ghost monk

Chapter 210 Heavenly Demons appear

Chapter 210 The Demon appears

Facing the spiritual pressure of Wu Yufa, Wenshan felt a feeling of suffocation and gradually suppressed his heart. A feeling of powerlessness and suffocation permeated my heart.

Although as Wu Yufa saw Wenshan's whole spiritual thoughts slowly strengthening, when Wenshan's whole mental state was all tightened, Wu Yufa's whole body was sweating for Wenshan in front of him. He was not worried about Wenshan, but Wenshan in front of him would not be unable to bear himself. Mental pressure, direct death.

If Wenshan dies directly under the mental pressure of Wu Yufa, the purpose of Wu Yufa's desire to slowly torture Wenshan will be completely lost.

It is precisely for this reason that every time Wu Yufa slowly increases his spiritual thoughts, he wants to master all the spiritual thoughts of Wenshan in front of him and all the expressions of Wenshan. The purpose is to understand whether Wenshan in front of him is real. Such a precise resistance to his spiritual thoughts.

As long as Wenshan can resist the pressure of Wu Yufa's spiritual thoughts, Wu Yufa will increase the suppression of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts. However, if Wenshan can't resist and is about to suffocate, Wu Yufa will naturally reduce the pressure on Wenshan's spiritual thoughts.

It is precisely for this reason that as long as the current Wenshan resists the spiritual pressure of Wu Yufa, Wu Yufa will increase the blow to the spiritual pressure of Wenshan.

But that's it. In the case that Wenshan has the pillar of the spiritual idea of Tianmo in his mind, coupled with Wenshan's own being a ghost monk, which is originally the cultivation of the spiritual idea of the ghost king stage. Therefore, the degree of suppression of Wu Yufa's spiritual thoughts has far exceeded the tolerance of ordinary disciples.

It was also like this, so it made Wu Yufa in front of him extremely surprised. He never thought that the spiritual idea of Wenshan in front of him could be so powerful that he could resist such a strong spiritual pressure as Wu Yufa.

At this time, Wenshan is not facing such a feeling for the first time, and the suppression of Zhu Xiaolei's last spiritual thoughts is also very meticulous. But anyway, the Wu Yufa in front of him seems to be afraid that his spiritual pressure will oppress and hurt Wenshan.

And the purpose of Wu Yufa's spiritual suppression is only to slowly torture Wenshan. It is also the existence of this reason, so at this time, Wenshan is constantly being tortured and in the process of continuous transformation in such a stage of continuous relaxation. As long as Wu Yufa suppressed Wenshan's spiritual thoughts more and more, a spiritual idea in Wenshan's mind immediately showed his power and directly blocked the suppression of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts in front of him.

It is the reason. As long as Wu Yufa feels that Wenshan's spiritual pressure on himself has weakened, or Wenshan's whole person is not under spiritual oppression, Wu Yufa will strengthen the pressure on Wenshan's spiritual thoughts, but every time in Wu Yufa, he only needs to increase it a little more. When Wenshan can be completely suppressed, Wenshan's whole body becomes extremely relaxed again after adding that little bit.

At this time, Wu Yufa was afraid that his spiritual pressure would not play a role in the slightest. From time to time, he increased the pressure on Wenshan's spiritual thoughts, but after each increase, he was completely resisted by the spiritual idea of the demon in Wenshan's mind. After living, Wenshan's whole body was much more relaxed.

Then, followed by Wu Yufa's pressure on Wenshan's spiritual thoughts again, but at this time, the pressure on Wenshan's spiritual thoughts gradually increased a lot. As long as Wu Yufa feels that Wenshan is not working, Wu Yufa will directly withdraw the suppression of Wenshan's whole person on spiritual thoughts.

It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan suddenly feels seriously suffocated, or suddenly can't feel pressure, that is, from time to time to suppress Wenshan and constantly torture Wenshan's spiritual thoughts.

After all, the control of Wu Yufa's spiritual majesty is an ancestor-level figure and a cultivation of the life-threatening realm. Therefore, the suppression of spiritual thoughts is also extremely accurate, which makes Wenshan have a deep understanding. As long as Wenshan suddenly can't feel Wu Yufa's suppression of his spiritual thoughts, Wu Yufa will suppress Wenshan at the spiritual level within an accurate time.

After all, Wu Yufa is not a spiritualist, just a mere martial arts monk.

Therefore, Wenshan has a little contempt for Wu Yufa's behavior. After all, he is still much stronger than Wu Yufa in terms of spiritual idea control. Officially, Wenshan feels that his spiritual pressure is much stronger than Wu Yufa.

But without the help of the devil, so far, Wenshan can also compare with the Wu Yufa in front of him. That's the reason, so that's how I feel about the whole thing. For such extreme oppression of Wu Yufa, the strength of Wenshan's spiritual idea is not what Wu Yufa can imagine at all.

After all, Wenshan is also a character in the realm of the ghost king and a person who has cultivated spiritual ideas. It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan's grasp of the spiritual strength of Wu Yufa at this time is also very unfavinced.

In fact, as long as the suppression of spiritual thoughts is stronger than the other party by 100%, it can play a role in suppressing the other party. But it can't be increased too much. If there are too many cases, it is also a real forced pressure on the hit people.

But the control ability of such spiritual thoughts is not as strong as the level of other people's spiritual thoughts. After all, the purity of the control of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts is not comparable to that of ordinary martial arts monks. It is precisely because of this that Wenshan in front of us also feels incredible.

After all, for Wu Yufa, they are all life-threatening characters and ancestral status. As for the number of Wu Yufa's battles, it is estimated that there is no way for Wenshan to compare. Even the strength of the enemy fought by Wu Yufa is not comparable to the Wenshan in front of him. But in such a case,

At this time, when Wu Yufa saw Wenshan's mental state malaise, he finally smiled. At this time, he had achieved his goal. He just wanted to torture Wenshan in front of him like this. Let Wenshan in front of him know his real means and also achieve his purpose.

At this time, many people found that Wenshan seemed to be suffering from Wu Yufa's spiritual thoughts. Everyone thinks of such a thing as torture on spiritual thoughts, not to mention that Wenshan is receiving such torture.

is the ancestors sitting in the ancestral-level seat closest to Wenshan. For the aftershocks of this powerful spiritual pressure, they feel great pressure, but this strong spiritual pressure directly affects Wenshan, and such pressure can withstand it. In the face of such a situation, it is impossible to calm everyone down.

These ancestors do not think that they can't bear the aftershocks of such mental pressure, but the aftershocks of this kind of spiritual thoughts are so strong. If it really works on Wenshan, and Wenshan is just a disciple-level figure. Although he is a personal disciple in the divine power stage, In the eyes of many ancestors, Wenshan is not so strong in terms of spiritual thoughts!

But the fact is the truth. Wenshan can really accept the suppression of such a powerful spiritual idea and withstand the torture of such a powerful spiritual idea. In this way, how can he not make Wenshan feel very surprised.

is exactly like this, so many ancestors felt that Wenshan was not simple at this time. After all, Wenshan's skills and Wenshan's current age are not the standard of strength that disciples should have, whether in terms of the time of cultivation or other aspects of cultivation.

This is the reason, so the people in front of us have different views on the whole thing. However, more ancestors felt very cruel about Wu Yufa's method of spiritual torture on Wenshan, but when they saw that Wenshan actually had such a reaction in spiritual thoughts, they were more sure of Wenshan's strength.

At the same time, everyone feels sorry that Wenshan was killed so early. But no one dares to take care of the decision made by Zhan Taijinshi. After all, the current authority of Zhan Tai Jinshi in the 23 mountain gates of the whole sect is not comparable to those ancestors.

After all, Zhantai Jinshi has no longer been suppressed by Tianmo, and Zhantai Jinshi itself is also the reason for its strength. It is precisely this that makes Zhantai Jinshi suddenly turn over from being oppressed by Tianmo Youji to suddenly turn over. Such a process of change makes Zhantai Jinshi's current attitude towards dealing with things is extremely tough.

It is extremely disgusted that others want to really disobey the decisions he has made. It is for this reason that no one can offend the old man Zhan Taijinshi. So that Zhantai Jinshi, who just now, can represent the whole 23 mountain gates and directly skip the sect to deal with Wenshan.

Although it is only dealing with a small disciple of a sect. But such an excellent disciple of Wenshan is not comparable to ordinary people. Coupled with the advantages that Wenshan has shown in spiritual ideas, they are not comparable to ordinary people at all. Even the current Wu Yufa is also very powerful in suppressing Wenshan's spiritual thoughts.

But Wenshan was able to resist the suppression of such powerful spiritual ideas as Wu Yufa and did not completely collapse. This is not easy.

Many ancestors are talking about it.

"Wu Yu and Pharaoh's heart is really cruel!" King Yu looked at Wu Yufa and said an uneasily. The appreciation of Wenshan was reflected in this way. At the beginning of the gambling, this king bet on Wenshan's victory.

"The rules of the sect are getting more and more chaotic now. I don't know why our sect doesn't send an elder to host this time!" At this time, the ancestor of Yuedong had a cold face and sighed. But she has no way to solve such a thing. Zhu Xiaolei's end just now. If Zhan Taijin Shixin is more ruthless, Zhu Xiaolei will have a result in one move.

After all, he is also an ancestor-level figure and a life-threatening cultivation, but compared with their strength, Zhan Taijinshi is much stronger. It is not comparable to the ancestor-level figure in the ordinary life-threatening realm.

But at this time, Zhu Xiaolei, who was sitting at the ancestral level, first chose to suppress Wu Yufa in terms of spiritual thoughts, which made Zhu Xiaolei want to laugh.

After all, when Zhu Xiaolei explored Wenshan, he did not expect that there was a spiritual idea of Tianmo Youji in Wenshan's mind. At that time, Zhu Xiaolei was scared. But at this time, Wu Yufa embarked on Zhu Xiaolei's old path again, so Zhu Xiaolei began to worry about Wu Yufa at this time.

After all, Wu Yufa's suppression of Wenshan's spiritual idea is also more or less affected by the spiritual idea living in Wenshan's mind. It is precisely because of this that Wu Yufa is still despised by Zhu Xiaolei.

If Wu Yufa just killed Wenshan directly, as for whether Tianmo will save him or not, it is another statement. But now Wu Yufa suddenly suppressed and tortured Wenshan's spiritual thoughts. In this case, how can he not make the demon Youji angry and add anger on Wu Yufa?

Zhu Xiaolei seems to have seen the angry appearance of the demon Youji in front of him. Seeing the scene of Wu Yufa being greatly tortured in front of him, thinking of this, Zhu Xiaolei was not mentally suppressed by Wu Yufa in front of him, but was angry and happier. Zhu Xiaolei knew that Wu Yufa would not want to suppress Wenshan on his spiritual mind.

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei felt that the demon Youji was about to have a general feeling. In fact, for Zhu Xiaolei, he was worshipping demons some time ago. After being trained by the devil, the whole person is simply what the demon girl said that day, which is just a feeling of will.

After all, with the current skills of Tianmo Youji, how can such a means not surprise the people present? Not to mention Zhu Xiaolei alone. After all, not everyone has seen the magic. However, many people have seen Tianmo chasing Zhan Taijinshi's continuous escape from the whole Taixuan Sect.

For Tianmo, few people can mention her, and her status in the whole sect can never be replaced by Zhantai Jinshi. For the heavenly demon, he once saved many elders of Taixuanzong in the battle between the right way and the devil. Even Wu Yufa, who is now torturing Wenshan, was saved by Tianmo.

For this kind of life-saving grace, every ancestor-level figure feels it. It is precisely for this reason, so it is not in vain for Tianmo to have such an identity in the whole sect.

However, in Zhu Xiaolei's mind, he also admires the demon. One by one, he killed three monks in the same level of life-threatening realm, which was slightly exaggerated. But at least, the enemy should be real.

But at this time, the strength of Tianmo has already broken through the power of the realm of life-threatening. It's a little fake to be able to kill all the ancestors present, but it can fight against all the ancestors present. As long as the battle lasts for a long time and kills the many ancestors present one by one, it is not difficult.

There is also some expectation. I want to see what kind of shock Tianmo can bring this time. I don't know how to deal with the Wu Yufa in front of him and the Zhan Taijinshi sitting in the ancestral seat.

At this time, Zhan Taijinshi saw that Wu Yufa did not directly kill Wenshan, and the first thing in his heart was full of breath. Zhan Taijinshi is also afraid of long night dreams. If you are really delayed by this Wu Yufa and can't kill Wenshan, it is estimated that it will be really difficult to kill Wenshan in the future.

If Wenshan becomes the representative of this important task of the whole sect, it is sufficient evidence that Zhan Taijinshi wants to kill Wenshan. After all, for Zhan Taijinshi, he is not a member of the sect's elders at all. It is this situation, so he still does not have such power to prepare to kill a mission representative who is more important to the sect.

It is precisely for this reason that Wu Yufa did not take the initiative to kill Wenshan, and he was more or less worried. But for his identity, it is not easy to speak like this. It is the existence of such a reason, so there is no way for the development of the whole thing.

Now Zhan Taijinshi sees that Wu Yufa's spiritual ideas on Wenshan are so strong. It is estimated that even if Wenshan is not dead, it is very likely to become an idiot. If Wenshan's spiritual ideas really collapse, it is estimated that the giants of the sect will be useless, and one of the threats to Zhan Tailuo Yun will not exist.

So when I saw the current scene, Zhan Taijinshi's hanging heart was completely relieved. I don't worry too much about what will happen to the current situation. After all, Zhan Taijinshi fully understands the horror of spiritual thoughts now. With the current strength of Wu Yufa, it is not affordable for ordinary masters in the divine power stage.

According to Zhan Taijinshi's calculation, even under the suppression of Zhan Tailuoyun's spiritual thoughts, he dare not say that he can completely bear it.

It is precisely because of this reason, so Zhan Taijinshi no longer intervened in Wu Yufa's behavior in front of him, just waiting for that period of time. At this time, Zhan Taijinshi also felt a little rare.

But after all, Wenshan is not a character in his Jinshimen or his relatives. Sooner or later, he will pose a great threat to himself or his son. It is precisely because of the existence of such a reason that the current situation is still seen by Zhan Taijinshi.

When Zhan Taijinshi's ancestors gathered in the whole sect, he published, 'There are two kinds of people in the world, one is a friend and the other is the enemy. I treat my friend, that is, he should be completely the same as my point of view. He must be loyal to me, otherwise he will be the enemy. I treat the enemy, only the dead enemy has no threat to me. I don't like to have a sense of threat.

So according to the current Zhan Tai Jinshi, his view on the whole matter is here. After all, Wenshan is not the person around Zhan Tai Jinshi. For the speed of Wenshan's development, Wenshan's current strength is estimated to have no threat to Zhan Tai Jinshi. However, the future development achievements of Wenshan are absolutely not low, and Zhan Taijinshi does not hope for the existence of Wenshan.

"Bunless, you don't even know whether to live or die. What do you regard such a sectarian task as? After so many years of strength, it's only such a stage, and I don't know how to be ashamed. In such an occasion, you can't take action against an ordinary junior. Does such a junior pose a threat to you? You have to kill him?"

Suddenly, a cold voice passed down from the ancestral-level seat and directly hit the minds of many ancestral-level figures, even in Zhan Taijinshi's mind, which was shocked by such cold words. But whether it's an ancestral-level figure or Zhan Taijinshi, they were all stunned. In their hearts, they didn't expect that she was the elder who presided over this big meeting today.

For this person, all the ancestors seem to have a natural fear in it. Anyway, every ancestor-level figure now is attentively waiting for the reprimand of the owner of such a voice.

At this time, suddenly, Wenshan, who had been suppressed by Wu Yufa, appeared in a depressed spirit, and suddenly became energetic. Suddenly, a spiritual idea appeared in Wenshan's mind, and such a spiritual idea suddenly emitted the pressure of a spiritual idea that was stronger than Wu Yufa just now.

For such a spiritual idea that suddenly appeared in Wenshan's mind, and this spiritual idea turned out to be such a powerful level. In the eyes of many ancestors, it was not something that a disciple-level figure like Wenshan could have at all. And the breath emanating from this spiritual idea is so familiar.

Yes, this is a spiritual idea of Tianmo Youji. This is the thought of many ancestors present.

It was also after this kind of spiritual idea came out, Wu Yufa was also stunned on the spot. Before Wu Yufa completely withdrew his spiritual idea from Wenshan and such a spiritual idea, he was the spiritual idea that had just jumped out of Wenshan's mind. The whole spirit of Wu Yufa was directly suppressed back.

At this time, when Wu Yufa, who was originally very arrogant, still expected himself to face a great blow to Wenshan's spiritual thoughts, he did not expect that there was such a powerful spiritual idea in Wenshan's mind, and such a spiritual intention. Nian is still very familiar to the many ancestors present.

This is the reason. At this time, all the ancestors on the ancestral-level ring opened their eyes and looked at the sudden changes in the scene. They never thought that there was such a spiritual idea in Wenshan's mind. If they had known such a situation, By the saying, it is estimated that Zhan Taijinshi dares not embarras Wenshan.

At this time, many ancestors sitting in the ancestral-level seats looked very obedient, as if they were all waiting for the feeling of being reprimanded, sitting there. Look at the situation in the field.

Wu Yufa suddenly felt that there was such a powerful spiritual idea jumping out of Wenshan's mind. Although this spiritual idea was still relatively familiar, Wu Yufa was still very curious about such a spiritual idea that jumped out of Wenshan's mind. Under this, I am ready to directly destroy such a spiritual idea.

In Wu Yufa's heart, he even thought of directly devouring such a spiritual idea in front of him to strengthen his spiritual idea. But in the end, Wu Yufa still resisted his inner impulsive thoughts and took out his spiritual thoughts to resist the spiritual pressure brought to him by such a spiritual idea.

But such a spiritual idea is far from the power of Wu Yufa in front of him. The pressure of Wu Yufa's spiritual thoughts all around was directly suppressed by the hierarchical gap of such a spiritual idea. At the same time, it directly stunned Wu Yufa in front of him.

If anyone wants to see the situation of Wu Yufa now, it is very simple to be mentally depressed, similar to Wenshan's situation just now, but Wu Yufa is directly stunned by such an idea.

At this time, Wu Yufa was directly helped back by the messenger in white. When Wu Yufa returned to his seat, he slowly recovered from a short dormant state. At this time, Wu Yufa suddenly felt the familiar breath just now, and suddenly seemed to know who the spiritual idea just now was.

When Wu Yufa was carried back, that spiritual idea returned to Wenshan's mind from a new calm. At this time, the whole scene suddenly became extremely calm. It seems to be extremely lonely.

For the cold sound that has just sounded in the whole square, it is very familiar to every ancestor of Taixuanzong, or some white messengers of the sect. That's the voice of the demon Youji.

Suddenly, the space on the step above the seat of the ancestor's level suddenly opened, and the situation inside gradually became clear in front of everyone.

Suddenly, the head surged. Looking at the mysterious step seat above the ancestral-level ring. From the beginning of the normal fight, the big guys knew that there were still people there, and those sitting there were high-level figures of the whole sect above the ancestral level.

As for what this high-level figure is like, not many people know at all, but at this time, the people finally know that the person sitting on the seats of the crowd is actually the existence of a figure like Tianmo.

Maybe the disciples below don't know exactly what happened. They just know that Tianmo Youji is no longer an ancestor-level figure and has entered the top of the sect. At this time, Tianmo Youji sat on the ancestral-level seat, which was the stand of the elder-level figure.

So many people are looking at such things. After all, the Youji of Tianmo, a character with such an identity appeared at this time, and the action was aimed at Wu Yufa in front of him, and was rescued from Wenshan lying on the ground by Wu Yufa's hand.

For such a situation, not many people can understand why Wenshan was rescued from the spiritual pressure of Wu Yufa. After all, there is no way to compare many disciple-level figures with those at the ancestor level. It is precisely for this reason that it is not certain for the whole thing.

Many disciples did not see such a spiritual idea of living in Wenshan's mind. If you really know, you probably don't know how to see Wenshan. Now Tianmo actually appeared for a person like Wenshan and rescued the whole Wenshan from Wu Yufa's spiritual oppression for Wenshan.

What kind of person is Wenshan? It is worth the Tianmo Youji to rescue Xiashan like this. This is something many people don't understand. They don't know how Wenshan let Tianmo save him. Is it just because Wenshan is a genius and a very talented person? Of course, many people don't think so.

However, it is already an enviable thing for Wenshan to get the appreciation of the Tianmoling of the whole Taixuan Sect. It is precisely because of this that many people now are extremely envious of Wenshan in front of them. I hope I can also become a figure like Wenshan who has been disputed by many ancestors. But at least the devil will keep Wenshan.

This is the existence of such a character, so for the current situation, it should not happen at all. That is to say, in such a situation at this time, there is nothing to discuss.

At this time, Wenshan, standing in the open space on the ancestor-level seat, staring closely at the figure above the ancestor-level seat, full of expectations and a little pride. After all, from the mouths of those disciples of the mountain gate, he often hears people mention a word like Tianmo.

I still know a lot about such a big name as Tianmo Youji. It is with such an understanding, so at this time, Wenshan is also very curious about the woman in front of him and why she saved herself.

At the same time, I am sincerely afraid and admired for what Tianmo Youji had just said. However, at this time, Wenshan was also more envious of Tianmo Youji. After all, compared with Tianmo Youji, my current situation is simply a day-to-day gap. After all, I was oppressed and suppressed by many ancestors.

But every word said by Tianmo Youji is an order, and these ancestors, even Zhan Taijinshi, dare not disobey every word said by Tianmo Youji. I thought that if I could live to her level, it would be worth it if she had such a status and power in Taixuanzong. At least I won't be threatened by these ancestors.

With tens of thousands of people waiting, suddenly a radius of dozens of miles, the overwhelming spiritual pressure suddenly passed down from the seat of the top elder, directly covering all the people present.

The coverage of this spiritual pressure this time is not like Zhan Taijinshi, which directly covers the whole ancestral-level seats and all the people under the ring. That is, Zhan Taijinshi and all the ancestor-level figures of the other three sects were not let go, and all of them were directly covered.

It seems that he is the ancestor-level figure of the other three sects, and there is no dissatisfaction because he and others are locked by the spiritual idea of Tianmo Youji. For Tianmo Youji, everyone feels fearful. I'm afraid that I will offend such a living Buddha-like feeling.

For the comprehensive coverage of such spiritual ideas as Tianmo Youji, the people around them trembled and knelt down. Even those ancestral-level figures in the desperate realm could not stand the vast and domineering spiritual pressure and lowered their noble heads.

is the many ancestral-level figures at this time who dare not raise their heads. But one of them raised his head when many people in the audience lowered his head. He is Wenshan.

Wenshan's breathing stopped at this moment. Wenshan couldn't believe that he was so familiar with the characters in such an elder-level seat, and he felt so much about the characters above.

But in an instant, the energy around the abnormal isolation circle above the doomsday elder-level seat suddenly disappeared. With his eyesight, he could only see a man in black with a mask from afar, sitting in the position where he could only sit at the level of elders.

And in that position, next to the man in black stood the same figure of a girl in black. For these two characters, Wenshan seems to have a very familiar feeling among them. It seems that Wenshan is very familiar with the two people sitting on the elder-level seat and next to the elder-level seat.

Waiting for Wenshan, he couldn't help but prepare to kneel down. Wenshan suddenly felt a divine thought and suddenly fell on himself. It was cold and had an indescribable sense of familiarity. Although that spirit only stayed for a few breaths, it quietly retreated. However, in an all-ahead, Wenshan trembled all over, raised his head and stared heavily at the elder-level seat.

Wenshan's half-bending legs stood upright slowly under his strong willpower.

At this time, those disciples on the whole square, whether they were inner disciples or personal disciples, all lowered their foreheads. At the same time, their legs softened and crawled to the ground. For this kind of phenomenon, this kind of scene is not very easy to see.

Even the ancestors did not dare to raise their foreheads.

However, on such a huge square, there is only one person standing there, with his head raised all the time, looking at the elder-level seat and frowning.

"It's really her!"

After Wenshan finally saw her appearance clearly, his heart trembled violently. Although she was blindfolded, although she was at least dozens of feet away from Wenshan. But with Wenshan's eyesight and the deep imprint she engraved in her heart. But all of a sudden, Wenshan completely recognized her, and even Wenshan felt the soft feeling of her cold body.

When Wenshan recognized the woman in black who covered her whole face, her heart suddenly became hot. At this time, Wenshan suddenly thought of Zeng Jin's Chenghuan under his body, and the woman swaying on his body was now sitting on the elder-level seat of the whole Taixuan Sect.

At this time, Wenshan even thought of the ** scene at the beginning, which was very exciting.

For the original scene, Wenshan seemed to appear in front of his face. Every night, Wenshan would think of such a scene and the woman at the same time.

Although Wenshan was still angry with this woman's spiritual idea in her mind, but every time it came to the critical moment, it was this spiritual idea that saved her life.

Although Wenshan didn't know what the woman's attitude towards herself was at this time, Wenshan knew that the woman had no bad thoughts about herself. It can be completely seen from the trivial matter that every time you are in danger, you always stand up to save yourself.

At this time, I don't know what the woman is thinking. The eyes of the two people are facing each other like this, as if both of them are thinking about something, but it is always a little unpredictable.