ghost monk

Chapter 225 Unknown Soul Ring

Chapter 225 Unknown Soul Ring

But is a spiritual weapon that carries its own blood sacrifice function a simple product? Is it a simple spiritual weapon that fights against a spiritual weapon like a soul ring as soon as it comes up? And since it is appreciated by Tianmo, it is not a simple spiritual weapon.

This is the reason, so for Tianmo Youji, it is completely another thing.

It is with such an ability that makes the whole blood sacrifice event extremely thrilling. After all, even the demon Youji has only heard of the blood sacrifice. It is the existence of such a reason, so for the current situation, it is completely the blood sacrifice event carried out by the two people under the completely passive situation of Tianmo Youji and Wenshan. And the blood sacrifice is also different from other blood sacrifices.

According to their own differences, they have continuously joined the ranks of such blood sacrifices with all the spiritual weapons on their bodies. If it is just the power of a spiritual weapon blood sacrifice, such a spiritual weapon can be completely taken down with the strength of the demon. But at this time, when facing three spiritual weapons that can be equivalent, it is obvious that Tianmo Youji is not right, and Tianmo Youji is also tired of struggling.

It is this special feature that makes the current Tianmo Youji look extremely embarrassed in this environment. It is this kind of embarrassment that makes Wenshan also see the embarrassment of Tianmo Youji. At the same time as this kind of embarrassment, Wenshan decided to jump out and solve this kind of trouble, or to help Tianmo Youji share this kind of trouble together.

It is precisely the existence of such a plan that makes Wenshan's current thinking about the whole thing completely within his ability to control such a situation as much as possible. It is the existence of such a plan that makes this kind of thing happen now.

After all, for Wenshan, Tianmo Youji can truly feel this kind of concern for herself. This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another layer of meaning. For such a layer of meaning, it is not such a thing.

This is the reason for this, so there are many things for the whole thing. For such a thing, it is completely beyond Wenshan's imagination. For such a situation, the only thing Wenshan grasped was to see what other way the artifact in the soul ring could help Wenshan control such a scene. To help Wenshan solve such a blood sacrifice incident in a real sense.

Otherwise, Wenshan would not directly face Tianmo and let Tianmo take such a risk to send Wenshan's soul directly into the soul ring. Wenshan knows that as long as his soul enters the soul ring, it can completely solve such a crisis.

This is the reason, so the current Wenshan is completely another layer of meaning. It is precisely because of this that it more or less makes Wenshan basically * the soul ring in front of him as his last life-saving straw.

It is the existence of such a reason. Even in the current situation, it still has more or less made Wenshan have a calm feeling in front of him. In fact, for the current situation, as long as Wenshan sends his soul into such a soul ring, even if this scene is not fully controlled. So for Wenshan in front of him, his soul hides in the soul ring, which is basically completely safe.

But if Wenshan really hides in this kind of soul ring, such a crazy scene outside, if Tianmo Youji really can't completely shake down such a scene, for Tianmo Youji, even if it is the final escape, it is estimated that physical destruction is inevitable. The cultivation of the realm of immortality no longer exists at all.

This is the reason. At this time, it is also the time to test Wenshan. Anyway, Wenshan has also become the most critical figure of such a good play, the real leader of such a good play.

This is the reason, so it makes the current situation more or less abnormal. For such a situation, it makes the whole scene more or less extremely strange.

After all, for such a situation, it completely makes Wenshan in front of you extremely important. After all, it is the only thing that can be thought of by Wenshan to solve the situation in front of him through the ring of the soul ring. Only in this way can Wenshan and Tianmo Youji truly and safely escape from such a blood sacrifice.

That is, while Tianmo Youji opened the protective ring, while Wenshan felt the strong energy fluctuation around him, he was completely protected by a circle of energy shields, and then sent Wenshan's soul ready to go out and enter the soul ring.

At this time, Wenshan's protective ring sent it out of the original protective circle. At the same time, Wenshan also felt the crazy energy around him. It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan also feels the madness of the energy around him at this time.

A personal feeling for this kind of thing is very strong. It is the existence of such a strong feeling that more or less makes the whole scene extremely unsent. Feel the crazy energy of constantly turbulently attacking your protective circle around you.

Looking at such a stream of tigers and beasts, each strand of energy is like the existence of ancient giant beasts, constantly impacting the protective circle of Wenshan's soul. It is precisely because of this reason, so Wenshan at this time is completely another matter for such a situation.

is the reason for this, so Wenshan feels more or less the strength of the energy around him at this time. The original Wenshan was a situation where the whole person hid in a relatively large protective circle of Tianmo Youji, and such a large protective circle was completely passively waiting to be attacked.

This is the reason, so it also makes the whole scene extremely abnormal. It is precisely this reason, so it more or less makes the whole scene appear like this. For such a phenomenon, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

In the original large protective circle, and Wenshan's soul is hidden in the body, which is the reason why Wenshan does not feel the strong energy around such a body at all. But at this time, Wenshan suddenly felt the rage of such crazy energy. For a while, it was completely another thing for Wenshan.

After all, for the current Wenshan, for such a scene, it is completely another aspect. For such a thing, it is not such a thing. After all, for such a thing, it is completely two aspects.

passively accepts the attack of the violent energy around him. In addition, Wenshan completely curls up his soul in the body, and he doesn't have much deep feelings about the violent fluctuations of energy around him. In addition, all attacks like this are borne by the demon Youji.

But for the current Wenshan, it is completely another thing. After all, for the current Wenshan, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. After all, for Wenshan at this time, he is completely in this environment. In the bombardment of such crazy energy, although his soul is under the protection of Tianmo, Wenshan's soul at this time is extremely ** for the surrounding things.

It is one of the reasons for this, which makes Wenshan's current views on the whole matter completely different. For such differences, it is not completely expected by Wenshan in front of him. For such a thing, it is not what Wenshan wants to see.

After all, for the whole thing, it's not exactly the same thing. For Wenshan, the violent energy around him is completely an intuitive impact on himself. The feeling of such an impact is also very profound.

At this time, Wenshan knew what the strength of the realm of immortality is. After all, the protective circle controlled by Tianmo Youji at this time is completely in such a strong energy. In this violent energy, it is retrograde. For such an active operation, it is completely beyond the expectation of Wenshan in front of him.

In such a retrograde process, Wenshan really felt the madness of the surrounding energy and could really feel the rage of the surrounding energy. It is the existence of such a reason that makes the current situation suddenly appear.

For such a strong energy, Wen Shan believes that as long as he is hit by such a energy, he will probably completely disappear. The whole person's soul is completely scattered. It's not one of the shocks of such energy at all. It's not their opponent.

This is the reason, so the current situation of Wenshan is more or less too strong. A stream of energy is not the opponent of his strong man in the intermediate stage of divine power. So for more than one kind of crazy energy, I am completely a pattern of being completely suppressed.

As for the suppression, it is estimated that it can resist a few seconds and will definitely be killed in seconds. At this time, Wenshan was also afraid of the shocking scene brought by such things as the blood sacrifice, as well as the blood sacrifice event. After all, such a violent and crazy scene is not completely what Wenshan can completely deal with.

Just when Wenshan's soul was transported to the soul ring by the energy protection circle of Tianmo Youji, at that time, Wenshan felt that there were at least hundreds of such energy shocks around him and carried out such attacks on the protection circle around his soul. For such attack methods, it was completely Just waiting to make Wenshan in front of him feel very aggrieved.

It's just a distance of more than ten meters from the ground to the sky, but it has been attacked by more than a dozen strands of energy. It is the existence of such a reason that makes such a situation suddenly appear. For such a strong energy, even if Wenshan is completely wrapped by the protective ring of the energy of Tianmo Youji, he still feels the impact of such energy.

Wenshan did not expect that the surrounding energy of such a thing seemed to be such a random impact, but such a short distance, even the existence of a character like Tianmo Youji is fully capable of maintaining such a protective circle without any fluctuation. However, as long as there is a small amount of energy impacting in such a protective circle, such a protective ring will be completely destroyed in such a protective circle by the power of the demon.

The demon seems to be particularly important for the protection of the soul of Wenshan now. After all, the soul is different from the body. If the body is destroyed by such a shock, it will be another thing for what will happen next. It is the emergence of such a situation that makes the whole event more or less special.

It is the existence of this reason, which makes Wenshan more or less feel that the current situation is too much pressure on the heavenly demon Youji in front of him. After all, Tianmo Youji's protective circle has been completely broken by such a strong energy. For such a thing, it is completely another thing.

As far as this is concerned, it is completely not what Wenshan in front of us can decide. For such a decision, it is not a simple thing in front of us that can be completely solved.

This is the reason, so the current situation is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. For such a situation, it is not completely what Wenshan can really imagine.

is the protective circle of such energy controlled by Tianmo Youji, which can be broken by the direct impact of hundreds of thousands of such energy. It completely shows that at this time, Tianmo Youji is completely unable to completely support such a kind of energy protection circle.

is one of the reasons for this, so for the current situation, it is completely another matter. It's not a time for such a thing to happen. It is the emergence of such a situation that makes the whole situation completely in such a passive time.

That is, when a stream of energy breaks through the energy protection circle of Tianmo Youji, an impact of such a strong energy protection circle around this kind of energy enters the protection circle of this kind of energy and brings this kind of impulse to the soul of Wenshan. The sense of attack is also extremely strong.

It is the strong feeling of such a soul. So Wenshan is also very surprised at present. It is also a situation that makes Wenshan feel very concerned. For the occurrence of such a means, it is completely impossible for the soul of Wenshan in front of him to resist. Even the strong wind that follows such a small amount of energy into the protective circle is a situation that makes Wenshan feel very headache in front of him.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to making Wenshan in front of you very strong.

Although it is constantly impacted by such a small strong wind, there is more or less such an impact on the soul of Wenshan. For such a shock, it is completely another thing. The existence of such a personal feeling is not what Wenshan can really do.

This is the existence of such intuitive feelings. Therefore, for the current situation, it is completely another explanation. For such a situation, Wenshan was also constantly harassed by a few strong winds, so he reluctantly survived such an embarrassing situation.

At this time, Wenshan completely brought such a situation directly into the soul ring. When Wenshan's soul had just touched the soul ring, the soul ring at this time completely felt the arrival of its own master. The light blue door opened, and Wenshan's soul hid in such a soul ring.

That is, when Wenshan's soul entered the ring of such a soul, the door closed slowly. But while closing, the crazy energy around was completely excluded from the door of the soul ring by the light blue light of the soul ring.

When Wenshan put his soul into such a soul ring again, such a soul ring shows Wenshan another universe and a large space. In such a space, such a word is completely reflected, big. For such a wide space, it is completely another thing.

The familiarity and strangeness of the space of such a soul ring is Wenshan's direct feeling. After all, the feeling of this kind of space is very profound. It is precisely for this reason, so for the current incident, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

is also an unexpected thing like this, and more or less feel that such a situation in front of us is very special. It is also such a special thing that completely reflects the difference of Wenshan in front of us.

At this time, Wenshan entered such a strange soul ring because Wenshan suddenly felt that there were some unfamiliar fields in such a soul ring. At least after such a blood sacrifice, Wenshan repositioned such a soul ring.

Of course, there are still familiar ingredients like this. The familiarity of this kind of soul completely depends on Wenshan's soul, a kind of familiarity with the essence of such a soul ring. Among such a soul rings, it is like his own home, and everything here is his own.

At least now, Wenshan was originally in the state of blood sacrifice, but Wenshan's soul entered such a soul ring, completely making Wenshan in front of him completely in such a very safe state, and a feeling of such a kind of feeling is also very amazing.

It is the existence of such a feeling, so it is so familiar and strange for such a thing in front of us and the soul ring in front of us.

For strangers, even before Wenshan or the blood sacrifice, the space size of such a soul ring is very familiar. At this time, Wenshan has just stepped into such a soul ring. For such a situation in front of him, it is completely another feeling. The scope of such a space ring is at least more than 100 times the bitterness of the space range before the blood sacrifice.

The understanding of spiritual weapons and the familiar understanding of the whole space. Being able to have such a change is completely an expansion of Wenshan's own soul ring. Otherwise, such a space in front of us must be discovered after the level of Wenshan's soul is upgraded.

Wenshan has no doubt about the size of such a space. After all, Wenshan also feels that the space of such a soul ring is very huge. It's just that Wenshan in front of him does not fully feel the expansion of such a spatial scope.

For the soul ring, there is a difference from the general spiritual weapon. If Wenshan wants to feel the speciality of the inner space of such a soul ring, it is completely to require Wenshan to put his soul into such a soul ring before he can truly master such a space ring. The same place.

But for other spiritual weapons, if something really changes, the owner will know it as soon as possible. But at this time, Wenshan is not aware of the current situation at all. It is exactly the emergence of such a situation that is completely equivalent to Wenshan's incomplete understanding of the soul ring.

After all, if Wenshan really understands such a soul ring so thoroughly, it means that Wenshan has a very thorough understanding of this soul ring. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation at present, it is completely such a thing.

is exactly one such situation, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to such a result. For such a result, it is completely another indelible situation of the whole thing.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely another thing. For the occurrence of such a thing, it was completely unexpected by Wenshan.

It is the existence of such a feeling that more or less makes Wenshan very depressed in front of him. After all, for the current situation, for such a thing, it is completely out of Wenshan's senses. Wenshan did not expect that the level of his soul had not been upgraded, but due to the blood sacrifice, the space of such a soul ring was expanded.

It is the existence of such a reason, so for the emergence of the whole thing, it is completely an inner decision that is out of Wenshan in front of us. This feeling is also very unoptimistic.

However, at this time, Wenshan suddenly felt that such a space was completely not what he could really master, which was different from ordinary spiritual weapons.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely another thing. For such a situation, it is not something that can really be solved.

Wenshan feels such a strange space. At this time, Wenshan does not seem to be very familiar with the expanded space at all. Within this large range of Wenshan, the soul began to glance at it. But when Wenshan only glanced at such a corner of space, Wenshan's soul could no longer scan it.

Because Wenshan suddenly felt that the other areas of such a space could not be entered by his own soul idea at all. There is an obvious kind of rejection in it.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to the complete strangeness of Wenshan. The soul of Wenshan drifted towards the unknown area

That is, when the soul of Wenshan entered such an unknown area, I suddenly felt that on such a vast territory, it was completely a new space, and the ground here actually had a sense of vitality in it. For such a space, even the soil is full of vitality.

is an intuitive feeling like this. Therefore, Wenshan suddenly feels a different change in the current situation. After all, it is also a special existence for such a thing to happen. It is precisely for this reason that the current Wenshan completely feels very special.

That is, when Wenshan entered such a space, a piece of information suddenly appeared in Wenshan's mind, which was about the introduction of such a space.

'The land in the space here contains everything. Full of aura is the pastoral for cultivating elixirs. It is another universe. As long as the elixir is planted in this kind of space, it can be continuously replicated. At present, only ten types of elixirs can be put into the planting space here, and the output value can be measured in millions. The types of elixirs planted can still be expanded. It mainly depends on how strong the individual's spiritual ideas are, and how much of this kind can be completely expanded.

Such a piece of information suddenly broke into his mind, and even Wenshan felt very surprised no matter how curious he was about the whole space. After all, I have a good understanding of such a space. Wenshan in front of him was already surprised that such an elixir could produce hundreds of times.

This is the reason, so for such a pattern in front of this kind of change, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. Originally, it was thought that the soul ring in front of him could maintain the immortality of the soul in addition to storing goods, and at the same time enhance the spiritual idea of the soul, which was completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

But at this time, Wenshan actually knew that such a soul ring can be planted with elixir. Although there are only ten types and there is no limit on the level, as long as this kind of elixir can grow completely, it will be very good. As for the types of planting like this, it can only be solved by Wenshan in front of us.

It is the reason for this, so it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation for such a form in front of us. After all, the cultivation method of the elixir has been completely lost. The elixir planted by himself also exists in Taixuanzong, but such a elixir garden is taken care of by miscellaneous disciples.

That kind of elixir garden is completely used to produce some beans. It is not the elixir garden used by other advanced elixir at all. It is precisely because of this reason, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is completely because of such a situation in front of us. For such a situation, it is completely another thing.

After all, for such a situation, it is completely another thing. For such a situation, it is completely another feeling. The source of the real elixir in Taixuanzong is completely the natural growth of their peaks.

After all, for such a Taixuanzong, which is full of unusually abundant aura, all of them have abundant aura resources at the 23 peak. That's why, so I still know a lot about Wenshan in front of me. I know that there is a lot of aura among the peaks everywhere.

The place with abundant aura is completely because of such a strange feeling that the overall view in front of us is completely shattered. Wenshan didn't expect that in his soul ring, there would be such a world and his own spiritual garden. After all, for a spiritual garden like this, you can't find such a territory in this world.

Not to mention that any spiritual weapon has such a powerful function. Wenshan suddenly felt that his space had solved the problem of planting advanced elixir. After all, the cultivation of advanced elixirs cannot be really involved in other places. That's why Wenshan is very happy.

At the same time, Wenshan's soul is still heading for other unknown areas. Every time you go to a region, there is such a message in Wenshan's mind.

One of the more important areas is that there is only such a giant tripod in such a space. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another strange feeling.

"You can enter ten elixirs, as long as you have enough materials. It can produce elixirs, and the rate of elixirs is 100%.

There is also a place where there are many underworld fires, one by one, with spiritual tombs on it. Ten spiritual weapons can be stored here, and the level of spiritual weapons is unlimited. As long as it is stored in this kind of space, the ten spiritual weapons of this kind are completely a special nourishment for such spiritual weapons.

It is exactly this kind of nourishment situation, which is not exactly what Wenshan can completely decide, but also this kind of situation, so Wenshan is shocked by the occurrence of such a thing in front of him.

Even Wenshan now doesn't know what's going on in front of him. The perception of the soul ring in front of him has completely exceeded the scope of Wenshan's own knowledge. Any spiritual weapon actually has such a wide range of amazing perception, which is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

The understanding of spiritual weapons, the ability to have such a range of planting, spiritual weapon nourishment, and the refining of elixirs are completely beyond Wenshan's expectations. It is this kind of imagination that Wenshan can no longer really know.

After all, Wenshan is not really aware of all the changes in front of him. For such a soul ring, Wenshan doesn't know the specific details at all. After all, for such a soul ring, there are some things that Wenshan himself does not know.

For this kind of soul ring, in Wenshan's mind, it is completely another strange meaning. The specific level of spiritual weapon of the soul ring is not something that Wenshan can clearly determine in front of him. After all, for such a situation, it is completely unknown to Wenshan in front of him.

was when Wenshan had just come into contact with such a soul ring, for Wenshan, he did not completely explore the attributes of such a soul ring. After all, for such a soul ring, it is not completely such a concept.

This is the reason for this, so for such a thing in front of us, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is precisely for this reason that the current Wenshan is not such a concept for the whole thing.

After all, Wenshan is nominally the owner of the soul ring. In such a case, it is completely that you don't know the level of your spiritual weapon, its function, and the size of its space. For the soul ring, Wenshan only gradually learned more about the soul ring under the improvement of the level of his soul.

And under the powerful existence of Wenshan's spiritual idea, it is completely another thing. It is the existence of such a concept that leads to such a concept at present. After all, for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing.

At this time, for the sudden exaggeration of such a soul ring, for the sudden increase in the space of such a soul ring, and the sudden increase of many of its functions. He was completely surprised by Wenshan in front of him.

After all, when the function of such a soul ring suddenly increases, it is completely another meaning. The existence of such a concept is completely different. In terms of such a situation, this is also the case.

This is the reason, so that's what it means for the whole thing. At this time, Wenshan meant to each other, as if after the blood sacrifice, he had a different feeling about such a soul ring. It seems that the soul ring in front of you has such a feeling as a part of your own life.

It seems that every part of the soul ring like this, every piece of the soul ring like this is a very familiar kind of such kind. It was also like this. At this time, Wenshan suddenly felt that his heart had merged with such a soul ring. It's a feeling of melting water and milk.

Is this the effect of blood sacrifice? However, the blood sacrifice has not been completely successful, as if there are other things in such a soul ring that are not familiar to Wenshan in front of him.