ghost monk

Chapter 234 Blood Sacrifice Success

Chapter 24 Successful Blood Sacrifice

That is, when Wenshan's soul body entered such a soul ring, what I didn't expect at all was that as soon as I entered such a soul dementor wood, the black and highly toxic substances around me squeezed against Wenshan's soul body.

Wenshan knows a lot about such highly toxic substances. It is precisely for this reason that we know that such highly toxic substances are not only harmful to the human body, but also have important trauma to human meridians and blood. Not only that, such a black highly toxic substance can completely damage people's spiritual thoughts.

Not only that, if the internal forces in the human body are contaminated with such highly toxic substances, there will also be different degrees of infection. What will be faced at that time will be a more serious hit. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing.

It is precisely because Wenshan knows that such a highly toxic substance is that his own soul body can be infected by such a highly toxic substance in front of him. At that time, we will face endless poisonous torture. At this time, Wenshan suddenly felt the horror of such a 'poison spirit'.

And the words that have just been transmitted to Wenshan's mind were completely transmitted by Qiuqiu, the artifact of the soul ring just now. The poisonous spirit, that is, the dementor wood in front of us is constantly eroded and soaked by millions of highly toxic substances, so that it slowly turns such a dementor wood in front of us completely into a poison weapon.

With the continuous growth of this kind of dementor wood, the current situation has happened. At this time, it is entirely due to the growth of the dementor wood, and the current dementor wood has basically become a poisonous treasure. That is to say, such a dementor wood is completely a spiritual weapon at the level of poison spirit treasure.

It is the spirit in this kind of dementor wood that is also a poisonous spirit. That is, the existence of poisonous artifacts. It is also the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is precisely the emergence of such an expected situation that cannot be really solved by such a thing in front of us.

This is the reason for the existence of this, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to a part of the whole spiritual weapon of the spiritual treasure level, which is such a spiritual weapon with the existence of highly toxic substances. For such a poisonous spirit. Their use is completely in the power of the attack, and there is such a more or less highly toxic production, which increases the power of the attack.

is also the reason for this. Sometimes, for such a spiritual weapon with the existence of highly toxic substances, sometimes there is such a threat to more hostile characters. It is also the existence of such a threat that ordinary people like this choice when choosing weapons.

But for such a situation, it is completely another thing. It is exactly this situation that happened, which is completely another thing. It is the existence of this feeling. More or less there is still some difference. It is this difference that sometimes makes more people afraid.

Those who really dare to use such poisonous spiritual weapons are basically all infected with poisons, and the contact with poisons has entered the bone marrow. There are many people in the poisonous sect. Old poison is such a guy who uses poisoned ancestors.

This is the reason for this, so what Wenshan is now facing is the existence of poisonous things in the true sense. It is the guy with the existence of such a toxic substance that is completely another thing. It is the difference in the existence of such things that there is more or less a difference.

is exactly the difference, but for such a situation, there is a considerable gap. It is also the special feature of this gap that makes the spiritual weapon of the old poison at the level of spiritual treasure also the existence of poisonous spiritual weapons. It is this poisonous spiritual weapon that really poses a huge threat to Wenshan at present.

In fact, Wenshan's body has been seriously invaded by such a highly toxic substance. If it hadn't been for Wenshan's physique, it would have been completely the end of death. The function of the body is basically completely damaged by such a highly toxic substance in front of it.

If it hadn't been for the Tianmo Youji helping Wenshan resist the invasion of such a highly toxic substance into her body, otherwise, for such a situation, it would be completely another thing. It is the special existence of this situation that more or less has such an impact on Wenshan's body.

is the soul of Wenshan, and his spiritual thoughts have also been contaminated with such a highly toxic substance. For such highly toxic substances, for Wenshan, it is completely another thing. It is the particularity of this kind of thing. For the whole thing, it's completely another thing.

It is the existence of such a thing with such a special feeling, which more or less makes Wenshan feel a little depressed in front of him. It is the particularity of this situation that, for Wenshan now, is more or less afraid of such a poisonous substance in front of him.

There is indeed such a fear of such a highly toxic substance. I'm afraid that I will really be infected by such a highly poisonous substance. However, when the highly toxic substances around him came towards Wenshan in front of him, suddenly, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts suddenly unfolded, and a barrier in front of him directly blocked all such highly poisonous substances outside their own protective circles.

is also used in this way. No matter how much you are afraid of the highly toxic substances in front of you, your heart will more or less settle down. It is also the existence of such an intuitive feeling, so it also makes the situation in front of us slowly change.

But no matter what, Wenshan has a more or less stable heart for such a situation in front of him. It is precisely for this reason that the sudden occurrence of such a situation in front of us is more or less different in the depths of Wenshan's heart.

In Wenshan's mind, suddenly there was a sound transmitted by Qiuqiu.

"This poisonous spirit is eager to solve the current chaotic situation. After all, this is Taixuanzong. The woman outside is very strong, and it can't solve it with its own strength. In addition, I have been sacrificed by your blood, and I will not let it sacrifice your blood. So for the current poison spirit, it is completely equivalent to waiting for negotiations.

For Wenshan now, he never thought that Qiuqiu, the weapon of such a soul ring in front of him, would answer Wenshan's questions like this. For Qiuqiu's secret assistance, Wenshan's heart is also a little grateful for Qiuqiu.

In fact, the blood sacrifice of the soul ring has been completely successful for Wenshan at this time. As for Qiuqiu, the weapon of the soul ring, what he wants to say in his heart, no matter where Wenshan is now, he can feel it. It is the existence of such a reason that for such a situation in front of us is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

"Poison, is that you?" Looking at such a highly toxic substance in front of him, Wenshan can clearly feel that there is something in the middle area of such a highly toxic substance, and there is a strong spiritual pressure to exist in the central area of such a highly toxic substance.

It is also the existence of such a feeling. Wenshan knows that in the central area of such a highly toxic substance, there is such an artifact, that is, the existence of poisonous spirits.

Wenshan's heart also began to get nervous. After all, for the current situation, it is unlikely that Wenshan wants to subdue it directly and forcibly like Qiuqiu, the weapon that subdues the soul ring. It is precisely this unlikely situation, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is more or less different.

It is this different existence, which also makes the current situation different. It is also in this situation that for Wenshan in front of him, it is more or less different. It is this difference that is not a good thing for the whole situation in front of us.

But for the current situation, there are still some differences in this kind of situation. It is this difference that for the current situation may also be a challenge for the current Wenshan. After all, for such a thing as blood sacrifice, it is basically difficult for a spirit to control themselves by others without reservation.

After all, for creatures with wisdom, no matter what the reason is, there is absolute freedom. No creature with wisdom can like it so much without any freedom.

For any intelligent creature, even human beings. For them, they don't like to be controlled by others at all. It is in such a situation that it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. Wenshan knew that it was also necessary to negotiate if he wanted to completely subdue the dementor in front of him.

For today's kind of negotiation, what Wenshan wants to know is about whether to give freedom to the poisonous spirit in front of him. After all, it is obviously nothing for a spiritual weapon like a poisonous spirit compared with a character like Wenshan who is only in the divine stage.

This is the reason why Wenshan's strength can't convince many people at all. It is for this reason, so for the current situation, it is completely another thing. It is this kind of idea that exists, so there is more or less difference in such things.

It is the existence of several differences, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is this kind of thing that sometimes needs to be a little different.

But no matter what, there is more or less difference in the current situation. At this time, Wenshan also felt that the thing in the highly toxic substance on the opposite side, that is, the poisonous spirit, had no intention to attack him at all.

"Poison spirit, what conditions do you have to say?" Wenshan looked at the highly toxic substances in front of him and said.

"What to say, you either sacrificed my blood or I sacrificed your blood. Or you are convinced of me. Or I am convinced of you. It's so simple." It was at this time that such a heavy-bearing voice was transmitted from the highly toxic substances in front of him.

In the words, there is a little hoarseness. For such a situation, such a sound gives people the feeling that it has been attacked by something for a long time. The sound is different. At the same time, the vocal cords have also become extremely hoarse.

Wenshan still knows a lot about this phenomenon. For creatures, especially such artifacts, they have the most contact with their own masters. Sometimes, when they generate spirits, they completely imitate their own image and their own voice.

This is also the reason. Wenshan can judge that the creature behind this highly toxic substance is completely equivalent to imitating the behavior of his former master. In view of such a behavior, it is completely another thing.

If the old poison is still there, the voice of the creature behind the highly poisonous is probably imitating him to speak. In fact, this is also a very profound experience of the spiritual weapon for the original master and the existence of emotions, so it makes such a sound.

is also the reason for this, so there is more or less a difference in the current situation. It is this difference, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing.

It is the existence of such a thing, so for such a situation in front of us, it is more or less different. It is this different existence, so for the whole thing, it is completely equivalent to another kind of feeling.

But no matter what, the extreme performance of such a thing in front of him still makes Wenshan feel a little embarrassed in his heart. After all, for Wenshan in front of him, it will definitely not be so satisfactory. It is precisely this unsatisfactory existence, so it is rare for such a situation in front of us.

But it is also such a situation, and there are very few people who can really do this a little bit.

"Do you think Wenshan is really so afraid of you? Do you think I, Wenshan, really asked you to make a condition because I was afraid of you? I respect you. After all, you are the existence of spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao. I don't force you to do anything too much for your hungry status. That's the reason, so for now, you still respect your future master and me. After all, I am destined to subdue you today.

At this time, Wenshan would not care about such a highly poisonous material creature in front of him. It is for this reason that Wenshan does not have any timid elements. That's the reason, so Wenshan is not very polite to the poisonous spirit in front of him.

After all, for Wenshan in front of him, he is negotiating. Since he is negotiating, it shows that Wenshan has never thought about how to convince the poisonous spirit in front of him. For Wenshan, the real purpose of Wenshan is to put himself in the same position as talking to himself.

Wenshan didn't expect what he would do with such a spiritual weapon in the future. For Wenshan, it is completely equivalent to putting his whole person on such isolation. What Wenshan needs is cooperation and cooperation. This is the truth even with your own spirit.

is also the reason for this, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It's this kind of thing, so for such a situation in front of us, it doesn't need anything at all.

This is also the reason, so for the whole thing in front of us, it is completely another thing. Now in Wenshan's view, what is needed is fair treatment and equality.

But obviously, the poisonous spirit in front of us, the spiritual treasure-level spirit, does not expect to coexist peacefully with Wenshan in front of us at all. For the poisonous spirit in front of us, it is completely equivalent to being convinced or being convinced. In the eyes of the poisonous spirit in front of him, it is just a simple and clear relationship between the leader and the leader.

After all, for the poisonous spirit, the one who ruled it was once a peerless genius in the magic. The achievements are also very impressive. It is precisely because of this appearance, so for Zengjin's old poison, its original spiritual weapon after the blood sacrifice completely developed some habit characteristics on his body.

is also the reason for this, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It's exactly like this, which is completely another statement. It is precisely the existence of such a statement, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

Of course, for such a situation in front of us, it is also in Wenshan's imagination. For such a thing, there are more or less similarities in Wenshan's heart. It is exactly the same, more or less, which makes Wenshan feel a little amazing in front of him.

This is the reason, so for such a move in front of us, it is completely out of Wenshan's senses. Wenshan is still a little sure about such a phenomenon. For such an artifact, such an arrogant poisonous spirit is more or less important to have a tough tone.

is also the reason for this, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is precisely this expectation that the poisonous spirit in front of him still let him know that although Wenshan's strength is still relatively low, although he is only a person who has survived a thunderstorm, for him, the poisonous spirit in front of him is not afraid at all.

is also the existence of this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, Wenshan's tone is still very bearable. It is precisely this that for the poisonous spirit in front of us, it is the real handover. Otherwise, for such a situation in front of us, it will be completely beyond Wenshan's imagination.

It is the existence of such a feeling, so Wenshan's attitude towards such a situation in front of him is still quite strong, that is, he does not let the poisonous spirit in front of him give himself face. After all, for such a poisonous spirit, if you really meet a weak master, it is not liked by these spiritual weapons with higher eyes than the top.

This is the reason. Sometimes, for such a situation, it is not amazing. It is this reason that is more or less different.

"Don't you understand what I said? Hurry up if you want to do it. Don't linger. I don't want to be discovered by the bastard of Taixuanzong in the end because of such a little man like you. At that time, I will not be so relaxed."

At this time, the poisonous spirit was obviously shocked by Wenshan's tone. But it didn't give Wenshan any more politeness. After all, for the spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao, the masters it follows are all ancient giants. Moreover, the people killed are many ancestral-level figures in the realm of life, or strong people in the realm of immortality.

Therefore, the little strength of Wenshan in front of him is really not valued by the spiritual weapon poison spirit at the level of Lingbao in front of him. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond the imagination of Wenshan in front of us.

After all, Wenshan is just a nobody, even a poisonous spirit has just been reborn. But after all, it is a spiritual weapon like the old poison once used today, and Zeng Jin has fought fiercely with the punishment demon of Taixuanzong in front of him. At that time, I'm afraid that Wenshan had not yet been born.

This is the reason, so for Wenshan in front of him, how can he be valued by the poisonous spirit in front of him? Therefore, it is normal to be despised.

"Poison spirit, do you really think I can't do anything about you?" At this time, Wenshan was obviously angry. After all, for the poisonous spirit in front of him, Wenshan can only truly solve such a crisis in front of him. Only a kind of crisis in front of us can be directly relieved. It is the wisest choice.

At this time, suddenly, Wenshan's whole spiritual thoughts were fully launched, and the protective circle that originally maintained Wenshan was also constantly expanding. That is, at this time, in front of Wenshan, a meaty thing suddenly appeared, that is, in its appearance, completely The creature hidden in the highly toxic substance in front of him was completely shocked.

For such a meaty thing in front of him, it is not a very strange thing, but something very familiar to the big guy, that is, the artifact of the soul ring, Qiuqiu.

At this time, Qiuqiu has completely reached a compromise with Wenshan. As long as Qiuqiu agrees to help Wenshan solve such troubles in front of him, then for Qiuqiu, Wenshan promised that he would not use Qiuqiu in front of him at the most dangerous time. Nor can we take the memory of destroying Qiuqiu as a threat.

What's more, Wenshan can only use some functions in the soul ring before his strength reaches the realm of immortality and becomes a figure of the eternal giant. You can't use the instrument. Qiuqiu doesn't have to listen to any of Wenshan's requirements. However, Wenshan should be satisfied with what the spirit needs.

Help the spirit survive the fifth thunderstorm. In fact, when it comes to thunderstorms. For spiritual weapons, it is better to follow the ghost monk. After all, for ghost monks, they really have to get through every thunderstorm. Only then can you constantly improve your soul level.

This is the reason, it is precisely this requirement, so for such a kind of thing in front of us, it is completely like this, but no matter what, it is a reflection. For such a manifestation, it is completely beyond the expectation of Wenshan in front of us. But anyway, it is needed like this.

It is precisely the existence of such a difference, so it is a kind of action in front of this. There are more or less such different existences. But for the current situation, since such a poisonous spirit came out, it has accepted such a blood sacrifice situation.

"I'm convinced." After such a sound, such an old man is actually basically the same as Qiuqiu in front of him in terms of IQ and strength. But obviously, such a poisonous spirit retains the thought of the previous poisonous spirit, which is still relatively deep-rooted.

It is precisely for the existence of such a reason, that is, when the poisonous spirit is ready to be convinced, suddenly, the highly toxic substances suddenly rushed to Wenshan in front of him. It turns out that for the poisonous spirit just now, it is just a fraudulent surrender.

It is the existence of such a behavior, so for such a behavior in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's judgment. In Wenshan's brain calculation, he did not think of such a prick at all. But this kind of thing really happened at this moment.


It was at this time that for Qiuqiu, the weapon in front of him, he did not regard Wenshan in front of him as a matter at all. After all, for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is this kind of thing that is more or less different. This is the reason, but for Qiuqiu in front of him, he still quickly caught the fraud of the poisonous spirit in front of him.

At this time, Qiuqiu's protective circle became much tighter. At the same time, Qiuqiu was completely spiritually exerted by Qiuqiu for such highly toxic substances around him, and comprehensively mortgaged the poisonous spirit in front of him, not giving the poisonous spirit in front of him a chance to breathe. After all, for a spiritual treasure that has followed the old poison for many years, how can it be subdued with such a simple literary mountain?

For the current Wenshan, there is no consideration at all, and there is no God who makes Wenshan spend a little effort in front of him. After all, there is no need for such a situation at present. For the poisonous spirit in front of us, it is enough for Qiuqiu to solve it.

In fact, for the divine strength of Wenshan in front of him, he is only a soul that has survived a thunderstorm. In such a battle, any energy storm can not be touched by Wenshan. If Wenshan really comes into contact with it, it is completely the act of looking for death. After all, Wenshan's strength is here, and Wenshan can't really touch the current situation.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is this kind of thing that happens, and it is more or less different. It is also the emergence of such different situations that there is still some luck.

However, now, Wenshan doesn't need to really take action by himself. After all, there is the existence of the soul ring instrument Ling Qiuqiu. Among such a dementors, there are some different manifestations. In addition, Qiuqiu's strength is here. It's not what the poisonous spirit in front of us can really deal with.

Coupled with the suppression of the demon Youji outside, and the fear of Taixuanzong, there was not much spiritual intention at all, which was suppressed by Qiu Qiu in front of him at a rapid speed. It was at this time that Wenshan in front of him was completely suppressed.

It is also a situation. For the poisonous spirit of the dementer who did not want to give up like this, at this time, it also began to retreat. Although nothing was shown on the pale face, there was more or less such a face. In the same place.

is exactly this difference, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is also the development of such a thing that is more or less different.

At this time, Wenshan also began to measure such a spiritual weapon. For the spiritual treasure-level space like Dementor Wood, it is still more or less small, but it also has the size of a room. After all, it is not like the soul ring with a huge space, so there is not much space.

But in the current situation, it is completely another thing. In terms of such a thing, it is completely another thing, which is the existence of such an idea, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing.

But in any case, the silk of such a tree in the soul wood and the stripes of that era can still be fully reflected. It is the existence of this kind of reason, so for such a state in front of us, it is completely another thing.

At this time, the poisonous spirit finally chose to surrender to Wenshan. For the condition, that is, don't erase his memory. As for the rest, he did not make so many demands at once to the dementor ring Qiuqiu.

This is also the situation. After Wenshan's spiritual thoughts and the poison spirit in front of him are refined again, there is a feeling for the poison spirit in Wenshan's soul. That is to say, in the soul of Wenshan, the existence of the poisonous spirit in front of him was subdued once.

That is, at this time, in Wenshan's soul, there are already three spiritual ideas that are not Wenshan's own, and Wenshan also lacks three spiritual thoughts. Wenshan's three spiritual ideas are completely fused by a ghost, one is fused by the spirit Qiuqiu of the soul ring, and the other is fused by the poisonous spirit in front of him.

Of course, every spiritual idea of these three creatures is also integrated by Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan also has a certain right to speak about these three creatures.