ghost monk

Chapter 243

Chapter 243 The end

This kind of attack came so fast. Zhang Xiong can't resist at all. It was at this time that Zhang Xiong was directly defeated by the move of Tianmo Youji.

For the whole process, it is so direct and clear. There is no delay at all. It is precisely the existence of such a step. It still surprised everyone at present.

"The power of space, the eternal strong."

It was at this time that such words suddenly came out of the mouth of the ancestors of Xuanyuanzong beside him. After all, for the current situation, the situation has basically been completely given. It is also this direct definition that completely shows the strength of the basic * Tianmo Youji.

For the devil to truly master the power of the whole space, such a means is already very simple. It is also the reason, so for this situation at this time, it is completely out of the ideas of Lao Wu, the ancestor of Xuanyuan Sect, who were present, and the bitter sea master of King Kong Temple.

For those who can master the power of space, only the immortal giants can master it. For the general space power, the easy operation and instantaneous display of Tianmo can't be done in other spaces.

After all, at that time, the whole elder's seat was completely closed today. It was due to the space problem of the whole elder's seat that the energy of the devil completely closed the whole space. That is also the location of the elder-level seat with the existence of a space array.

Sometimes, if you want to directly form a space, you need external forces. Most of what is needed is the use of development. Of course, energy can also form space. But the space exerted like Tianmo Youji now is the formation of pure space power. It is also the formation of such a spatial force that basically set a style.

What Tianmo uses casually is the pure power of space, which directly closes Zhang Xiong in a narrow space, performs skills, and punishes Zhang Xiong. Such a small hand alone is not really comparable to the strength of the ancestors.

is also such a means, so for such a situation at present, it is completely impossible for ancestor-level characters to do. At this time, he also began to doubt the real strength of the demon. Is he really a strong man in the realm of immortality? With the existence of the eternal giant, the strength of the demon has really crossed that step and entered the realm of immortality.

Thinking of this, even the besieged Zhang Xiong realized his carelessness at this time. If the strength of Tianmo Youji really reaches the realm of immortality, even if he is completely killed now, then Taixuanzong will not be afraid of their infinite existence.

After all, the current nature of Zhang Xiong is completely insulting an ancestor in an immortal realm, and the abusive words are quite unpleasant. This is exactly the case, so for the whole thing, it's completely Zhang Xiong's fault.

There will be no mistake in the end.

It was at this time that Zhang Xiong suddenly realized that his existence provoked the two major sects. For such a thing, it finally developed into himself, which really made Zhang Xiong, who was confined in the space, very anxious. That's exactly the case, so Zhang Xiong's mood at this time is also very exciting.

It's exactly like this. At this time, it was already full of ugliness in the narrow space. At this time, Zhang Xiong actually knelt directly to the devil.

Zhang Xiong can no longer take care of his current ugliness. It's really hard to say whether you can save your life. After all, Zhang Xiong can clearly feel in his mind that the one in front of him is a strong man in the realm of immortality and a real figure standing at the peak of martial arts.

For the person standing at the peak of energy, it can basically determine a lot of things. Including the future development of a sect and the future direction of a sect. Including the real development direction of a sect and so on. It is also like this. At this time, for the infinite ancestor who can directly beat Zhang Xiong.

For the behavior of Tianmo, it has completely represented the will of Taixuanzong. At this time, Tianmo represents the upper-class figure of Taixuanzong. Therefore, the heavenly demon hit Zhang Xiong at this time, which completely shows that Tai Xuanzong is not afraid of the existence of infinite Tao at all.

And Tianmo Youji enters the realm of immortality, which is a great help for Taixuanzong. After all, for Tianmo Youji, it is completely equivalent to a great improvement. For the upper power of Taixuanzong, it is further strengthened. It is the existence of this effect, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to the strength of the whole sect that is slowly changing greatly.

It is exactly this change, and a lot of things have happened. For such a thing, it basically explains a lot of problems. For such a problem, it is completely equivalent to committing Zhang Xiong's whole body to such an event.

For a sect, if there is really an ancestral-level figure who has stepped into the realm of immortality, for such a sect, a grand ceremony should be held for such a new immortal realm. People from all over the world are invited to come to worship. In this way, it is also announcing the strengthening of the power of its sect to the whole world of cultivation.

There are many ancestors, so the birth of new ancestral-level characters does not represent anything. But for the realm of immortality, there are very few characters of eternal giants. It is in this situation that the existence of ancient giants is very rare.

And the number of powerful people in the eternal realm of a sect, the number of eternal giants, completely determines the strength of a sect. For a large sect, it is completely comparing the number of eternal giants of a sect to determine the real strength of a sect.

And there is a clear rule in the world of cultivation, that is, the ancestor of the eternal realm, the existence of the ancient giant, cannot take action against the little people under the realm of immortality, let alone kill them. Otherwise, it will announce the beginning of the battle between the whole sects. The beginning of the real war in the world of cultivation.

After all, for the existence of an eternal giant, for the strong man in the immortal realm, if it is really to kill a small person of a sect, it is really easy for them. It is under such an easy situation that the master of immortality and the ancient giants take action against ordinary little people.

It is such a move that illustrates the existence of many problems. After all, sometimes it explains a lot about this kind of problem. The most important thing is to show that the master of the real realm of immortality is basically static. After all, if you really take action against the master of immortality, at least many people can die.

And if they are killed by the strong in the eternal realm, they are basically ancestral-level figures. If this is true, it will inevitably destroy the most powerful of a real sect.

For Tianmo Youji, basically will not take the initiative to kill ancestor-level characters, especially the ancestor-level characters of other sects. This is the unwritten rule between their immortal characters. For such a rule, it is also limited to the people in the devil's way.

The rule is that no matter what kind of battle, characters from the immortal realm cannot join. Once characters with immortal realm join, the level of the battle will be upgraded. That is to say, the nature of the war has changed, that is, the strength of both sides will be required, and all of them will enter the battle situation.

is also such a situation. For the current situation, there are basically many things that cannot be completely decided. However, for the current results, it is basically like this.

For everything, it is basically the existence that can determine a lot of things. This is exactly the case, so in general, there is a big gap.

Even now, for Zhang Xiong's insult to Tianmo Youji, Tianmo Youji can inspire and suppress and constantly whip Zhang Xiong, but she can't kill him. It can even abolish his meridians and destroy Dantian. This is the punishment for his ancestor who offended the realm of immortality, but he cannot resist the charge of killing the ancestors of other sects.

Therefore, this is the current state. Although Tianmo Youji hates Zhang Xiong in front of her, she can't kill him. After all, if Tianmo Youji had not broken through the current state a few years ago and entered the real realm of immortality, she had the full strength to give full play to herself.

After all, if the strength of Tianmo Youji has not been promoted to the realm of immortality, the strength of Tianmo Youji at that time was only the peak of the life-threatening realm. Only one step has not stepped into the realm of immortality, so for Tianmo Youji, she is an ancestor-level figure.

is a kind of comparison between the immortal realm and the life-threatening realm, between the ancestral-level characters and the characters of the existence of the eternal giants, for such a situation. It is equivalent to a large hierarchy. And such a system is not at all confused by the present ancestral-level figures.

This is exactly the case, so for the current phenomenon, it is completely a consideration of meeting the whole thing.

is also such a consideration, so for the current matter, it is completely equivalent to the time when the devil is at the ancestral level. Although his strength is already very strong, he is the first existence among the ancestral characters in the desperate realm. But for the heavenly demon Youji at that time, it was completely possible to kill the ancestors.

However, when the demon Youji crossed a threshold from the realm of death to the realm of immortality, it was equivalent to bringing all the people of the demon Youji into such a threshold. So for Tianmo Youji, it is a huge change in identity, status and strength.

At the same time, there is also such a set of shackles on the body of Tianmo Youji. For such a set of shackles, it is completely equivalent to having a certain rule limit for Tianmo Youji. After the restriction of such a rule, the whole thing is also undergoing great changes. .

At least for the past, Tianmo was able to kill ancestor-level characters, and now if they really attack ancestor-level characters, such a constraint between other sects or strong people in the eternal realm is equivalent to being trampled by Tianmo Youji.

If it is really like this, it is obviously very undesirable in terms of Tianmo Youji, who has just entered such a realm of immortality. It is also for this reason, so for the current situation of Tianmo Youji, it has basically reached the power of immortality.

So it is simply a constraint on the demon. No matter what, you can't easily participate in the war for the Heavenly Demon Youji. After all, how many people are willing to offend the strong in the realm of immortality? Not to mention a strong man in the realm of immortality with a more hot temper.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, Zhang Xiong did not know that the heavenly demon Youji in front of him was already a strong man in the eternal realm, so this kind of abuse appeared. If you really know that the strength of Tianmo Youji has reached the realm of immortality, then Tianmo Youji is absolutely high-level in the whole Taixuan Sect.

Any decision made by Tianmo is the decision of Taixuanzong. If it really becomes the fuse of Taixuanzong and Wujidao blood ping because of Zhang Xiong, it is basically a limit for the current Tianmo Youji.

After all, for a strong person in the realm of immortality, although there is an agreement that they cannot fight against ordinary ancestral-level characters, for the strong people in their immortal realm, they can completely order the ancestors-level figures under their own door to be their own thimps and help themselves take action.

There are thousands of ways to kill a person. That's right, so it's definitely not a good thing to offend a strong man in the realm of immortality. It is precisely for this reason, so for the current situation, it is obviously not a good way to offend the strong in the eternal realm at present.

This is exactly what happened, so for the current situation, I didn't know that the strength of the demon Youji had improved at all, so I offended it. If they really know that Tianmo Youji is already an eternal giant with the strength of immortality and the identity of the elder of Taixuan Sect, it is very likely that they will kneel down and beg for mercy.

This is exactly the situation, so for Tianmo Youji, it is completely an undisclosed thing. As for why Tianmo Youji has never announced her identity as an immortal strongman, and what Taixuanzong is hiding, is it also ready to dominate the whole world of cultivation? I don't know what kind of conspiracy exists for the concealment of such a thing of Taixuanzong.

After all, for the concealment of the identity of a strong man in the realm of immortality, Tianmo Youji also directly retreated from the position of the ancestor of Tianmoling of Taixuanzong to become an elder of the sect. The whole thing seems simple, but in fact, there are many things hidden in it.

It was at this time that Zhang Xiong, who was originally arrogant, and Zhang Xiong, who had roared at Tianmo Youji, had to kneel down and kneel down to Tianmo Youji in front of him.

At this time, the whole scene was dead. For such a situation, this is the reality. Sometimes, there is such a thing in this world of cultivation. For the whole thing, there is such a more realistic thing in this world.

After all, for the current situation, it is completely the existence of such a reality. Generally speaking, many people are very sophisticated when it comes to bad things.

When a person is very weak, he is compared and discriminated against by those forces, but when such originally weak people suddenly become strong, there is a complete reversal of the current situation. It is also such a reversal phenomenon that fully illustrates the great gap, reality and worldly wisdom.

After all, for a person like Zhang Xiong, once he knows that the heavenly demon Youji in front of him is actually the cultivation of the realm of immortality, he has an earth-shaking feeling with the cultivation of the ancestral level. That's exactly why Zhang Xiong gave all the dignity he should have for the strong in the realm of immortality.

After all, Zhang Xiong had just offended the existence of Tianmo Youji, which is exactly the same thing. Therefore, for the current situation, Zhang Xiong's behavior is completely to please Tianmo Youji, or begging for the forgiveness of Tianmo Youji. Even at this time, Zhang Xiong no longer regards himself as an ancestor-level figure.

After all, there are still a lot of things for such behavior. It is also this kind of behavior, so for everything, it is completely equivalent to a different view of the whole thing. That's exactly the situation, so for the whole thing, it's completely another thing.

is also the reason, so for the present situation, it is completely a great contrast. At this time, it was Lao Wu, the ancestor of Xuanyuanzong, who originally sat there, and Kuhai, the master of King Kong Temple, all of whom looked cautious. They quickly stepped forward, knelt down to the ground and saluted the devil.

At this time, these three people knelt down to Tianmo, with a sincere look on their faces. After all, for such three people, they fully knew the existence of the real strength of Tianmo Youji in front of them. That's why, so for the things in front of us, it's completely equivalent to their previous unreasonableness to the Heavenly Demon Youji. If the Heavenly Demon Youji really cares about it, it will have their suffering.

Although as a strong man in the realm of immortality, it is basically impossible to kill the existence of characters in the realm of immortality. It is also for this reason that strong people in the realm of immortality are generally unable to participate in any fighting situations. But this does not mean that there is no way for a master of immortality to rehabilitates an ancestor-level figure.

For the world of cultivation, strength represents power. The stronger the power, the greater the power it represents. It is precisely for this reason that the strength of the current demon is basically at the real peak of the whole world of cultivation, and it is basically rare for the strong in the eternal realm.

can really break through from the cultivation of the realm of life to the realm of immortality. For the rapid progress of such a kind of cultivation, it is completely equivalent to a great change in the strength of the whole person, and it is also the existence of such a change, so a kind of difficulty for such a person can It's very big.

It is very difficult to really step from the realm of life to the realm of immortality. It is also the relatively difficult of this kind of coefficient, which is basically a test that requires a lot of effort to really complete such difficulty.

is also the existence of such a test, so for the current situation, it is basically such a situation. It is also a situation like this, and there will still be more or less such a little. It is also such a situation, so for Tianmo Youji, who can also become a strong person in the realm of immortality, it is said that the test that tomorrow Demon Youji will experience is also very great.

For masters who can become immortal, they are basically evil-level characters. For a character like Tianmo Youji, when he was young, he was still much more arrogant than Zhantai Luoyun. It's not the peace of Zhan Tai Luoyun now. They are the real evil people.

For cultivation, it is actually an act against the sky. For such an act against the sky and competing with the sky, it is completely equivalent to competing with the whole world. What is needed is more courage and real talent. Sometimes, a person's achievement depends on the size of a person's talent.

But sometimes it is not surprising. Some people's success depends on great opportunities. With a good opportunity, I have improved my talent and strength. Wenshan was originally in the capital, and he was originally a very ordinary person, but the first spiritual weapon he met was the soul ring at the level of spiritual treasure.

In such a spiritual weapon, there are many good things. It is also the existence of such a series of good things that more or less determines something. It is also such a choice that is obviously very bad for the whole thing.

is also the existence of such a huge opportunity. For Wenshan, the profit is also very large. It is also the existence of such a large benefit, which also leads to a lot of differences. It is exactly this kind of thing, so for many things, it is basically a balanced role. It is also the existence of such a great opportunity that has also made Wenshan successful.

So, sometimes, it takes great opportunities to reverse a person's own talent.

Tianmo Youji didn't say anything about this kind of kneeling. The whole person got up and left. Before the Heavenly Demon Youji took away, he said to the people below: "The commission of Wuji Tao should be drawn to 50%, and the commission of the other two major sects should be 30%. Those who want the disciples of our Taixuanzong to participate in the mission to protect, just decide. If you don't need it, get out of here.

"The leading figure is Su Linger. If you want to get the protection of Wenshan, the commission of Wujidao is 90%, and the commission of the other two sects is 60%. As for Zhang Xiong, he is not allowed to take half a step in the future. Otherwise, if I meet you, I will use your internal strength to cut off your meridians and refine your soul.

After the demon said what he had just said that day, he left directly regardless of the reaction of the people below. It was at this time, when the demon left, Wenshan, who had been closing his eyes and nourishing, also slowly recovered from practice. For Wenshan, what happened just now is completely unknown.

Wenshan didn't know that so many things would happen in such a short period of time. Wenshan could not think of the sudden anger of Tianmo in advance. After all, for the character of the demon, as well as the strength and fame of the demon, no one should dare to offend the demon Youji.

But for a stupid person like Zhang Xiong, he really makes such a fearless irony of Tianmo Youji. I think that the sect behind me can really protect myself. It is also for this reason that Zhang Xiong in front of him is more or less at a loss.

That is, after the heavenly demon Youji left, Zhang Xiong, the ancestor of Wujidao, collapsed to the ground like this. For the danger just now, Zhang Xiong was completely scared. Zhang Xiong didn't know what was going on. Why did he dare to insult the demon Youji when he was provoked for no reason?

It was also under the condition of being insulted by Zhang Xiong that the demon Youji was completely offended. It is precisely this kind of offending situation that completely offends the whole demon Youji to death. The demon Youji just now did not immediately kill Zhang Xiong. It was already Zhang Xiong's lucky thing.

But no matter what, for Zhang Xiong, his Dantian has not been destroyed, and his strength and ability are still the foundation of Zhang Xiong. As for being killed by the demon Youji like this. However, Zhang Xiong will stay on the top of the infinite path and slowly devote himself to cultivation, which is not a good thing.

At least Zhang Xiong can still save his life. But in the future, it may not be so lucky. It is also the existence of such a reason that more or less let Wenshan have a preliminary understanding of what happened just now.

For the ancestors of the other two sects, there is no such thrill as Zhang Xiong. But for the ancestors of these two sects, there is no relaxation at all. After all, this is Taixuanzong.

For Lao Wu of Xuanyuanzong and the bitter sea master of King Kong Temple, the two of them really avoided a huge risk just now. If Zhang Xiong hadn't been one of the three of them, he would have been the most impatient. Then the person who just insulted Tianmo Youji is likely to be one of the two of them.

is also the reason, so for the two of them, if they really don't know what's good or bad today and think that there is a sect behind them, it's a great thing, then it's a big mistake.

If they are really like Zhang Xiong, they are righteous with the existence of the sect behind themselves, thinking that they can truly dominate one side. It can forcibly suppress the head of the demon Youji and let the demon Youji let go. But for Tianmo Youji's words, he obviously doesn't want to miss such an opportunity.

If you can teach the ancestors of these sects, the development of Tianmo Youji will enter normalization in the future. That's exactly the case, so for the present situation, there is still such a gap. It is precisely this kind of gap that still has some concern in the heart.

Although it is also heartbreaking for the requirements made by Tianmo Youji just now, there is basically no problem.

The decision made by Tianmo now is basically completely qualitative. That is to say, the decision made by the current demon has basically become a kind of decision in the true sense, and it is also a kind of decision that there is still something.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, there are basically many differences, and it is precisely this difference, and there are still a lot of details. That's right, so for many things, it is basically a disguised test.

But no matter what, for such a situation at present, it is basically equivalent to the decision made by the strong man in the immortal realm of Taixuanzong at this time. And it is directly represented by the senior officials of Taixuanzong. It is also the reason for this, so a decision like this is basically very different.

is also the existence of this reason, so for many things, there must be certain qualitative requirements. For such requirements, we must abide by the decision made by the Taishang Elder Tianmo Youji of Taixuan Sect, even the current king is also open. It has begun to change.

At this time, Tianmo has gone far away, but the three ancestral-level figures who knelt on the ground still did not dare to stand up. It is for this reason that the dignity of the three ancestors at this time was lost in front of several juniors. Zhang Xiong, in particular, is still bare. For an old guy who has a thousand years of life, he doesn't know where to put his old face.

It's exactly like this, that is, when Zhang Xiong himself did not pay attention to his image, Lin Quan first handed his robe to Zhang Xiong. It was at this time that the three women, Zhang Lan, Fu Xiaorou and Ye Lingshu, were shocked and anyone who turned their heads away with shame seemed very embarrassed.

But Su Linger, who stood next to Wenshan, snorted coldly. Like Wenshan, she didn't make any movement. Even when she looked at a prominent position in Zhang Xiong'er'er's body, she didn't show any expression.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, it is obviously a very bad thing. But for such things, it basically represents the existence of many things. It is also such a thing that more or less makes many people feel a little uncomfortable.

That is, Zhang Xiong, who was dumbfounded on the ground, also wrapped the robe given by Lin Quan awkwardly and quickly. Because Linquan is relatively thin, the robe wraps around Zhang Xiong's body and looks relatively thin. And Zhang Xiong looks like a relatively strong man. This is also the reason, so for the current state of such a state, it is basically an extreme.

But no matter what, for the current situation, it is basically because Wenshan and Su Linger at this time have completely suppressed the other three major sects on the scene because of the power of Tianmo Youji.

It is basically a great extreme for the people of the other three sects that originally disdained Taixuanzong. For such a situation, it is basically equivalent to a large level, which is a change in such a thing.

I also found this kind of thing for King Jing. After all, for Taixuanzong this time, there are also two very excellent disciples. This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is basically in such an extremely crazy state.

is also such a crazy state. Therefore, for many things, it is basically an extreme mistake, which is exactly the situation, so for the weakness of the other three major sects at present, Taixuanzong has taken advantage of it diplomatically.

And because of Tianmo Youji's anger just now, the interest sharing of the whole mission has also been significantly adjusted. After all, there are excellent disciples in the two divine power stages of Taixuanzong. For such a situation, it is obviously very beneficial to major sects.

But it is obviously very unwise to seek the protection of disciples in these two divine stages. The reason is very simple, because it costs 30% of the profit point to seek maintenance. The commission of Wujidao should be drawn 50%, and the commission of the other two major sects will be 30%. It is such a big draw, and the leading figure is indeed Su Linger.

If you want to get the protection of Wenshan, the commission of Wujidao is 90%, and the commission of the other two sects is 60%. It is such a big commission. For Taixuanzong, they directly tripled the income of this task. And on this basis, with the addition of Su Linger and Wenshan, the income is estimated to be more.

After all, there are two strong men under the age of 20, such as Su Linger and Wenshan. In this mission hall, among people of the same age, it is estimated that they are the existence of real hegemons. It is also the status of this hegemon, so for many things, it is basically a certain amount of transformation.

But no matter what, for the current situation, it is obviously very beneficial to Taixuanzong. Moreover, this time, Taixuanzong has the anger of the heavenly demon Youji just now, which is estimated to be the other three sects. After all, it has offended the strong man of an eternal giant in the realm of immortality. Obviously, it has biased the fair scale to the side of Taixuanzong.

This is exactly the situation. At this time, the other three ancestors reported the situation just now, including the Tianmo Youji of the Taixuan Sect and Su Linger and Wen Shan, the representatives of the two younger generation of the Taixuan Sect this time, to the senior officials of their own sect.

Everyone's hand is holding a board with a spirit stone. For such a board, it is basically equivalent to a kind of transcendence to a large extent. It is precisely for this reason that there is still such a little bit. It is exactly this situation, so for the situation at present, there are basically a lot of things.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, even the elevation of the three sects, and the strength shown by Taixuanzong this time is extremely strong. The two geniuses of Wenshan and Su Linger in the divine power stage alone surprised their sectarian elevation.

Because the current Wenshan and Su Linger are the two demons in the future. For such a young man with great talent, he appeared in Taixuanzong, which obviously added a lot of momentum to Taixuanzong. Coupled with the Tianmo Youji of Taixuanzong, her strength has basically broken through the current state and completely become an eternal giant. The person who shakes the existence of the world of cultivation.