Gate are constantly showing what they are showing to the people in front of them. This is Wenshan in front of him, a strong man who really shows his cultivation in the stage of divine power.

The reason why Wenshan is so publicizing at this time is to show his cultivation in the divine power stage. In Wenshan's eyes, he is facing a very troublesome group of guys. Only by showing a small part of his true strength can Wenshan completely convince everyone in such a situation. Let this group of people dare not fight against themselves. Even if they want to fight against themselves, it depends on whether these people have the ability to fight against them.

The original Wenshan just wants to show his cultivation at the peak stage of Zhenyuan. After all, Wenshan is not a person who likes to be arrogant. He is a person who likes to keep a low profile to his bones. At the most dangerous critical moment, Wenshan City in front of him will not be real Such a guy who fully shows his strength. However, the strength of this part shown by Wenshan at this time is already the strength of the primary stage of divine power, but this primary stage of divine power is only his real strength at the previous moment, but the real strength of Wenshan at this time is no longer what these people can understand now, and even Wenshan himself has no way to describe it. Such a thing, at this time, Wenshan's divine power cultivation is already the intermediate stage of magical power, but the intermediate stage of this divine power is not superficial, and it is still the strength of the primary stage of divine power. After all, among the five dark golden divine powers, only the cultivation of metallic divine power In order to upgrade to the intermediate stage of divine power, the rest of the divine power is still only the primary stage of divine power. It is for this reason that Wenshan's current cultivation is still only the primary stage of divine power.

However, although it is the dark golden divine power in the primary stage of the divine power, because the metallic divine power among the five divine powers has reached the intermediate stage of cultivation, Wenshan's current real strength is one head higher than the primary divine power on the surface. Don't underestimate such a first-level difference, but that's it. The distance shown between one end is very different. If Wenshan and the man in white fight against the enemy again, Wenshan is far from being as difficult as before, at least it will be much easier.

In addition, Wenshan is the magic power of the five attributes of cultivation. In this case, all the strength of Wenshan is absolutely confident to defeat the peak-level strongman in the divine power stage. But the strong man at the peak level of divine power mentioned here is only the one on the surface, without any backhand. His strength is just like a man in white, and his cultivation is only an ordinary strong man at the peak level of divine power. Don't think about the rest. If Wenshan really faces Zhan Tailuoyun, the first generation of the young generation of Jinshimen, Wenshan still has no confidence and no strength to compete with it.

It is for this reason that Wenshan showed the primary strength of his divine power. In fact, at this time, Wenshan hid a larger part of his ability.

In fact, the man in white who loves himself first also doesn't understand what's wrong with Wenshan in front of him and how to show his real strength. In the impression of the man in white, Wenshan is not such a person who can show all his strength without reservation, but at this time, Wenshan really shows his real strength. But in the imagination of the man in white, Wenshan will always keep a hand, and every time he leaves the most powerful hand. Such a hand is also very dangerous and can exert great power at a critical moment. It is this hand that in the process of fighting with the man in white, the man in white never knows what Wenshan's real strength is. In the impression of the man in white, as long as his strength increases, the strength shown by Wenshan is also gradually increasing, and with the strength of the man in white As much as it increases, Wenshan's strength will follow how much it increases.

According to the idea of the man in white, Wenshan only needs to show his strength at the peak stage of Zhenyuan in front of these people and in the process of the unreasonable battle with Su. There is no need for Wenshan to show other strengths, but at this time, Wenshan actually He showed his magic-level strength, and showed his magic-level strength as soon as he came up, which was such a powerful magic-level strength that was not shown when fighting with men in white. For Wenshan's abnormal behavior, the man in white was sure that the strength of Wenshan in front of him seemed to have really improved a lot. Otherwise, Wenshan's personality would not have used such a means.

"Su is unreasonable, isn't it? Don't you know that your strength is only a little bit in my eyes? Your strength is just a little bit scattered. The real strength is not what you can really experience, not what you can imagine. After all, not all kinds of strength can be shown. In the face of you, it is enough for me to show the strength of Zhenyuan level, but in order to save trouble, I will show my magic level strength. Do you know my real intention?

At this time, Wenshan condensed all the earthy magic power at one point. The earthy magic spear is only a half an inch away from Su's unreasonable throat. For such a distance, Wenshan can directly pierce the earthy magic spear into Su's unreasonable throat in front of him. But at this moment, Wenshan controlled the magic spear in front of him, waiting for the answer of the person in front of him, or talking with Su Wuli in front of him.

Wenshan looked at Su Wuli with a dead face, with a trace of disdain on his face. Looking at Su Wuli in front of him, he said with a smile, "Don't you really want to know the real strength of our own disciples in our small hole? Didn't you say that the strength of my own disciple who came out of the small hole is very low? Do you think my strength is much lower than yours? At least I'm much better than you, who has been in Taixuanzong for many years! Let me call you brother. Don't you know the historical rules of our sect? All two people are of the same status level, but the names between them are based on strength as the most basic number, unless they are their own teachers or their direct relatives. Otherwise, everything is based on strength, and everything depends on strength. It is for this reason that the first thing you should obey now is to completely obey all my arrangements, isn't it? Do you really think I dare not kill you? Wenshan looked at Su Wuli in front of him with a cold face, with a slight sneer on his face.

"What do you mean?" At this time, Su's whole face turned blue, and his momentum seemed to have been hit by some kind of hunger, and his whole body was in a state of decadence. He looked at Wenshan in front of him with a frightened face, a guy who seemed to exist like a devil. For Wenshan in front of him, Su Wuli went from his original disdain, to his respect for Wenshan in front of him, to his current fear and fear of Wenshan in front of him. All kinds of different moods and different emotions continue to emerge in front of Wenshan and constantly appear in Wenshan. At this time, Su Wuli seemed to be like a guy who lost his self-consciousness, and his whole body was in absolute silence. In other words, it is the general feeling that the whole person has lost his soul.

At this time, Wenshan looked at Su Ruli in front of him, and seemed to have guessed it would be like this. At this time, Wenshan smiled. Looking at Su Ruli in front of him, he said with a smile, "Do you think I really dare not kill you? For your offense to me, the strong man in my divine power stage is completely capable of killing you. In addition, he has sectarian rules. It's very simple to let me complete some difficult tasks of sectarianism!

Do you think the sect will come to embarrass me for a strong man who is already in the divine stage for you, a small strong man at the peak of Zhenyuan? It's really funny! Do you think I'm really bad? Why didn't you choose me? In the end, you cheated me, deceived my feelings, and deceived my heart... Do you really think my strength at that time was very poor? Did you choose me to take advantage of me? Is strength really important? But I have the strength now! A strength that can gain a foothold!" At this time, Wenshan kept narrating and roaring. It seems that standing in front of him was the girl who broke his heart, the person who completely broke his heart, broke his meridians and almost died, a woman who took advantage of him, Su Linger.

At this time, the man in white beside him also saw that Wenshan's mood fluctuated greatly at this moment, as if he had fallen into a crazy state, and his whole body was in extreme anger, and his mind seemed to be lost. For the sudden appearance of such a situation, the heartbeat of the man in white suddenly accelerated a lot, as if his whole body was thundered by the situation in front of him. It seemed that the whole person was not realistic. At this time, the man in white looked at Wenshan in front of him, and suddenly felt fierce and was ready to pull Wenshan back to reality.

At this moment, the man in white suddenly saw his own red light flourishing, covering his whole body in the red light. At this time, the red light in the man's hand in white kept flowing and expanding, and it was possible to take action at any time. At any time, he could take down the Wenshan in front of him. Wenshan in front of him pulled back to reality from the process of anger. At this time, the man in white is also waiting. After all, Wenshan is still a little sober and still has a hint of thinking in it. The silver man didn't want to pull back Wenshan in front of him as soon as he came up. The man in white also saw that Wenshan had suppressed the resentment in his heart for a long time. It would not be able to vent it for a while. It was for this reason that for the man in white in front of him, it was still Wenshan. If Wen Shan is really going to kill Su Wuli in front of him, he will immediately take action to protect Su Wuli.

After all, Su's unreasonable strength at this time is also a master of the Zhenyuan stage. If he is really killed by Wenshan like this, it must be the loss of the sect. For the loss of the sect, it is what men in white do not want to see. After all, men in white are the identity of the messengers in white of the sect. The purpose of their existence is In order to protect the interests of sects from loss. If Wenshan only kills ordinary inner disciples in the Zhenyuan stage, the man in white can leave it alone. After all, there are still many such people in the sect, and the strength of these people is not on the stage.

But like Su Wuli, his strength has reached the peak of the Zhenyuan stage and will be a master of the divine power stage in the near future. If it is really like this, how can a man in white let Wenshan kill him? It is precisely because of such a mind that the man in white also exerted his divine power at this time, in order to prepare to control Wenshan in a violent state at any time. But at this time, the man in white looked at the whole mental state of Wenshan in front of him, as if he had a move that could not control Wenshan in front of him. It seemed that standing in front of him at this time was a very powerful devil, as if Wenshan's whole momentum was placed there, which could not be dealt with by the man in white in front of him.

"Ah! Go to hell, all go to hell!" At this time, Wenshan's mouth suddenly shouted, and the earthy yellow magic spear under control at the same time suddenly glowed yellow, and the violent energy in it suddenly emanated. At the same time, he shot out at Su's unreasonable throat. A great pressure pressed down Su's unreasonable throat.

At this time, the man in white had firmly controlled Wenshan's every move, but in the face of Wenshan's sudden attack, for a moment, the man in white still followed Wenshan a step slower, but seeing Wenshan's earthy magic spear exerted was about to attack Su Wuyi. At the throat, suddenly exuded an extremely strong breath in Su's unreasonable throat. With supreme majesty, it directly blocked the earthy magic spear of Wenshan from Su's unreasonable throat.

Although there are only sporadic light emerging from Su's unreasonable throat, even this sporadic light is not the primary strength of Wenshan's earthy magic power in front of him. The magic spear of Wenshan's earth attribute can't break through this sporadic golden light at all. From this sporadic golden light, there is the power of cultivation in the divine power stage, and the supreme spiritual thoughts of the divine practitioner are mixed in it, and the sporadic golden light emits such a light is emitted by the chain hanging on Su's unreasonable neck. This chain can emit a powerful blow against all the strength of Wenshan, which is an unexpected thing.

When the scattered golden light spots on the chain dissipated, Wenshan's earthy magic spear lost any light, as if Wenshan's khaki magic spear just cast seemed to have its own fear of the sporadic light spot in front of him, precisely because The existence of such fluctuations makes Wenshan in front of him speechless about such a move. With the dissipation of Wenshan's magic spear, sporadic light spots disappeared. The energy of the whole space seems to have suddenly returned to a calm state, as if it had never been in such a quiet state. It seems that all this happening in front of us is such an unusual abnormal state.

is the man in white standing in the distance at this time. At this time, there is also an inexplicable feeling on his face. At this time, he also doesn't know what happened. What just happened is too strange. But in the eyes of the man in white, he still saw that the chain hanging on his neck named Su Wuli was hidden on the ordinary chain in the divine power stage of a little divine power given to himself by his spiritual ideas. Only when Su unreasoningly faces the real danger will this sporadic divine light point appear to keep it from the owner of the chain from any danger.

In fact, the man in white also judged that the sporadic divine power light just now is at least the strength cultivation at the peak stage of divine power, and only the divine power cultivation at the peak stage of divine power can resist this strong blow of Wenshan. Only then can we truly defeat Wenshan in front of us. But it is the man in white who wants to defeat the spear of Wenshan's divine power with the light of a sporadic peak strength. Such a thing, or such ability, is not what he can do.

At this time, Wenshan also slowly woke up from his angry state just now. At the same time, he also realized what happened just now, and knew how the sporadic thing just now existed.

At this time, Su Wuli seemed to have regained a life from the ghost door. At this time, he suddenly became crazy. Looking at Wenshan in front of him, Su Wuli smiled and shouted, "Wenshan, you son of a bitch, don't you want to kill me? If you have the ability, come and kill me!

How do you think your strength can be my opponent? How can you kill me! Let me tell you, no matter how much your strength has grown now, but I must tell you that I am still not what you can kill. You and I are two extreme worlds. From now on, I will turn to Master Zhan Tai. From now on, I will be Master Zhan Tai's. You can't fight against Master Zhan Tai. As long as Master Zhan Tai exists for a day, you can't kill me! Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha!" Suddenly, Su Wuli suddenly became arrogant and knelt down directly in the direction of Jinshimen. He knelt down in the direction of Jinshimen. He kept kneeling like this for a hundred times, but he still did not stop.

At this time, Wenshan saw Su Wuli's sudden behavior. For a moment, the hatred in Wenshan's heart became even greater. Looking at Su Wuli, who knelt on the ground in front of him, his heart suddenly became fierce. In the direction of Su Wuli, he shot out the earthy yellow divine power, and a huge earthy yellow divine power suddenly Appearing in Wenshan's hand, it kept turning in Wenshan's hand, making a sound of divine power rubbing against the air, making a powerful sound. Among them, this violent sound kept exploding in the air, constantly absorbing energy crazily into the surrounding air. At this time, Under the light of Wenshan's divine power of the yellow earth attribute, Wenshan's dark golden divine power suddenly disappeared in it. At this time, the power of Wenshan's whole divine power spear suddenly doubled.

But Wenshan was not satisfied. He suddenly absorbed the energy in the surrounding air. At this time, Wenshan wanted to rely on the energy in the surrounding air to constantly supplement the violent earthy magic spear he used. At this time, the magic spear in Wenshan's hand is not the previous magic spear of Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan shows all his strength. At this time, Wenshan showed this seemingly simple earthly magical spear, but it is mixed with many different divine powers. When all the divine power of the alien is mixed with such a violent earth attribute magic spear, the power of the earth attribute is so powerful that it can not be exerted by ordinary people in the primary stage of divine power. This earth attribute magic power spear is a huge energy bomb, and it is difficult for people in the divine power stage to survive under such a soil attribute magic power spear.

The man in white on the opposite suddenly saw that Wenshan had used such a large-scale magic power. He was very familiar with such energy fluctuations, but it was much larger than the strong energy fluctuations he was familiar with, or it was not comparable to the energy he had touched before. At this time, the man in white looked at Wenshan's cautious expression in front of him, and his whole expression was changing greatly. For Wenshan in front of him, he could treat Su in front of him like this. Even when he fought with him, he did not exert such a powerful power. At this time, the man in white man Zi knew that Wenshan was really murderous.

At this time, it seems impossible for the man in white to keep Su's unreasonableness in front of him. At this time, the man in white seemed to finally see the real strength of Wenshan, but when the man in white saw the real strength of Wenshan, it was too late and he could not fight against Wenshan. Wenshan was murderous to Su in front of him. If the man in white forcibly stopped him, he was bound to be fiercely attacked by Wenshan. On the contrary, Wenshan would face endless pressure. If this is true, there is also a problem whether the man in white can protect himself.

Just as Wenshan's earthy magic spear was just ready, when Wenshan was preparing to shoot out his long-prepared earthly magical spear, a bright light suddenly came from afar, and Wenshan was ready to kneel down with the earthly magical spear of earthly in his hand. When Su unreasonedly attacked on the ground, he was blocked by the sudden bright light.

When this bright light flew close, Wenshan saw what the bright light was, which was a small claw-like golden light, but this golden light was different, in which it emitted five different attributes of light, with red fire attributes and golden metal attributes. The light of the divine power has the divine power light of white water attribute and the divine power light of the red fire attribute, but there is also a black divine power light on the outside of these divine power light. This black divine power light exudes an extremely powerful breath, which has a feeling of great danger to Wenshan. Wenshan seemed to be extremely familiar with those black breaths. He seemed to have experienced such a black breath. At this time, Wenshan's whole brain was wrinkled into a ball. There is a very serious antipathy to such a black breath, as if there is hostility to such a black breath.

However, in the process of Wenshan's thinking, the magic spear of the original earth attribute was mixed with five different attributes of divine power, and the five different attribute divine power was suddenly driven to this golden light ball with five divine power attributes, suddenly However, he shot in front of Wenshan in front of him and suddenly entangled Wenshan's heart. The magic spear, which was originally full of domineering breath in the air, suddenly disappeared intovisibly when it touched the golden light. At the same time, after absorbing Wenshan's earthy magic spear, the light of the five golden attributes suddenly hit Wenshan directly and flew away. At the same time, it entered Su's unreasonable body at the speed of the naked eye.

When the golden light hit Wenshan's body, Wenshan also rolled and fell to the ground. His whole body was full of divine power. The meridians were fiercely twisted and suffered minor injuries. However, deep in his heart, he was all excited. He could be directly repelled by the suddenly rushed divine power. Originally, he wanted to After killing Su's unreasonable Wenshan, he didn't expect that he was almost killed by others. Just a simple fight, Wenshan suddenly felt that there was also a black breath hidden in his meridians. This black breath and the black breath in the power of Zhenyuan exerted by Wu Shura came much more powerful. It was not a thing that Wenshan could fight against now. Wenshan clearly felt that there was a irritable and bloody atmosphere hidden in this black breath.

Moreover, Wenshan also knows his own strength and can thoroughly compete with the warriors at the peak of his divine power. Originally, in Wenshan's view, as long as he exerts all his strength, the Su unreasonableness in front of him is not allowed to kill, but the facts in front of him are exactly the opposite of what he imagined, and it is not what he imagined. The origin of the sudden rapid shooting of the divine light mass with a black breath is absolutely not simple. Being able to worship himself in one move, this person's divine power is also strange. There are also five divine attributes, one of which Wenshan has never seen and Wenshan has not recognized. It shows that this person's divine power cultivation is not ordinary. At the same time, a light that can be emitted from such a long distance absorbed the spear of divine power that he had prepared for a long time and completely absorbed it, which made Wenshan completely in that extreme passive situation for a moment.

"It's your boy again. Every time you appear on Jinshimen, he always causes me some trouble! What a worry-free boy. I still say, when will you join my Tianji camp? Otherwise, you won't stay in Taixuanzong for long. At this time, suddenly a low voice passed over, with a little reproach in the voice, but the overall feeling was still a place to appreciate Wenshan. It is for this reason that it may not be a good thing for Wenshan at present.

At this time, Su Wuli, who had been kneeling on the ground, suddenly the golden light on his whole body kept coming out of his body with black breath. The dark golden divine power injected by Yuan Wenshan into his body also disappeared at the same time, as if all of them had been absorbed by the black divine power, and the black god The power actually absorbed Su's unreasonable golden original power. At this time, although the black magic power shines with golden power on the surface, the golden power light at this time is already insignificant. It's just color. If you look deeper, such gold does not exist, and the magic power inside is black. The light of color keeps running, giving people a feeling of devouring, as if the whole person's soul has been swallowed up by it. At this time, the direct feeling for Wenshan is the kind of thing that directly devours everything of others.

At this time, Su was still in a depressed state of unreasonableness. At this time, his spiritual thoughts suddenly became much bigger. At the same time, his whole spirit had undergone great changes. His whole strength seemed to be increasing, and Wenshan's spiritual thoughts were shrouded in When Su unreasonable body in front of him, he clearly felt that the energy in Su's body was constantly in the process of soaring and continued to grow, as if Su's whole cultivation had changed dramatically at this time.

At this time, Su Wuli's whole body recovered from the original sluggish process, and his whole body seemed to have improved a lot. The temperament has completely changed.

At this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts explored the past and suddenly found that Wenshan's strength had reached the primary stage of divine power. At this time, Wenshan never thought that Su Wuli's strength in front of him would grow so fast. What kind of black magic power was just now? It actually improved Su's unreasonable cultivation so quickly.

At this time, Wenshan looked at Su unreasonable in front of him and had several complex looks in his heart.

At this moment, a voice suddenly passed over and directly reached Wenshan's heart, "Go and see your eldest lady!" Don't resist meaninglessly. As long as she agrees to marry me, I will help him solve everything, otherwise, hey..."

"Zhan Tailuo Yun!" At this time, the name left a deep memory in Wenshan's heart.