ghost monk

Chapter 242 Demon Magy

Chapter 242 The Demon's Majesity

For such a behavior of Tianmo, he is obviously very reluctant to let Wenshan participate in such a thing. For the other three, for Su Linger and Wenshan, obviously, the first choice of the target is of course Wenshan.

Of course, for the ancestors of the three sects, basically split such a part of the profit point, completely thought that the Taixuan sect could allocate two masters of divine power stages to protect their disciples. But what did not expect that Tianmo Youji's decision was to let Su Linger serve as the leader, and she was going to completely isolate Wenshan.

A decision like this of Tianmo Youji obviously offended all the ancestors of the three sects. In addition, for the ancestors of such three sects, they have long felt that the characters of Taixuanzong were a little too proud to do things. Although their Taixuanzong is the largest sect in terms of strength and other comprehensive aspects, it is basically accepted by other sects.

After all, for Taixuanzong, there is also a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. For such a situation, it is completely compared with the other three sects. It is this kind of comparison that is completely equivalent to completely suppressing their Taixuanzong three sects.

However, for such a situation, Taixuanzong has not done too much, and it will still give more or less face to the other three sects. It is this kind of behavior, so for the present situation, it is basically the same way to deal with it, and it is exactly this kind of behavior, so for the present situation, there is basically some discomfort.

But today's Tianmo Youji will obviously not give any face to the ancestors of the three sects present. After all, for the character of Tianmo Youji, that is, when she is at the ancestral level, she doesn't give face. At this time, Tianmo Youji is already a character in the level of immortal realm. For such a period, Tianmo Youji has no affection to say.

This is one of the reasons, so at this time, the faces of the other three ancestors became more and more ugly. The decision made by Tianmo Youji obviously made them uneasy. This kind of behavior is completely in their face. And what they represent is the real sect.

is exactly such a behavior, so it is obviously a very difficult situation for the present situation. In this case, it is completely equivalent to the whole thing, which is a development towards such a trend.

It is a kind of development that makes many people feel a scoundrel. After all, it is worthwhile for many people to think about such a behavior. It is exactly this difference, so there are still a lot of things for the whole thing.

First of all, the king was completely stunned by Tianmo Youji's decision. But after all, it was the decision made by Tianmo Youji, which already represented the will of the upper class of Taixuanzong. After all, Tianmo Youji represents the upper class. For a large sect like Taixuanzong, sometimes the eternal giant in the realm of immortality can completely decide everything.

This is the reason, so for the present situation, there are more or less a lot of things. It is precisely the existence of such things that more or less determines the subtlety of many things.

For Taixuanzong, the elder represents everything. This is not related to the survival of the whole sect, which can be decided by each elder. And it represents the will of the whole sect. Therefore, for the sudden praise of Su Linger by Tianmo, it is obvious that Su Linger was asked to be the leader this time.

According to reason, if it is such a decision, Tianmo Youji would have told the king early. For the words put forward by the king when the conditions were just negotiated, it may be easier to do. But at this time, after being proposed by Tianmo Youji, the whole thing has changed a lot.

At this time, Zhang Xiong, the ancestor who couldn't stand such anger, first said dissatisfiedly, "Our three sects have taken out one-one of the profits. Isn't your Taixuanzong very satisfied?"

For Zhang Xiong, the ancestor of Wujidao, he has a hot temper. For such a difficult temper of Tianmo, it is obvious that his hot temper is very unbearable.

After all, in Zhang Xiong's view, he is an ancestor-level figure, and Tianmo is also an an ancestor-level figure. The status of two people should have been equal. As an ancestor, he has his own dignity. It is the reason for this, so for the current situation, it is obvious that there is no place to put your face.

In addition, he followed him, but he had his granddaughter Zhang Lan and Lin Quan, such an elder grandson. Such a young generation followed him. For Zhang Xiong, it completely angered him. This is also the reason, so for the current situation, it is a big blow to Zhang Xiong.

This is exactly the case, so for the present situation, the change of the whole thing is not completely unchanged. It is such an unchanging situation that more or less makes the current Wenshan's inner heart more or less have some emotion.

After all, in Zhang Xiong's view, Tianmo Youji is only an ancestor-level identity, and she will at least not go too much in front of the general righteousness of the whole sect. After all, the whole world of cultivation is in a state of real peace now. If the whole world of cultivation is triggered because of Tianmo, does Tianmo Youji have the courage to stimulate such a war?

But after all, he has such strength for Tianmo Youji. Among the ancestral-level characters, there are really few people who can really completely suppress Tianmo Youji. But this doesn't explain what the problem is. After all, it has its own way for the existence of Tianmo Youji.

Above the head of Tianmo Youji, it represents the interests of the whole sect. If today's Tianmo Youji really takes action, even if Zhang Xiong is severely beaten by Tianmo Youji, for Zhang Xiong, it is just some pain.

But such a change is a big diplomatic problem for Tai Xuanzong. If it is not solved well, it is likely to trigger a war between the two major sects. If the war breaks out and it is provoked by the ancestors of the two sects, it will not be small.

Then the peace of the current world of cultivation will certainly not be reduced. Instead, it became chaotic. For large sects, for small mountain gates, and for them, the power will eventually be rebaptized. In the face of the reorganization of forces, it is obviously a direct loss to the first sect like the whole Taixuanzong.

At least as the first war sect of Taixuanzong, the loss must be very serious. If it is the union of the other three sects, there are still two things about whether the interests of the first sect of the Taixuan Sect can continue to be maintained. Therefore, the larger the sect, the more difficult it is to worry in the real sense.

In fact, the larger the sect, the more afraid of the outbreak of war. After all, for the outbreak of real war, it is basically a loss for the whole sect. The bigger the war, the greater the economic power of a sect.

If there is a major war between the real righteous people and a new reshuffle, the rise of the devil will threaten the whole world of cultivation. It is this kind of situation that includes the overall view. Therefore, so far, for the whole sect, first of all, it will not support the issue of such a significant change in the war of the whole world of cultivation.

It is also based on such a point of righteousness. Zhang Xiong seems to feel that he has a temper like this. Heavenly Demon Youji absolutely dares not do anything. As long as his foothold is relatively stable, does not serve as the evil fuse of the two sects, and all the words poured on the body of the demon Youji, it has nothing to do with Zhang Xiong about what really happens below.

In addition, considering that Tianmo Youji will not provoke the war of the two major sects, Zhang Xiong is not afraid of the anger of Tianmo. After all, if Tianmo really beats Zhang Xiong, it's just skin and flesh for Zhang Xiong. But for the sectarian infiniteism behind Zhang Xiong, it is face.

In terms of skin and face, it is obvious that the face of the sect is far more important than Zhang Xiong's skin. It is also for this reason that Zhang Xiong can endure the pain of his skin and flesh, but for a sect, he will never tolerate the face of his big sect being threatened.

"Didn't Elder Zhang Xiong hear what I said?" It was at this time that the spiritual idea of Tianmo Youji was released in the whole hall. And once released, the whole spiritual idea will be enveloped by everyone present. Anyone who tries to move will be hit hard.

At this time, it was obvious that the anger of the demon Youji was completely aroused. For such a degree of collision, it is obviously a complete violation of the dignity of the whole person of Tianmo Youji. For such a face problem, although Tianmo Youji is a woman, she has never given up.

In this world of cultivation, forbearance does not represent kindness, but represents real weakness. For weakness, it is obviously a kind of personality that is not suitable for practitioners. It is also this kind of personality, so for the situation at present, it is obviously very unconsistent with their wishes.

For Tianmo Youji's words, no matter when, no one can really violate his will. It used to be impossible, but now it is even worse. After all, the current Heavenly Demon Youji is called an eternal giant.

In fact, in the world of cultivation, a person's face is very important. One sect can die because of face problems and another sect. For the existence of a giant in the world of cultivation, the whole mountain gate of others can be completely destroyed because of face problems.

For an eternal giant like Tianmo, he is the pinnacle of absolute strength. For such a peak figure, it obviously represents a lot of things. In terms of strength, it is obviously not something that ordinary people can really touch.

is also the existence of such a reason, which makes many people more or less have such immersion in their minds. After all, for the character of the devil, he is not a soft-handed figure in the whole world of cultivation. He once offended the owner of a mountain gate of Tianmo, and was directly led by Tianmo with the whole guard members of the Taixuan Sect. Under the maintenance of Tianmo, the members of the Self-Defense Forces directly destroyed such a mountain gate.

At that time, the mountain gate destroyed by the demon was also the vassal mountain gate under the vassal sect. Its scale can completely keep up with the scale of the small hole of Taixuanzong. The strength of the mountain gate owner is already at the ancestral level, in a life-threatening realm.

For that kind of mountain gate, although on the surface is the whole vassal mountain gate of the infinite road. But in essence, they are relatively strong among the vassal mountain gates of Wujidao. The strength of the mountain gate owner is also very strong. For those mountain gate owners, the reason is that it is not their real internal mountain gate. The main reason is still the birth problem.

For a large sect, there is a phenomenon of vassal mountain gates under their sects. For such a degree of vassal mountain gate, it is obviously very impoble. For their sects, it is a complete breakthrough.

For these sects, there is basically no problem. It is this kind of problem that there are still a lot of things. It is this kind of thing that there are still many differences. It is also a kind of difference. For large sects, for the vassal mountain gate, as long as the master of the mountain gate performs well, he will be included in his own sect in a few years.

At that time, it will no longer be a vassal mountain gate. It is precisely to become the son of an authentic sect. For such a situation, it is very common. But it is the owner of a relatively powerful mountain gate like Wujidao. Because he is a vassal mountain gate of Wujidao, he offended the demon Youji and was led by Youji to destroy the door.

In the disaster of the destruction of Tianmo Youji, she was besieged by the infinite inner sect. In response to such a situation, it was basically maintained for a long time by the masters of the Taixuan Sect who rushed behind, and finally the patriarchs of each sect came forward before it was resolved. Taixuanzong only compensated for the material loss.

But there is not much punishment for Tianmo Youji. At that time, the reputation of Tianmo Youji rose rapidly in the whole sect and in the whole world of cultivation. For such a situation, even today, the ancestors of many sects are still somewhat afraid of the demon Youji.

In addition, Tianmo Youji has become the eldest of the ancestors of the whole Taixuan clan. Even in the hearts of the elders, they are afraid of Tianmo Youji. The reason is very simple, that is, the personality of Tianmo is very hot, and the means are also very cruel. Coupled with the popularity of Tianmo Youji's strength, there are many people who are afraid of Tianmo.

So under normal circumstances, it is very rare to offend the demon Youji. It is also the existence of such a reason. Even now, not many people want to really offend the existence of the demon Youji in front of them. But he is not too afraid of an infinite ancestor like Zhang Xiong.

In addition, this time Zhang Xiong represents the whole sect and talks about the interests of the whole sect. Obviously, it is very unfavorable for such a thing. For such a situation, it is obvious that the focus of the interests of the whole sect has been very different.

It is also such a gap, which makes Zhang Xiong more or less have this kind of courage to challenge. At least except for any problems, the sect behind it is against it. In addition, Zhang Xiong's status and the power of his mountain gate are all upper-class among the ancestors in the whole infinite Tao.

Originally, for Zhang Xiong, he didn't need to lead the team in person at all. But after all, it was his granddaughter who participated in this mission and was very favored by him. For such a thing, Zhang Xiong is also happy to take over such a task leader.

This is also the reason, so for Zhang Xiong now, when he just arrived here, he suddenly found that there was such an amazing scene here. The disciples of Taixuanzong are all such geniuses, for their excellent granddaughters and people. Compared with families, they are much inferior.

It was today that Zhang Xiong knew that the arrogance of Taixuanzong had his own capital. Sometimes, looking at the strength of a sect, first of all, you can see a lot of things clearly from the quality of the most basic disciples of such a sect. It is precisely the existence of such a thing, which is a very good choice for the whole situation.

That's right, so it's a very wise choice for the whole thing. It is this kind of choice that happens, and there are still some things. For the whole thing, many times, for many things, there are many differences.

is also the existence of different points in such a situation, which makes Zhang Xiong more or less have a great disgust with the attitude of Tianmo Youji. Even if Tianmo Youji disagrees with their just plan, she can put forward any other requirements for her in person.

is the existence of such an intuitive idea, so it is obviously a very unusual situation for the present situation, and it is obviously very unsuitable for such a situation. It is this kind of unsuitable situation that makes many people feel hurt more or less.

At least just now, Tianmo Youji's tone should not be in a commanding tone. After all, the characters Tianmo Youji is facing now are not the ancestors of their Taixuanzong, but the ancestors of the other three sects, so there are obviously disputes about the tone of Tianmo just now.

At this time, when Tianmo once again ordered Zhang Xiong in front of him in her decisive tone, it was obviously very unwise to scold Zhang Xiong at present. For such a situation, it is obviously very bad.

It was at this time that Zhang Xiong suddenly rose from his position. For Zhang Xiong's behavior, even Lao Wu, the ancestor of Xuanyuanzong, who sat aside, looked old, but he was not much different from Zhang Xiong. At this time, Lao Wu was also very dissatisfied with the demon Youji.

Maybe there is such a contradiction between Wujidao and Tianmo. At this time, Zhang Xiong couldn't stand being scolded by the ancestor of Taixuanzong in front of many juniors. It is also the existence of such a reason that makes such things at present obviously very different.

"Heavenly demon. Isn't that a little too much for you?" Zhang Xiong's face turned red, and the unhappy look on his face appeared. In addition, Zhang Xiong stood up directly from his position. For such a situation, it is obviously a very angry look.

It is also the existence of such a reason, which makes a little anger in Zhang Xiong's mind completely publicize. For what was placed in front of him, he didn't pay attention to the current demons at all. As soon as the tone came out, he competed with the demon Youji.

For such a situation, the king at this time originally stood up and pulled some, letting Zhang Xiong restrain a little.

But Zhang Xiong in front of him doesn't seem to have such an awareness. For the demon in front of us, he seems to disdain the situation. There was a very disapproving expression on his face. He smiled evilly and said, "Heavenly demon, you are so difficult. What if you think you are amazing? Can you poop and fart on the heads of many men of Taixuanzong? Do you still expect to fart in front of my ancestors?

Hearing Zhang Xiong's words, King also knew that it would be useless to stand up. After all, Zhang Xiong's words completely offended the whole person of Tianmo Youji, which is precisely for this reason, so it still makes the current situation more intense.

is also the reason for this, so it has basically changed a lot for the current situation. For such a scene, it is completely a great change in many things. It is also a kind of transformation that makes many people have a great taste in their hearts.

is such a big change. For the whole thing, it is a great provocation for the current demon Youji. After all, Zhang Xiong's words are like scolding the street. It's just a little more tactful and implicit.

But such implicit words make people think more or less. It is this kind of nonsense, so for the whole thing, for such a situation, it is a big change. It is this kind of transformation. More or less, a lot of things have changed greatly.

After the king heard Zhang Xiong's words just now, his face also changed a lot, and he was also very angry. After all, for what Zhang Xiong said, it is clearly and secretly satirizing the heavenly demon Youji, but it is also a great irony for the many ancestors of the whole Taixuan Sect.

For many ancestors of Taixuanzong, they are basically men. Being oppressed by a woman like Tianmo Youji, until now, Tianmo Youji has been the existence of the eternal giant of the whole Taixuan Sect. He is no longer a figure in their ancestral ranks.

This is exactly how it is, so for the current situation, it basically means that the style of the devil is not rigorous. After all, for pooping and farting on a man's head, what can it mean if you are not messing with a man? That is to say, the heavenly demon's cultivation is completely sleeping with men.

For such abuse, if Zhang Xiong scolds him as an ancestor-level figure, it's really okay. However, the object of Zhang Xiong's abuse is the master of the realm of immortality in the true sense. For the master who insults the realm of immortality, it is possible to be killed directly.

After all, the existence of the eternal giant who insults the immortal realm of a sect is also a great insult to the whole sect. It is precisely for this reason, so for the current situation, the king seems to see the feeling that the violent little old man's head in front of him has been directly erased.

is exactly like this, so for the present situation, it is completely another extreme change of the whole thing, which is also the existence of such a change, so for the whole thing, the king feels that this Zhang Xiong is a little too much.

Originally, it was an insult to the whole Taixuan Sect, but for the king, he was completely seeing a clown, opening his teeth and claws here. But the final result is destined to be completely beaten. It is exactly the end of this, so for such a situation, there is basically no problem.

is also the reason for this, so for the whole thing, it is more or less the attitude of watching the play and looking at the current problem. For King Yu, the current problem has been completely intensified by Zhang Xiong. It is precisely this intense, so for everything, it is completely equivalent to spreading many problems on the table.

It is precisely the existence of such a reason that there is more or less something. It is precisely the existence of such a reason that for the whole thing, it completely gives a heated word to the whole thing.

"Hmm, when did your Wujidao be so arrogant that you even dared to abuse me." It was at this time that the overwhelming spiritual ideas first rushed to Zhang Xiong under his eyes.

For the ancestral-level figure who suddenly burst out of the mouth of Tianmo Youji, even the other major sects who are sitting now, are very shocked.

Because for ordinary ancestor-level characters, they basically call themselves ancestors. But the name of this seat is basically this name when it represents the identity of the eternal giant. It is precisely because of this reason, so there are still many problems more or less.

is also this kind of behavior, so it is obviously very slow for the present situation. It is this kind of dullness that there are more or less a lot of things. It is also the existence of such a reason, which is a great challenge for the whole thing.

This is exactly the difference. For the whole thing, it is basically an institutional constraint. When Tianmo Youji said that she dared to challenge the majesty of this seat, Zhang Xiong also seemed to realize something.

But for the realm of immortality, a concept of the existence of an eternal giant still doesn't believe what kind of connection it can be in a woman like Tianmo Youji. However, just after Tianmo Youji finished her words, all the energy in the whole hall pressed towards Zhang Xiong.

Tianmo Youji's control of energy is obviously weak. It is also such a situation that makes the whole scene extremely hot. It is also the occurrence of such a hot scene that it is obviously not so easy to really suppress it.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, perhaps many things can be solved.

It is precisely the existence of such a move that shocked many people. Even the old Wu of other Xuanyuan Sect sitting in the seat, the bitter sea master of King Kong Temple, has changed their faces dramatically.

If the two words called by the demon just now are correct, Taixuanzong represents the emergence of a new eternal giant. For the emergence of an ancient giant, it is completely possible to establish another sect. The reason why their respective sects are called sects and are also one of the four sects of the whole Hanwu Dynasty is because of the existence of ancient giants.

And the original demon way was originally the existence of the demon sect. The reason why it is now that it is fragmented, and no one calls itself the Demon Sect is that there are no eternal giants in those mountain gates and demon paths. There is no real existence of a strong man in the realm of immortality.

This is exactly how it is, so if the current demon is really an eternal giant and a strong man in the realm of immortality, such news must be transmitted back to his own sect. The value of such information is very large. That is, in the future, we should attach great importance to all kinds of things with Taixuanzong.

is also such an emphasis, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to the whole matter. For the current Taixuanzong, it is really a dominant family. Even the merger of the other three sects may not be able to have any threat and constraints to Taixuanzong.

For this time, Tianmo's face was extremely cold. Accuracy of energy control. He did not think of the surrounding aura of Wenshan who was practicing. That is, no one present feels any energy fluctuation. But against Zhang Xiong on the opposite side, he was under great pressure.

For Tianmo, he really dares to take action against Zhang Xiong, the representative of Wujidao. Even the king beside him feels that such a situation is very reasonable. It was at this time that the three ancestors realized that the strength of the demon may have really reached the power of immortality.

Otherwise, as the small ancestor level of Tianmo, no matter how powerful it is, if it involves the fundamental interests and face problems of the two sects, then it is obviously a very unwise choice for Tianmo that directly triggers the fundamental interests of the whole two sects.

is also such a choice. Therefore, there is basically no difference in the whole thing. It is also like this. At this time, if the Heavenly Demon Youji is really the existence of the eternal giant in the eternal realm, for Zhang Xiong's killing, it can involve the face of the ancestors of the eternal realm.

After all, in the final analysis, for Zhang Xiong's behavior, it is completely a kind of disrespectful behavior for ancient giants like Tianmo. It is also this kind of behavior, which is also very reasonable for such an outbreak of Tianmo Youji.

At this time, Zhang Xiong, after saying the words he thought he was very proud, was attacked by Tianmo. For such bold behavior of Tianmo, under the premise of completely ignoring the interests of the two sects, such a direct action is obviously very domineering. .

is also such a kind of domineering. For the whole thing, it is basically equivalent to solving many problems by violence.

But what can explain the problem? What can explain is that the current Tianmo Youji is not afraid of such a thing at all. For such a thing, it is completely equivalent to a great change of the whole thing.

In the whole hall, the atmosphere changed completely in an instant. After all, no one expected that Tianmo Youji would completely block a space in an instant. As for other halls, it is still the same.

The space that was blocked is where Zhang Xiong is located. Even Zhang Lan and Lin Quan, standing behind Zhang Xiong, hardly felt anything. It seems that there is basically nothing special about Zhang Xiong, who is blocked by energy in front of him.

is also the existence of such a different feeling, so for the whole thing, it is completely equivalent to a concentration of all situations. For this kind of change in all situations, there is still something.

But anyway, it's basically different. It is also this difference, so for the whole thing, it is completely aimed at the existence of Zhang Xiong.

is also a difference, so for the whole thing, it is basically such a result. It is precisely this result, so it is basically the same for everything.

Feeling the temperature around him, it suddenly dropped. At this time, Zhang Xiong's face looked like dripping water. After all, Zhang Xiong also knew that Tianmo Youji really didn't care about the harmony between the two sects, so he was directly broken by Tianmo Youji.

It seems that such a gap between the two major sects is quite vulnerable under the attack of Tianmo Youji. For such a situation, it is basically like a piece of paper, directly trampled by the demon Youji. At this time, Zhang Xiong is the white paper. A trampled white paper.

This is exactly the case. For Zhang Xiong at this time, it is basically a state of extreme **. For this kind of being **, it is completely an insult to be exhausted.

At this time, Zhang Xiong was even deeply stung by the cold chill in the space formed alone around him. For such a kind of cold, such a kind of piercing, it is obvious. It is precisely this obvious feeling.

The energy of the crazy attribute, under the control of the demon, in such a narrow space, no matter how high Zhang Xiong's ability is, he still can't avoid such a situation of being attacked. A few times, the body attacked by the demon has no complete skin. The clothes on my body were torn by the direct water energy. Zhang Xiong's strong muscles were exposed. Even the fat ball on the buttocks was also exposed.

At this time, Zhang Xiong tightly blocked the raised place in front of him. Zhang Xiong still blushed for such an indecent raised place.

After all, in addition to the demon, there are also many women such as his granddaughter. If there is only the demon, his face can really not be covered. But with the existence of the younger generation, there is still one of his own granddaughter. No matter how thick Zhang Xiong's skin is, he can't stand such stimulation.