ghost monk

Chapter 211 The Power of the Devil

Chapter 211 The Power of the Devil

For these two women, Wenshan is very familiar. Among them, Wenshan, the woman standing, recognized her at a glance. Two days ago, she was still standing in front of her door. Yes, Su Linger.

As for the other woman, Wenshan seems to be extremely familiar with the smell of her body.

How is that possible? How is that possible? How could she be a demon? Tianmo, how can it be her? Wenshan died and did not expect that the woman who had been happy with him was the more famous Tianmoling ancestor of Taixuanzong. It should be the devil elder now!

Such a fact is difficult for Wenshan in front of him to accept. After all, for the first woman with herself, she turned out to be a quite authoritative woman of the whole Taixuanzong at this time, and she was still a figure of everyone shouting and shouting about something from Taixuanzong. The great disparity in status between the two made Wenshan in front of him extremely inferiority.

So Wenshan's abnormal pain at this time, I don't know what's wrong with me. Is it the kind of man's agance that affects himself or does the position that his woman's suddenly achieve is actually such a high time, which makes Wenshan in front of him more or less unfathomable.

When the energy shield around the elder-level seat where the demon was located was opened that day, everyone in the scene had knelt down. Even the ancestors who had stayed at the ancestral level all knelt to the ground. Even Zhantai Jinshi had to kneel down.

As for the ancestors of the other three sects, they originally wanted not to kneel, but under the momentum of the demon, their legs automatically softened. For such a phenomenon, Wenshan in front of him felt a little surging.

As for the ancestral-level seat, the inner disciples and their own disciples standing on the ring, including Dai Mingqiu and others in their own disciples' seats, all knelt to the ground. At this time, the whole huge Mount Everest was all kneeling to the ground. Such a scene is only because of the appearance of the demon.

Of course, when so many people knelt to the ground, only one person was still standing there, that is Wenshan. Wenshan has been standing there without any tendency to kneel down, standing straight. Tianmo did not exert any pressure on Wenshan, so there was still a special case of Wenshan in the whole crowd.

Soon, Wenshan's move attracted attention, especially a group of ancestors in the desperate realm on the main stage, all of whom were keen and well-intentioned. After all, for these ancestors on the seat, they all know the real strength and real identity of the demon, which can't be understood by ordinary disciples and the ancestors of other three sects.

Because Tianmo has broken through his strength not long ago and has been promoted to the existence of the eternal giant in the realm of immortality. Maybe only the senior officials of Taixuanzong know now, so for the existence of ancient giants, the people with the ability of immortality, and for the ancestors, they are also authoritative.

So in the face of the current Tianmo Youji, even Zhan Taijinshi is also kneeling down. But for the elders of the other three sects, unless they are the existence of eternal giants and the existence of the strong in the realm of immortality, they do not need to kneel down to an elder of a Taixuan Sect.

This is the reason, so it is also a very bad phenomenon for the development of immediate things. In such a case, there are still many drawbacks.

But today, they actually knelt down to a Taixuan elder demon. I don't know what's going on for these three ancestral-level figures of other sects. When facing the pressure of the demons, they naturally knelt down like this. For the momentum emanating from Tianmo, that feeling is not what the three ancestors of other sects can really face.

This is the strength of the giants in the realm of immortality. Only the giants in the realm of immortality are worthy of thousands of kneeling down like this. Only the pressure of the eternal giants can be truly accepted by these life-threatening ancestors.

It is precisely because of this reason that there is still a little difference between such things in front of us. For such differences, sometimes for giants, there is also authority. It only belongs to the real giants and the power that the strong in the eternal realm can have.

It is the existence of the cultivation of the realm of immortality, so when standing in front of the ancestors of these deadly realms in front of them, the demons naturally exude the majesty of the strong in the realm of immortality. It is for this reason that even the other three ancestral-level figures can only crawl on their knees at this time.

However, it was in such a scene that at this time, Wenshan, who had just been oppressed by Wu Yufa, shouted evil by Zhan Tai Luoyun, and sentenced to death by Zhan Tai Jinshi, actually stood there straight. How can there be no reason for the sudden demon Youji in front of you? But he did not kneel down.

Or the heavenly demon Youji has no intention of letting the heavenly demon Youji kneel in front of her.

After all, with the strength of Tianmo Youji, he has just been able to force the other three ancestral-level characters to kneel down, not to mention that Wenshan is just a strong man in the realm of gathering energy. It is precisely because of this reason that Wenshan in front of him has become the object of everyone's attention at this time. I became more curious about Wenshan.

In particular, many ancestors were quite impressed by Wenshan. After all, this boy defeated repeatedly in the last big competition. From the original strength of Zhenyuan in the primary stage, to the breakthrough process of Zhenyuan's peak stage of strength, to the final transformation into a master in the divine power stage. The most important thing is the battle between Zhan Tailuoyun, the first person of the whole Taixuanzong, and the two fought wonderfully. Wenshan even defeated Zhantai Luoyun.

It was such a sensational event that suddenly made Wenshan in front of him a high-profile figure. For such characters, it is completely two extreme characters, and for such characters, it is completely two things. For this kind of Wenshan, how can he not become a person that the whole ancestor pays attention to?

In addition, he was killed by Zhan Tai Luo Yun, killed by Wu Yufa and even tortured with spiritual oppression. Wu Lei, Wenshan's bold killing of Wu Yufa's youngest son, made people more curious about Wenshan's deeds, and also paid more attention to Wenshan.

"B son of a bastard, what are you crazy about at this time? Don't you know that standing in front of you is the newly promoted demon elder of our Taixuanzong? Even if I see the ancestor, I have to kneel down and salute. You stinky boy actually stands there like this. Don't you really know a little courtesy?

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei looked at Wenshan in front of him and was so bold that he dared to stand like this in front of the demon, without giving any face to the demon in front of him. In fact, Zhu Xiaolei also knows what is destined to be between Wenshan and Tianmo. Zhu Xiaolei has always paid attention to Wenshan like Tianmo, because Tianmo has always appreciated Wenshan.

It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan did not kneel down, and Tianmo did not have any pressure. But Zhu Xiaolei also knows that this is a public place. No matter how much Tianmo is optimistic about Wenshan, Wenshan can always kneel down. After all, in Wenshan's current capacity, it is very good to kneel like this.

But how can standing there like this at this time not represent anything? At least you have to worry about some of other people's feelings. It is exactly like this, sometimes it is more necessary for other people's feelings.

"Why don't you kneel down quickly?"

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei's ancestor's shocked and angry voice exploded in Wenshan's ear like thunder. After all, Wenshan had just experienced the existence of being regarded as a demon, and the killing of Wu Yufa's son. At this time, all the people on the square looked at Wenshan in front of him.

For Wenshan's current move, it is still more amazing than any previous move. After all, Tianmo is also the elder of the whole Taixuan Sect. As a disciple-level, Wenshan should kneel down when he sees the elder. Even Wenshan's master, Zhu Xiaolei, ancestor-level figure in a life-threatening realm, knelt down.


Because Wenshan killed Wu Yufa's youngest son, and the hatred between the two was just the object of being killed by Wu Yufa, but the sudden appearance of this demon now makes Wu Yufa in front of him have no time to kill Wenshan in front of him. I have hated him to death, but because of the face of the current demon, I can't kill Wenshan at this time. After all, I don't know what the reason is for the sudden intervention of Tianmo.

After all, for Wu Yufa, he never thought that the elder seat above the ancestral-level seat was actually a guy with an eternal giant like Tianmo.

Even Zhan Taijinshi didn't expect such a thing. After all, it is completely enough for the elders of each sect to come to the task of such a sect. But this time it turned out to be the arrival of Tianmo Youji. How could he not be caught off guard by Zhan Taijinshi and Wu Yufa in front of him?

After all, for the arrival of Tianmo, if Tianmo feels that there is something wrong with the sentence of Zhan Taijinshi just now, I guess he really don't want to think about killing Wenshan. After all, Tianmo is really too much of the identity of an elder, but not the status of an elder on the surface. If Tianmo makes a decision, even Zhan Taijinshi can't object to it.

After all, the real leader of Zengjin's 23 mountain gates is the existence of Tianmo, which has just been passed on to Zhantai Jinshi. In such a case, there is no need to do these things at all.

Now, no matter what Tianmo Youji says when she stands up, one thing is that the Tianmo Youji in front of her must have absolute authority to manage everything. She has been able to manage the whole 23 mountain gates. But now Tianmo Youji is more able to manage the whole 23 mountain gates. It can even manage 23 door-to-door internal affairs.

You can even decide the choice of the door owner of the twenty-three mountain gates. After all, the current demon is not the privilege of ordinary elders.

After all, this is the time for Tianmo to appear, but Wenshan still didn't listen to any other voice and still stood there. Immediately, Wu Yufa, the pale zombie face, shouted angrily, "Wenshan, you are so bold. If our Taixuanzong's elder Tianmo appeared, can't you be polite? Is that what Zhu Xiaolei, the master, taught you? You are so arrogant, I won't let you go."

With that, he put on a posture of righteous indignation and wanted to kill Wenshan immediately.

Looking back, she glanced at Tianmo's reaction, as if she only showed a trace of dissatisfaction and would immediately take action.

It's a pity that Wu Yufa didn't see any reaction from Tianmo.

"Wu Yufa's ancestor, you are presumptuous. There is a demon, and there is something about you. Don't you see that the demon elder made Wenshan stand like this? What's wrong with you at this time? Is it in front of the demon elder that you don't want to kneel down?

Zhu Xiaolei stood up with a dark face and scolded Wu Yufa in front of him. After all, Zhu Xiaolei also saw that Wenshan had been standing at this time, which was allowed by Tianmo. After all, Zhu Xiaolei knows that Tianmo attaches great importance to Wenshan. I won't punish Wenshan for such a trivial matter at all.

It is precisely because of this reason that Zhu Xiaolei also knows that there will be no problem with such things in front of him. It's just that Wu Yufa is roaring here. Wu Yufa, who has just been suppressing himself and Wenshan with the help of Zhan Taijinshi.

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei also wanted to use the bigger * of Tianmo Youji to attack this Wu Yufa. After all, you don't have to have such a good opportunity. How sorry you are!

Actually, for the current Wenshan, I don't know that Tianmo is the woman who was in her night. At this time, this woman is high, and her status is even lower. At that time, Wenshan asked when he could have her. But at that time, she said that Wenshan had to reach his strength to the realm of immortality.

At first, Wenshan thought that this woman was very arrogant. But when Wenshan saw this woman again, he thought of the original dialogue with this woman. At this time, Wenshan also knew why the woman said so. It turns out that all this exists for a reason.

At this time, Wenshan saw that the woman in front of him was actually an elder-level figure, so her cultivation should at least be the strength of her life-threatening realm. It is because of this that Wenshan at this time knows that if he wants to surpass this demon Youji in strength, at least it is the strength of the eternal realm.

After all, Youji is a character who even stepped on Zhan Taijinshi, a strong man in the realm of life. At this time, Wenshan even doubted that the demon Youji in front of him was even a strong man in the realm of immortality. After all, Wenshan knew that not long ago, this woman's strength seemed to have just broken through. And this woman is still a ghost monk, and his soul seems to have just passed the thunderstorm.

That's the reason. At this time, Wenshan has always believed that the strength of the demon Youji in front of him should reach the cultivation strength of the realm of immortality. For such a phenomenon, there is no need to do it like this. It is precisely because of this that Wenshan is also in an abnormally stable state for the whole thing.

But Wenshan can't figure out why Tianmo is now at the level of elder. According to Wenshan's understanding of the rules of Taixuanzong, the strength of the current Tianmo is here. Anyway, he is also the status of an elder.

This is the reason, so Wenshan is also very aware of the existence of the identity and status of Tianmo Youji at this time. It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan is unusually suspicious of the real strength of the demon in front of him.

This is also the reason. At this time, Wenshan was thinking about such a thing, which made Wenshan stunned here at this time. It made everyone's eyes focus on Wenshan.

Even Tianmo also focused his eyes on Wenshan. I don't know what I think about Wenshan in front of me. After all, my first time was given to such a man. However, although the man at this time performed extremely well and was already the best among the people of the same year, he was still a little worse anyway.

After all, if you really follow Wenshan in front of you as the current demon, the pressure on Wenshan will be very great. Wenshan can't hide under the feather shadow of Tianmo Youji all the time, and let Tianmo Youji protect him all the time. If this is really the case, it is not the character of Wenshan in front of him.

After all, if the current Wenshan is really with the heavenly demon, the enemies of the heavenly demon are at least the existence of ancestor-level characters in the deadly realm. They can't deal with the heavenly demon Youji now, but it is still easy to deal with Wenshan in front of them. It is precisely because of this that the demon in front of him dare not contact Wenshan rashly.

So for the protection of Wenshan, Zhu Xiaolei still asked him to work for him, and he didn't intervene in such a thing at all. It was because he was afraid of what would happen between himself and Wenshan that he was used by people with intentions.

It is the existence of this reason, so the Wenshan in front of him is abnormally maintained by Zhu Xiaolei, all because Tianmo Youji is supported behind his back, and it is Tianmo Youji who asked Zhu Xiaolei to do this.

For Wu Yufa's scolding him, Wen Shan also knows that it's really not good to kneel down to this demon Youji on such an occasion. But for Wenshan in front of him, if he really doesn't kneel down, it's really not a good thing.

After all, his identity is here, and the identity of Tianmo is the elder of Taixuanzong. If Wenshan really doesn't kneel down, it's really not easy to explain. After all, the etiquette is here. But if Wenshan in front of him really kneels down, Wenshan really can't kneel down.

After all, Wenshan can't kneel to his own woman.

"Ha ha, little guy, what's wrong? Don't you feel a little surprised to see me?" At this time, the voice of Tianmo Youji suddenly appeared in Wenshan's mind. Wenshan was extremely familiar with such a sound, but unlike the original cold voice, there was suddenly a provocative smell in this sound. For such a situation, it is really not something that Wenshan can imagine.

"Why, are you reluctant to kneel down at me? Am I doing something wrong? Little enemy!" At this time, Tianmo Youji's voice was more seductive to Wenshan's heart. At this time, Wenshan even thought of the ** scene at the beginning in his mind. I thought of the scene of this demon Youji woman moaning gently under her body.

Thinking of this, Wenshan's heart suddenly became hot, and his blood suddenly surged up, and his whole body seemed to be short of breath. It is completely different from the situation that has just been oppressed by Wu Yufa.

At this time, Wenshan suddenly thought of the woman who had been riding on Wenshan. At that time, the woman's expression was extremely rippling, and her eyes were as charming as silk, and her body was extremely beautiful and concave and convex, which fascinated Wenshan very much.

Thinking of this woman's movements at the beginning, she was very strange, and her tight buttocks were hit...

That is, at this time, the phenomenon of Wenshan's whole performance was all seen by the heavenly demon Youji in front of him. A manifestation of such a phenomenon also made the forehead of the heavenly demon in front of him look at something in front of Wenshan's mind, as if it was also thought of by Tianmo Youji.


Thinking of this, Tianmo Youji's face turned red and seemed to be embarrassed. At the same time, she snorted coldly.

For Tianmo Youji's cold hum, Wenshan seemed to mean something. Suddenly, his face turned red and he was not embarrassed. After all, for the Tianmo Youji in front of her, all she just thought of was that the Tianmo Youji took off her body, and the flesh of white flowers on her body.

But for the cold hum of Tianmo Youji, your thoughts about others are completely different. After all, as Tianmo Youji, in such an occasion, a cold hum is completely dissatisfaction with everyone. It is precisely because of this reason that everyone was angry with the demon in front of them, as if there was something wrong with the demon. At this time, all the people bowed their heads and dared not raise their foreheads.

As for Wenshan still standing there, the rest of the people dare not pay attention to it. After all, the thing that offends Tianmo is Wenshan. They don't want Wu Yufa to take care of other people's demons. After all, the strong man of the immortal realm like Tianmo, the eternal giant, is not what they can decide what they can do in front of the Heavenly Demon Youji.

It is precisely because of this reason that many people feel very stupid about Wu Yufa's just scolding Wenshan.

"Zhan Taijinshi, what did your father and son make of this sectarian fight?" It was at this time that Tianmo first blamed Wenshan, but Zhan Taijinshi, the ancestor of the second largest mountain gate of the Taixuan Sect.

After all, as Zhan Taijinshi, within Taixuanzong, he usually feels superior. Now it is rare to be reprimanded by the demon in front of us. Even if any elder wants to scold Zhan Tai Jinshi in this way, he has to consider whether his strength can really withstand Zhan Tai Jinshi's anger in front of him.

But I don't think so about the demon Youji in front of me. For an old guy like Zhan Tai Jinshi, Tianmo Youji was still in a state of death. When she was at the ancestral level, she had been suppressing the Zhan Tai Jinshi in front of her. Zeng Jin still chased Zhan Taijinshi in front of him and beat him in the whole Taixuanzong.

This is the reason for the existence, so at this time, it is already the strength of the realm of immortality. The demon Youji, who is the identity of an eternal giant, is already a senior figure of the whole sect and is already the elder of the whole sect. It is like a matter of rebuking Zhan Taijinshi in front of him for such status and strength.

After all, the status of Tianmo Youji is here. It is also completely appropriate to scold Zhan Taijinshi in front of him. Even if Zhan Taijinshi wants to oppose it, there is nothing he can do.

"Eden of Heavenly Demon, this..."

"Do you think I really didn't see the whole thing clearly?" Just as Zhan Taijinshi was about to explain, Tianmo Youji suddenly said with a cold face. The voice is full of great anger.

For Zhan Taijinshi at this time, Tianmo Youji did not give him any chance to speak at all.

"I see what happened today. The reason why Wenshan's strength is so outstanding is very simple, because he is my disciple. I trained him with one hand. You can ask Zhu Xiaolei about this. I asked him to take care of Wenshan at the beginning.

As for why you must not let go of Wenshan in front of you, and for the reason, I don't want to hear it. In a word, who dares to kill Wenshan in the future, no matter who it is, no matter which sect it is, I will kill it!"

At this time, the demon said to the whole square. He directly said about his protection of Wenshan. And what Tianmo said is completely for Wenshan in front of him. I guess after saying this sentence of Tianmo, no one dares to trouble Wenshan.

After all, there is the threat of Tianmo Youji. As long as someone threatens Wenshan's life, he will definitely be chased by Tianmo Youji. If this is true, anyone who wants to threaten Wenshan should fully consider the strength of Tianmo Youji. Otherwise, it's really no match for others.

At this time, Tianmo Youji completely became the backer behind Wenshan. For such a situation, for Wenshan, the existence of such a big backer is not a threat to anyone. After all, the existence of threats to others is very considerable for the existence of demons.

At the same time, the appearance of Tianmo did not blame Zhan Tai Jinshi and Wu Yufa too much. After all, it is for the consideration of the whole sect and the influence of the whole sect. Tianmo did not scold Zhan Taijinshi and Wu Yufa's stupid behavior in front of so many people.

Tianmo Youji also saw that Zhan Taijinshi just now was completely for her own selfishness, and it was also good for her son Zhan Tailuo Yun to take action against Wenshan. It is for this reason that the demon did not point out such a situation. After all, there are still ancestor-level figures of other sects.

It is precisely for this reason that for such a situation in front of him, Tianmo also made a simple punishment, and Zhan Taijinshi's power to manage the whole twenty-three mountain gates has been withdrawn. It is jointly decided by the owners of the three mountain gates.

That is, on the basis of Zhan Taijinshi's one-man decision, the existence of two other characters has been added. Originally, he still disdained the existence of Zhan Taijinshi. But later, the things that can't be decided by the three gate owners will be dealt with in Tianmoling.

In this case, the whole thing in front of us is completely the same as before. All the power has been taken back by Tianmoling, but now the master of the family is the senior sister of Tianmo Youji.

Although Tianmo Youji's senior sister does not have the absolute strength to suppress Zhan Taijinshi. But with the support of Tianmo Youji, it is estimated that Zhan Taijinshi can't do anything about it. After all, Zhan Taijinshi was a little sorry for what he did today. After all, Zhan Taijinshi did not expect that the owner behind Wenshan, the boy, turned out to be a strong woman, Tianmo Youji.

After all, the demon behind Wenshan's like this is not something that Zhan Taijinshi can offend at all. At this time, when Zhan Taijinshi saw Wenshan in front of him, he suddenly saw the shadow of Tianmo Youji on Wenshan's body, while his son Zhantai Luoyun saw the shadow of Tianmo Youji.

After all, when the original Tianmo Youji first entered the sect, it was like Wenshan that she entered the sect at night than Zhantai Jinshi. At the beginning, Zhan Taijinshi was a very ** character in the whole Taixuan Sect. But at this time, the gap between Zhan Taijinshi and Tianmo Youji is simply day by day.

After all, the current Tianmo Youji is a guy who exists in the ages. For such a character, he is completely an absolutely authoritative figure. For such an authoritative figure, there is no need to touch such a thing.

After all, Tianmo Youji's talent is incomparable to Zhan Taijinshi in front of him. For such a threshold of the realm of immortality, it is something that Zhan Taijinshi dares not touch in front of him. It is for this reason that in Zhan Tai's heart, he dares not think about the realm of immortality.

After all, with Zhantai Jinshi's current cultivation, it has been done by a person who has been stuck at the peak of his life for a long time. For Zhan Taijinshi, his own feeling is that he is stuck at this height, and it is difficult to move forward. After all, it is really not so easy to move forward again.

So when Zhantai Jinshi saw Wenshan, Zhantai Jinshi had a hunch that the growth height of Wenshan in the future would never be worse than Zhantai Luoyun. On the contrary, it is much better than Zhantai Luoyun.

It is precisely because of this reason that the current situation has happened. The reason why Zhan Taijinshi wanted to kill Wenshan in front of him was to reduce a potential competitor for his son Zhan Taijinshi. Otherwise, Zhan Taijinshi would not surrender his identity for a small man like Wenshan.

Otherwise, Zhan Taijinshi would not target a guy like Wenshan who has no status or strength. For what Tianmo Youji said, it can be directly defined as a decision. It is simply announcing such a thing directly, and it is not discussing with the people in front of us at all.

After all, for the elder-level figure known in the minds of the ancestors of Taixuanzong, the immortal Tianmo Youji is not the former ancestor of Tianmoling, and now has the absolute right to speak. Such a simple decision made by Tianmo Youji is just the simplest power given to her by the sect.

Among them, Zhan Taijinshi and Wu Yufa disturbed the whole competition field. The delayed time of the disciples preparing for this competition and the rewards given by the final ranking are doubled by these two people on the basis of the rewards given by the sect, and this double part is issued by Zhan Taijinshi and Wu Yufa.

For the above two decisions, Zhan Taijinshi is fine and didn't say anything. After all, with the existence of Zhan Tai's huge golden stone gate, this reward is still affordable.

But the main reason why he is so angry with Zhan Taijinshi in front of him is that the demon in front of him is so high that he is pressed on him, making him extremely unplealike.

After all, there is such a struggle between Zengmo and Zhan Taijinshi. Moreover, the Tianmo Ridge, which has been dominated by Tianmo, is suppressing the development of Jinshimen everywhere. Moreover, Tianmo Youji has been pressing Zhan Taijinshi in front of her.

It is for this reason that Tianmo Youji is already an ancestor-level figure in the realm of immortality at this time, so the identity and status of Tianmo Youji in front of you is not comparable to Zhantai Jinshi in front of you.

This is the reason, so for Zhan Taijinshi, he still hates the demon Youji in front of him very much.

As for Wu Yufa, he is regretting at this time. Wu Yufa didn't know that Wenshan had such a * existence. After all, Wu Yufa considered that there was the support of the king behind the Xi-style brothers.

If he really kills any of the brothers, it is estimated that the king will fight with this Wu Yufa. It was for this reason that Wu Yufa aimed his hatred at Wenshan. It is for this reason that Wu Yufa has the determination to kill Wenshan in front of him and avenge his life.

At the beginning, Wu Yufa considered it because Wenshan in front of him had no such a backer. For Master Wenshan like Zhu Xiaolei, in Wu Yufa's consideration, if Wenshan is killed by himself, he will give Xiaodong some benefits at most. In this way, Zhu Xiaolei will not work hard for a dead disciple and himself.

After all, Wenshan is just an ordinary disciple of Zhu Xiaolei. Although Wenshan's strength is relatively strong, he has the existence of cultivation in the divine power stage and the talent that can repel Zhan Tailuoyun. However, as long as Wenshan dies, there is no blood relationship between Wenshan and Zhu Xiaolei. In this case, Zhu Xiaolei will not go too much trouble with Wu Yufa.

However, at this time, when Wu Yufa suddenly heard that Tianmo Youji tried his best to protect Wenshan like this. Moreover, in front of so many people who threatened everyone, anyone who was the enemy of Wenshan and killed Wenshan was destined to suffer the revenge of Tianmo Youji. For the simple words of Tianmo Youji, no one dares to doubt the authenticity of this sentence.

After all, what an eternal giant said is not comparable to ordinary people. It is for this reason that any sentence said by the eternal giant is extremely important, at least the devil keeps his word. As long as someone really dares to disobey what Tianmo said, Tianmo can really do it.

After all, Wu Yufa knew at this time that Wenshan in front of him was actually a disciple of Tianmo Youji. Otherwise, with Wenshan's cultivation ability and strong talent cultivation, it would not be impossible to become a disciple favored by Tianmo.

That's the reason. If Wu Yufa had known earlier that Wenshan in front of him was really a disciple of Tianmo Youji, he would have dared not kill Wenshan early. After all, Wenshan's * character is the guy who exists in Tianmo Youji, and Wu Yufa can't offend.

At this time, Wu Yufa suddenly remembered what Zhu Xiaolei said to him, saying that if he really killed Wenshan, he would regret it. At that time, Wu Yufa relied on the existence of Zhan Taijinshi behind him. For such a situation, Wu Yufa really lacked consideration at the beginning.

But no one would have thought that the person standing behind Wenshan would be a high-level elder-level figure of the whole Taixuanzong. The high Wu Yufa could fully feel that there was a strong spiritual idea of Tianmo Youji in Wenshan's mind.

Thinking of this, Wu Yufa has a feeling of fear in his heart.

Even Wenshan did not expect the occurrence of such a situation in front of him. Wenshan didn't expect that he would be saved by the woman in front of him when he was about to be killed at the most dangerous time. This woman has always been stronger than herself and has had sex with herself.

But Wenshan also knows that without this woman, it is estimated that Wenshan would not have survived. So at this time, Wenshan was still very hungry and thanked the demon Youji in front of him.