ghost monk

Chapter 241 Arrangement

Chapter 241 Make Another Arrangement

For such leading figures, in fact, they are selected from the disciples of the four major sects participating in the task every year. And the selection criteria are also very simple. Whoever is stronger is the last real champion. That is, the leading figure of the disciples of the four major sects.

For a person who can become a leader of the disciples of the four major sects, generally speaking, according to the development trend in the next few years, he has great potential in various sects. It is also the reason for this, so for the current problem, it is obviously very enthusiastic about the leaders of the four sects.

For the four major sects, it is actually the Taixuan clan. But on the surface, there is no clear status of the eldest brother of Taixuanzong. That's right, so for the current situation, it is obvious that every sect will not give up the identity of such a leading figure.

This is exactly the case, so for the current situation, for every sect, it is to compete for the reputation of the largest sect. In fact, for a sect, the reason is to compete for such a reputation. The reason is very simple. In addition to a sect, there are many vassals.

In addition to these vassals, there are also vassals. By analogy, if the sect above the top of the pyramid is very strong, there will be more people defending its interests under such a powerful sect. That's why, so every time a person has four major sects participating together, one sect will basically be selected to lead the common actions of the other three sects.

This can completely reflect the more powerful existence of which of the four major sects. That's why, so for the present situation, it is completely to fully reflect the first status of Taixuanzong.

After all, for Taixuanzong, Su Linger and Wenshan sit together. No matter who is between the two of them, he will become the best choice for this task and become the leader of the children of the four major sects.

This is the embodiment of strength. This is why an excellent disciple of a sect appears and becomes the emergence of outstanding talents of the four major sects. This kind of law has been continued. In the last mission of the four sects, the leading figure was the existence of the first person of the young generation of Taixuanzong, Zhan Tailuo Yun.

And Zhu Xiaolei, Tianmo Youji, and Zhan Taijinshi have all been the leaders of the four major sects. They are all the strongest characters of the same generation. After all, this kind of task is once every 20 years, and this kind of task in 20 years is obviously rare, and for those who can really play the leading role in every task, they have become the seed players of the sect at that time and have been vigorously cultivated by the sect.

"Brother Yu Wang, I think the Wenshan of your sect is very capable of leadership. I hope that this time the Taixuanzong will continue to give full play to the spirit of the eldest brother and take our sects to jointly resist the characters in the devil's way. Only in this way can we really reduce the loss of our righteous people. Therefore, we need better unity. Zhang Xiong, who was incomponsive, said.

"Since everyone has elected the wise nephew of our sect as the leader. So for the distribution of the last booty this time, our Taixuan Sect will extract a report of one of the products on the basis of the acquisition of each of your sects! Whether this kind of rule still counts or not. It was at this critical moment that King Xi put forward his own point of view.

For such requirements, it is also a non-becoming provision of the four major sects. There will be a lot of gains in this kind of task. But for this kind of harvest, as a leading figure, there are followers to protect themselves. It is precisely because of this reason, so for the current situation, it is obviously fighting for some benefits for Taixuanzong.

After all, for such a task, their right path is to face the existence of masters in the devil's way. It is precisely for this reason that if they are really not united, for the disciples of their respective sects, they are likely to be destroyed. Only unity can ensure the safety of the lives of the disciples who enter such a task.

This is exactly the case, so for the current situation, it is obvious that unity is a real good way to resist people in the devil's way. At the same time, it also avoids such a situation of disputes between disciples in the right path.

This is the reason for this, so for the current situation, it is obviously very beneficial to the whole Taixuan Sect. After all, for the two players who participated in the mission of Taixuanzong this time, any one can kill all the young disciples of his three sects.

It is precisely this sharp situation that forced the balance of the interests of the other three sects to give a profit of one-perone to Taixuanzong. This layer of profit was led by Zhan Tailuoyun last time.

This is exactly the situation, so the current situation of Taixuanzong is obviously forcing the other three sects to make another commitment. That is, give a share of the profits to Taixuanzong.

In fact, for the king at this time, such an attitude, such as the strength of the ancestors of the three sects, is entirely due to the emergence of young masters under the age of 20 in two divine power stages of Taixuanzong this time. And it's not one, but two.

is the current disciple of Taixuanzong, who is obviously a very good player. For the masters of these two magical stages, it is obviously very good. For such two people, any one can be the leader of this mission.

But anyway, for the other three sects, it is obviously not comparable to the Taixuan sect. After all, for the current Taixuanzong, the popularity is upgrading. Whether it is Han Li, who participated in the task this time, or Fenglei Shaohua, who participated in the battle, is not inferior in front of the disciples of the other three sects who participated in the task.

Han Li stands in such a group of people participating in the mission, at least at such a leading level. Therefore, for the young generation of Taixuanzong this time, it is far ahead of the disciples of the other three sects.

This is the reason, so for the situation at present, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a situation at present, it is completely another thing.

is also the reason for this, and there are still some things. But no matter what, there is more or less something about such a thing at present. It is precisely for this reason, so for all the situations at present, the status of Taixuanzong has been completely improved.

But anyway, for the current situation, no matter what the situation is, it can be said to be a dominant scene for the current Taixuanzong. For such a scene, there is still some difference. It is this kind of existence that allows Taixuanzong to gain more benefits.

That is, after the king just said that sentence, the ancestor-level figures of the other three sects all nodded to each other in recognition. After all, there are indeed a lot of resources obtained for such a task. For their whole sect, it is also quite rich. It is the existence of such rich resources that their sects can gain a lot.

is exactly such a situation, so for the present situation, there is still some or less. It is also for this reason that if it allows Taixuanzong to collect a part of the profits from the other three sects, it is quite rich.

This is also the reason why Taixuanzong or any of the other three sects hopes to become such a leading figure. After all, for such a leading figure, for their sect, in this task, there is not only no need to spend a part of the profits to be exploited by others. You can also earn a net income from the other three floors.

For this kind of non-loss, the business is caused by many people. It is precisely for this reason that the current ability to become a leading figure is obviously occupied by Taixuanzong, and it is not really something that other sects can really get involved. It is for this reason that other sects did not expect to compete for such a leading figure.

"This rule is still decided. At that time, the disciples of our sect still hope that the two virtuous nephews of Taixuanzong will take more care of them. The key is to save their lives. As for some other resources, it is secondary. It was at this time that Lao Wu of Xuanyuanzong said first.

After all, for these big sects, they care about long-term development. For a sect, they care most about talents rather than real resources. Sometimes, resources can be plundered. But what people need is to grow up slowly. After all, when talents grow up, they can help their sects plunder more resources.

is also the reason, so in general, the ability to use resources to protect sectarian talents is caused by many sectarian reasons. At least we can reluctantly accept some things that save the lives of talents with resources.

Compared with Zhan Tailuoyun, the leader of Taixuanzong this time, and Zhan Tailuo Yun, the leader of Taixuanzong this time, there is only such a situation. It is for this reason, so it is obviously very cost-effective for this time to extract a part of resources.

is one of the reasons for this, so for the current situation, for Wenshan to lead the army, at least he is also a master of the divine power stage. With such an outstanding leader, at least when you meet people in the devil's way, you can unilaterally suppress them. That's it, so for them, they can completely plunder more resources from the hands of the people in the devil.

In this way, the loss of their sect can also be made up from this aspect. If you don't agree to the protection proposed by Taixuanzong, for the current situation, the two disciples of Taixuanzong are both cultivation in the divine power stage. Even in the case of talents in the magic way, there is still no problem in self-protection.

Coupled with the existence of perverted characters like Wenshan, no one should be able to threaten the existence of Wenshan in such an environment. It is precisely for this reason, so for Wenshan, it is completely outstanding among the young generation of less than 20.

For such a group of things, it is completely to put all the people of Wenshan in a group of people who have no strength at all. For such a phenomenon, it is a very good choice for the whole thing.

This is the reason, so for the present situation, it is completely equivalent to another disguised change of the whole thing. It is this kind of change, so it is a very good choice for everything.

This is the reason, so the profit of such a result was also raised from Zhan Tailuoyun when he accepted the leading figure. At that time, it was discussed by their extremely ancestors and their own sect. After all, the resources obtained for such a task are quite abundant.

For the situation of such rich resources, if the income is reduced to Taixuanzong, it is also a very huge income. It is for this reason that there is still a big difference more or less. It is the existence of such a difference that more or less makes many people feel the existence of some competition.

is also the existence of such a reason. For the current situation, there is still a big gap. It is this gap. There is a big difference in the current situation. It is this huge difference. There are still some grudges in many people's hearts.

After all, for the other three sects, a profit was extracted by the Taixuan Sect for no reason. For such a behavior, it is quite bad. It is this bad situation that makes many people have such hatred in their hearts.

After all, it is a profit point for the task of the whole sect drawn by Taixuanzong. For such a part of the profit point, it is obviously very much. But at that time, the other three sects considered the comparative strength of Taixuanzong. Therefore, for such a strong force, it is completely equivalent to considering the interests of the whole sect to make Taixuanzong get such a profit.

For the two representatives of the current Taixuanzong, they are all the cultivation ability of the divine power stage. At the beginning, Zhan Tailuoyun was the peak strength of Zhenyuan, because he practiced four kinds of Zhenyuan's power. At that time, he once fought against two people of a sect and won in the end. Finally, a profit point was proposed to other sects.

This is the reason for this, so for the current situation, Wenshan and Su Linger are both cultivation at the stage of divine power. For characters with such a stage of cultivation, there is still such a big gap.

It is precisely the existence of such a huge gap that makes the other three sects in front of them very afraid. It is out of such fear that for the present situation, it is completely to change the whole thing into another situation.

is also such a situation, so for the whole thing, it is completely equivalent to changing the whole thing, and there are still a lot of things. It is also the existence of such a gap that makes the other three sects more or less affirm such a profit point.

After all, for the current Wenshan, the strength can completely compete with Zhan Tailuoyun. The energy of the five attributes, such a powerful energy, is the strength of the intermediate stage of divine power, which can completely fight against ordinary people at the peak level of divine power.

is also such a kind of struggle, which is obviously very unique for such a kind of competition. It is also such a kind of struggle. There is still a little bit of something. It is precisely for this reason that for the whole thing, it is completely to change the whole thing. For Wenshan's strength, if it is really compared, all the children of the three sects participating in the mission are not opponents.

For such a terrible person, one-one profit point is quite cost-effective. At least compared with the previous Zhan Tai Luoyun, he still made a lot of money. That's why they didn't have any discussion with the senior officials of their sect this time.

After all, according to what they negotiated with their own sect before, is that if there is a situation among the disciples of that sect, they can pay more than one or two. It is regarded as paying the protection fee.

In addition, it is the children of the elders of their own sect who came to participate in the task this time. Of course, they have to pay such protection fees. Otherwise, it is difficult to keep the disciples of these tasks safe.

After all, for such a sectarian task, it is completely necessary to take into account the whole person and everything. Otherwise, it is difficult to achieve greater achievements. It is also the existence of this reason that makes many people feel somewhat unstable.

For such a task, it is the first choice to save your life. Otherwise, each sect will not send the real young generation of masters in their own sects. And it is also the existence of a master with extremely rich combat effectiveness.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to changing the development of the whole thing. It is this kind of change that still has a big difference.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely equivalent to a big change in the whole thing. It is this kind of change that there is still a gap.

And for the last time, with the protection of Zhantai Luoyun, it was the only time that there were no casualties. Otherwise, there will be large or small casualties for each mission.

This is the reason, so if the current Taixuanzong proposes to truly extract one part of the profits of the other three sects, the protection of the three sects will naturally be taken into care. After all, for the current characters, even if they really turn against each other, the two disciples of Taixuanzong this time have the ability to protect themselves. If you really work alone, you can't avoid the threat of being robbed by the two disciples of Taixuanzong.

If that's the case, it's better to let Taixuanzong extract a profit point from their sects. In this way, for their sect, they can completely harvest a lot of resources, and maybe in the presence of such a success point, the harvest is quite rich.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely to completely leave all the current situation in the whole thing. For such a case, it is completely to reorganize the profit distribution point of the whole sect. Existence.

But no matter what you say, it is obviously very bad for the current state. At least so far, the real leader is constantly practicing, and there is no guarantee for such a thing.

However, out of the reputation of Taixuanzong, after all, it is also the largest sect, so at this time, the other two ancestors Zhang Xiong and the bitter sea masters nodded one after another and agreed to such a plan.

After all, it is very reasonable for such a plan, which can ensure the safety of the lives of their sectary disciples and ensure that their interests will not be robbed.

After all, for these righteous disciples, they participate in such a mission event. What you have to face are disciples who have many murderous demons. For the disciples in the devil's way, it is impossible to describe the real murder.

For several disciples in the right path under the age of 20 now, although the improvement of strength is still very good. However, for the improvement of such a kind of strength, there is no bloody battle at all, and there is no combat experience at all. For such a situation, it is obviously very bad.

If you really get along with the characters in the devil's way, it is obviously unfavorable for righteous people. At least it is not fully qualified for such a job. It is also the existence of this reason, so for the present situation, it is completely a considerable part of the characters, which is completely equivalent to an extreme test of disguised the whole thing.

For the express consent of such three sects, for the words of King Yu, he has basically completed the handover of his sect to his characters. After all, for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to sending the huge profits of the current Taixuanzong to the front.

After all, for this time, the task space will be opened in advance. Originally, for the whole sect, I thought that there was no such thing as the participation of excellent disciples. But what I didn't expect was that a more powerful figure than Zhan Tailuoyun appeared at the same time.

is also the reason for this, so if you can have the participation of a supernatural figure like Su Linger, you basically have a general affirmation of the whole thing. It is also such an affirmation, so for the whole thing, there is basically no such gap.

But what many people didn't expect is the appearance of Wenshan. After all, it is not simple for Wenshan's cultivation stage and the strength that can completely kill Su Linger in seconds. After all, the person protected by Tianmo Youji. After coming out of the space of the elder seat, no one knows how strong Wenshan has reached.

But the only thing we can know at present is that Wenshan's strength has completely reached another height. Judging from Wenshan's physical quality, the masters at the peak of divine power standing in front of Wenshan are no match for Wenshan. For the characters who practice the cultivation of five divine powers, the combat effectiveness is amazing for every small step of strength improvement.

No one can really doubt the strength of Wenshan in front of him. After all, the speed of improvement of the cultivation of the five divine powers is slower than that of characters with fewer attributes. However, the person who improved his strength this time was Wenshan, and the one who helped Wenshan improve his strength was Tianmo Youji.

In addition, when Wenshan improved his strength, the whole world was discolored, and all the energy of the whole world was concentrated in the space of the elder seat within a certain range. It was also such a large-scale move that made the current scene out of control for a moment.

is also the reason why all the situations at present have different performance. It is this kind of performance that still gives a lot of shocking effects. But no matter what, for everything so far, no one really knows how much Wenshan's strength has reached.

But Wenshan's strength must have been improved. Otherwise, Wenshan will not have just entered such a hall and can't wait to sit down to practice. In this way, it will inevitably prove the existence of many things.

is also the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely equivalent to improving Wenshan's status a lot. Although Wenshan's strength is nothing in front of these ancestors. But for these ancestors, a young disciple with such a strong strength has a strong protective effect on the two disciples in their own sect.

Thinking that Taixuanzong only receives a part of the protection this time, and is still a master of the two divine power stages, for such a situation, for the other three sects, it is completely a very favorable situation. For the other three sects, it is obviously profitable.

This is the difference, so for the present situation, it is obviously very beneficial to the development of the whole thing. It is precisely because of this reason, so there is no need for such a thing at all.

But no matter what, for such a thing, it is completely to tie the interests of the two disciples of Taixuanzong to the other three sects. For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to the whole thing, and for Taixuanzong, they should also earn it this time.

It is at this time that for the king, this kind of transaction is also very easy. After all, under the situation of masters with their own sectarian divine power stage, there is obviously a big difference. At least different from the last Zhan Tai Luoyun leader, Zhan Tai Luoyun needs to compare, and this time the leader is completely determined.

After all, Su Linger and Wenshan's two masters of strength in the magic stage are incomparable here, which is exactly like this, so it is rare for the internal determination of such consistency.

It was after talking with the ancestors of the three sects below, the king got up and prepared to kneel down to the heavenly demon Youji, but was stopped by the heavenly demon Youji and waved his hand to let the king report directly.

For the existence of the other three ancestors at present, the king does not know what the demons think. Still, according to the meaning of the devil, he did not kneel down and report. After all, respect for the ancestors of immortality, and for powerful people, they should have a higher posture.

For Tianmo Youji, even Zhan Taijinshi will kneel down when he sees it. After all, she has now been reported to be the elder of Taixuanzong among the internal ancestors of Taixuanzong. The existence of the Taishang elder of Taixuanzong is different from that of ordinary elders, which is above all rights.

Even the suzerain of Taixuanzong needs to be discussed with the elders. Obviously, it is the right choice for such a thing. It is the existence of such a choice that there is still a big gap.

But no matter what you say, there is still a big gap between the existence of such a gap. It is the existence of such a gap that there are still many things.

"Eleemon, the matter has been discussed. It is still led by our Taixuanzong, and the distribution of profits is also a profit point of 100%. It was at this time that the king spoke cautiously.

In fact, there is no need for such demons to participate in today's discussions with other three sects. Even the king can decide such a thing. After all, Taixuanzong has already escorted the emperor who came to take on this task.

So for everything like this, as long as it is completed according to the conditions given by the sect, he can completely have the power to make a final. That's why, so for the present situation, it can really determine a lot of things. That's why it still determines a lot of things.

However, for the participation of Tianmo Youji, for the words of the king, it is more or less cautious. After all, for the disciples who participated in the task in front of them, they are all disciples of Tianmo Youji. For such disciples, it is also necessary for Tianmo to come and ask.

For the conversation just now, in fact, the cultivation of Tianmo Youji is completely heard. However, out of respect for the Heavenly Demon Youji, it is most important for the king to come out and report it.

"Then Linger will be the leading figure this time." Tianmo Youji's answer to the king has no expression at all, and she looks very lightly on such a thing.

After all, for a character like Tianmo, there is a lot to do about the competition for interests. Moreover, in the face of real interests, the means of competition for Tianmo Youji are not comparable to the low ancestors at all. If it can really make the interests of Tianmo Youji interested, Tianmo Youji will not hesitate to grab it.

This is the reason. In fact, the key to the benefits of the task in this mission space depends on how many resources these disciples can compete for when they enter the mission space. But it is certain that everyone who enters such a task space can more or less truly compete for a lot of resources.

is also a situation like this. In fact, the main reason why such a task can receive such attention from large sects is that the immediate benefit can enable the whole sect to obtain a lot of resources. For such a part of the profit resources, it is actually equivalent to the distribution point of the profits of the two disciples who participated in this mission.

For these disciples who participate in the task, it is not their own who can enter such a task space and get a lot of resources. On the basis of the resources they have obtained, they can only really get a zero-five share of the resources they have obtained.

If you want to get more resources, you must constantly get more resources and make the base of the whole resources you have obtained in the task space. In this case, more resources can be better obtained. This is also the case, so there is more or less great resistance to the current situation.

This is the reason. For the situation, in this case of extracting the benefits of the other party's sect, it is equivalent to completely extracting the rewards of the two disciples participating in the task. And for Taixuanzong, it is completely to extract the division of the interests of the three sects.

For this situation, it is equivalent to reducing the resources obtained by three cases by a total of 30%. On the basis of such a split, the division of the disciples participating in the task of the other party, and on the basis of 90% of the total, take out the situation of such a division of 50%.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, there is more or less a situation where the disciples of Taixuanzong participate in the task only once. On the basis of what they have obtained, there is a ten-peron profit of the other three sects. In this case, for this case, In terms of the disciples of Taixuanzong's participation in the task, it is obvious that he has a lot of income.

In this situation, basically, the whole thing has been completely regarded as a very standard thing. In terms of such things, basically a lot has been done. At least so far, it has been able to increase a lot of resources of Taixuanzong.

But for the distribution of such a profit, for Tianmo Youji, it is not enough to give it all to her alone. That's the reason, so there is no such thing as too excited.

However, such an attitude towards Tianmo Youji is very dissatisfied with the ancestors of the other three sects. After all, for Tianmo Youji, they let their ancestors kneel in front of many disciples of Taixuanzong.

After all, the most important thing for these ancestors is their face. For their face problem, this kind of situation is quite important. But in front of Tianmo Youji, these ancestors knelt down like this. Obviously, it is something that cannot be completely forgiven.

However, in such a situation, several of their ancestors were compromised without too much care, but at this time, Tianmo Youji obviously did not seem to be too satisfied with the distribution point of such profits. After all, the leading figure she sent was Su Linger, not Wen Shan.