ghost monk

Chapter 229 Controlling the Soul Ring

Chapter 229 Controlling the Soul Ring

So Wenshan foresaw that there should be a larger space in such a mysterious soul space. But seeing such a situation at this time is obviously not such a situation.

is the existence of such an idea, so for the current situation, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a change in the current pattern, Wenshan in front of him feels more or less lucky.

Luckily, when the spirit of the soul ring did not really grow up, it was successfully sacrificed by Wenshan blood. It is the existence of such an idea, so for the occurrence of such a situation in front of us, Wenshan in front of him more or less feels a little amazing in it.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for a situation in front of him, Wenshan took the soul ring to join the blood sacrifice, and then subdue the spirit of the soul ring, which is also what Wenshan wants to do.

Originally, Wenshan thought that the artifact of the soul ring was so powerful, so for such a situation in front of him, it was completely another thing.

This is the reason for this, so the feeling in front of you is completely another thing. It is the existence of such feelings that more or less makes Wenshan feel a little puzzled in it. It is the existence of such an idea that more or less surprised Wenshan in front of him.

After all, Wenshan didn't know much about the soul ring. In the soul ring, Wenshan doesn't know what the spirit of the soul ring looks like. It is the existence of such an idea, so for the current situation, it is completely out of Wenshan's expectation.

It is the existence of such an idea, which also leads to the emergence of such a situation. Wenshan must have his own unique views on the whole matter.

When Wenshan saw that the body of the soul ring turned out to be a meaty ball, Wenshan had a subversive feeling of the image of the soul ring. It is precisely the existence of such an idea that makes Wenshan in front of him more or less have a different feeling in his heart.

For the battle of the weapon spirit that can take advantage of the soul ring, he can actually take advantage of the weak state of the soul ring and take down the soul ring in one fell swoop. For such a method, there are more or less eye-catching feelings in it. At least it makes people feel very strange.

It is the existence of such an idea that is more or less different. It is the existence of such a reason that makes such a situation in front of us completely have another meaning. That's why it's such a situation. More or less, it still has a bright feeling.

This is the reason, so Wenshan fully knows a lot of secrets about the whole soul ring now. As for the spirit of the soul ring refined by Wenshan, it should have the wisdom and was not directly deprived by Wenshan.

After all, for a subordinate with agility and his own IQ, Wenshan is still happy to see such a situation. It is this intuitive feeling that completely subverts this feeling.

It is the existence of such a feeling that more or less makes Wenshan feel very puzzled. Therefore, Wenshan did not deprive him of the IQ belonging to the soul ring.

However, because Wenshan and the weapon spirit have been refined by Wenshan, Wenshan can know the every move and even its idea of the weapon spirit. In the true sense, Wenshan became the owner of the whole soul ring, and also became the owner of the soul ring.

When Wenshan really became the owner of the soul ring, that is, when he became the owner of the soul weapon, Wenshan could completely control the soul ring. It is this idea that exists, so it is more or less recognized for such a situation in front of us.

At this time, Wenshan's blood sacrifice of the soul ring in front of him has been completely successful. But at this time, Wenshan was more worried about the change of such a pattern outside.

"You? Do you have a name?" At this time, Wenshan said to the meat rolling ball in front of him after repeateding his heart. There is an obvious commanding tone in the voice.

After all, the action in front of him is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. Even if the current soul ring is already his own, it still makes Wenshan's eyes brighter for another strange wooden stick that can compete with the soul ring. Existence.

This is the reason, so the occurrence of such a situation in front of us has basically made Wenshan feel a little anxious. After all, Tianmo Youji is still swept up on the cusp of the blood sacrifice.

This is the reason, so it also makes Wenshan in front of him more or less make Wenshan feel a little puzzled. It is the existence of such a feeling, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

It is a kind of expectation that surprises Wenshan in front of him. After all, the current Tianmo Youji is facing another scene like the blood sacrifice of spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure, so no matter what, it is very dangerous for such a situation.

After all, the main reason why Wenshan can subdue such a spiritual weapon as a spiritual treasure level is that the spirit of the soul ring is completely restrained by other strange wooden stick spirits and the gourd spiritual weapons of Tianmo Youji. Coupled with the continuous attack on the soul ring with the demon Youji.

It is the existence of such a lot of reasons that makes the success of Wenshan in front of him the result of all such a war situation. It is this idea that exists, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely another thing.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely unexpected by Wenshan. It is also for many reasons that Wenshan can easily completely subdue such a soul ring.

is the existence of such a pattern, so the change of such a pattern in front of us is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is precisely this expectation that Wenshan can't really solve it. But Wenshan has been completely successful now. In this way, the spirit of the soul ring has been completely subdued by Wenshan.

The spirit that can subdue the soul ring in front of them is that the main people still dislike Wenshan's low cultivation and subdue it under a moment of care. But for a normal spiritual weapon, it's not such a thing at all.

It is the existence of such a feeling, so it also makes Wenshan in front of him feel more or less sad. But no matter what, it is not easy to succeed. It is also very lucky that Wenshan can truly subdue the soul ring that has been following him.

When Wenshan, who was still in the physical realm, just entered such a soul ring, he was suddenly completely shocked by the sound of a spiritual idea of the soul ring. It is precisely this reason that makes Wenshan in front of him feel more or less surprised several times.

At that time, Wenshan completely felt that he had got the feeling of getting an artifact for the soul ring. For the many powerful places of the soul ring in his hand, it was completely the weapons used by the gods of heaven, which were picked up by himself. It is the existence of such an idea that more or less surprised Wenshan in front of him.

However, at this time, Wenshan has completely subdued the spirit of Zengjin's spiritual idea transmission in the soul ring, and the current pattern has been very different. It is also this kind of difference that makes Wenshan feel a little different. At least it is no longer strange to the soul ring.

Even now Wenshan's personal feeling is completely the existence of another feeling. I feel as if I am above the whole soul ring. It is precisely for this reason that the existence of Wenshan in front of him has a different feeling on the whole person's mentality.

After all, for the little guy who exists in the current soul ring, he is completely under Wenshan's command, and he is completely subdued by Wenshan. For these spiritual weapons, one of the main reasons why it is so difficult for them to sacrifice blood is that they are also choosing a qualified master.

Only truly qualified masters are the key to their success. Only qualified masters are the key to their ability to really improve their level. And such a qualified master needs to have a very strong existence.

This is the reason for the existence of this, so for a similar spiritual weapon like the soul ring, it is completely the existence of another scene. It is also the existence of such a scene, so it also makes the whole thing completely another thing.

It is the existence of such a thing that has changed more or less. It is the existence of such a change, so it also makes Wenshan's whole person change greatly. After all, for such a spiritual weapon, it is completely something else.

After all, for a spiritual weapon after being sacrificed by blood, after the death of their master, there is only one fall for them. Especially in this way, there is already an artifact, and the spiritual weapon itself has its own IQ. In terms of the spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon, it is still very afraid of its fall.

It is also very difficult for the existence of a spiritual treasure, or when a spiritual weapon is upgraded to a spiritual weapon at the spiritual treasure level. It is not easy to do so that the spirits in these spiritual weapons with IQ are very afraid of death.

If the spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao really follows the death of the owner, the original spirit of the spiritual weapon of such a spiritual treasure level will also die. For the original spiritual weapon, it has been transformed into a spiritual weapon, an ordinary spiritual weapon. For them, the gap in the level of the spiritual weapon itself is still a situation that the spiritual weapon cannot accept.

If you wait for the intelligence of the spirit in your spiritual weapon, that is, the intelligence of the spiritual treasure level, is suddenly destroyed, the level gap in the spiritual weapon is very obvious. As long as the level of spiritual weapon is high, it is a phenomenon like a king. In general, for human beings, it can also compete with combat effectiveness.

But for a phenomenon like this in front of us, it is not like this at all. For this kind of spiritual weapon in front of us, we pay great attention to the level of spiritual weapons.

When the two spiritual weapons clash, as long as the level is worse than the first-line spiritual weapons, when they meet those high-level spiritual weapons, they are more or less suppressed in terms of momentum, or above other combat effectiveness, and after all, their power. The feeling of not daring to fight back at all.

Of course, some people say that in this way, it is invincible for those who can get more powerful weapons. But your cultivation level is relatively poor, and you don't have the power to control high-level weapons at all. That's why, although a spiritual weapon can't decide anything. But at critical times, a good weapon can determine the key to victory or defeat.

The main reason why they are still have such a weak existence for spiritual weapons such as the soul ring in front of them, and the main reason why their spirits are unwilling to be subdued by such is that they are also in a situation that has just followed the fall of their masters.

So for the soul ring and the strange wooden stick, it is because the original owner's strength is relatively strong. After death, the blood on their bodies constantly nourishes them, which led to their rise today. Only then did they have their new artifacts.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely another thing. It was such a thing, anyway, that it was a very resistant thing to the soul ring and the strange wooden stick.

For such a phenomenon in front of them, it is not exactly what they are willing to do. It is with such an idea that more or less makes the emergence of such a situation in front of us completely another peak.

After all, for them, it has been a spiritual treasure that has fallen for a while. It is precisely because of this that they are completely another kind of resistance to having a master. It is this kind of resistance that makes them unwilling to accept Wenshan at all.

After all, they are unwilling to accept a weaker strength again. In less than many years, he was once again beaten back to his original form. It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan's whole feeling is completely another thing. In this case, it is completely another thing.

This is exactly the existence of this kind of thing, so it also makes them completely another thing when they look at the whole thing. It is precisely the existence of such a thing, so for the whole thing, it is completely beyond his expectation. It can easily subdue the spirit of the soul ring in front of him.

For these spiritual-level artifacts. If Wenshan is really subdued by a figure in the divine power stage, if Wenshan is easily killed, they will fall again for these spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure. They don't want this to happen again on themselves.

Coupled with the current Wenshan, the strength is not very powerful. It is precisely because of this reason, so for the occurrence of such a pattern in front of us, it is not completely like this.

They can once again have their own wisdom and derive the existence of artifacts, entirely because of their fallen spiritual weapons, the exuberance of the original owner's blood, the abundance of energy in the original owner's essence and blood, after thousands of years of nourishment, Only then did they slowly rederive their wisdom and transform it again. I have my own spirit again.

But now in the face of Wenshan, he is just a little person in the realm of gathering energy. If he subdue them in this way, it is estimated that Wenshan's strength, holding such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, if it is known, the degree of direct robbery will be relatively large. For this reason, the extraordinary situation encountered by Wenshan will also increase a lot.

Coupled with the fact that Wenshan's own strength is already very low, for such a thing, it is completely equivalent to the increase of Wenshan's death.

If Wenshan died like this within more than a thousand years, for these spiritual treasures that took ten thousand years to grow into spiritual treasures, derive their own wisdom and form their own instruments, it is completely their fate completely placed in Wenshan. On the body of the little man.

For such a situation, it is obviously not a good result. It is precisely because of this reason, so for the change of such a pattern in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is the sudden appearance of such a thing that is completely another scene.

In addition, if Wenshan really completely subdues the two spiritual treasures, if Wenshan dies unexpectedly, they are obviously very reluctant to such a situation where two spiritual treasure-level weapons also follow the death.

It is the existence of such a reluctance, which more or less makes the emergence of such a situation in front of us completely make Wenshan's whole person change in a different mood.

This is the existence of such a transformation. Anyway, Wenshan's death, his strength is relatively low, so for such a situation, it is completely equivalent to a very low situation. For such a situation, it is completely another thing.

For such a thing, it is completely equivalent to making such a situation completely passive. Even these soul rings and strange wooden sticks that fell with the death of Wenshan are completely different for such a situation.

Even if you want to nourish, it depends on the real blood, the existence of the original owner's blood. However, Wenshan's strength and cultivation can provide enough, with a large amount of energy and blood for such a spiritual weapon after death.

This is the reason, so for such a situation, it is completely another thing. It is such a situation, so for such a scene in front of us, it is completely another thing.

This is the reason for this, so these spiritual weapons are not willing to accept such changes in such a pattern in front of them. And for Wenshan, it is directly necessary to face the supply of two spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao. Not to mention that when Wenshan still exists, it is difficult to find a way to improve the level of your own spiritual weapon.

After death, the blood all over his body also needs Wenshan to provide two spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao. It is the existence of such a reason, so for the emergence of such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing.

This is the reason, so the strange wooden stick has been added to make a blood sacrifice to Wenshan, and even the soul ring around Wenshan does not agree. After all, for such a soul ring in front of us, it is completely another spiritual weapon that relies on Wenshan to survive.

For the spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure in such a state, it also relies on the improvement of the soul level of Wenshan to slowly open up the space of the current soul ring. And the most important thing. For spiritual weapons, the increase of spirituality is also the effect of following the spiritual enhancement of the spiritual weapon itself.

So for Wenshan's recognition of the strange wooden stick, and the level of such a wooden stick is also a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. In the future, it is destined to threaten the existence of the soul ring. That's why I also feel the existence of a great threat to the soul ring.

It is the existence of such a reason, so it more or less makes the soul ring in front of us so excited. For such a situation, it is completely another thing. It is this kind of contact that makes such a situation happen in front of us.

And the reason why the strange wooden stick performs blood sacrifices to Wenshan as soon as it comes up, which is a very frightening technique for the spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao. Not to mention that the soul ring at the level of Lingbao doesn't understand, Wenshan is also puzzled.

After all, for the current Wenshan, he still knows more or less the relationship between the blood sacrifice and the spiritual treasure, as well as the powerful relationship after the blood sacrifice. It is precisely for this reason, so the method of blood sacrifice was applied to Wenshan as soon as the strange wooden stick came up. Therefore, it also made Wenshan feel very surprised.

is also the existence of such a surprising component, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely another thing. It is the existence of such a thing that also makes this scene appear in front of us. It is the existence of such an intuitive feeling, so it is more or less shocking to Wenshan in front of him.

At this time, Wenshan also knew why this soul ring suddenly inserted such a hand when Wenshan was sacrificing the strange wooden stick. The main reason for such a situation is that the level of this wooden stick is also a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure.

For such a level of spiritual weapon, it is completely the existence of an extremely suppressed effect of such a device. For such a situation, it is completely unexpected by Wenshan.

It is the emergence of this situation, so that Wenshan in front of him has no free time to deal with two spiritual weapons in a row. It is also the emergence of such a reason that more or less makes Wenshan in front of him completely in such a passive state.

It is the existence of such an idea, so the occurrence of such a situation in front of us is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

The main reason why the soul ring actively participates in such a wave of blood sacrifice is that the original fear is that the soul ring is also the first to compete with this strange wooden stick. An eternal reason for this.

Because the soul ring can only have greater benefits for itself if it also begins to sacrifice blood. Because if the soul ring does not participate in such a blood sacrifice event. Whether the strange wooden stick is a successful blood sacrifice or a failure of the blood sacrifice, it is a great threat to the soul ring.

If Wenshan really succeeds in giving the strange wooden stick to the complete blood sacrifice, for Wenshan, he has his own spiritual weapon. In this case, the spiritual weapon after Wenshan's blood sacrifice can completely suppress Wenshan's original spiritual weapon that recognizes the Lord, not the original spiritual weapon after the blood sacrifice.

That's the reason. If Wenshan really succeeds in sacrificing such a strange wooden stick completely, for Wenshan, such a strange wooden stick is the highest among the many spiritual weapons in Wenshan. After all, Wenshan's life is tied to this strange wooden stick.

As long as this is damaged by the spiritual weapon after the blood sacrifice, there is also a threat to Wenshan's life. For the weapon after the blood sacrifice, it is completely equivalent to a situation of common life. That is to say, Wenshan died, and the spiritual weapon fell after the blood sacrifice. But if the spiritual weapon after the blood sacrifice falls, Wenshan will also die.

This is the reason why this strange wooden stick is really successful in blood sacrifice, and the owner regards it as the most precious spiritual weapon. In addition, this strange wooden stick is also the level of spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure, which is similar to the level of the soul ring.

If this is the case, it has always followed such a soul ring around Wenshan, and it will basically be suppressed by the strange wooden sticks after Wenshan's blood sacrifice. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, the soul ring is unwilling to really happen.

This is the reason, so it also leads to the emergence of such a situation. For the emergence of such a situation, it is completely another thing. It was the emergence of such a thing that made Wenshan in front of him feel that the competition between such spiritual weapons was also so fierce.

If Wenshan's blood sacrifice is not successful, then for Wenshan, he has completely become the slave of the strange wooden stick. For the existence of Wenshan's transformation into a weapon slave, then Wenshan is the main spiritual weapon of the spiritual treasure level such as the soul ring. Although the initiative for the soul ring is mainly in the hands of the soul ring. But this does not mean anything different.

But there is no dependence on the soul ring in the future. It is for this reason that whether this strange wooden stick is a blood sacrifice or not, it is the biggest threat to the soul ring. For spiritual weapons, under normal circumstances, they don't want to be sacrificed by blood.

After all, for spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao, losing freedom is not something that these spiritual weapons at the level that derive their wisdom are willing to do. It is also the existence of such a reason, so for such a form in front of us, I don't want to be completely controlled by others, and even life is such a tragic end to share life with others.

This is the reason, so it more or less makes Wenshan feel some sadness in front of him. This is the reason, so it is more or less different for Wenshan in front of him. It is precisely because of this that the existence is more or less different.

This is exactly the emergence of such a situation, which is completely another scene. It is for this reason that there are some differences in the occurrence of the whole event. That's the difference. Therefore, there are some differences in Wenshan in front of him.

But no matter what, it is another result of such a situation in front of us. But no matter what kind of result, there is always a different direction of development. For this result, it is also completely caused by the soul ring and other strange wooden sticks.

For Wenshan at this time, it has basically been completely determined that such a strange wooden stick is a spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao. But for such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, Wenshan also doesn't know why such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure was not discovered by Tianmo Youji.

And how does the spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao hide the level of its spiritual weapon? After all, if an ordinary spiritual weapon really encounters a spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao, it will have such a suppressed feeling. It is precisely for this reason, so Wenshan's words about such a situation in front of him are completely unexpected to Wenshan in front of him.

So why can such a spiritual weapon resist such a situation when encountering such a strange wooden stick? It is precisely this situation that makes Wenshan in front of him completely have no need for the whole thing.

It is the existence of such a characteristic, so there is no need for Wenshan to talk about the whole thing. The identity of the strange wooden stick's spiritual weapon has not been recognized, which is also a surprise to Wenshan in front of him.

But for the spiritual weapon that is also at the level of spiritual treasure, the shadow is also a very deep soul ring, which did find this strange wooden stick spiritual weapon in the first time. It was also at this time that I basically understood all the situations of such a strange wooden stick.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing. It was this kind of thing that happened more or less shocked Wenshan in front of him. At the same time, it also made Wenshan feel a little overwhelmed.

Otherwise, Wenshan would not be suppressed like this. For such a move in front of us. It's completely another thing. It is the existence of this feeling that makes Wenshan in front of him basically experience the feeling of life and death. Blood sacrifice for two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures.

No matter what these two spiritual weapons are competing for each other. But for Wenshan in front of him, it's completely another thing. It was the emergence of such a thing that made Wenshan's words about the whole matter completely beyond his expectation.

is also exactly the expectation, so Wenshan makes this happen more or less. But it was the appearance of a spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao that shocked the eternal giant like Tianmo Youji. Not to mention that two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure recognized Wenshan at the same time and began to make blood sacrifices to Wenshan.

As long as the blood sacrifice is successful, we will share our lives with Wenshan. If someone else wants to rob. It's no use either. After all, it is such a spiritual weapon after being sacrificed by Wenshan. Only Wenshan can use it. But if you want to kill Wenshan and then grab it. It is estimated that the spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao will also be damaged.

For such a situation, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is precisely the existence of such a meaning that more or less guarantees the spiritual treasure after the blood sacrifice. After all, people who can get such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure are by no means simple.

It is the existence of such an idea that more or less makes Wenshan feel a little puzzled. After all, it is very embarrassing, or a very bad thing, for anyone who meets Wenshan to sacrifice two spiritual weapons at the level of the spiritual treasure level.

is the spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon of the Taixuan Sect, and the patriarch of Taixuan Sect does not have the courage to sacrifice such a spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon. It is the existence of such a reason that makes such a situation in front of us completely another thing.

This is exactly one reason, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is precisely this kind of thing that happens, and it is more or less different. It is precisely for this reason that ordinary people can't really understand the situation in front of them.

It is the heavenly demon Youji at this time, who is also receiving the baptism of three spiritual weapons outside at this time. It is also the process of baptism that makes people like Tianmo Youji feel very depressed. In Tianmo's eyes, he never thought that he had met two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure at the same time.

One is the strange wooden stick she brought, and the other is a soul ring that follows Wenshan. It is for this reason, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is the existence of this feeling that makes Tianmo suddenly help Wenshan blood sacrifice two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure. It is estimated that Tianmo Youji himself can't completely accept this move.