ghost monk

Chapter 233 Poison

Chapter 233 Poisonous Spirit

After all, for the dementor wood, between it and the punishment of demons, it is basically two extreme spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure. For a real spiritual weapon, there is no difference between good and evil, and there is no difference between good and bad. But after all, the dementor wood is the treasure of old poison, and the punishment demon is performed by a famous family like Taixuanzong.

The right and evil of such a spiritual treasure is completely artificially hyped. It is this kind of extreme distinction, there are several different gaps, and it is this kind of gap, so the whole thing is completely extreme.

It is this extreme existence, so there is also a big gap in the view of the whole thing. It is this gap that more or less makes the spiritual weapon extremely different.

In fact, there is no good or evil in this world. It just depends on what this person has done and whether the evaluation of such a thing is good or evil. Only then did he divide this person into good and evil. For those who are right, sometimes they kill more people than those in the devil, but the devil is the devil's way, and the right way is the right way.

This is the existence of such a huge gap. This is also the difference between the real righteous and magical ways. But no matter what, for the current situation, the complete gap exists here. But no matter what, what happened is so strange.

The reason why Shenhunmu dares not show his breath is that he is completely afraid of the punishment of the current Taixuanzong's treasure. After all, the two are once hostile. It's such a good and evil treasure. The fall of Zengjin's punishment demon is largely due to the existence of this punishment demon.

It is also the existence of such a dement wood that has the existence of such a regenerator spirit. It is this kind of different gap. Therefore, from the perspective of the whole thing, there is a big difference. It is this difference that has such a threat. Even if it is finally subdued by the heavenly demon and sacrificed by Wenshan blood, it does not dare to use its greatest means.

After all, for a new wisdom, they are completely another thing. That's exactly what happened. It is completely equivalent to re-dividing the whole thing. For such a case, it is completely equivalent to a large part of the difference.

is the battle between the soul ring and the dementer wood, but for the soul ring, it will not touch the bottom line of such a struggle. That is, you can't really use your real powerful spiritual treasure-level strength and completely reveal this kind of breath. Expose your own spiritual treasure-level weapons.

If it hadn't been for the existence of such a scruples between the dementor wood and the soul ring, the whole thing would not be as complicated as imagined. It is also for this reason that the Heavenly Demon Youji did not receive a fatal threat at all in the face of such an event of the blood sacrifice of three spiritual weapons.

But anyway, it is experiencing a blood sacrifice event. For Tianmo Youji, after all, she is facing two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure. Facing two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures preparing for the blood sacrifice. For the surrounding closed elder-level seats, the source of such violent energy is a good thing for these two unlucky devices. And Qiuqiu, the weapon of the soul ring, is also a participant.

In the process of fighting such violent energy, the breath of their weapons that have experienced the identity of four thunderstorms will be annihilated in such violent energy. It won't be noticed. Only the attack of such energy is the best way to solve the problem of Tianmo Youji and Wenshan in front of you.

This is the only way. For such two spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapons, blood sacrifices have become carried out in such an environment. Otherwise, it is not advisable.

For these two spiritual weapons that have experienced the level of four thunderstorms. For such a level of spiritual weapons, their spiritual level, such pressure on spiritual thoughts, is completely not a scene in front of them that can really face.

is also a kind of face like this. Therefore, there are more or less several differences. It is precisely this difference that makes the whole thing completely another thing. It is this kind of thing that makes the current instrument with such a huge advantage not exert its spiritual advantage.

But for Tianmo Youji, it is also a very lucky thing.

Sometimes, when the level of the ghost monk is strong to a certain extent, it is completely dependent on simple spiritual pressure, and there is no problem to win directly. It is for this reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another scene.

Sometimes it's like this. For spiritual pressure, it is only the most basic means for spiritually powerful people to perform. For these characters, they will also perform divine soul skills. At that time, it is basically not a level of things that can really be bound.

By that time, there had been basically a new round of views. If it hadn't been for the existence of Taixuanzong's supreme treasure punishment demon. Given the dementor wood and the soul ring, there will be no means of attack with such energy between the two.

will not use the means of using the spiritual thoughts exerted by martial arts practitioners to control the violent energy around them and constantly attack the heavenly demon Youji in front of him. After all, whether it is a dementor wood or a soul ring, it is a child for punishing demons, and there is no threat. This is caused by the level gap of spiritual weapons.

But if it is the other way around, the situation will be completely different. It is the existence of such a situation, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is the existence of this feeling that is more or less different.

is also such a different existence, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing. The power of the punishment demon has been experienced by Dementor Wood. The dementor is still after the fall, and it may not have had such a fear in it before.

But the last dementor was completely killed by the power of such a punishment demon together with its master. In such a situation, the dementor wood has completely experienced the nourishment of such a kind of blood for a long time, and there is a brand-new dementor wood.

has the existence of such a new dementor wood. In the memory of the new dementor wood, there is the existence of the original kind of memory of the old dementor wood. It is also the existence of such a memory that more or less makes the new dementor wood in front of us a little worried and afraid.

This is also the reason, so the current dementor does not dare to publicize it at all. If the old dementor wood still existed, I would have wanted to revenge long ago. But at this time, the artifact of the new dementor wood was reborn.

For the new dementor wood, there is not only the original memory of the old dementor wood, but also the new soul wood that has been nourished by blood for so many years, destroyed, and abandoned in a place like Taixuanzong. Even if it nourishes its own spirit, it does not dare to do anything too much. In arrogance.

After all, for the dementor wood, it is completely living in the shadow of the enemy. For such a situation, it is completely another thing. It is also one of the reasons for this, which is more or less different. It is this difference that has more or less caused a huge change in the current situation. It is this change that has brought about a new round of changes in the whole thing.

This is exactly how it is, so many things are changing in this way. Even the new weapon spirit of the demented wood is also growing up in the process of slowly forbearance. It is precisely for this reason that there are more or less differences.

It is precisely for this reason that this change of the whole thing is more or less different. It is precisely this difference that has also led to a huge change in the view of the whole thing. It is this kind of change that is more or less different.

This is the reason. For the spirit of the new dementor wood, it has completely experienced a lot. While experiencing a lot of hardships, there are also some differences. It is the great change of such differences, but there is a new understanding of such a change.

is the kind of violent character in the original memory of the old dementor wood, which has also turned into some caution. For such a kind of caution, there is still a little difference. It is this difference that is completely another thing.

This is a device with the same wisdom as human beings. After all, for such an artifact, it is completely equivalent to a long time, and it is a kind of thing that can be reflected. It is human cunning, human greed, human greed and fear of death, etc. Everything like this also exists in intelligent spirits.

This is the reason, so for a situation like this in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is precisely because of this that there are more or less differences. It is this difference that has caused such a big change in the whole situation.

But no matter what, for the whole thing, it's completely another thing. For such a situation, it is completely another thing. It is the existence of such an idea that is more or less different. It is precisely this difference that there is a gap.

This is the difference, so it also makes the whole thing develop on another side. It is this kind of development that there are more or less different gaps.

Not to mention that the artifacts of the new dementors have become a little timid and cautious, but the soul ring instrument Qiuqiu after being fallen also has its own caution. After all, for the soul ring Qiuqiu, Zeng Jin also fell because of the death of his master.

This is the reason, so for such a thing, it is completely another thing. It is the existence of such a thing, so there is more or less difference in such a move in front of us. That's the difference. So it also makes the whole thing extremely fantastic.

Anyway, for such a change, it is completely another thing. There are some differences in the changes in the whole thing. For such a difference, it is completely unexpected to Wenshan. It is this kind of thing that many changes are completely another thing.

But in any case, it is very correct to be a little cautious about the spirit of the soul ring, whether it is Qiuqiu or the spirit of the dementor wood. In the world of spiritual weapons, it is also such a law of the jungle. If you can't really dominate, you have to wait to become stronger slowly.

Only when you constantly become extremely powerful can you really make such an extremely powerful power in front of you. It is this kind of power that is the most critical for the choice of soul ring and soul wood. Only human beings can make them more spiritual, otherwise, they are just dead things.

The main reason why these spiritual weapons can become spiritual weapons is that these spiritual weapons are completely created by human beings. It is such a key step, so human beings are most familiar with spiritual weapons, complete transformation, and ways to upgrade their level.

Sometimes, only by relying on human beings can they slowly improve their strength. Only this kind of treatment is the best and wisest choice. Otherwise, it will be impossible. It is the existence of such an idea that is more or less different.

But anyway, there are several different existences. It is this difference, a completely different experience. It is this experience that is completely another kind of saying. It is this statement that is more or less different.

For the pressure on the real spiritual mind, it has also appeared many times in Wenshan. The effect of pure mental pressure is also a little different. It is this little difference that makes the whole thing change a little strange.

But anyway, it is a change. For such a thing, it is completely another thing. It is this kind of thing that exists, so it is reasonable for the current situation. But no matter what, there are such shortcomings in the view of the whole thing.

Wenshan has been suppressed by such spiritual thoughts many times, and he also has a deep understanding of such spiritual pressure. There are great differences in the control ability, control points, etc. of different levels of mental pressure.

It is precisely this difference that makes many things extremely realistic. It is this reality that makes the changes of the whole market extremely accurate. It is this kind of accurate change, and there are more or less concentrated and inexplicable changes in it.

It is this kind of change, with a concentrated and unspeakable taste, and it is this kind of existence that is more or less different. But this different existence also makes the change of the whole thing have several differences.

At this time, Wenshan's soul idea directly rushed in the direction of the dementor wood under the compromise of the weapon spirit Qiuqiu. That is, when Wenshan just walked out of the whole soul ring, he did not feel such a huge momentum and did not feel the explosion of powerful energy.

At this time, Wenshan, under the protection of Qiuqiu, the weapon spirit of the soul ring, and under the protection of Qiuqiu's spiritual thoughts, he felt that kind of stability and quietness. The whole space maintained by such a soul idea in Qiuqiu is completely a fairly stable effect.

has only one such effect, so it makes the whole space unusually calm. For such a situation, it is completely another thing. The existence of such a thing is more or less different.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely the existence of another thing. It is the existence of such things that is more or less different. It is this difference that makes this change of the whole thing a little strange.

Wenshan felt the stability of the whole space controlled by Qiuqiu, the instrument of the soul ring, and the rage of the surrounding energy. It is this kind of personal feeling that makes Wenshan in front of him no different at all. It is this difference that more or less causes many changes in the whole thing.

For the stability of the soul ring, Wenshan in front of him is also a little amazing. It is this amazing existence that makes the whole thing change a little different.

It is the existence of such a reason that makes the whole thing change a little. It is this change that makes the whole thing reflect the existence of the gap between Qiuqiu and the spiritual thoughts of Tianmo Youji. Wenshan's soul ring still reflects the fury of the surrounding energy.

There is no reduction at all. However, the pressure of the energy resisted by the demon Youji in front of me clearly felt that it had been reduced a lot. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

This is the existence of such an idea, so for the current situation, it is completely another thing. But no matter what, it's completely another thing. From the perspective of such a thing, it is completely a change in another situation.

But no matter what, there are some differences. It is for this reason that it is obviously very beneficial for the development of the whole thing. For the demon Youji in front of you, it should be completely able to cover the scene.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing. It is for this reason that there are more or less differences. It is precisely this difference that there are still several differences.

But anyway, it is completely the existence of another idea. For such a situation, it is completely unexpected to Wenshan. For such a situation, this is fundamentally different.

After all, with the launch of the soul ring instrument Ling Qiuqiu, the surrounding violent energy has not decreased much. Coupled with the surrounding space, the energy on the whole Everest is constantly changing. It is precisely for this reason, so many changes in the original situation are completely beyond the original. The imagination of Wenshan.

But for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. The energy is still increasing. For the demon Youji in the field, she is completely under great pressure. But relatively speaking, there is no problem with the violent pressure around the devil.

At least the blood sacrifice of two spiritual weapons at the same time as Tianmo is much stronger. It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan is obviously a little weaker in the face of such a momentum suppressed by the soul wood at this time. In response to such a move, it is completely different.

It's just a few differences, which is completely another thing. But in any case, for such a situation in front of us, it is a kind of decompression for Tianmo Youji. For the current Heavenly Demon Youji, what she is facing is just an attack of such a dementor wood in front of her.

But no matter what, the attack on the dementor wood is obviously gone now. After all, for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another way of saying. It is the existence of such a statement, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing.

The dementor wood does not dare to exert the four-fold realm of its spiritual thoughts, so it is not very strong for the attack of the demon in front of it and the scheduling of the surrounding energy. It is this reason that is more or less different.

At least in terms of the scale and power of energy control, there is no way to compete with the magic Youji in front of you. Without the addition of the soul ring, Ling Qiuqiu, and the dementor wood did not dare to exert all his strength, there was nothing he could do with the heavenly demon Youji in front of him.

After all, for the heavenly demon Youji, she is also a strong man in the realm of immortality and the existence of ancient giants. He is also a ghost monk who has survived the triple thunder disaster. Now he is a ghost saint who has experienced the triple thunder disaster. For such a character, it is completely another realm. Although it is only the realm of the soul, it is also different.

It is this difference, which is a manifestation of the other strength of Tianmo. It is for this reason that the existence of such a dementor tree in front of us, or the threat of the existence of the dementor wood, does not exist at all, and it is precisely because of this, so there is no danger to the current situation of the heavenly demon in front of us.

But in any case, even in such a situation, there is no danger for the devil for the time being, but if it goes on like this for a long time, the lasting ability of the devil should not be as powerful as the current dementor wood. After all, the spiritual strength of the soul wood is not reflected at all, and such a slow loss is also a means.

Anyway, if it goes on like this, it is still very beneficial for the current situation. It is such a beneficial existence that is more or less different.

is also such a different existence, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is the existence of such a thing that there is nothing at all. It is this kind of thing that there is no harm at all.

This is the development of such a situation at present. Anyway, it is a disguised transformation. In response to such a transformation, it has no harmful meaning at all.

In a word, all the changes in this way are concentrated here. It is also the existence of such a reason. In the case of such an attack and the concentration of such violent energy, it completely reflects the ultimate embodiment of Wenshan's strength in front of him. It is also the embodiment of such strength that there is such a complete positioning.

But no matter how the development is, it is completely another manifestation of such a move in front of us. For the embodiment of such a thing, there is no such change completely. There are also many results of this kind of the whole thing.

For such a situation in front of us, Tianmo Youji has the ability to do it, which is right. It's just that it's rare for the only place that can fight in such a place, such a spiritual weapon that can truly sacrifice spiritual treasures in such a real sense.

That is, he walked through this energy-filled space, but with the protection of the soul ring, Wenshan did not feel the impact of any energy. It is the existence of such a reason that for such a situation in front of us is completely expected by Wenshan.

Wenshan asked Tianmo Youji to protect her soul to the soul ring. The purpose is to change the direction of the weapon spirit Qiuqiu into the dementor tree in front of her under the situation of subduing the spirit ring. After all, they are all spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao, and at the same time, they are two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures that recognize Wenshan as the main one.

And the dementor wood and the soul ring in front of us have several similarities, that is, the dementor wood and the soul ring in front of us are completely spiritual weapons equivalent to the existence of such a new weapon reborn after the fall. It is for this reason that for such a situation in front of us, the two spiritual weapons basically fight for such a situation. It is also like this that the dementor wood has no difference in the defense of the soul ring in front of him.

It is the existence of this reason. Under the escort of the soul ring, the dementor wood also began to slowly transform the attack object of firepower into such a soul body of Wenshan protected by the soul ring spirit Qiuqiu. At this time, such a transformation has also become unusual.

It is this change that makes many people nervous. For the current situation, this kind of change is also a little different. In view of such a difference, it is completely another meaning. For the whole thing, it reveals more surprises.

For this kind of transformation of dementor wood, the attack power on the side of Tianmo Youji has also been greatly reduced. At this time, Tianmo Youji also felt the existence of the soul of Wenshan, and seemed to go to the strange wooden stick over herself. At this time, Tianmo had a different view of Wenshan in front of him.

It seems that when he was facing such a dangerous scene, he should have taken the initiative to take the whole defense and helped Wenshan overcome such difficulties in front of him. But what Tianmo Youji didn't expect at all was that the situation in front of him could not really be reflected at all.

It is this experience that makes the whole thing happen with such a huge change. For such a change, it is completely another thing. But it is also a great change in this kind of behavior, with some different existence, so there are also some differences for such things in front of us.

But anyway, that's what happened. No matter how the whole situation changes, it is always such a continuous attack and such an extreme change under the continuous flood of such a lot of energy.

This is the reason, so Tianmo was able to completely suppress the artifact of the soul ring in front of Wenshan. For such a situation, it was completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is exactly this kind of expectation. Therefore, it has also caused a major change in the whole thing.

At this time, I saw that Wenshan actually appeared in such a violent space of energy under the package of extremely powerful spiritual ideas. Obviously, it was also a huge change for the situation of such things in front of us.

Originally, he thought that Wenshan could hide in the soul ring, but at this time, Wenshan took the risk and was ready to subdue the strange wooden stick at the same time. Even the current Tianmo Youji began to reevaluate Wenshan's strength and luck.

It is also this reassessment that makes Tianmo Youji have a new view of Wenshan. Previously, Tianmo Youji was facing such an attack of the real two spiritual treasure-level blood sacrifices, and directly against such a powerful attack as herself. The pressure on the heavenly demon in front of her is very huge.

It is also the impact of such a powerful energy, which more or less makes Tianmo Youji become firm again. For the whole situation, the demon is also slowly controlling. However, obviously, what Tianmo Youji has to face is a spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao, which exists, and it is an artifact after two quadruple thunderstorms.

is also the reason for this, and what we have to face is the continuous impact of such violent energy. It is the existence of such an effect. More or less there are still some differences. It is for this reason that it also makes a difference in the current situation.

But in any case, there is still some difference to the sudden change of such a situation in front of us. It is the existence of this experience, so for the whole thing, it is completely different.

is also such a difference. More or less, there are still several differences. It is precisely this difference that makes Wenshan able to help Wenshan solve the current problem under the situation that Tianmo himself feels very great pressure, so it is still more or less With such gratitude.

is also such a grateful existence, so everything has been repositioned. It is this kind of positioning difference. It makes the whole thing a little different.

is also the same difference, and there is a situation that makes even the demon Youji feel incredible. For Wenshan to solve a powerful spiritual weapon like the soul ring, and then solve another spiritual weapon, this is what Tianmo Youji didn't expect.

For the words of Tianmo Youji at this time, he finally found a support. Whether it was the time when she was poisoned, or this time when she almost couldn't stand the death of such a blood sacrifice event, for the devil, she has experienced a lot of battles, but it was also two such, which threatened her life.

But these two things that can really threaten the life of Tianmo Youji were completely rescued by Wenshan at the most critical moment.

For such a situation, it is also what Tianmo Youji did not fully imagine. For a woman like Tianmo Youji, she finally found a trace of support. Although such a small reliance has not fully grown up. But for the current demons, there is a lot of time to wait.

From the most dangerous time, he is always saved from danger. For him with such low strength, it is also a kind of luck. It is also a fluke for luck to always patronize him. But it is also her refuge.

It is the existence of such a special feeling that Tianmo is no longer as simple as the object of his own protection on the spot, but at this time Tianmo is really thinking about Wenshan as his own man. After all, Wenshan's strength is still relatively low, but for the future, Wenshan's potential is unlimited.

is also the infinite potential of this, which is also the target valued by Tianmo Youji. It is the existence of such a goal that is more or less different. It is this difference that also makes the development of the whole thing, and there are several differences. It is this difference that more or less still has a sense of surprise.

Wenshan did not fully feel the change of Tianmo's attitude and mentality. For Wenshan at this time, he was being transferred into the dementor wood by Qiuqiu, the instrument of the soul ring. That is, when Wenshan entered the dementor wood, suddenly, the black highly toxic substance swarmed into the soul of Wenshan.

"Poisonous spirit." That's the word, which suddenly appeared in Wenshan's mind.