ghost monk

Chapter 226 Soul Ring

Chapter 2226 Soul Ring

Wenshan remembers that there should be an artifact in such a soul ring. For such an artifact, it is completely equivalent to completely occupying the initiative of the whole spirit weapon.

Even if you enter the space of such a soul ring, Wenshan still has to listen to the spirit of such a soul ring. It is the real owner of the soul ring space here. It turns out that the spirit in this kind of soul ring space is that even this mysterious space is kept secret from Wenshan.

However, due to Wenshan's blood sacrifice, Wenshan also began to further understand the space of such a soul ring. At this time, the current understanding of the space of such a soul ring is also preliminary. For all of this kind of soul ring, it is completely in the hands of this kind of soul ring.

At this time, Wenshan suddenly thought of the existence of an artifact in the soul ring here. After all, when Wenshan just entered this soul ring, he heard such an intuitive feeling brought to himself by this soul ring. This soul ring seems to have an old voice.

At that time, it seemed that he told Wenshan that the soul ring had recognized itself as the master and had initially accepted the identity of the owner of the soul ring like Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan thought that he had just been sacrificed by such a soul ring. Is it equivalent to further understanding such a soul ring and letting the soul ring further introduce himself?

Otherwise, such a thing would not happen. For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to the identity of Wenshan and the real owner of the soul ring.

This is the reason for this, so for a situation in front of us, it is completely the process of Wenshan's further understanding of the whole soul ring and the process of further penetration of the soul ring.

This is the reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely unexpected. After all, for such a situation, it is completely something that Wenshan in front of him is a little unacceptable. After all, Wenshan was also a little reluctant at this time.

It is the existence of this reason, so the Wenshan in front of him more or less makes Wenshan feel very depressed, which is the reason why Wenshan in front of him is completely equivalent to baking Wenshan on a shelf for the whole thing.

Wenshan's mind suddenly immersed himself. After all, for the current situation, Wenshan can only see how to deal with this soul ring. After all, for the current situation, it is already a blood sacrifice of three spiritual weapons.

If you want to reduce the pressure of the demon, at least let the demon be able to deal with the situation, as long as the blood sacrifice of the soul ring is stopped, in this way, the one of its own spiritual weapons is relatively weaker in the face of two spiritual weapons blood sacrifices.

is the reason, so for facing the two spiritual weapons, one of them is still his own spiritual weapon. In this way, the demon can not only cope with the situation, but also easily take a great advantage from his own spiritual weapons sacrifice.

At least turn your own spiritual weapon into a blood sacrificial spiritual weapon, and the room for upgrading will be larger, and it will be easier to upgrade than ordinary spiritual weapons. It is precisely for this reason that the most important thing now is to see if Wenshan can really complete the current soul ring.

If the soul ring can be truly completely settled, for the devil, it can not only completely stabilize such a scene, but also an affirmation of the current situation. For Tianmo himself, he can really benefit from it.

So at this time, Wenshan is also calculating how to bargain with the artifact in the soul ring in front of him. It is precisely the existence of this idea, so the current way Wenshan deals with the whole thing is like this. The purpose is to calm down the whole thing like this.

Among them, Wenshan has such a strange feeling about the spirit of the soul ring. It is the spirit of this soul ring that gives Wenshan the feeling of superiority. For a master like Wenshan, he feels that he just meets the conditions. It is this intuitive feeling, so for the whole thing, I'm completely thinking about how to get close to it.

How can we really help Tianmo solve the trouble of this soul ring? For Wenshan, the soul ring in front of him seems to have a great understanding of the black stick in front of him. As if when he saw the soul ring in front of him, he was completely desperate, and directly carried out such a blood sacrifice to Wenshan in front of him.

If the soul ring wants to have a blood sacrifice, you can have a blood sacrifice with Wenshan early. After all, Wenshan does not know about such things as blood sacrifices, but the soul ring itself has such a function in it.

It is the existence of this reason, so for the current pattern, I completely don't know what the spirit of the soul ring looks like, that is, the blood sacrifice event in front of me, and I don't know what kind of posture the spirit of the soul ring takes.

At this time, Wenshan completely released his soul idea. Scan the surrounding such a site. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation at present, it is completely unexpected by Wenshan.

It is one of the reasons for this, so the various considerations of current affairs are not completely within the scope of Wenshan's consideration.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing. At this time, Wenshan's soul thoughts spread throughout the whole area. But Wenshan failed. Then go to other areas to find the existence of such a soul ring.

But with the search for an area like Wenshan, no matter how many areas have been searched, there has been no result. After all, nothing has been found in such a large space. That's why there is nothing at this time in Wenshan.

is exactly like this, so for the current situation, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is for this reason that the current Wenshan more or less makes all the people of Wenshan fall into such a passive situation.

After all, for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. After all, for the whole thing, Wenshan just doesn't know what the specific result is. But the only thing that can be sure is that Wenshan has no expectation of doing anything at this time.

Wenshan knows about the power of the soul ring. Since the spirit hides and does not see itself, there is no way to find it no matter how hard it is. After all, the level of your spiritual thoughts is limited. The scope of such a space around is completely uninformed.

In fact, for the situation that he did not find such a spirit as the soul ring in this space. At this time, Wenshan also realized that in this kind of soul ring, it was very broad. There are even other mysterious areas that he doesn't know completely.

This is the reason, so for Wenshan at this time, it is completely another thing. But in any case, there is no need to deal with things at this time. There is no such treatment for the whole thing.

That is, when Wenshan felt that he felt desperate for such an artifact, he felt the requirements of finding such an artifact. He was ready to finish the soul ring and negotiate with this instrument, so that he could finish the heavenly demon Youji from such a war situation. All rescued.

But for a situation like this now, it is completely another layer of meaning. After all, for the whole thing, it is completely another meaning. But no matter what, for the whole thing, it is completely impossible to really solve the current situation.

After all, for the whole thing, it is not completely done by Wenshan in front of us. If you want to deal with such a thing, but not to mention negotiating with the soul ring, even meeting with the spirit of the soul ring is not what Wenshan can do now. At least now Wenshan has not completely found the artifact of the soul ring at all.

This is the reason. In fact, for the current soul ring, Wenshan is the owner of the soul ring, but he is not yet the owner of the soul weapon. It is precisely for this reason that the real control of the whole soul ring is in the hands of the spirit of the soul ring, not in the hands of Wenshan at present.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely like this. Anyway, at this time, Wenshan did not have the power to affect the soul ring at all. Or, at this time, Wenshan's control over the current soul ring has not been fully collected.

After all, Wenshan's blood sacrifice has not been fully successful. Only after the complete success of the blood sacrifice is the time when Wenshan really controls such a soul ring. But there is such a point that as long as there is a moment, Wenshan does not have a real blood sacrifice success, just the owner of a spiritual weapon, and there is no active control over such a spiritual weapon.

The spiritual weapons that can possess the existence of spirits are all at the level of spiritual treasures. The reason why Wenshan feels that he has an artifact in the soul ring is that Wenshan has just entered the space of such a soul ring. Wenshan feels that there is a strong spiritual idea here. In addition to the strong spiritual idea of the spirit, is there other creatures here?

This is the reason, so at this time, Wenshan felt that there was an artifact in the space of this kind of soul ring. It is also the existence of such a reason, so at this time, Wenshan does not care so much about such an artifact in front of him at all.

This is the reason, so Wenshan is also the same thing for the whole thing at this time. It is the existence of such a thing, so it is the same for the whole thing.

For Wenshan's blood sacrifice soul ring, when Wenshan faced this, Wenshan's whole body panicked. After all, Wenshan himself guessed that there should be an artifact in the soul ring. It is precisely because of this reason that Wenshan can still feel the horror in his heart at this time.

After all, the difficulty of the blood sacrifice is determined by the difficulty of the spiritual weapon. It is precisely for this reason that when Wenshan knew the soul ring in front of the blood sacrifice, after all, Wenshan suspected that the soul ring was a spiritual weapon with the existence of the spirit.

It is precisely for this reason, so Wenshan still feels more or less that the soul ring in front of him is likely to be the existence of Lingbao. Otherwise, what was the source of the mysterious voice here when Wenshan first entered here?

It's exactly like this. If Wenshan suddenly felt such a little when he entered the space of such a mysterious soul ring, and knew that such a thing happened in such a mysterious space, for Wenshan in front of him, it was completely It is another layer of meaning.

This is the reason for this, so for Wenshan in front of us, there is more or less such a difference.

This is the reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely another layer of meaning, and it is also the existence of such a meaning, so it also makes Wenshan have a different height for the whole thing.

After all, the demon at this time still doesn't know what kind of spiritual weapon he is facing. Since that strange wooden stick can really fight with the soul ring endlessly, it is quite like this. It completely illustrates the magic of such a strange stick and the power of such a strange stick.

This is the reason, so for such a situation at present, it is not completely what Wenshan can really decide. After all, Wenshan's words for such a soul ring are completely another layer of meaning.

This is exactly the existence of such a meaning. Therefore, at this time, Wenshan is completely suspicious, that is, the strange wooden stick is also the existence of a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure.

The reason why such strange wooden sticks and soul rings are not too powerful for the current heavenly demons, and they have not reached the real spirit treasure level. There are two possibilities, one is that there is such a collusion between the strange wooden stick and the soul ring.

The existence of such a connection with each other makes Wenshan have little relationship and not much threat to the whole thing and the two spiritual weapons that may be at the level of Lingbao.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. That's the reason.

Therefore, the reason why there is no attack on the spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao should have the power that the spiritual weapon should have. It is completely such a powerful spiritual weapon, and there is no strength of the spiritual weapon at the spiritual weapon at the level.

Wenshan suspects that the reason why the strange wooden stick has not exerted all its strength is that the strange wooden stick is injured, the spirituality is reduced, and the spiritual idea is reduced, etc. The possibility of any of either of these two may occur, or at the same time. It happened.

After all, for such a strange spiritual weapon that can compete with the soul ring, the soul ring has the existence of an artifact. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely equivalent to facing the demon with two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures.

Otherwise, such a scene will not make the demon in front of you so difficult to deal with. After all, for such a situation in front of us, it is completely different.

If this strange wooden stick and soul ring are really spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure, then for the current situation, even if such spiritual weapons have not really exerted the power of their level.

But it's not as easy to deal with Tianmo Youji. It is precisely because of this that the existence of more or less makes Wenshan in front of him worry about Tianmo. After all, even the current patriarch of Taixuanzong does not dare to play any role in the current spiritual weapon.

It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a form in front of it, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. That's why I'm still worried about Wenshan at present.

After all, it is even more difficult for spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao to recognize the Lord. Not to mention the blood sacrifice. Blood sacrifice is a situation in which even spiritual weapons will be subdued. It is completely a situation in which a spiritual weapon at the level of a spiritual treasure is completely mastered.

For the recognition of the Lord, it has also obtained the consent of the spirit in the spiritual weapon. You can play spiritual weapons at will. But it is not really a situation that fully agrees with such a situation.

If in the spiritual weapon stage, when it has not fully reached the spiritual treasure level, there is no need to consider the blood sacrifice at that time. After all, in the spiritual weapon stage, there is still no spirit in the spiritual weapon. The difficulty of blood sacrifice is easier, and the customer service is only the spiritual fluctuation in the spiritual weapon.

It is pointed out here that the spiritual fluctuation in the spiritual weapon is also the pressure and attack of spiritual thoughts. After all, for spiritual weapons, there is also a spiritual existence. And this kind of spirituality is completely equivalent to the natural spiritual idea derived from the spiritual weapon.

It is one of the reasons for this, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to fighting against the spiritual idea in the spiritual weapon. Of course, this kind of struggle is not so easy.

This is the reason, so it is not easy for such a situation at present. After all, for those martial arts practitioners, they do not engage in spiritual exercise alone. Even if it is exercise, after all, they are not ghost monks, and the spiritual thoughts of ghost monks are completely different from the powerful level of the soul.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another statement. This is the reason, so for the blood sacrifice of spiritual weapons, the conquest of spiritual weapons, and the success of blood sacrifice spiritual weapons, the general martial arts monks have to take greater risks.

Even the risk of ghost monks is not too small. This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to the blood sacrifice, which is not really something ordinary people can do.

As for those who have artifacts, these spirits are powerful spiritual people. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a powerful person, the key is that it is very rare to subdue the whole thing. Even the patriarch of Taixuanzong, or the heavenly demon Youji in front of him, can't completely subdue a spiritual treasure.

Sometimes, if you want to sacrifice a spiritual treasure with blood, the key is to recognize the difficulty of the Lord. The following is to subdue your own spiritual weapon, and it is even more difficult to completely give the spirit to the complete blood sacrifice. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation, it is completely impossible for the current demon to deal with two spiritual treasures alone.

After all, for such a situation, Wenshan's judgment is that there is really an artifact in the soul ring. So for the soul ring, it is completely equivalent to a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. So for the situation that can compete with spiritual weapons at the level of the spiritual treasure level like the soul ring, it shows that such a strange wooden stick is completely equivalent to the spiritual weapon at the same level as the spiritual weapon at the spiritual treasure level.

If this is true, for a form of this in front of you, it is probably very unfavorable to the action of the heavenly demon Youji in front of you. It is the reason, so I also know that Wenshan in front of me must first communicate with the soul ring and strive to withdraw the spirit of the soul ring from such a blood sacrifice event.

But what Wenshan didn't expect was that in such a large space of the soul ring, he could not find the artifact of the soul ring. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, Wenshan has completely fallen into a passive state.

After all, according to Wenshan's thought in advance, but Wenshan did not achieve such a goal well. At this time, even if the space of the soul ring expands. But there is always such an unknown area that cannot be covered by Wenshan's spiritual thoughts. Such a soul ring has many areas, which is not really accessible by the current strength level of Wenshan.

Even the artifact of the soul ring is not really accessible to Wenshan in front of him. It is precisely for this reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely not what he can really expect. Even if Wenshan can really expect it, what can it do?

For Wenshan at this time, he knew that Tianmo Youji was now outside the blood sacrifice of the three spiritual weapons of the resisters, but her soul was in this kind of soul space. When Wenshan's soul entered such a soul ring space, Wenshan had completely felt that his spiritual thoughts had no connection with the outside body.

And after the original Wenshan wanted to come in, he contacted Tianmo Youji. But now the madness of the energy outside, even if Wenshan's spiritual idea is twice as strong, he dares not rush out so rashly and directly face such a crazy energy attack.

So the road that Wenshan wants to connect with Tianmo has completely cut off all roads by such a situation. It is for this reason that Wenshan is completely isolated in such a soul ring. It is for this reason that there is nothing to do for Wenshan in front of him.

Even the spiritual idea hidden in Wenshan's mind is completely hidden in Wenshan's body, and there is no space with Wenshan's soul entering this space. Even if the spiritual idea of the devil really enters the space of such a soul ring, it will not do anything, and it will be completely passive.

This is the reason, so for such a situation at present, it is completely beyond the expectation of Wenshan in front of us. That's the expectation.

So the current Wenshan has no initiative. But even if Wenshan has contacted Tianmo Youji outside now, in terms of such violent energy in the current environment, it is completely not what Wenshan in front of him can really do.

In fact, the current demon knows that Wenshan's soul is in the soul ring, and there is no time to help Wenshan's soul return to the body again. After all, for the current soul ring of Wenshan, it is not such a thing at all. It will not let Wenshan's soul return to his body.

After all, even if the current soul of Wenshan returns to his own body, Wenshan's strength is there. For such a violent energy space that even Tianmo Youji can't resist, it is not what Wenshan can really resist at this time.

This is the reason, so for the current form, it is not such a thing. For such a thing, it is not so easy to really pass.

After all, Wenshan's strength is here. It is just a small character in the energy-gathering realm. Although it is the ability of cultivation in the divine power stage, it still lacks more or less the scene of such a battle for the strong in the eternal realm of the current Tianmo Youji.

After all, for the current battle scene of Tianmo Youji, it is completely another thing. It is the existence of such a thing, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely a burden to let Wenshan out, and nothing can be done in the soul ring.

That is, when Wenshan was preparing to slowly improve his current spiritual mind and restore his spiritual power in this kind of ring, suddenly, in the whole space of the soul ring, the light green light suddenly became violent. At this time, for the whole environment, it is not completely what Wenshan alone can really feel.

This is the reason, so for such a pattern in front of us, it is completely another thing. For such a situation, the whole space of the soul ring is all illuminated by such a light green light.

makes the whole space of the soul ring all shrouded in such a pale green light. That's the reason. So for the current situation, it is completely another thing.

It is when such a light green light covers the whole soul of Wenshan. At this time, even the current Wenshan, the soul is covered by such a light green light.

The whole soul of Wenshan in front of him is in such a light green light. Not only does it not feel uncomfortable, but also makes the mental power of Wenshan in front of him have been exhausted and completely become extremely excited.

The scene of the original Wenshan experiencing a large-scale battle outside, even if Wenshan began the blood sacrifice first, or asked Tianmo Youji to help herself and send her soul into the soul ring, but no matter what kind of situation, for the current In terms of a form of appearance, the loss of Wenshan's spiritual power is extremely large.

It is exactly like this. Although Wenshan's soul has entered such a soul ring, it is not so easy for Wenshan in front of him.

After all, for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely another thing. At this time, in such a pale green light, all the emptiness of his spiritual power was suddenly replenished.

It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan also knows the situation in the current soul ring that can be more beneficial to his soul. For your own soul idea, it is completely a feature that is very beneficial and very suitable for your spiritual idea.

This is exactly one of the reasons, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is completely like that. For the soul ring that can improve the spiritual idea of the soul, such a situation has been completely seen by Wenshan in front of him. It is in this case that Wenshan was completely unexpected.

This is unexpected, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely equivalent to making Wenshan in front of him feel extremely surprised.

But even so, thinking of such a big environment outside, thinking that his woman Tianmo is still impacted by the violent energy in such a big environment, it more or less makes Wenshan's heart faintly anxious.

When Wenshan was in a hurry, suddenly in the place where the light green light was most concentrated, a meatball-like thing rolled out. It was when there was such a movement on that side that Wenshan's attention was also concentrated.

For such a situation, even Wenshan, deep in his heart, has more or less such anxiety. But he was also shocked by such a meaty thing in the soul ring.

I still know more about what I store in the soul ring. It is precisely because of this, so for such a situation at present, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is precisely because of this reason that Wenshan's heart feels very curious in it.

It is the existence of such a reason that Wenshan has to pay attention to all his spiritual power to such a meaty thing in front of him. For the existence of such a thing, Wenshan seems to feel that this thing is his own, or has more or less such a connection with himself.

But Wenshan couldn't imagine what kind of connection he could have with such a meaty thing that was not his own at all. But it is this kind of connection, as if with the arrival of such a spherical thing in front of him, Wenshan in front of him still feels the existence of such a connection.

"Kid, you are so bold that you even want to deal with your ancestors. You are so bold." That is, when Wenshan was paying attention to such a meaty thing, suddenly this sound went directly to Wenshan's soul idea, which made Wenshan suddenly realize that the spirit of the soul ring was coming.