ghost monk

Chapter 156 See you again

Chapter 156 See you again

Taixuanzong, there are many mountains in the Taixuan Mountains, but only 28 mountains are the most spiritual. Among them, five mountains are designated as the main peaks, namely Everest, Zhangfeng, Cangfeng, Waistfeng and Hongfeng. The remaining 23 mountains are the current mountains, and each mountain range is a small gate.

Mount Everest, one of the main veins of Taixuanzong, looks like a huge palace, which is very luxurious. When you walk into Mount Everest, you will find that you have entered a luxurious palace. This is not an imaginary place of cultivation, not the existence of things surrounded by many trees, caves and ancient houses. There is a very magnificent architectural complex here. In such a complex, you will feel the extreme atmosphere and extreme solemn atmosphere in it. When you walk in, in fact, when you walk into the main peak, you will find that all the places in Mount Everest at this time are very solemn and sacred.

At this time, Wenshan has arrived here for three days, and there are still a few days left for the official sect's mission. During this period, Wenshan has been in a closed state. At this time, Wenshan has been constantly adjusting his state. After all, in the process of Wenshan preparing to kill Su's unreasonableness, he was hit by Zhantai Luoyun. In that case, Zhantai Luoyun was still merciful. If Zhan Tailuo Yun really takes action, it is estimated that it will be a move to take down Wenshan in front of him. However, Zhan Tailuoyun doesn't seem to care about a master like Wenshan at all. He has no intention of dying for Wenshan, but only a little black divine power seed left in Wenshan's meridians.

I don't know much about Wenshan, such a black divine seed, but Wenshan does feel the horror of this black divine seed. Yuan Wenshan is ready to exclude it from his body, but when you pass through the meridians, it's okay if you don't move, but constantly devouring you in your meridians. If you let such black light spots in your own meridians constantly devour the dark golden divine power in your body and gradually grow, then you can only let it grow slowly and then you want to make it really complete. If it is eradicated, it will be difficult that time. In the end, it is likely that the blood and blood of Wenshan and even their own Qihai Dantian will have such a black divine power constantly remaining in their bodies.

However, with the slow development of time, although Wenshan is still constantly suppressing such a black divine power, no matter how Wenshan suppresses it, with the increase of time, this black divine power has gradually grown from the original seed state. Moreover, the black divine power seed is very magical. This magical thing is that this black divine power seed can devour it no matter what kind of energy it encounters, that is, many of the magic spirits in the Linglong Second Tower of Wenshan can be absorbed and swallowed and integrated into one.

It is for this reason that Wenshan was ready to melt the seeds of such black divine power into his second tower and be suppressed like those magic spirits, but the final result is exactly the opposite. This magical black divine seed is in the sea of air of Wenshan. In the space of Linglong Tower, not only was it suppressed, but it was crazy to continuously absorb the energy of magic gas, which suddenly absorbed most of the energy stored in Wenshan's body. It was for this reason that Wenshan had to separate such a black divine power seed from his Linglong II. The tower turned it to its own tower, but in the face of the strength of the strong dark gold divine power, because the dark gold divine power is composed of the divine power of five attributes, with the characteristics of the divine power of various attributes in the world. After the black divine power seeds enter the tower, although not like entering the second tower, it is constantly The absorption of energy, but in a tower, they are constantly fighting with the dark golden divine power, constantly devouring each other, and no one will let anyone, that is, the mutual dispute between the two.

The battle between the two gods and the two different gods appeared in such a situation, so Wenshan had to continue to transfer this black magic power from the exquisite tower in his sea of qi.

At this time, Wenshan really found that there was a completely different extreme difference between this black divine seed and the black divine seed of Musura. At least the divine power seed cultivated by Wushuluo can be completely suppressed by his own Qihai Linglong Tower, and such a strange and magical divine power seed can be completely integrated, but this black divine power seed cannot be integrated by Wenshan at all, as if this black divine power seed and Wenshan The dark golden divine power seeds in the sea of Qi are born in such a relationship of competition. It is for this reason that every time the black divine power seeds come into contact with the dark golden divine power produced in the sea of air of Wenshan, the scene of the two struggle with each other. The scene of fighting between them will happen, which is not something that can be solved.

During the three-day retreat of Wenshan, Wenshan has been slowly exploring the characteristics of this black divine seed. The biggest feature is that this black magic seed does not grow much. It always has a certain size, or its energy reserve is limited to it. And this limit is the simplest. As long as the energy reaches a certain standard, the black divine power seed will derive two new black divine power seeds, and the reserve energy of the derived black divine power seed is not certain. Wenshan still does not know what the limit of this derived black divine power reserve energy is. , but one thing Wenshan knows is that this derived black divine power seed has the same characteristics as the black divine power in Wushura's body, and can also be absorbed, swallowed and merged by Wenshan's exquisite two towers.

It is for this reason that Wenshan in front of him is not so worried about the black magic seed derived from the black divine power seed. Wenshan called the black divine seed that could not be merged in his body the mother seed, and the derived seed. The mother species does not grow up. When the energy of the mother species accumulates to a certain extent, it will be derived into two subspecies.

However, there is no limit on the energy convergence of the seed, but the energy of the seed seed seems to be naturally absorbed by the Linglong Tower of Wenshan. As soon as the seed appears, Wenshan will absorb all the seed into his exquisite two towers, and then benefit Use the Linglong Tower to slowly absorb the energy of the seed, and then fuse this energy. It is for this reason that the energy in Wenshan's body was absorbed by the mother and then transformed into the seed, but the seed was suppressed and absorbed by Wenshan. After fusion, the part of the energy absorbed by the mother was reabsorbed by Wenshan again, so that Wenshan's body The internal energy still remains unchanged. It is for this reason that Wenshan is still relatively safe for a while.

Zhan Tai Luoyun put the black divine power seed into Wenshan's body in order to slowly torture Wenshan. The purpose is to turn the divine power in Wenshan's body into a black divine power. At that time, Wenshan may really become a subordinate named Zhantai Luoyun, and Su Wu Xiuluo Well, according to Wenshan's guess, in the bodies of Su Wuli and Wu Shura, the two are destined to have a black divine power seed, and this black divine power seed is destined to be a mother seed, and then it continues to derive, and finally all the divine power in their bodies is transformed into black. At the time of divine power, all the black seed power gathered in their bodies, and they were completely controlled by Zhantai Luoyun.

That's how Zhan Tailuoyun is also holding such a mind and preparing to control Wenshan in front of him. In this way, Wenshan is destined to become the person controlled by him. At that time, whether Wenshan enters his Tianji camp or not, he will be his loyal subordinate. However, Wenshan has not figured out where this black magic power comes from and what kind of attribute it is. Wenshan seems to be very familiar with such a black magic power. As soon as the dark golden magic power meets such a black magic power, it goes crazy, but Wenshan can't say this black magic power. What the hell is it!

At this time, Wenshan suddenly mobilized the dark golden divine power of his whole body. After all, this black divine power devoured all the divine power except Wenshan's dark golden divine power, so at this time, Wenshan did not dare to mobilize a kind of divine power to compete with such a black divine power. If you mobilize a divine power to compete with this black divine power, it is destined to be absorbed and swallowed by this black divine power. At this time, Wenshan's idea was to use the dark golden divine power to compete with this black divine power and prepare to expel this black divine power from his body. He is ready to expel the black magic mother in his body.

During the period of the retreat in Wenshan, an extremely beautiful woman with bright eyes and snowy skin, beautiful hair and drooping shoulders, and a face like the person in the picture. He is wearing a black strong suit, but there is still a light green Luoyi in the black strong suit. The white chest is exposed, embroidered with a few soft and white lotus flowers, which makes a piece of skin at the neck and chest more warm, and also makes the exquisite and touching curve hidden under Luoyi a little more confusing. Na, a suffocating woman with a touching and beautiful appearance.

And such a beautiful woman stood in front of the closed guest room in Wenshan for three days in a row. During these three days, someone passed by from time to time, but the woman still did not move at all, as if this The woman was born with a wood carving, ignoring the passing eyes of the people around her, just standing there, waiting for the storage tank of Wenshan in the retreat.

This woman is Su Linger. At this time, Su Linger is still so beautiful and beautiful, and she is still one of the objects sought after by many men. But such a little girl, but her real strength is indeed beyond the reach of many people. Her strength has reached the primary stage of divine power. At this time, the woman also heard from his brother Su Wuli that Wenshan had also come to Mount Everest, one of the five main peaks of Taixuanzong. At the same time, he also learned about the war between Wenshan and his brother.

Su Linger didn't say much about the war between the two of them. After all, there were no casualties in the war between the two. At the same time, he also knew that Wenshan's real strength had reached the divine power stage, and Wenshan's strength was also the divine power stage. At this time, Su Linger was very surprised. After all, it was not easy for Wenshan to have such strength. Su Linger could rely on infinite resources all the way from the physical realm. Su Linger also knew that this matter was not easy, that is, Su Linger, who was able to get to this point was completely because Su Linger had a good talent, so she came to this point step by step, but what did Wenshan rely on?

Su Linger doesn't know, but one thing Su Linger knows is that Wenshan doesn't have any*, just a small domestic slave of the Shen family in St. It was because of her deep understanding of Wenshan that Su Linger knew that Wenshan in front of her was not easy.

In fact, Su Linger didn't know how she felt about Wenshan. At the beginning, Su Linger only used Wenshan to help him steal the Taixuan Jindan of the Shen family, but when Wenshan helped Su Linger steal the Taixuan Jindan, she separated from Wenshan. At that time, Su Linger's whole mind was on Taixuan Jindan, and she had no impression of Wenshan at all. At this time, Su Linger has been constantly practicing and improving her cultivation, but sometimes she still thinks of a small place like the Holy City and the boy named Wenshan in the Holy Capital City. That boy is the only reason why he has sacrificed for himself for so many years to help herself. Stealing Taixuan Jindan, the boy actually chose to betray his master. At this time, it was a very taboo thing. At that time, the boy should have died in Su Linger's thoughts. After all, Su Linger knew the strict family rules of the Shen family.

But the final fact is that the boy not only did not die, but also came out three months later. The boy took the Shen family to destroy all their Su family, leaving only their immediate relatives, but all the martial arts were also abolished. For this phenomenon, Su Linger felt that she might have been injured at the beginning. It's too deep for Wenshan. But Su Linger never thought of how a boy with broken meridians had improved his strength to this stage and how to make his strength progress so quickly. It is because of this idea that Su Linger has been paying attention to Wenshan. After entering Taixuanzong from Wenshan, Su Linger was very clear about Wenshan's every move, including Wenshan's establishment of the bright moon and starry sky camp within Taixuanzong. These things spread into Su Linger's ears from time to time. Wenshan's attention has not changed in Su Linger's heart, but such a thing, without any change, has become Su Linger's torment every night.

She also doesn't know how Wenshan is doing now. After all, Wenshan came to Taixuanzong, and he is just a small handyman disciple. In Su Linger's view, Wenshan's ability to enter Taixuanzong this time must be because he helped the Shen family destroy the Su family. Shan got an opportunity to enter the Taixuan Sect to practice. But as a handyman disciple, without the help of an outer disciple or a more powerful inner disciple, he will never grow up and will be suppressed all the time.

Originally, Su Linger still wanted to help Wenshan, but because her cultivation could not be delayed for a moment, and her image in Wenshan's heart was already bad, it was for this reason that Wenshan did not pay attention to such a thing at all. I don't dare to contact the current Wenshan at all, but I'm afraid of what I will do and how to get the real forgiveness of Wenshan after seeing Wenshan. After all, for Su Linger, she is already very sorry for Wenshan. It is for this reason that Su Linger has been avoiding something. With Su Linger's talent and Su Linger's special system, Su Linger's cultivation should have been promoted faster, but because of Wenshan, Su Linger has been stuck in the primary stage of magic power for a long time. Su Linger's appearance has been waiting for Wenshan, that is, to prepare to solve the matter she is worried about in her heart. After solving it, Su Linger's heart knot can be solved. In this way, Su Linger can take a step forward on the road of cultivation. It is for this reason that Su Linger has been waiting for the exit of Wenshan in front of her. At this time, Su Linger knew that Wenshan's strength was already at the stage of divine power, and she was also the first candidate for the mission of this sect. At this time, Su Linger didn't know what happened in her heart, and the stone in her heart seemed to have become much lighter.

After all, Wenshan's cultivation is not as unbearable as she thought, and it is not as difficult as she imagined. Now Wenshan is already the identity of a personal disciple of the mountain gate where he is located. As long as Wenshan's identity step into the identity of a personal disciple, the status of the whole person in the sect will also improve with the improvement of his identity, and now Wenshan is protected in the sect, and And this kind of protection is still the kind that attaches great importance to. After all, Wenshan's strength at this time is there. Wenshan's identity is a personal disciple of Xiaodong. In the sect, his identity is still a personal disciple without any change. It is precisely because of this reason that Wenshan in front of him is not Anyone can kill at will.

Otherwise, after Wenshan offended Zhan Tai Luoyun, he actually survived safely. At this time, Wenshan was in isolation and must have been seriously injured, but it should not be fatal. Zhan Tai Luoyun did not have to kill a sect's own disciples and let the sect blame him. Moreover, although Wenshan is the strength of the divine power stage, the harm to Zhan Tai Luoyun is still insignificant. It is for this reason that Su Linger concluded that Wenshan should not have any danger of life, but Wenshan must not be easy. Zhan Tailuoyun is a hypocrite who must revenge, so it is still necessary to take action against Wenshan. It's just that this mission will start tomorrow. I don't know how Wenshan is doing and whether he can participate in the fight.

At this time, Su Linger didn't know what was wrong with her and why she put all her thoughts on Wenshan. Since she knew that Wenshan was closed, Su Linger had been waiting outside Wenshan's door and been waiting for Wenshan's self Come out from where you live.

At this time, there are all kinds of things in such a room, including your own food, and even various fruit trees are planted in various rooms of Mount Everest. With the continuous growth of fruit trees, you can taste the delicious fruits here. It is for this reason that there is no problem for people who have been closed here for ten or eight years. The environment here is like spring all year round. As long as you stay here, it is still very beautiful.

Many of their disciples like to come here to practice. And where Wenshan lives is a small room specially prepared for the disciples of each mountain gate. A special place for various disciples to live. Above Mount Everest, each room has different levels of distinction. There are places where ancestors live, places where elders live, and places where elders and suzerains live, but not everyone comes here to Mount Everest every day. Most of the ancestors have their own caves and usually live in the caves, but there are still necessary rooms for them. In case they can't leave on Mount Everest that day, they must live here.

In fact, above the five Everests, they are all arranged in this pattern. Only the personal disciples can live in such a separate room to practice, and the rest can only live in a large room with a large group of people. They do not have a personal room. Even if there is a room for the personal disciples, they are not qualified to live in. For a large sect like Taixuanzong, they all have strict rules. It is such rules that are the basis for the development and growth of their sects. It is also the existence of such rules that they can continue to have more and more powerful talents in the process of the development of such a large mountain gate. The appearance of

At this time, Wenshan, sitting in the middle of the room, has been constantly using the dark golden divine power in his body to constantly repel the black mother power in his body along his meridians, but the flexibility of the black mother power is too fast, precisely because of this The reason is that Wenshan's dark golden magic power keeps trying to catch such a flexible black female god power, but the final result is fruitless. It's not something that Wenshan can catch if he wants to. Wenshan has been trying to catch the mother of such a flexible black divine power, but every time Wenshan is about to catch it, he is run away by such a black divine mother.

But it is this simple thing that boils the qi and blood of Wenshan's meridians and blood every time. Every time, I rely on my deep foundation to slowly calm down my qi and blood. Only such repeated attempts, constant arrests and escapes, and such repeated things, will slowly lead to the emergence of such a tragic scene as the qi and blood in Wenshan's body from exploding to Wenshan's body. But in this case, Wenshan also has no way to use this black mother's divine power.

At this time, Wenshan suddenly came up with a good idea, that is, to enter the meridians of his body with the magic energy of his exquisite two towers and let the mother's black magic power swallow it up, and Wenshan is ready to follow the magic gas along the meridians in his body. Guided to the outside, he constantly excluded the black divine mother from his body. In this way, it is not difficult for Wenshan to exclude the black divine mother from his body.

At this time, the exquisite tower of Wenshan started to run rapidly. There is a magic guide in front of the black mother power, but behind the black mother power, there is a dark golden divine power capture. For a while, Wenshan finally found a way to capture this black mother. It was this continuous and slow guidance that made Wenshan finally exclude the black divine mother in his body from Wenshan's meridians. It is precisely because of such a slow guiding process that the consumption of internal forces in Wenshan's body is very huge. Then Wenshan began to practice the turntable, and slowly replenished the empty divine power in his body from the surrounding air into his body.

At this time, the beautiful woman standing outside the door of Wenshan seemed to see that Wenshan's retreat had experienced great pain and kept wandering in front of Wenshan's door. In fact, Su Linger knew that Zhan Tailuoyun would not make Wenshan so easy. If Zhan Tailuoyun really did it, she would certainly not easily let Wenshan solve it. At least it was a long family. At this time, Su Linger's heart suddenly beat rapidly and she was more worried about Wenshan in the door. At this time, Su Linger didn't know what kind of thoughts she had. Anyway, she was worried about Wenshan every time. It feels like I'm afraid that something will really happen to Wenshan.

In fact, Wenshan should hate the woman in front of her very much. Su Linger also knew this, but she still stood in front of Wenshan's door stubbornly, waiting for Wenshan to come out. At this time, Su Linger seems to be a child who has done something wrong. There is no martial artist's demeanor in the magic stage, that is, a little girl who has been worried about Wenshan. She has been wandering in front of Wenshan's door and constantly in a state of anxiety.

In the process of waiting, Su Linger seemed to have such an important discovery about her waiting this time. At this time, Su Linger's heart was very hungry and uneasy.

"Ah! Ah ah!" At this time, suddenly there was a sad shout from the door of Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan's shout was in his room. Because the room was extremely special, such shouts were generally isolated. It was for this reason that it was revealed from the crack of the door. The voice is very weak, but such a weak voice is still heard by a strong person like Su Linger in the divine stage of cultivation. At this time, Su Linger's heart was suddenly raised by Wenshan's shout. At this time, Wenshan didn't know what was wrong. Anyway, in Su Linger's heart at this time, he had been nervous and worried about Wenshan. I'm afraid that Wenshan will be hurt again. At this time, Su Linger's eyebrows were locked, and a pair of slender hands constantly twisted the black robe on her body.

While constantly absorbing the aura outside the body, Wenshan also uses the divine power of water attributes to constantly repair various meridians in his body and constantly replenish the damaged meridians in his body. Reiki is constantly facing such meridians and slowly blending. Wenshan was originally suffering from the great loss caused by removing the black divine mother from his body, and was also slowly supplementing the blood and muscles in his body.

In the process of such a slow replenishment, Wenshan opened his eyes from the state of cultivation. At this time, Wenshan regained his spirit, and Wenshan's whole temperament was very spiritual. Or at this time, Wenshan's whole mental state has been restored to the state not before the war. Even Wenshan's strength at this time is no longer the primary state of divine power. At this time, Wenshan's divine power has reached the intermediate stage of divine power. Although only the metallic divine power has reached the intermediate stage of divine power, Wenshan has been very self-sufficient at this time. After all, he has very little time to practice and can have Today's achievement is a very rare thing. For Wenshan, he only needs to upgrade all his strength, that is, all his other four attributes of the divine power, to the intermediate stage of his current divine power, which is really useful, and everything else is useless. Moreover, if Wenshan wants to improve his strength in a real sense, there is only one way for Wenshan in front of him, which is to raise all the other four divine powers in Wenshan's body. It is the best way.

Just after Wenshan recovered his body and the physical strength in his body was very sufficient, when Wenshan's spiritual thoughts were all dispersed, he suddenly found that there was a woman standing outside his door. When Wenshan's spiritual thoughts locked the woman, the woman also seemed to find that Wenshan's spiritual thoughts locked her. The woman seemed to know that Wenshan in front of her had recovered from the state of cultivation.

When Wenshan was practicing, he found a woman standing outside his door. At that time, Wenshan did not care about why the woman stood in front of her door. Therefore, Wenshan just kept practicing by himself and didn't pay attention to these things outside his door at all. But when Wenshan's whole body condition recovered, he also had a spirit. He had always been very concerned about the woman who had been standing outside his door, and why the woman had been standing outside her door and why she had been like this, as if she had practiced. It's been three days, but this woman has never left. In this situation, Wenshan's interest was suddenly attracted, and he suddenly became interested in the woman outside his door. When Wenshan's spiritual thoughts locked the woman outside his door, Wenshan's whole spirit was fully mobilized. It seems that the familiar figure in front of us is extremely familiar, as if this familiar feeling has never changed.

According to Wenshan's idea, how should I be angry when I see this woman again? He should be eager to kill the woman who abandoned him to vent his anger, but at this time, Wenshan actually had no hatred at all. For the figure in front of him, there is only deep love in Wenshan's heart, but that love has become an unspeakable love. For the familiar figure in front of him, Wenshan was stunned for a moment. At this time, when Wenshan finally saw such a woman again, he didn't know what he should do, but his good impression of this woman still permeated his heart.

At the moment when Wenshan was stunned, the woman who had been standing in front of Wenshan's door waited until she saw Wenshan wake up from the state of retreat, and the concern in her heart seemed to have disappeared, as if her whole body was much more relaxed. I suddenly stopped talking about the idea that I wanted to talk to Wenshan. It seems that for Wenshan in front of him, from the original familiarity to strangeness, to familiarity, now Wenshan has completely become strange to Su Linger.

At this time, Wenshan gradually became unfamiliar with Su Linger.