ghost monk

Chapter 157 Beginning

Chapter 157 begins

It's also very deep now, but Wenshan is not in the mood to practice anymore. Originally, there was a great impulse to meet Su Linger. But Su Linger has just stood in front of Wenshan's door for a long time, and Wenshan has never had the courage to go out to meet. Originally, she hated Su Linger very much. Originally, she wanted to show it in front of Su Linger through her current strength, so that Su Linger would completely regret her original choice. Let them regret that they should not have used their emotions at the beginning. But just now, when Su Linger stood in front of Wenshan's door, Wenshan's hatred for Su Linger suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Wenshan didn't know what was wrong with him and how could he be like this, like now. Wenshan didn't know what he came to do to participate in the mission of the sect this time. The figure of the beautiful woman in Wenshan's mind gradually faded and blurred. For Su Linger's ungivenable feeling, Wenshan no longer seemed to appear in his heart at this time. For Su Linger, Wenshan at this time seems to have really put it all down at once.

A beautiful woman who has not gone far at this time seems to have some kind of thoughts in her heart. Originally, she wanted to wait for Wenshan to come out, but in the process of Su Linger's waiting, she became more and more worried about Wenshan. When Wenshan really ended from such a closed state, when Wenshan's spirit When her thoughts locked her, she was the most nervous, and also the time when she was most afraid of waiting for Wenshan. She was afraid that after Wenshan came out, she didn't know what she was saying and how she would face him. In the end, the two still didn't meet.

In Su Linger's heart, her worries about Wenshan are finally over, but she is very curious about everything about Wenshan. At this time, Su Linger has been concerned about whether Wenshan has suffered internal injury, whether she has recovered, and so on. At the same time, Su Linger also has such a cultivation, and why can it be repaired in the case of broken meridians? Under the condition of repair, Wenshan can actually become a disciple of Taixuanzong, and how Wenshan City has grown from a small handyman disciple to an inner disciple of Taixuanzong and into a disciple of Taixuanzong He personally handed down his disciples, and how did Wenshan's divine cultivation come from, and how strong Wenshan's cultivation is.

and so on, a series of problems keep coming to Wenshan's mind, and such pictures keep appearing. Su Linger didn't know what was wrong with her and why there was such a phenomenon, and this phenomenon has never been waved away. Su Linger didn't know how she was so concerned about a man she had given up and didn't care about anything. But in the end, Wenshan did not come out, and Su Linger did not dare to meet Wenshan. When the two met again in this way, they were separated by a door, and the two were still not together again through this door.


The next period is the day of the big comparison. In fact, in addition to the 20 years of the sect, that is, within each period, people who must meet the requirements will be selected for a big comparison with various forms of requirements, such as this task comparison. However, the big games held by sects are very formal and rarely held, so every time the big games are held by sects, there are many processes to go.

For example, the arrangement of personnel, and before the sectarianism, a messenger in white will be sent to meet everyone, and at the same time announce to the requirements of this sectarianism to everyone, the hard norms of the sectarianism. Wenshan fully obeyed the sectarian rules and participated in all the processes. But since that night, it seems that nothing has happened between Wenshan and Su Linger. The two looked at it from afar as if they didn't know each other. Originally, one of them was guilty and the other was hatred, but at this time, the two of them became completely strange.

This time, the mission of the sect was also held at the time of everyone's expectation, and was held in the waiting of everyone. In this mission, the participating players are all young masters under the age of 20 in the major mountain gates, and the age requirement is the special feature of this competition. It is precisely because of this requirement that the disciples sent by each mountain gate have different strengths this time, and even the disciples sent are also some and some do not.

But in the big mountain gate of Taixuanzong, there are many geniuses. Therefore, although he is under 20 years old this time, the strength of the lowest level is also the strength of the Zhenyuan stage. After all, this is a sectarian task comparison, and this time the sectarian task comparison still has different points, that is, those who came to participate in this sectarian task comparison are all young heroes under the age of 20.

In fact, there is also a fear of such a big comparison today. After all, this is Taixuanzong, where there are excellent talents and powerful masters. It is for this reason that many people will suffer a lot of damage in the process of strength because of their weak strength, and even Some were killed at the scene, which is a very regrettable thing. After all, in the process of such a big competition, sometimes get religious rewards in order to run for the last place, so some people risk their lives to forcibly fight against masters and desperately want more such resources.

But in the end, neither of them got it. Instead, the war caused them to be seriously injured, and some even died. It is for this reason that the senior officials of sects can't bear to see the masters of such sects losing their lives in such a struggle and think of a lot of remedial measures, but in the end, there are certain casualties. No matter when and how to protect them, the final result is There were still a large number of casualties and a large number of accidents.

For this sectarian comparison, because the conditions of the participants must be people under the age of 20. It is for this reason that many of them who participated in this mission are the same as Wenshan, who have completely seen the cruelty and bloody cultivation of immortals for the first time. Although I know that when I think I am not an opponent, I can completely choose to surrender. The problem is that sometimes the outcome is often in an instant. By the time you wake up, you may be dead. It is for this reason that many young heroes of sects lost their lives in the process of fighting without reacting. This is a matter of sectarian prevention without any results.

Although every sectarian fight has all kinds of thrills, there are great surprises in addition to thrills. Take this task as an example. It is said that this time's mission is much richer than the rewards of the 20-year sectarian comparison, which is really exciting. It is far from comparable to the small comparison in each mountain gate. And the people who came to participate in this mission this time, which one is not the young handsome in each mountain gate, and which one is not the best of the young generation in each mountain gate?

It is said that this time, in addition to a large number of sects' meritorious rewards, there are also two very mysterious weapons. For weapons in the world of cultivation, they are far more powerful than weapons in the secular world. Sometimes, the weapons in the hands of practitioners are more important than cultivation. In the case of the same strength, but with different weapons, in this case, the real strength gap between them is still very different. Sometimes, the quality of weapons also determines the strength of the practitioner.

It is for this reason that the robbery of good weapons is also a relatively common phenomenon in the world of cultivation. Sometimes, in the face of better weapons, they may even use all the strength of the whole sect to grab it, and even a bloody situation appears. Of course, a good weapon is a must-have for practitioners, among which good weapons even have their own attributes. If you want to use such a weapon, then for users, they have to imitate the attributes of such weapons and use alien attributes to urge them. But in this way, it will take more time on weapons for practitioners, and if they spend more time on such small things, it may not be a good thing for Wenshan in front of them. On the contrary, such weapons have become a burden for practitioners.

It is precisely because such things always happen that practitioners are still more enthusiastic about their pursuit of weapons with the same attributes as themselves. But sometimes, some strange weapons appear. Such weapons are not ordinary goods, but relatively strange weapons with strange functions. For such weapons, some functions are not available in ordinary weapons, such as the function of Wenshan's storage ring, which is this The strange weapon is different from its own attributes in time, but it is still the object sought after by practitioners.

It is for this reason that practitioners have a very large demand for weapons, and they are more enthusiastic about the pursuit of weapons that are comparable to themselves. For example, Wenshan has been in Taixuanzong for so long, but he still doesn't have a weapon in his hand. Wenshan hasn't even seen a weapon. The only weapon is the soul ring of Wenshan, but because the ring is more special, Wenshan dares not take out such a ring to meet the world. It is also necessary to prevent others from knowing that they have such a powerful and strange weapon as the Soul Ring, so that they will be chased by others and not be targeted by others. Anyway, as long as you have weapons, you still need to have the ability to protect such weapons. In the world of practitioners, the battle for weapons is more fierce in the general secular world. After all, for the scarcity of weapon resources, it is impossible for everyone to have their own weapons. It is precisely because of such an impossible thing, sometimes more people are needed to chase such an impossible thing.

This time, the big comparison is only before and after the ranking of two people. As long as the ranking is in the top two, you can fully advance, and then help the sect complete the tasks assigned by the sect. In addition, everything depends on the individual's ranking. . It doesn't depend on your cultivation, but on your ranking. From the ranking from high to low to determine the two places for this task, as long as your ranking is at the top, you will get such an opportunity. Even if this task does not have the opportunity to get the last two places, then for the people who participated in the competition in the process of this task Member, the credit points obtained are destined to not be few. If there are a lot of credit points, there are a lot of good resources that can be exchanged in the sect. Many good resources in the sect can be bought with money, but a lot of money is spent, but if you want to exchange it with credit, it will be much simpler. And if you buy credit points with money, it is obviously not cost-effective.

So sometimes, many inner disciples want to buy something from the sect. When they don't have enough credit points, they usually choose to borrow credit points from the brothers around them, and then make up for others in the next task, because if they buy it with pure money If you buy credit, the money you will spend is really not worth it. It is precisely because of the value of credit points that if the sect rewards credit points in the process of Dabi so that all the participants get more credit points, it is also a way to reward these disciples. Therefore, most of the people who come to participate in the fight are for the rewards of sects. After all, how can personal assets be richer than the overall assets of a sect?

After all, for those who are only sectarian inner disciples, their monthly cases of sect are very few, and there is no way to compare with the sect's personal disciples. Even if it is the monthly case of personal disciples, Wenshan does not know the specific situation due to his recent promotion. But what Wenshan knows is that girls like Dai Mingqiu and Zhang Feifei still don't have enough money around them. Wenshan does not need to buy his cultivation skills from sects. Wenshan's cultivation resources are generally obtained by himself, as well as what he has in his own space ring. It is for this reason that Wenshan has never had credit points, and he has never gone to the mission hall of sects. Go and exchange something.

Of course, the task comparison of the young disciples of this sect is also a specific investigation between the mountain gates. After all, not every mountain gate has such a good opportunity to show the excellent disciples under their own sect and make their own young disciples among the many disciples of the sect. On the one hand, the disciples of the generation can prepare for the upcoming 20-year-old sectarian comparison, and on the other hand, they can do a front-station work for the 20-year-old sectarian comparison and the ranking between the mountain gates. After all, the 20-year comparison of sects is related to the ranking between the mountain gates and the geographical location of the mountain gates between the mountain gates.

If the excellent disciples in their mountain gate achieve excellent results, not only will this disciple win glory for their own sect, but the whole sect will also feel extremely lucky to have such disciples. After all, with such an excellent disciple, for the whole mountain gate, the status between other mountain gates will be greatly improved. After the promotion, what appears is the real strength of this mountain gate. At the same time, the ancestors of the mountain gate where this disciple is located will also have more face. These ancestors usually have various comparisons with each other, but the various comparisons of each sect are the key to their struggle with each other.

For these disciples who participated in the fight, the only way to rely on strength and strive for the top ranking of sects is the real king. Therefore, in the ten years when it is possible to surrender, it is also one of the important reasons why there are often relatively large casualties. Another main reason is that there is a huge hatred between the two people who participated in the fight, and it is the kind of hatred that cannot be solved. If this is such a situation, the final explanation for such a situation is a scene where both of them are defeated. Between the two, it is finally left to be solved in the big ratio, and the winner is the king. The loser basically won't even leave his own soul.

For the task ratio of this time, many of them want to get some sects to participate in the competition. Otherwise, knowing that the mission of this time, one of the two places has already been determined. In such a case, not everyone is like this. Think about it. For those who know that they can't win one of the final two places, in this way, for the young disciples who participated, they are all for rewards and famous. After all, this is a high-profile competition, as long as it is in such a process of competition. There is a good fight in it.

In such a situation, this person will be known by the ancestors of their own mountain gate. In the case of being recognized by the ancestors of the mountain gate, they are destined to be appreciated by the ancestors of the mountain gate in the process of future practice, and they are destined to have a lot of reports. For these people who come to participate in the fight, as long as they honestly survive the first fight, they have more or less good results. Such achievements are enough for them to get a good status in their own mountain gate in the future. There is not too much surprise. Among the people present, or There are many people who can get such treatment and achieve such achievements.

Of course, in addition, the ancestors of each mountain gate will also bleed privately and use various magic weapons to lure disciples to win glory. After all, there are still more or less abundant resources in the hands of the ancestors of various mountain gates, and such resources are not available to ordinary disciple-level figures. It is precisely because the ancestors have such rich resources, and a large part of them are allocated by sects. After all, for this Ancestor-level figures have a lot of resources in the sect every year. It is for this reason that for these ancestors, they have extremely rich resources in their hands, and with such resources, it can completely give the ancestors something to reward their disciples. They also rely on such a reward system in the sect. The position in the sect has been promoted.

And the day of the task of such a sect is a big day for Taixuanzong. It is precisely because such a day is a big day that for the giants in the sect, such as the elders, suzerains, elders, etc., who have a detached position in the sect, they also want to choose a person to participate in such a big competition and attend the opening of the conference. After all, for these disciples of the sect, how can they have such an opportunity to meet the giants of the sect? This sectarian comparison is a very rare opportunity for many disciples of the sect to meet a giant of the sect. But who will be the giant who will host this time? Which sect's giant can many disciples of the whole sect be lucky to meet?

For these disciples who came to participate in this big game, most of them are internal disciples. For a large sect such as Taixuanzong, the number of personal disciples is very large, and for such internal disciples is countless. It is precisely because of this existence that these The young disciples who are the identity of inner disciples, not to mention the giants of the sect, are the relatively strong figures among the disciples, who can bring them great pressure.

Today, on the high rostrum, there is a giant-level figure of a horrible sect. For the existence of such a person whose status and strength are the best choice, these disciples dare not have any desire to look up. Standing in the pile of disciples, he lowered his head and dared not make any changes. Although I know it's impossible, I'm still afraid that the giant-level figures of these sects will have abilities that they can't understand at all.

Actually, for these young disciples, all the disciples who participated in the big comparison. They all kept their cicadas and listened to your characters at the level of Taixuan Sect saying some words of encouragement. The heads of each mountain gate are also sitting upright and do not squint. The scene looked awe-inspiring. It is even more by adding a little majesty.

After several days of the preparatory work of Dabi, Wenshan opened his eyes and looked at the whole sect outside his room. Countless people came and went, and from time to time there was light in the sky, falling down, and even a large group of people. The light of the regiment gathered together and flew to all the seats on the large square of the sect. They were all sectarian disciples. In fact, Wenshan also knows that those who can fly over the Everest of the whole Taixuan Sect are all people with profound status. They are all people with good strength and good status in the sect. For the existence of such characters, the rules of the sect will also be relaxed.

After all, many rules in the sect are customized for disciple-level figures like Wenshan. Not to mention that Wenshan is now a small disciple-level identity in the sect. Such an identity seems to be very powerful and has a relatively high status, but after all, personal disciples like Wenshan are added after their names. After all, disciples are disciples. Whether you are a personal disciple or an internal disciple, you are a disciple anyway. For such an identity, various rules of sectarianism are stipulated for these disciples. For the rules in the sect, such as ancestor-level figures, elder-level figures, etc., they have their own agreements, but they don't care about these fragmentary things against disciples in the sect.

There are also many welcome deacons in the distance, receiving all kinds of guests endlessly. These deacons are all internal disciples selected from each mountain gate. After all, if a handyman disciple or a foreign disciple is allowed to be a welcome deacon on an occasion like today, it will seem that the sectarian comparison is not formal. After all, such abnormal comparison is the task of sectarian comparison.

Therefore, for such a big fight, they will select better inner disciples from each mountain gate to participate in the task of such a deacon. For such a task, it is zero time. When these disciples complete this task, they will return to their posts. It is for this reason that they all take them very seriously. After all, their selection is chosen by the messengers in white. And they were selected as the deacon of the last sect, although they only managed the task of pouring tea and water this time, as well as the arrangement of the venue, the placement of the location, etc. This series of work is arranged by and mediated by these people. If they perform well in this mission, the rewards of sects and their own mountain gates will definitely be indispensable.

Wenshan sat in his room slowly adjusting his breath, measuring, and preparing for today's big comparison. But Wenshan's spiritual thoughts were released early and went straight to the outside. Feeling the continuous appearance of a lot of people coming and going in front of his door, while those little people who are only disciples of the inner door keep walking in front of their own doors, Wenshan also feels that strong people with Zhenyuan stage of cultivation pass by his door. Wenshan felt that the task of the sect this time was really much more than that of people, and most of the disciples of the sect came. Wenshan even sometimes felt that strong qigong shook the sky, but he could not see the figure. He knew that a life-threatening figure appeared. Wenshan knew that this was an ancestor-level figure of each mountain gate and arrived. It is very normal for these ancestral-level figures to participate in the task of this sect. But not every ancestor will participate. For example, this time their own sect did not rank the ancestors of disciples in their own sect, so did they come to participate in this big event?

"A master of the deadly realm..." Wenshan thought to his heart, "I don't know if I can see the legendary sectarian giant this time? Some real masters of the realm of immortality?" He knows that the giants of sects are definitely immortal figures. In addition, the elders of the sect are also immortal figures. There are still many immortal-level bigwigs in such a large mountain gate as Taixuanzong, and most of the bigwigs in this part are immortal-level figures. At this time, Wenshan felt a strong energy fluctuation flying from the top of his room. For a moment, Wenshan's whole body seemed to be infected by these flying ancestors. At this time, Wenshan was ambitious. Looking at the loud sect in the distance, he almost had a feeling of looking up to the sky and roaring.

It is for this reason that Wenshan no longer needs to practice here to improve his cultivation. As for slowly adjusting the breath in this closed small room and changing your mood to an extremely calm state, it is conducive to fighting in such a situation, but these seem a little too trivial for people like Wenshan.

According to Wenshan's preliminary understanding, the situation is that the people who come to participate in the competition now are basically Zhenyuan-level figures. In the whole Taixuanzong, there are several characters under 20 years old whose strength can reach the level of divine power, and not everyone is like Wenshan. There are great opportunities.

So far, among the people who have come to participate in the fight, the only two people Wenshan knows have reached the level of divine power, Su Linger and Wenshan himself. In the face of such a lineup-level competition, it is not a 20-year sect competition. Without a divine power-level opponent, Wenshan really does not have much interest in participating in such a competition, and he can't learn any combat experience. In terms of Wenshan's current strength, what can bring challenges to Wenshan is to fight against divine power-level characters. But if Wenshan still meets Zhan Tailuoyun, Wenshan still has no chance of winning the battle. For Zhan Tai Luoyun, who doesn't know his real strength at all, Wenshan doesn't even have the intention of fighting in his heart. Even if Wenshan wants to escape in Zhan Tai Luoyun's hands, it will not be an easy thing.

In terms of Zhan Tailuoyun's current strength, he is a guy who can completely control the existence of Wenshan's life and death. It is this kind of guy that makes Wenshan work harder. The original goal of Wenshan entering Taixuanzong was to improve his strength and improve his status in the whole Taixuanzong. In this way, Wenshan still has the ability to protect himself.

Another point is that Wenshan is ready to improve his strength, surpassing Su Linger, and prepare to show his strength in front of Su Linger. In this case, Wenshan can vent his hatred in his heart. But what Wenshan couldn't think of was that when Wenshan faced Su Linger again, the hatred in his heart was so useless. For Su Linger, Wenshan felt that this person had nothing to do with him for a long time, but he had always wanted to prove himself that he worked so hard. Yicai has never let go, but when Wenshan improved his strength again, when Wenshan was able to have his own strength and stand in front of this woman again, at this time, Wenshan's everything has become a thing of the past for Su Linger, even Wenshan himself does not know that he has been What do you want to prove? Looking back, imagine that he was just a used person. If Wenshan had not been valued by Su Linger at that time, there would have been no chance for Wenshan to get out of the holy capital. It is likely that another man is the fate of Wenshan now.

And Wenshan was just a grafting bridge between the Su family and the Shen family in Shengjing City during that time. Wenshan was just a small victim. But at this time, Wenshan's identity is, after all, a role as a personal disciple in the whole small cave. Thinking about myself in the past, I was very happy for a small domestic slave of the Shen family who only knew that he was the most powerful and powerful in the Holy Capital. But for Wenshan, who is now a disciple of Taixuanzong, his vision at that time was too small. For himself being used at that time, Wenshan thought that he should also be used at this time.

If Wenshan thinks about the whole thing from the perspective of the Su family, he will also use Wenshan, the Shen family's slave. Things are slowly unfolding in Wenshan's mind...