ghost monk

Chapter 164 One Night of Passion

Chapter 164 One Night**

Shen Bing was even thinking about how Wenshan did it. The reason why the precious elixir like Taixuan Jindan has not been popularized is that it is obviously unlikely for the strength to become meek in an elixir.

For a strong man in the physical realm, if you want to improve your strength to the state of gathering energy, the first thing to do is to constantly gather strength into your body. But for a strong man in the physical realm, he has not been exposed to real strength at all.

For a strong body who does not really come into contact with irritable vigor, if the vigor is directly input into his body, it will obviously cause certain damage to his body. It is also a kind of damage, so for Wenshan at this time, it is very difficult to turn the irritable energy into a small amount and enter the body of the body of the strong.

But Wenshan succeeded. Wenshan actually separated many small vigors, constantly facing Shen Bing's body in front of him. It is also such a process of continuous penetration, or finally opened up the real Dantian of Shen Bing in Shen Bing's body in front of him. At the same time, the energy was constantly gathered in Shen Bing's body.

It was Wenshan who had such an amazing method that shocked Shen Bing in front of him. It is precisely the existence of such a means, so for many things, it is basically the existence of such a result.

At this time, Shen Bing knew that her strength could really be upgraded to the current level of gathering, which was also the strong control of Wenshan. Moreover, Wenshan's control method of strength is completely better than that of elixirs. Or, it is more accurate than the elixir.

Shen Bing did not believe that Wenshan could have such a means. After all, Wenshan's such means has not really been seen by others. However, it really appeared on Wenshan at this time. How can you not let Shen Bing feel very curious about it?

So for Wenshan's choice of this way to help him improve his strength this time, Shen Bing also knew why Wenshan was so confident. After all, a man with such strength and such ability shows such self-confidence in front of a woman. This is also a very normal phenomenon.

With such accurate control ability, it can guide the energy and constantly transform your body while constantly refining the impurities in your body. It is also the existence of such a super control method that makes Wenshan basically have such a foundation to improve the strength of the physical strong to reach the state of gathering.

It is also such a means that makes Shen Bing in front of him suddenly seem to see hope, and his eyes are round. It looks very good. It is also such a action that more or less makes Wenshan's heart ripple in front of him.

"What smells so bad?" Shen Bing's little nose frowned slightly, and then smelled around. There was an unhappy look on her face. She frowned slightly and said, "It's really stinky! Wenshan, where on earth is there such a stinky smell!"

For the sudden meaning, a trace of unhappy appeared on the little girl Shen Bing's face at this time. It was this kind of displeasure that shocked Wenshan's heart in front of him. For Shen Bing's appearance in front of him, he really amused Wenshan.

Looking at Shen Bing, who was originally a white dress in front of him, at this time, small spots appeared on the white dress. And of course, the smell emanates from Shen Bing's own body. After all, for the breakthrough of strength from the physical realm to the current state of gathering energy, while the strength is improved, the physique has been improved.

It is precisely this kind of strength that has been improved, so for Wenshan at this time, it is really not an ordinary simple character. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for Wenshan at this time, it is bound to see a lot of things.

With Shen Bing's explosion, Shen Bing suddenly smelled the stench on her body, and her body was full of sweat and a lot of white-gray and black impurities. Among these impurities, the stench emitted suddenly blushed. She knew what was going on. This is Shen Bing's strength improvement and refining his body again.

It was at this time that Shen Bing took a look at Wenshan, who was smiling, stared at Wenshan fiercely, then covered her body shyly, and ran into the bathroom in the room. Then I heard the sparse sound of undressing. In addition, I heard the sound of water flow.

Wenshan knew that Shen Bing was washing up now. Yuan Wenshan wanted to leave like this. But for Wenshan now, the main purpose tonight is to help Shen Bing improve her strength. At this time, Wenshan didn't know whether it was good or not. Let's stay and wait for Shen Bing for a while. I haven't said a lot to Shen Bing yet.

Wenshan stood at the door and listened to the sparse voice inside, but there was no ambiguous idea in his heart. At this time, Wenshan is also considering how the Shen family should develop in the future. For Wenshan now, he really stands at the peak of the whole Shen family and is the real decision-making figure of the Shen family.

This is also the first time in Wenshan's history that a truly top-level figure in a family is considering the interests of the whole family. It is precisely the existence of such an idea that determines many problems. It is also such a problem. For Wenshan now, it may really be a difficult problem.

is also like this, so for the whole phenomenon now, there is still a big difference more or less. It is this kind of difference. For Wenshan now, there is a real decision maker to consider something more far-reaching.

After all, for Wenshan now, if every decision he makes is in line with the development of the whole Shen family, there will still be no problem. But if the questions raised are not in line with the development of the whole Shen family, then there are very serious problems for the seriousness of such problems.

However, no matter what, for the current state, there is a big difference in many times. It is also a difference, so for Wenshan now, there is still a big difference more or less.

Wenshan is thinking about whether his decisions are really conducive to the development of the current Shen family, and whether they can really help the Shen family, who are now forced by the prince's mansion, return to the largest family in the capital. These are the questions that Wenshan is thinking about now.

For Wenshan, I don't know why he cares so much about the Shen family's problems. Is it because I used to stay in the Shen family? But the resources Wenshan gave to the Shen family are enough to satisfy his gratitude to the Shen family. After all, it is the Shen family's own people who can help the Shen family, not the existence of an outsider like Wenshan.

It is also the existence of such a problem that Wenshan does not know what his ultimate purpose is to help the Shen family in front of him, or whether it is really for the two sisters of the Shen family to help the Shen family in this way. It is the existence of such an idea, so for every period of time now, for Wenshan now, it may really be a kind of investigation of Wenshan's inner thoughts.

When Wenshan was thinking, it was at this time that Shen Bing pushed the door open. At this time, Shen Bing had a series of embarrassed looks. Looking at Wenshan in front of him, his smile turned red, as if he were an apple. At this time, Shen Bing's whole body was shy. He looked at Wenshan and whispered, "Wenshan, help me find a dress in the cabinet."

At this time, Wenshan knew why Shen Bing was so strong. Because Shen Bing just emanated from her body, she hurried into the bathroom. But I don't remember to bring new clothes. So for Shen Bing now, he is bare in the washroom.

After all, Shen Bing's clothes were all stained by impurities in his body. Shen Bing's close-fitting underwear is dirty. Therefore, for Shen Bing, she can't put on some dirty clothes and trousers and come out.

It is the existence of such a hungry idea that this kind of thing happened. For the whole thing, it hurts a lot.

But for Shen Bing, if Wenshan is not in this room at ordinary times, it is okay to come out of the washroom and change clothes. However, I didn't expect that Wenshan is here now, and he is just eager to enter the washing room to wash. Therefore, Shen Bing was stunned on the spot and was aggrieved in the bathroom for a long time.

It was at this time that Shen Bing really summoned up his courage. It was at this time that Shen Bing asked Wen Shan to go to his wardrobe to find his close-fitting clothes.

When Wenshan walked to the edge of Shen Bing's wardrobe, he looked forward to it. Prepare to open the wardrobe on the lowest floor.

"Hey, don't touch that cabinet. Just go to the three-dimensional wardrobe above and give me a set of skirts. At this time, Shen Bing, looking at the small wardrobe where Wenshan was about to open his underwear, obviously could not expose his privacy to Wenshan. It was this idea that existed, so Shen Bing shouted urgently at this time.

According to what Shen Bing said, Wenshan did not open the mysterious small wardrobe that made Wenshan curious, but opened Shen Bing's wardrobe loaded with large clothes. That is, I looked for some inside and saw a narrow-neck dress, pink. This dress didn't seem to be worn by Shen Bing outside. It's like Shen Bing's nightdress.

Because Shen Bing's clothes outside are basically black and white. I won't wear other colors of skirts at all. After all, for Shen Bing, she is the real manager of the Shen family. For some of his men. Shen Bing always has a cold face and looks very serious. In this way, it is still easy to manage.

So, what matches your identity is, of course, the black series of dresses. After all, for the black-and-white series of dresses, they can really match the Wenshan in front of them, which is more in line with Shen Bing's identity.

However, for Shen Bing's clothes, in Shen Bing's wardrobe, he obviously does not know the simple black and white. Among them, there are a lot of red, yellow, and millet. Among them, the black and white series of dresses only occupy a corner of Shen Bing's entire wardrobe.

From the perspective of such a phenomenon, it is obvious that Shen Bing prefers the colors of other series. For black and white, it is obviously not my favorite. From this aspect, it can also be seen that when all the things of the Shen family are all pressed on Shen Bing, there is great pressure on Shen Bing.

is also the existence of such an idea, so Wenshan also knows his own decision. Let Shen Bing in front of you really jump out. No longer manage such a huge Shen family. At such an age, Shen Bing should have her own life.

Wenshan even thought that if Shen Bing had been in this environment. If Shen Bing has been suppressed in various things of the Shen family, for the Shen family, perhaps Shen Bing can help the management of the whole Shen family and help the development of the Shen family.

For the whole Shen family, it is completely supported by a series of people like Shen Huaiyuan. Shen Jie left and entered the Taixuanzong, which was for the Shen family to have further support and sit and preparation. And Shen Bing, of course, is still talking about whether she can go to Shen Jie in the future, but it is very good to help the Shen family manage the whole Shen family.

But this is what it can explain. For such a thing, there is still a big difference more or less. It is also such a difference that there is basically a big error in many things.

It is precisely this huge existence that makes Shen Bing's personality very cold to the outside world. This is all the result of being suppressed by the system. It is also a result of this, so for many things, Shen Bing really needs to be freed from the environment of the Shen family.

When Shen Bing's strength just broke through to the stage of divine power, that expression really came from Shen Bing's own heart. It is also the appearance of the expression of such clothes that also shows the weakest link in Shen Bing's heart.

is also such a process. For the current Wenshan, there are still many things. It is also a difference. For the whole thing, it may not be a good thing.

According to Shen Bing's request, Wen Shan took Shen Bing's special pink dress to Shen Bing. Looking at Shen Bing's delicate and snow-like skin, his little fingers are crystal clear, and each of them seems to be carved. When Shen Bing received such a pink dress, her hands trembled.

However, I still took such clothes in, and then there was the sound of wearing clothes. Wenshan still stood in place and didn't care much about the dress he had just taken. After all, it was Shen Bing's pajamas. However, Wenshan suddenly thought that it seemed that Shen Bing did not let him take his underwear. So at this time, Wenshan stood still and wondered whether to help Shen Bing get her underwear.

When Wenshan was stunned, Shen Bing had already come out. She saw Wenshan standing at the door and was shocked: "Why do you always like to stand at the door?" Holding the changed dress in his hand, he pushed Wenshan's shoulder to the room. At this time, Shen Bing took out the white underwear had been washed. Obviously, it is ready to hang up.

For Shen Bing, it seems that her underwear is hanging in the room, and her dress is also hanging in the room. It seems that he didn't expect to walk out of his room. I'm even more reluctant to hang my clothes and trousers outside.

"Ah, it's so late. Didn't you go back to bed?" Shen Bing was quite surprised. For Wenshan in front of him, he had just improved his strength and reached the cultivation of gathering gas. But Wenshan in front of him doesn't seem to have the habit of leaving. That's exactly what happened, so for Shen Bing at this time, it was obviously the boss's unwillingness.

After all, for Shen Bing at this time, there is only one light pink nightdress on his body. After all, Shen Bing didn't expect to ask Wenshan to help him get a dress. But he went to get a light pink nightdress like this. For Wenshan's vision, I don't know if it was intentional.

Wenshan thought that Shen Bing would come out neatly. How could he think that there would be such a ** treatment? For Wenshan, when he just took such a pink nightdress, it was entirely because the clothes themselves were special in the wardrobe. That's why it was selected by Wenshan.

Shen Bing is wearing a translucent silk pink nightdress, with no clothes inside. The straight and plump ** is faintly visible in the light, almost naked. For Shen Bing at this time, there was really nothing to wear inside, and he really came out of the vacuum like this. Obviously, for Wenshan in front of him, it was really a visual conflict.

The flat abdomen and the faintly visible perfect Fudi are a pinch of agricultural black and bright hair, and the slender snowy tender legs stand naked in front of Wenshan, which is amazing... At this time, Wenshan, I don't know what's going on. My eyes really stared at Shen Bing's beautiful body in front of me and is not relaxed. .

It's just like this, so for Wenshan at this time, the whole person's qi and blood were completely provoked by such a ** scene. It is also such an act that completely stimulates the dark beast nature of Wenshan.

Seeing Wenshan's stunned eyes, Shen Bing woke up completely, but she didn't make a sound. First, she covered her mouth, then covered her chest, then turned around and said coquettishly, "You cover your eyes!" At this time, Shen Bing knew that he had just come out wearing a thin nightdress without letting Wenshan look for his clothes and trousers in the cabinet of his close-fitting clothes and trousers.

Wenshan would not cover his eyes. Looking at the round and upturned buttocks behind Shen Bing, he felt that even his crotch was getting excited. After all, Wenshan is also a man. For a man, there is such a ** scene in front of him. How can Wenshan be relieved like this?

is also such an intuitive feeling, so there is still some pride in Wenshan's mind at this time. Or there is some excitement in it. I am very happy for the beauty in front of me.

Shen Bing picked up the quilt and wrapped her half-naked body, sat at the head of the bed, glanced at Wenshan's big bulging mass, looked elsewhere with a red face, and said coquettishly, "Why don't you go back in the middle of the night? What's the matter?"

Wenshan looked at Shen Bing's blushing, beautiful as a crescent moon, and his bright red lips seemed to be happy and angered, and even more delicate. His watery eyes exuded charming charm under the lamp. Thinking of the seductive and wonderful body under the quilt, he only made people feel that his heart was tight and his throat was dry. He wanted to see the beautiful woman's subconscious swallowing action, but not There is no physiological basis.

Wenshan for what Wenshan has just said, how can he really stand such a kind of ** in his heart? It is also the existence of such a kind of **, so the scene in front of us is very yearning for in Wenshan's mind.

"Do you sleep at night, all ** sleep?" Wenshan asked Shen Bing with a calm smile.

"I suffered such a big loss that I could only swallow my teeth. Are you still proud?" Shen Bing glanced across Wenshan and looked at the white inside hanging with a guilty heart. For Shen Bing at this time, he would have put on the wet underwear directly. At least it won't be so embarrassing when facing Wenshan.

The most important thing is that Wenshan actually helped himself take out such a transparent nightdress, which was obviously beyond Shen Bing's expectation. After all, such a thin dress is not suitable for wearing at this time. For Shen Bing, Wenshan is still here after taking a shower. I really don't know what Wenshan thinks. I don't know how to avoid it.

Wenshan smiled and took advantage of these details. He briefly told Shen Bing about the future development of the Shen family: "Now your strength has reached the realm of gathering energy. According to reason, you are already an elder. You are still the youngest. And it was the first to achieve it.

So far, you are the whole Shen family, and now you are on the list on the pyramid of strength. As for the future, you'd better practice at ease. Really transfer everything from the Shen family to the children of the Shen family. For some things in the secular world, you don't need a strong man like you to do it yourself.

Everything can support the younger generation of the Shen family. Moreover, in the future, the real superiors of the Shen family will become more and more powerful. Some of my previous ideas are not very accurate. I'm not good at management either. In the future, the Shen family will be handed over to the two girls, Xiaochu and Muling for management.

As for you, you'd better focus on your studies. I guess it's the best arrangement for you to focus on your own learning. Constantly breaking through my current cultivation is also helpful to the Shen family. If the Shen family really has a strong man like you, I believe that no one will really dare to offend the existence of the Shen family. This is the greatest help for the Shen family.

If you want to enter Taixuanzong, there is no need for this at all. I can help you get the resources you need, so you still don't need to enter Taixuanzong so eagerly. Entering Taixuanzong is not necessarily good for your development. So, you'd better take care of yourself."

"..." Shen Bing stared at Wenshan with bright eyes and asked, "It turns out that you are really thinking about the future Shen family. Then can you improve the strength of your father and others? It was at this time that Shen Bing still put forward her own thoughts.

In Shen Bing's view, since Wenshan can help him improve his cultivation to the realm of gathering gas. So for the current Wenshan, it is bound to help some people in their family improve their strength. Therefore, the first thing Shen Bing thought of was whether his father and others could also improve their strength. If the Shen family really has so many strong people in the realm of gathering energy, it may be really a good choice.

"It can be. But it is not the right time. Now we need a real leader for the Shen family. And you are such a leader. When your strength reaches the Reiki stage, it is time to help your Shen family. Excellent disciples break through the current stage and initially reach the stage of gathering energy. Wen Shan said with a shy face, boldly looking at Shen Bing's beautiful face, and his bright lips made people just want to jump up and take a bite.

"..." Seeing that Wenshan thinks about himself like this, his heart is also warm. But seeing Wenshan's lustful eyes, Shen Bing glanced at him, and his heart also pounded. Wenshan really wanted to come and pull her quilt, and he didn't know whether it was better to refuse or not. Or whether it really stops Wenshan's overly fierce action.

Thinking of this, Shen Bing was itchy and confused. There was an unspeakable crisp between her legs, as if an ant had drilled in and dared not go down ambiguously. Shen Bing was also afraid that her heart would melt first if she couldn't hold on.

At this time, after Wenshan and Shen Bing finished what they were going to say, they felt that there was really nothing to talk to Shen Bing. It was at this time that Wenshan felt that Shen Bing, who had been silent at the beginning, was looking at him and turned his head. Shen Bing had already looked away and looked aside.

Shen Bing's black hair hung down and covered her soft cheeks, but when she bent down and shook the quilt back and forth, her swollen chest also fell down and pressed on the front of the nightdress, as if holding a heavy steamed bun, making Wenshan suspect the next moment, nightdress To be broken - not to mention the perfection of the chest shape, the scale is also far away.

Although Wenshan is also a person who has experienced personnel. For Wenshan, he really doesn't have a woman in person. It is the body of Tianmo Youji, which is extremely familiar in the hands of Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan suddenly had an essence and insects on his brain, and his impression of Shen Bing was only the fat buttocks**.

Shen Bing can also feel that Wenshan's eyes are looking at her body and turning slightly. He thinks that Wenshan is still playing bad to himself at this time, which is really getting worse and worse. At that time, he didn't forget to peek at his chest, and then thought of Wenshan's evil eyes just now, which immediately made Shen Bing's heart hot in front of him.

That is, when Shen Bing was cursing Wenshan psychologically, he suddenly felt that his little foot was caught by Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan seemed to be too excited. For Wenshan's mood, Shen Bing did not dare to really offend him. I'm afraid that something more will happen after I offend him.

And Shen Bing also knows. There is a huge gap in strength between himself and Wenshan. Therefore, it is impossible to really stop Wenshan from doing anything to himself.

It was at this time that Wen Shan suddenly held the whole Shen Bing in his arms. Together with the quilt wrapped around Shen Bing, he was hugged and full of songs by Wenshan.

Shen Bing struggled a few times, but she was still afraid of really stimulating Wenshan's beast nature, so she chose to compromise. Silently allowed Wenshan's next move. But he grabbed the quilt with both hands. Wenshan held Shen Bing tightly in his arms for fear that she would leave: Perhaps in Shen Bing's opinion, Wenshan was fascinated by his body at this time. I just don't know what Wenshan thinks of himself.

Shen Bing can see from Wenshan's tone that there is a woman in Wenshan's heart. Moreover, for Wenshan's performance, such a move. It's not the first time I know Wenshan. But what Shen Bing doesn't know is what his position is in Wenshan's heart.

After all, for Shen Bing, it's just a little girl in the secular world, that is, her sister Shen Jie, who is much better than Wenshan. It is the existence of such an idea that makes Shen Bing unhappy.

Shen Bing felt that Wenshan hugged her tightly. Seeing Wenshan silent, his eyes were faintly sad. He thought that he remembered the previous sadness and reached out to touch his thin cheeks. His heart was extremely gentle at this moment.

Shen Bing had to admit that for the powerful side of Wenshan, she saved her own carp on the banks of the Guyue River and helped the Shen family defeat the Su family at the gate of the Su family in Shengjing City. Kill a master of the energy-gathering realm and protect yourself. These all moved Shen Bing's heart, made her bang, made her feel affectionate for him, and couldn't help but turn her head to kiss him.

Shen Bing took the initiative to kiss, and his soft lips were intoxicating. Wenshan's tongue was picked in. Shen Bing also cooperated with the tip of the lilac tongue. His hand no longer grabbed Wenshan's hand touching her chest, but hugged his head in turn and plugged his fingers into his hair, ** kissed each other.

Wenshan's awkward mood was dispelled little by little in Shen Bing's active kiss. Wenshan is an adult man, that is, after having sex with Tianmo Youji several times, he has been a man who has not known the taste of meat for a long time, and he doesn't know what happened to Shen Bing today. He actually took the initiative to kiss himself. Seeing that there was a play, Wenshan did not have much concern. In addition, he liked Shen Bing in his heart.

When Shen Bing kissed him, Wen Shan also began to kiss back. Shen Bing originally wanted to refuse Wenshan's sudden initiative. However, Wenshan saw that Shen Bing's refusal was not so resolute, so he blocked her in **, and his whole body lay on Shen Bing's body.

Wenshan and Shen Bing laughed for a while, and finally successfully pressed her on **. Looking at her blushing face with indescribable charm, her eyes that almost oozed out of water, almost sucked his soul. He carefully pecked her lips and carefully unbuttoned her coat. Shen Bing gasped. Spitting a fragrant breath, her body was paralyzed in ** and no longer struggled. Even Wenshan tried to untie her nightdress and stopped her...

Wenshan knew that Shen Bing acquiesced in his tacit in doing that step, and his heart also pounded excitedly, and he was not so sure. Wenshan reached directly from Shen Bing's neckline. After all, for the nightdress that Shen Bing is wearing now, it is completely open to the house. The direct mythical beast went in and touched the pair of tender breasts like white rabbits.

Shen Bing spit out her lilac tongue slightly, which confused the kiss. She grabbed Wenshan's hair with both hands, which made Wenshan feel pain and her fiercely gushing lust. For Shen Bing's outfit at this time, it is completely outside the vacuum state, wearing a large nightdress, which is completely very convenient for Wenshan's action.

Shen Bing felt that Wenshan's hand drilled down from behind her, and the calluses of her palms rubbed her tender buttocks. Wenshan grabbed her buttocks and flesh hard, which made her feel painful and itchy in the bottom of her heart for a while. Being afraid that Wenshan's fingers would continue to stretch down and eager for his fingers to stretch down to relieve the itching marks between his legs, Wenshan's hand suddenly pulled out and then lighten his body.

Shen Bing opened his eyes strangely,

Wenshan is now pulling his clothes directly. It seems that Wenshan is also impatient and directly tore his clothes apart. It exposed Wenshan's hard muscles.

Wenshan didn't have so much connotation. First, he stripped himself, then got into the quilt, swept Shen Bing's nightdress directly, and pressed Shen Bing's hot smooth body under his body. The skin was blind date. Wenshan was also hard and painful. He couldn't wait to grab her buttocks and pull it down.

Shen Bing cooperated and raised her buttocks and pulled up the down, completely covering the heads and faces of the two people. She didn't want Wen Shan to see her happy face to the extreme.

Wenshan used his hands instead of his eyes, stroking her chest, her waist, her buttocks and the slippery water between her legs. The place was so wet that his buttocks and ditch were also greasy, which made Wenshan realize that Shen Bing was full of lust, which also made him feel uncontrollable.

Wenshan separated Shen Bing's legs, let her clamp her waist, hold the hard object against the wet legs, rubbed it up and down twice, and found where it was going.

In these two words, Shen Bing couldn't help but let out his ecstasy moans, and Shen Bing shyly covered her mouth.

Wenshan lay down and couldn't help shouting, "It's so tight..." He immediately pinched Shen Bing on his waist.

Wenshan wanted to remember the feeling of tightness when entering. The action was particularly slow. Fortunately, the two people's feelings and desire also rose to the extreme, and there were not too many difficulties. When they wanted to completely occupy Shen Bing's body, they suddenly encountered new obstacles.

Does Wenshan know what obstacles he encountered at this time? When Wenshan and Tianmo Youji did such a thing, they didn't think about how Tianmo Youji felt at that time. At this time, Wenshan also had to consider what Shen Bing felt in front of him. After all, for the first time like Shen Bing, if he is really injured, won't it be difficult to come again in the future?

Shen Bing saw Wenshan stop and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You are the first time, so take your time, or your body will not be able to stand it." Wenshan didn't know whether to continue to enter or quit first. Looking at Shen Bing in front of him, he said with a smile.

At this time, Wenshan has also returned to a normal state. I also know that my relationship with Shen Bing has developed to such a stage at this time. In the future, many things can't be decided by Shen Bing or him. Now, the relationship with Shen Bing is basically confirmed.

"Hmm." Shen Bing answered in the dark, and her voice was a little muffled.

At this time, Wen Shan heard that Shen Bing was in a bad mood and was about to withdraw. Shen Bing wrapped his legs and pressed his buttocks to ask him to move on. Wenshan's body sank, and he felt the bottom squeezed in from the muddy obstacles. Hearing Shen Bing's painful cry, he lay on her, hugged her tightly, put his face against her cheeks, and felt her tears slip out and paste the faces of the two people...

Wait for Shen Bing to stop crying, although Wenshan was still angry, Shen Bing asked him to love him at this time. He was afraid that she would break her mouth for the first time and could not stand the destruction of too much force. He didn't dare to do it again. He just asked her to lie in his arms and talk.

"Just now, I just saw what you looked like, can't you stand it?" Wenshan hugged Shen Bing's smooth, soft waist without a trace of excess fat. Seeing her stop crying, he asked her softly.

It's just that such shouts and emotions can only be buried deep in the bottom of my heart, can't reveal it, and there are also some regrets. I think that maybe when they get along for a while, the two should be able to really open their hearts and accept each other... For Wenshan at this time, for the whole Shen family, there is a real sense of belonging.

I also really became your son-in-law of the whole Shen family. But in the future, Wenshan didn't know how to face Sister Shen Jie. After all, I had sex with her sister.