ghost monk

Chapter 228 The Mystery of Blood Sacrifice

Chapter 228 The Mystery of Blood Sacrifice

In fact, to put it bluntly, the spirit of the current soul ring is not satisfied that he has always been at such a inferior position, and he is not satisfied that Wenshan dares to do something to himself now. After all, for the soul ring in front of us, it is the owner of the soul ring in the true sense and the thing that really determines the soul ring.

and Wenshan still have an essential difference. At the beginning, when such a soul ring identified Wenshan as the owner of the soul ring, he also wanted to bring the soul ring out of such a mysterious cave through Wenshan. It was precisely for this reason that the low strength of Wenshan was not considered at that time.

For the spirit of the original soul ring, he didn't care about talking to Wenshan at all. It is precisely for this reason, so for that time, for Wenshan and the spirit of the soul ring, it was completely another meaning. It is this meaning, so it makes Wenshan in front of him feel more or less comfortable.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is for this reason that Wenshan, who did not pay attention to the spirit of the original soul ring, has now reached the intermediate stage of the ghost king. Although it is not very strong, in the eyes of the spirit of the soul ring, it is nothing.

This is the reason for this, so for the current situation, it is completely another layer of meaning. For Wenshan now, the speed of improvement of strength still exists. Even the spirit of the soul ring in front of him also affirmed the speed of Wenshan's strength improvement.

This is the reason, so for the current strength of Wenshan, he can improve his strength so quickly in such a short time. It's really a very rare thing. It is this kind of thing that also determines many things. Among them, the most important one is the pattern that determines the current situation.

But no matter what, for the current situation, it is completely another scene. It is the existence of such a scene that more or less still has such a situation. In this situation, it is not a concept at all.

At this time, suddenly, Wenshan felt the artifact of the soul ring that had suppressed him breathlessly, and suddenly the accumulation of spiritual thoughts emitted from the whole weapon spirit decreased. At the same time, he completely relaxed the suppression of Wenshan. Or the action against Wenshan ended completely like this.

Wenshan felt that his whole body was completely relaxed by such spiritual ideas. It was such a situation that made Wenshan's words at present completely have another meaning. For such a situation, it is completely impossible for Wenshan to make a complete decision.

This is exactly the case, which is completely two aspects. For such a situation, even if Wenshan selectively let go at present, it is not so easy. It is for this reason that there is still some luck for Wenshan in front of him.

is also so lucky that Wenshan has escaped the spiritual pressure of the meat ball opposite. Wenshan's whole soul seemed to suddenly gasp from the original aggrieved space. It is also the existence of this feeling that makes Wenshan more or less have such a little comfort in his heart.

It was this comfort, and at the same time, Wenshan's realization was also well looked at on the artifact of the soul ring opposite him. For the meaty little guy in front of him, Wenshan suddenly felt so cute.

The shape of the whole artifact seems to be a meat ball, the image of the meat ball in front of you. Wenshan didn't feel any difference in its appearance. But such a device was originally imageless. They are all spiritual bodies. They are all no different from human soul bodies and those spiritual bodies condensed after human death.

The main difference here is that this kind of spiritual body is called an instrument among spiritual weapons. Originally, there was no image. When they condense into entities, they change into their familiar shapes completely according to the surrounding environment. For the spirit, there is still an obvious difference from the spirit body, that is, the spirit has its own IQ.

But for an ordinary upgradeling weapon. It is impossible to strengthen your own spirituality and condense into a spiritual person without thousands of years. If it can form a spirit and condense into an entity of a spirit, it is estimated that it will take tens of thousands of time.

is also the existence of this reason, which also shows the value of spiritual weapons with spiritual treasures. It is precisely this kind of cherish, so it is very difficult for the formation of artifacts.

But whether it's easy or not. Always speaking, it is completely another meaning. It is this kind of meaning that makes it more or less difficult for the formation of the artifacts in front of you.

The formation of spiritual weapons is more difficult than a mortal to break through his own strength step by step and reach the eternal realm of immortality. Otherwise, the demon Youji is already a guy who exists as an eternal giant in the realm of immortality, but the spiritual weapon that follows her is far from becoming a spiritual weapon in the spiritual treasure stage.

This is the reason for this, so for the current situation, the soul ring forms an artifact, which is equivalent to the whole spirit weapon giving birth to its own wisdom. It is for this reason that the existence, so for the meatball-like spirit in front of us and the intelligent meatball, this memory is estimated to reach tens of thousands of years.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. Even Wenshan now knows that the meat ball in front of him is the spirit of the soul ring, and the living years are thousands of times more than Wenshan's appearance.

But when the spirit in a spiritual weapon is just formed, its own wisdom is simply the beginning. It is not the existence of tens of thousands of years of wisdom. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing.

It is the existence of such a thing. For such a situation in front of you, it is completely another thing. As far as this happens, the IQ of the meat ball in front of Wenshan at this time is not as high as the soul ring at all. It is estimated that according to the conversion of human beings, it is estimated that it is only sixty or seventy years old.

As for comparing with human IQ, it is estimated that Wenshan can't compare with it in terms of cultivation and experience. For this reason, the meat ball in front of us is not very old. It's not the existence of an old guy at all.

This is the reason. At this time, Wenshan's words about the whole thing are completely different. At this time, Wenshan felt the spirit of the soul ring in front of him. The whole shape is basically similar to the shape of the space of such a soul ring. That is, round.

Such a meat ball has no hair at all. There are no tails, ears or anything like that. But with small and exciting eyes, he is looking at it randomly. For the cute meat ball in front of him, it is more or less the existence of a surprise that makes Wenshan in front of him feel a burst of surprise.

That is, the meat ball in front of him suddenly relaxed under his mental pressure. Wenshan was surprised by such a situation. After all, it took so much energy to suppress Wenshan for such a meat ball in front of him.

But what I didn't expect was that the meat ball in front of me would completely subdue Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan was released. This is not the same as wanting to teach Wenshan a lesson, but when it comes to taking action, Wenshan is let go. This will not only play a role in Liwei, but will make the opponent more rampant.

It was this idea that Wenshan suddenly felt a situation in front of him, such a move for meatballs. Even Wenshan in front of him now feels more or less shocked. It was this shock that made Wenshan in front of him feel a little incomprehension.

But at this time, Wenshan suddenly felt what happened to the meaty sphere lying on the ground or standing on the opposite side. At this time, it was rolling around on the ground. At this time, the state of the whole spiritual idea of the meat ball suddenly shrank a lot. It seems that it is suddenly extremely suppressed by something.

Seeing such a situation, even Wenshan now feels very surprised. In terms of spiritual thoughts, Wenshan has been suppressed by Zhu Xiaolei, Zhan Taiyu, and Wu Yufa. Even Wenshan has felt the spiritual pressure of Tianmo Youji. It is in this way, in the face of the pressure of all kinds of spiritual thoughts, for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely able to basically judge the spiritual pressure of the meat ball in front of him, far above the demon Youji.

Tianmo Youji is a ghost monk, and she has made deep achievements in spiritual thoughts. One of the main reasons is that Tianmo Youji is also an eternal giant and a strong man in the realm of immortality. For the spiritual idea of a character like Tianmo Youji, it is not as good as the meat ball in front of him. It can be imagined that the spiritual idea of the meat ball in front of him is still very strong.

This is the reason, which also causes such a situation to occur. As for the occurrence of such a thing, the Wenshan in front of him is completely passive.

For such a spirit, such a powerful spiritual idea more or less makes Wenshan think of why such a powerful monk with so many eternal giants can't accept the spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao. Once the blood sacrifice of the spiritual treasure, what he has to pay is more painful. The price.

It is also the existence of such a price, which more or less let Wenshan know a lot of things in front of him. But at this time, this meat ball, this artifact, in such a powerful situation, suddenly felt as if the whole spirit seemed to be suddenly frustrated.

Roll back and forth on the ground. Even if Wenshan sees such a scene now, it makes Wenshan's heart a little surprised. What kind of situation is it that makes the spiritual idea of the soul ring in front of him seem to have been attacked by something, and now it rolls on the ground like this.

Even Wenshan also thought of whether it was the first attack of the heavenly demon Youji on the soul ring, and then under the combined action of the strange wooden stick and the gourd of the heavenly demon Youji, he suppressed the artifact of the divine soul ring in front of him. In this way, the situation made the soul ring in front of him The spirit of the meat ball is greatly damaged.

This is the reason, so what Wenshan said at present is completely another thing. It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan's current view of the whole matter has a different side. At this time, the feeling of suddenly surging in Wenshan's heart to subdue the meaty thing in front of him.

I thought of this meatball rolling thing's contempt for my soul body at that time. It is the existence of such an idea, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is the existence of this reason that makes Wenshan in front of him more or less have some puzzled emotions.

At this time, Wenshan suddenly felt that there was another strong light green light shrouded in the overall soul ring. The loss of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts just now completely improved within a few breaths. But the opponent is lying on the ground and rolling, and the damage of mental thoughts can't get better so quickly.

At the same time, the hand of the spirit of the soul ring at this time does not mean that the demon Youji outside and the strange wooden stick give up such suppression of the spirit of the soul ring. It is precisely for this reason that the artifacts of the current soul ring have no free time to repair their spiritual ideas.

At this time, Wenshan's spiritual mind was suddenly locked on this rolling meat ball, ready to completely subdue the meat ball in front of him. For such a phenomenon, it is completely equivalent to turning the suppression of the spirit in front of you into Wenshan. The addition of Wenshan at this time also made the meatball-like instrument vigilant.

After all, the sweep of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts on his own body more or less alerts Wenshan in front of him.

It is the existence of such an idea, so the situation in front of us has undergone such a great change here, that is, the meatball-like spirit in front of us, and the attitude towards Wenshan's whole person has also changed dramatically, with a little fear. It's coming out.

"What are you going to do?" Suddenly, a relatively childish voice came to Wenshan's mind. Wenshan can accurately judge that this sound was transmitted from the meatball-like spirit body on the opposite side. Wenshan is still very confident about the source of such a sound.

It is precisely for this reason, so it also makes Wenshan have a different feeling about the artifact on the opposite side. At least there is a difference in the existence of such a feeling. Feeling the existence of such an instrument is completely equivalent to being afraid of yourself.

From the panicked voice just now, it can be completely judged in this way. It is this idea that exists, and the original old voice has turned into such a childish voice at this time. Anyway, it makes Wenshan in front of him feel the meatball-like spirit in front of him, with a little fear.

This is the reason, so Wenshan's heart is more determined that the current spirit of the soul ring is completely afraid of himself. The great transformation of such a phenomenon is completely not fully thought of by Wenshan in front of him.

He never thought that the original high soul ring was so timid at this time. No matter what the reason is, but for such a timid soul ring. More or less, Wenshan in front of him felt a burst of excitement.

"What do you think I do? At least I am also the owner of the soul ring. For the master, you said that I would be threatened by you even in the space of my own spiritual weapon, for such a situation. What's the use of you? It's better to erase your IQ directly, so that you won't be afraid of hurting me. And I will sacrifice your blood successfully. Let's see how you deal with me."

At this time, Wenshan also relied on his courage to send a message to the meatball-like spirit in front of him. There is not much fear of Wenshan at this time. At this time, Wenshan's statement was only ready to make the sphere in front of him feel afraid. Wenshan still has some experience in this kind of grasp.

Even in the current situation, Wenshan still feels that the artifact in front of him is still very different from himself in terms of IQ. In terms of IQ, the judgment is still relatively low.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely clumsy in front of Wenshan. It is this feeling that exists. So that Wenshan in front of him still has more or less such intuition.

"Can you not sacrifice me with blood? I can listen to you, but you must not sacrifice my blood. At this time, such a childish pleading voice suddenly came from the spirit of the soul ring.

But how can Wenshan manage such a plea? If he is suppressed by such a thing, this meatball-like spirit has no intention to let go of Wenshan in front of him at all. It is for this reason, so there will be no unbearable existence for Wenshan in front of him.

In the world of cultivation, if you can't bear it or be weak, you can't live for a long time. Even if women, such as demons, want to improve their cultivation and have new development on the road of martial arts, then for them, they need their cruelty and constantly compete for the purpose.

In such a realistic world, this is the situation that competes the most. The only way not to compete is to eliminate such an ending. In the process of competition, what fails is a tragic ending in the true sense. It is this idea that Wenshan will not give up the spherical spirit in front of him anyway.

It was at this time that Wenshan's spiritual thoughts suddenly strengthened a lot. Suddenly released his spiritual thoughts to the greatest situation. For such a situation, Wenshan still has a unique skill in subduing the spiritual body. At least for Wenshan in front of him, there is no such concern at all.

At this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts completely enveloped the fleshy sphere-like artifacts in front of him, and directly put one of his spiritual thoughts into the body of such a spirit and began to refine them. Wenshan is already very familiar with the use of such a technique.

It is such a familiar technique, but for the existence of such an artifact in front of me, I will soon be controlled like this, and I have to resist it. Just when a spiritual idea of Wenshan entered the spiritual idea of this meat ball, he felt the package of crazy spiritual pressure.

It is the sudden manifestation of such a situation. At this time, Wenshan also had such a little concern in his heart. For such a concern, Wenshan's whole body became completely passive.

The thin camel is bigger than the horse. Even a spirit that has been greatly suppressed on the spiritual idea in front of us now. But in such a situation at this time, it is completely not what Wenshan can really expect. It is for this reason that, so for Wenshan at present, he is completely in a state of suppression.

It is a manifestation of this that Wenshan's whole spiritual idea seems to have been extremely suppressed by this general feeling. It is this intuitive experience that makes Wenshan feel more or less different at present. Wenshan didn't expect that the weapon in front of him would give up the pressure on the outside in order not to want to be subdued like this.

That's the reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, he didn't expect this meatball-like spirit at all. In order not to let Wenshan in front of him be suppressed like this, he would be so desperate. This kind of madness. It is precisely this kind of madness that makes Wenshan want to subdue it, which is not so easy to get started.

After all, the meatball-like weapon in front of him has some strength. It is one such reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely unexpected. It is also because of such a thing that Wenshan in front of him still has more or less blame in his heart.

It is the existence of such a kind of blame that makes Wenshan in front of him have some differences in his heart. Wenshan's heart is still very sure of such a difference.

It is precisely for this reason, so it also makes Wenshan in front of him have some differences in his heart. It is this difference that makes Wenshan in front of him suddenly feel whether his choice is really right and whether he should really subdue the spirit in front of him.

But at this time, Wenshan thought of the demon outside. In the environment of the three spiritual weapon blood sacrifices, there is still a scene of being bombarded by large-scale energy. Thinking of this, Wenshan thought of the gentle woman like a little woman in his arms, and the touch in his heart was more or less touched.

It was at this time that the spiritual idea that Wenshan entered the body of the meatball-like spirit completely lost contact with the soul body of Wenshan in front of him. For such a situation, it is completely unknown to Wenshan in front of him. Wenshan knew that he had just rashly used a spiritual idea to refine this spirit, which was a little careless.

Wenshan knew that a spiritual idea that had entered the body of the spirit was completely swallowed up by the meat ball in front of him. For such a situation, it more or less made Wenshan feel a little shocked in his heart.

It is also such a shock, which also shocked Wenshan at present. It is also such a shock that more or less makes Wenshan's heart a little sure. Coupled with the existence of the demon, Wenshan's mind was all placed on the meatball-like spirit in front of him.

"Kid, it's your method, and you also want to compete with me. Are you a little over yourself? Humph, boy, if you want to fight with me, you are still far away.

It was at this time that the spirit finally made a proud sound. After all, for the phenomenon in front of me, I obviously suppressed Wenshan. After all, Wenshan is also regarded as his own competitor, which is the reason why Wenshan in front of him is more or less shocked.

It's exactly like this. Wenshan didn't pay attention to such an arrogant figure. At this time, Wenshan suddenly released all his spiritual thoughts in a net-like form to the meat ball spirit in front of him, ready to completely collect the spirit in front of him and completely suppress it.

It is the existence of such an idea that makes the original arrogant look of the artifact in front of him slowly begin to shrink. For such a situation in front of us, it is completely another taste. In terms of such a situation, it is completely another thing.

It is the existence of such a plan, which also makes Wenshan feel very puzzled at present. For such a situation, it is completely another thing.

At this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts kept rushing to the meatball-like body in front of him. At this time, the spiritual idea of this meatball-like spirit is not as good as before. It feels like a big blow. That is, after Wenshan's spiritual thoughts were suppressed by such meatballs and refined, suddenly, the face of the meatballs changed greatly, and the whole person's spiritual thoughts directly atrophied.

At this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts took the opportunity to take the initiative. For the arrival of such an opportunity, how can Wenshan give up such an opportunity? It is the existence of such an idea that makes Wenshan jump directly at the meat ball spirit in such a situation in front of him.

Wenshan's spiritual thoughts seem to be crazy in it. For such a feeling, even the existence of Wenshan's feeling now makes Wenshan in front of him feel a little puzzled. It is this reason that makes Wenshan in front of him feel a little sure.

It is exactly this situation, which is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is for this reason that Wenshan also has a sense of calmness in front of him.

But no matter what, it is still a situation that makes Wenshan in front of him have a little desire for victory.

is the existence of such an idea, so for the current scene, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. But for this kind of hard work. It was also beyond Wenshan's inner expectations.

It is this expectation that makes Wenshan's heart more or less feel. For such a feeling, it is completely another thing. For such a thing, it is completely equivalent to pulling all the people in front of Wenshan.

The existence of a feeling of pulling in such a thing. It makes the depths of Wenshan's heart completely in another layer of meaning. For such a stage of suppression, Wenshan's spiritual idea has gradually occupied a dominant position in the process of fighting with meatball-like spirits.

For such a kind of record, it also makes Wenshan have some feelings in his heart. Gradually, the information about the whole soul ring gradually appeared in Wenshan's mind. For such information, Wenshan constantly knew many secrets.

Wenshan knew that the biggest secret was the blood sacrifice. Blood sacrifices can only be known by those spiritual weapons that have been sacrificed by blood. It is not that the spiritual weapon after the blood sacrifice will be damaged with the fall of the owner of the spiritual weapon.

There are many things hidden in it. It is the existence of such a thing that makes Wenshan in front of him feel that the whole thing is not simple. It is the existence of such a feeling that makes Wenshan in front of him completely different about the whole thing.

When the owner of the spiritual weapon after the blood sacrifice dies, for the current spiritual weapon, it is completely out of that extreme passive state, and for such a state, it is completely another meaning.

As long as the owner dies. However, the owner's blood is still there, and the spiritual weapon damaged after the blood sacrifice can be slowly absorbed and nourished through this kind of blood. For such a situation, the spiritual weapon can slowly restore its original spirituality. Through the master's blood, the spiritual weapons that have not reached the spiritual treasure stage can also form their own spirits and reach the spiritual treasure level.

It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation at this time, it is completely unexpected by Wenshan. For such a situation, it is completely not what Wenshan can really do.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is this soul ring, which was originally a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, and originally had great power. The original soul ring is a very powerful spiritual weapon, but due to the death of the owner of the spiritual weapon.

For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to falling into a real state of obsession with Wenshan. For such an extreme state, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It was this expectation that completely made Wenshan in front of him fall into a passive state.

For such a state, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. At this time, the spirit of the soul ring is still very weak. It was because after the blood sacrifice, with the fall of the master, he was also damaged.

Fortunately, the strength of his master's blood, the energy in it has been nourished for such a long time, and slowly returned to the current state of spiritual weapon-level spiritual weapons, and also initially has its own existence. Although it is also the initial formation of the spirit, there is still no difference between it and the general spiritual weapon level.

And the most important thing is that the soul ring is originally a relatively special spiritual weapon. After all, it is a storage ring of space. For such a case, it is completely another thing. After all, there is a certain reason for such a thing to happen.

At this time, even the spirit of the current soul ring was completely subdued by Wenshan. The spiritual idea that was originally swallowed by such a meatball spirit completely made up for his original weakened spiritual idea after Wenshan's phagocy spirit. At this time, Wenshan also found that the biggest secret of the soul ring is the soul.

For this kind of soul ring space, as long as there is a strong spiritual mind, as long as it has any damage, it can slowly recover. It is a manifestation of this kind. For such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing.

For some areas of the soul ring, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts can also be immediately spread. At this time, Wenshan felt that the space of the whole soul ring could be completely shrouded by his own complete spiritual thoughts. As long as there is any movement in any place, Wenshan can know it in the first place.

It is such an intuitive feeling that makes Wenshan now feel the whole soul ring like his own soul body. For the whole soul ring, it is completely regarded as the existence of its own thing.

It is this kind of difference. At this time, Wenshan gradually has some understanding of the spiritual weapon in front of him. The spirit was gradually subdued. Wenshan also officially became the real owner of the soul ring.

For such an experience, it is completely not what Wenshan can really do. After all, it is only that I am familiar with such a soul ring. Wenshan knows that these areas in the current soul ring are all of the soul ring.

In the past, there was a large area. Wenshan knew that in the past, there was a large area belonging to such a soul ring. However, due to the death of the owner of the original soul ring, the current artifact of the new soul ring has not completely expanded the space of the soul ring.

In response to such a phenomenon, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. After all, for the new spirit, there is a big difference from the original spirit. The original spirit is a very powerful existence. The soul ring used to be a very powerful spirit weapon at the level. At that time, the soul ring was also on the list among the spirit weapons at the level.

This is the reason why the spirit of the soul ring at this time is new, so of course it is not a powerful space area. But as long as the new weapon of the soul ring grows slowly, the space within such a range in the future is completely equivalent to further development of the area of the soul ring. Further expansion.