ghost monk

Chapter 244 Cooperation

Chapter 244 Cooperation

For several things that happened this time, if they really spread out in the whole world of cultivation, it is bound to attract countless disturbances.

Whether it is a strong man with less than 20 divine power or a new strong man in the realm of immortality. Both things are big things.

is also such a big thing, so for the current situation, it is basically like this. For the whole thing, it is basically a change to a large extent.

The reason for the current Taixuanzong's domineering is the reason why Tianmo Youji said so heavily. The main reason is that Taixuanzong at this time is different from the past today.

Millions of strong people can condense into the body and initially reach the state of gas gathering, there are 500,000 people like this. Among the 500,000 people, they can break through their strength from the state of gathering energy and the stage of divine power to the realm of killing. Among the 500,000 people, 10,000 can reach 10,000. And if you can reach the legendary realm of immortality and become a figure of the eternal giant worshipped by tens of thousands of people, less than half of the 10,000 people.

And this half also has the ability to change his life against heaven. After thousands of life and death tests, he finally took his life to heaven and successfully became a strong man in the realm of immortality. And if only half of the 10,000 people can have great blessings, be valued by heaven, and become the existence of that half of the eternal giant.

seems to be more. But if we talk about the previous millions of people, slowly calculating to the end, we can completely find that it is completely impossible to guarantee a strong man in the realm of immortality among the millions. That's it, so it's obviously impossible for a situation like this just now.

But in any case, it is really not that simple for the strength of a strong man who can truly reach the realm of immortality. It is not easy for a strong man who can truly become a realm of immortality. It is also for this reason that it is very rare for a strong man to appear in the realm of immortality in the realm of the Hanwu Dynasty within ten thousand years.

This is the reason, so for which sect, which mountain gate, which mountain, which sect. If you can really appear a strong man in an immortal realm and a new person who can appear a complete giant, they are bound to be paid attention to and strongly concerned about.

is because the strength of a strong man in the realm of immortality can completely break the lasting balance. It is also a kind of balance. For the whole thing, it is completely another thing. It is also such a thing that basically exists for such a reason.

But in any case, there is basically a big reason, that is, the occurrence of such a thing can basically really determine a lot of things. That's the reason. How much still determines something or something.

But in any case, for this time, the strong man in the realm of immortality, or the strong man in the eternal realm once in ten thousand years, unexpectedly appeared in the sect of the Taixuan Sect, and such a pattern has been completely broken. After all, for the current four major sects, it follows the existence of many mountain gates and sects.

For such a phenomenon, it is basically a big difference. It is precisely this difference, so for many things, there is such a balance. And breaking such a balance is to wash a force again. The final result can be imagined that there will be a new liquidation of many forces.

It is the emergence of a strong man with such an immortal realm as the Taixuan Sect, so in many cases, it is a great enhancement to the strength of the Taixuan Sect, and for the other three major sects, it is basically a situation that has been greatly suppressed.

is also a kind of situation that has been greatly suppressed, which is completely equivalent to a large degree of difference. That's right, so for many things, it is completely equivalent to a great disguised breakthrough.

The four major sects originally known as Taixuan Sect include Taixuan Sect, Wuji Dao, Xuanyuan Sect and King Kong Temple.

The reason why their four sects are called sects is that among these four mountain gates, there are strong people who think that they are in the realm of immortality. For other mountain gates, no matter how large the scale of development is, if there is no strong man in the realm of immortality, it basically cannot be called sectarianism.

is the reason why the well-known King Kong Temple is called a sect, not a small mountain gate, because there are three holy monks inside it. The strength of every holy monk is the existence of the eternal giant in the realm of immortality. They are all Taoist monks. That's why the King Kong Temple is called a sect.

The actual scale of the King Kong Temple is only a few hundred people. For hundreds of people, the King Kong Temple is called a sect because the real reason is that there are three ancient giants. It is precisely that there is a big difference in the status of the King Kong Temple.

So for a real big sect, it is not because of its size, but whether it really exists as an eternal giant in the realm of immortality. This is the most critical. Otherwise, everything else is floating clouds. Sometimes, the number of strong people in the realm of immortality determines the disparity in the strength of these top sects.

After all, for the strong man in the real realm of immortality, it is completely the strength to keep up with the strength of a real big mountain gate. As long as there is a master who thinks that he is in the realm of immortality, if there is a large sect like Taixuanzong, there are 23 mountain gates and 23 top ancestral figures like this.

However, if Taixuanzong does not have a strong man in the realm of immortality, it is a matter of iron nails to be destroyed. That's why, in general, all of them can have better development under the protection of the strong who have the immortal realm of their own sect.

If the current large sect of Taixuanzong, if all the strong people in the eternal realm are really eliminated, even if the scale of Taixuanzong is ten times larger, even the scale of the ancestors of Taixuanzong will also expand tenfold, and everyone's strength is like Zhantai Jinshi.

But as long as a large sect sends a strong man in the realm of immortality, it can completely solve the ten times the living power of Taixuanzong at one time. That's why it exists, so for these things at present, it is obviously a kind of fear of the strong in the eternal realm.

is also the reason for this, so for all the strong in the realm of immortality, it is the reason why many ancestors are afraid, not that they are a little better than the strong in the realm of life. But these real ancestral-level characters in the eternal realm are a breakthrough of strength in the true sense and have been the final key stage of killing the sky.

For the realm of immortality, it is already the most critical moment to kill the heaven. For the strong in the realm of immortality at this time, the energy they have has almost reached a peak. It is precisely the existence of such a peak energy that determines many things.

is exactly like this, so for many times, it already represents a lot of things. For the strong in the realm of immortality, there is a general conventional struggle and war between the secular world and the cultivation world. It is because the strong in the realm of immortality already has the ability to resist the sky.

Once such an anti-sky ability is exerted, it can truly completely destroy a large sect. That's why, so every new strong man in the realm of immortality attaches great importance to it.

So far, in the whole cultivation world of the Hanwu Dynasty, the truly famous immortal giants are basically the four major sects. The suzerain of Taixuan Sect and the existence of the four elders, there are a total of five immortal giants. Therefore, Taixuanzong is one of the four major sects.

As for the strength of the original old patriarch of Taixuanzong, it is even more unfathomable. There is the existence of a giant on the ground of the Xiuzhen world of the Hanwu Dynasty. In the Xiuzhen realm of the Hanwu Dynasty, no one's strength can completely cover the sharpness of such a giant of Taixuanzong.

But I don't know how many years the old patriarch of Taixuanzong has been in retreat. The new patriarch has been in power for nearly ten thousand years, but the old patriarch of the retreat has not heard from him for ten thousand years. Therefore, for the old suzerain, death has basically been determined.

It is this kind of identification that proves a lot of things, and it is exactly like this that Taixuanzong is estimated to have already dominated the first sect of the whole Hanwu Dynasty. There are no four major sects. It is completely the case of a single tree. It is also such a situation, so for such a thing at present, it is basically such a market.

is also the case, so for many things, there is basically something conclusive. It is precisely the existence of such a conclusive thing, so many things have a big gap. It is also such a gap, so for many things, there is a certain standard.

Wujidao is also one of the four sects. Their sects are three guardians in addition to an eternal giant whose suzerain is the realm of immortality. Such three guardians are also the top figures of the whole infinite Tao and the eternal giants of immortal realm.

There are also four ancient giants in the eternal realm of Xuanyuanzong. The suzerain, the existence of the four elders. As for the King Kong Temple, there are only three eternal giants in the realm of immortality, the sea of suffering, suffering, and suffering. These three highly valued masters of the eternal realm are basically the real strength of the whole King Kong Temple.

That is, as I just said above, King Kong Temple is the least ambitious. They live in a mountain. It is not a treasure of Lingshan, but it is also a place with beautiful scenery. There, three masters of the bitter generation established such a King Kong Temple there.

The establishment of the King Kong Temple is not long, and the three major sects such as Taixuan Sect, Xuanyuan Sect and Wujidao are not comparable at all. But there have also been thousands of years.

But the notes of King Kong Temple are a holy place to promote Buddhism. For such a King Kong Temple, the development of believers is more important than the recruitment of disciples. In the whole territory of the Hanwu Dynasty, King Kong Temple advocated justice and kindness. It is the consistent style of King Kong Temple to help the weak.

It is also a kind of style of King Kong Temple. Although the development scale of King Kong Temple is only 100 people within a thousand years, it is still included in one of the four major sects. On the surface, it is because of the merits and virtues of the King Kong Temple. In fact, the strength of the immortal realm of the three holy monks of King Kong Temple is still there.

Otherwise, if you do more things just because of merit, there are countless holy places like the King Kong Temple in the whole Hanwu Dynasty, that is, several times larger than the King Kong Temple. The merits and virtues they have done are even several years of things in the King Kong Temple every year. There are many merits and moral things done, but they are no longer like the King Kong Temple, with the name of one of the four sects.

It can be completely seen from these aspects that the strength of a sect and the size of its reputation depend entirely on the number of strong people in the truly core immortal realm within a sect. The number of strong people in the realm of immortality has completely changed many different war situations.

It is precisely for this reason that more and more importance is attached to the number of strong people in the realm of immortality, which determines the strength of a sect. It is also the existence of this reason, so for Taixuanzong to have another strong man in the realm of immortality, it is obvious that many major forces in the world of cultivation have stared at Taixuanzong.

After all, in the case of the heavenly demon Youji, the whole Taixuan Sect has the existence of five Taishang Elders and the suzerain of Taixuan Sect. In this way, for Taixuanzong, it is completely equivalent to the number of strong people in the realm of immortality of Taixuanzong, which is basically stronger than the other three sects. It has become a unique scene.

Even if the old patriarch of Taixuan Sect does not appear, or is dead. For the Taixuan Sect, that is, there are three Taishang elders left (since the new suzerain was upgraded to the new suzerain of the Taixuan Sect, the old suzerain has been demoted to the level of Taishang Elder.)

So if you don't know whether the dead or the living old patriarch is really dead, not everyone who is singing can really know. That's why it exists, so for the current situation, basically no one has really replaced the position of the old suzerain.

But for the strength that can be taken out so far, only the new patriarch and the three elders are the strong in the realm of immortality. Originally, the main reason why Taixuanzong became the head of the four sects was that it occupied the existence of a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure level in the hands of the new patriarch of Taixuanzong.

But so far, for the current matter, it basically has its own ability. It is also the case of one China, so for everything, it basically has its own characteristics. It is also the existence of such characteristics, so for many things, it is basically the existence of such a real strength.

The original Taixuanzong, basically has real strength, in fact, is the same as the four immortal realms as Wuji Dao and Xuanyuanzong. It's just that the old patriarch of Taixuan Sect is a strong man who does not know the realm of immortality of life and death, and the existence of a spiritual weapon punishing demons, so Taixuan Sect has always been known as the head of the four major sects.

But this time with the display of the strength of the Tianmo Youji of Taixuanzong, the current Tianmo Youji is already a master of the realm of immortality. For such a master, it basically represents the real strength of the five immortal realms of Taixuanzong, and steadily suppresses the balance of the eternal giants of the other four sects.

So. For the promotion of the strength of Tianmo Youji, there is bound to be a great shock in the whole cultivation world of the Hanwu Dynasty. Some mountain gates, organizations and sects between the original wandering and the four major sects are bound to have a certain closeness.

After all, the exposure of the strength of the immortal realm of the current Tianmo Youji is basically fixed for the largest sect of Taixuan Sect. In this way, it is a great shock for the Heavenly Demon Youji to be the cultivation of the realm of immortality. Otherwise, the ancestral-level figures of the three sects at this time would not be so fearful.

Even between these four sects, there is also their own camp. Wujidao and Xuanyuanzong are good friends. And Taixuanzong and King Kong Temple have a good relationship. For such a kind of balance restriction, obviously, the current Wujidao has completely offended the Tianmo Youji of Taixuan Sect in the true sense.

Otherwise, Tianmo Youji will not say harsh words and directly dare to kill Zhang Xiong, an ancestor-level figure of Wujidao. If ancestor-level figure of a sect goes out, he will be killed. The threat of such an immortal-level strong man to the ancestor of Wujidao is actually a challenge to the face of a sect.

For the current situation, it is basically a matter of the face of the two major sects. For such a problem, the key is which sect is soft, and admitting defeat is the right choice. Otherwise, it is obviously an extremely bad thing.

is also such a decision. Basically, it is in the end, and a sect must be soft. Taixuanzong's strength and infinite softness are expected.

It was at this time that Xuanyuanzong, who had been friends with Wujidao, was also thinking about whether he really needed to make friends with Wujidao or Taixuanzong. After all, even if Taixuanzong doesn't get close by himself, the position of the boss of Taixuanzong is already fixed. There is nothing to argue about such a determined matter.

For this aspect of power, it is basically that some advantages gather together, and if there is no profit, they will be dispersed, which is as simple. The rest are not as satisfactory as this. But no matter what, there is basically no problem.

is also such a problem, so there are basically many problems in the situation at present. That's why, so for many things, there are basically many things. It is also such a thing, such as the interests between sects, or what kind of disputes, or gathering or dispersion. In short, there are many things.

is also the reason, so for many things, there are basically many things. But no matter what, there is basically a big gap. It is also this gap, so for things in the real big sect, the change is also very fast.

The fact that the ancestral-level characters of these three sects have broken through the strength of Tianmo Youji to the realm of immortality has been reported to their own sects. The most important thing is to let the sect make some decisions in advance, make some key decisions for the rise of Taixuanzong and the hegemony of Taixuanzong. .

Sometimes, news is the most fundamental question that leads to the real strength or weakening of a sect. It is also the existence of such a problem, so for such important news, you should tell your sect as soon as possible.

As for the 20-year-old masters of Wenshan and Su Linger's two magical power stages, they should also report on the focus of this task. However, the matter of a strong man with a realm of immortality like Tianmo Youji was obviously reported after being selected.

This is exactly the situation, so for the present situation, it is completely equivalent to another view that the whole thing has also happened. It is also the existence of such a point of view that more or less makes such a thing in front of us extremely cookie.

is also such a situation, so for many things, there is basically a big difference. It is precisely the existence of such a difference that more or less the matter of Wenshan and Su Linger is only included in the investigation of young disciples of major sects, which is included in the key object.

After all, Wenshan and Su Linger have such cultivation at their current age, which, of course, is of great concern to many sects. After all, for a highly talented person like Wenshan, it is very easy to enter the realm of life-threatening cultivation.

For Wenshan and Su Linger, it is basically the cultivation of entering the realm of life-threatening, and when entering the realm of life-threatening, it is completely a balanced balance that can truly subvert the strength of the whole ancestor level.

For the other three sects, their biggest gain this time is to know the two secrets of Taixuanzong, whether it is the major secret of a strong man in the immortal realm like Tianmo Youji, or a figure with a divine power stage of less than 20 like Wenshan. As for Su Linger's cultivation at the divine power stage, she was rewarded by the detectives of the three major sects early, and the cultivation of Wenshan and Tianmo Youji was another reward.

But no matter what, for the current state, for the current form, for Wenshan or Su Linger, Wenshan will become a genius in the cultivation world of the Hanwu Dynasty, and Wenshan's reputation is expected to rise soon. If the name of Tianmo Youji is added after Wenshan's reputation, it is estimated that the speed of Wenshan's fire will further increase.

At this time, after each of the ancestors of the three sects reported, the king turned his eyes to them. For the Heavenly Demon Youji just now, the cooperation conditions for this mission have been put forward. For King Yu, as long as the other three sects agree to the conditions of such deduction, the cooperation will continue, otherwise it will be directly denied.

After all, the conditions for the cooperation just now are proposed by Tianmo Youji. That's why, as an ancestor of Taixuanzong, he has long known the real strength of Tianmo Youji and the position of Taishang elder in Taixuanzong. It's exactly like this, so the king can only meticulously implement what the demon Youji said.

Even if there is any idea in the king's heart, it can't go against the will of Tianmo Youji. After all, in the Taixuan Sect, as long as it is not a matter of hurting the sect or opposing the whole sect, as long as it is the matter ordered by the Taishang elders, the people under it will be done unscrupulously, otherwise it will be handled in violation of the patriarchal rules.

If the king really violates the order of Tianmo Youji and privately negotiates other conditions with other ancestors, he will feel a burst of heartache. After all, the Heavenly Demon Youji has the power to directly kill the king. After all, although the king is an ancestor-level figure, he is a member of the Taixuanzong. Killing his own people is basically practicing family rules. No one has enough to go back to take care of the affairs of the Taixuanzong family.

So at this time, the king did not dare to be sloppy at all. For the conditions put forward by the demon Youji just now, the king did not expect to discuss with the other three major sects at all. After all, for King Yu, since Tianmo has put forward such a condition, it is for the sake of the face of the sect, and it is no longer possible to bargain. At the same time, it also shows a kind of respect for the strong man in the eternal realm of Tianmo Youji, the Taishang elder of Taixuanzong.

"King Ancestor, our Xuanyuanzong agreed to the request of Lord Tianmo and was willing to pay 30% of the profit points to your sect. I hope that Su Linger's virtuous nephew of your Taixuanzong can take care of Ye Lingshu and Fu Xiaorou of our Xuanyuan Sect."

It was at this time that the demon Youji had disappeared in the whole mission hall for a long time. After reporting the situation to his sect, Lao Wu first got up from the kneeling posture. At this time, it seemed that the whole person suddenly became much older, and his whole body trembled.

After all, he is an ancestor-level figure in the desperate realm. From the current performance of Xuanyuanzong Lao Wu, it can be seen that he was really scared into a cold sweat by Tianmo Youji. For the strong suppression of the immortal strong man of the demon Youji, it is basically a completely given theory of the present situation.

For Lao Wu's decision of Xuanyuanzong, Yu Wang also saw that this was the unanimous decision of the senior management of Xuanyuanzong. For such a decision, Xuanyuanzong is also a gesture of goodwill to Taixuanzong. After all, for Xuanyuanzong, who has always been closely related to Wujidao. Headed by Taixuanzong and King Kong Temple, two camps have basically formed.

At this time, it is obvious that Taixuanzong is powerful, so the scale of the balance has begun to deflect. It is no longer a balance as before. Such a balance has basically changed in another way. It is exactly this kind of change. For such things, it is basically like this.

is also the reason, so for Xuanyuanzong's task this time, 30% of the interests of his sect were taken out. In fact, one of them is nominal protection fees, while the other two is the cost of goodwill.

For the choice of Lao Wu of Xuanyuanzong, King Yu has basically seen a lot of problems. That's right. For many things at this time, the king only wrote it down carefully. I didn't say much. On the contrary, it is unintentional to say too much.

For the current king, it represents a real big sect, so the momentum is also very strong. Facing this choice of the ancestors in front of us, the three ancestors at the scene are suffering. On the contrary, it makes the king relaxed.

After all, the three ancestor-level characters in front of them are in trouble, which is entirely due to such an effect formed by the disaster of the immortal realm of their sect. It is also a kind of difficulty, which has basically clarified many problems.

It is precisely under such a clear situation that many things have been basically solved. It is also a solution of this kind. So for many things, many of them are such a situation.

For such a situation, it is completely a reflection of the strength of Taixuanzong to a large extent.

It was at this time, after another dullness, the bitter sea master of the King Kong Temple also said with an old face and a smile to the king in front of him: "Lao, I just want the king to help me say that he offended Lord Tianmo. Lao Na is unintentional. I didn't expect that at this age, Lord Tianmo could reach the realm of immortality and set foot on the eternal road. The future is unlimited.

"As for the profit distribution of this mission, we King Kong Temple also agree with Lord Tianmo. In order to make up for the rudeness of the old man just now, we asked Wenshan Xian's nephew to protect the two disciples of our Jingang Temple. As for the harvest, don't mention it any more. Even if it is all for you, it should be given to Taixuanzong. Just give these two disciples some exercise.

Everyone can accept the profit commission of King Kong Temple's agreement with the distribution of Tianmo Youji. But what I didn't expect was that the choice of King Kong Temple turned out to be Wenshan. Wenshan's profit commission for King Kong Temple reached 60%. Such a large commission is completely worth twice the 30% of the commission for choosing Su Linger.

Is it just to express the rudeness of Master Bitter Sea to the Heavenly and Demon, or is it such a huge gift from the King Kong Temple to congratulate the strong man who has been promoted to the realm of immortality. But no matter what kind of income it is, it is quite rich for Taixuanzong at this time.

That is, for the behavior of the King Kong Temple, that is, the other two major sects, it has been completely seen that the old bald donkey completely convinced his sect to the Taixuan Sect. Although it is a kind of cooperation on the surface, it is actually a kind of flattery to Taixuanzong.

In fact, for King Kong Temple, it seems to be a righteous and highly valued holy monk. In fact, any developed sect has its own interests. Decisions for any sect are made for the future development of their own sect.

That's exactly what it looks like, so it can't explain what it looks like about the behavior of the King Kong Temple. On the contrary, in terms of the current situation, there are basically many differences.

Subsequently, even the infinite Tao of the heavenly demon who had just offended Taixuanzong was obviously an unfair kind of cooperation, but after Zhang Xiong reported to his sect, he also made the condition of choosing Su Linger for cooperation, 50% of the commission. After all, if Wujidao really chooses Wenshan as the object of cooperation, it will be 90% of the profit.

For such a situation, it is obvious that Tianmo Youji is not ready to accept the favor of the infinite Tao. It can be seen from the difference in this kind of drawing. That's exactly what happened. At this time, between Taixuanzong and Wujidao was basically Liangzi.

But even in this way, Wujidao, as one of the four major sects, has to put down his face and accept a kind of punishment made by Taixuanzong Tianmo Youji. After all, for a large sect, the loss of a little profit point is really insignificant compared with the stable future development of the whole sect.

It is exactly this kind of situation, so under the situation of criticism like Tianmo Youji, I completely accepted such an unfair cooperation. For this task, the income that Taixuanzong wants to get really occupies three or four times that of other sects. For such a situation, it is also the reason for the rise of talents like Wenshan and Su Linger. Of course, the biggest reason is the exposure of the eternal realm of Tianmo Youji.

At this time, some young disciples who have been standing behind the ancestors of each family are not good at such an unequal condition. For them this time, they can basically get a lot of resources in this task.

And the reason why they can participate in this mission is that in addition to being excellent in their respective sects, the most important thing is that their sects hope that they can get experience and also a good opportunity for them to make a fortune. In the mission space, there are a large number of good things and a large number of good resources.

But at this time, the profit points charged by Taixuanzong's protection fee are five or six times more than what they received, and even more than ten times. In this case, it is obvious that the harvest of the tasks they participated in by these talented teenagers has also been greatly reduced.

But for these people who have grown up in such a realistic world. For such a phenomenon, it is also not used to it. It is this kind of situation, so so far, for such a kind of situation, it can basically explain a lot of problems.

For such a situation, there is basically no room for these disciples to speak. It is also very touching in their hearts that Tianmo Youji is a strong person in the realm of immortality. At the same time, it is obviously a happy thing for Su Linger and Wenshan to be strong people who have such an eternal realm.

And they also see that Wenshan is highly valued by Tianmo Youji. Otherwise, in this unequal condition, the conditions given to a person like Wenshan are exactly twice that of Su Linger.

This is exactly the case, so for the current state, Wenshan or Su Linger, it is the target of envy and hatred in the hearts of these young girls. For the protection of the two of them, they can draw a lot of commission. Thinking of this, their inner little Jiujiu is not very happy.

But for these things that have experienced since childhood, it's not just the present. For those with strong strength and those with strong power, you have to bow your head, otherwise your head will be broken. It is often the same for everything. Sometimes, stubborn personality may not take advantage of anything, but will be greatly hurt.

For this cooperation, even the young children of the other three sects also silently agreed.