ghost monk

Chapter 165 After Passion

After Chapter 165**

"Wenshan, will you still want me in the future?" Shen Bing looked at Wenshan in front of her with tears on her face. Shen Bing is not uncomfortable with Wenshan's relationship with himself this time. For Shen Bing's words, she originally liked Wenshan in her heart.

At this time, after having such a relationship with Wenshan, Shen Bing's words were still full of joy. For Shen Bing's words, what she really likes is Wenshan. There is a sense of real dependence on Wenshan.

At this time, Shen Bing looked pitifully, with tears in her eyes, looking at Wenshan in front of her, as if she was afraid that Wenshan in front of her would really leave her. In Shen Bing's heart, Wenshan is really high now. Wenshan is a disciple of Taixuanzong. Moreover, looking at Wenshan's situation, the identity of such a disciple is not too low in Taixuanzong.

That's right, so for Shen Bing now, he is obviously very unhappy to compare his status with Wenshan.

In the past, Shen Bing was the second lady of the dignified Shen family in the holy capital. At that time, Wenshan was just a small domestic slave of the Shen family. It was in this way that Shen Bing's identity at that time was much higher than that of Wenshan. However, if it were really at that time, Shen Bing would not have looked at Wenshan in front of him.

After all, Wenshan's strength at that time was not comparable to now. It is still because after Wenshan suffered a great adventure and rescued Shen Bing on the banks of the ancient Yue River, Shen Bing had a real sense of dependence on Wenshan. Or in Wenshan, Shen Bing can really find an indescribable sense of security.

In addition, the time between Shen Jie and the Su family was a real confrontation and a real fight between them. That time, Wenshan also left a deep impression in Shen Bing's mind. At that time, Wenshan was only the strength of the cultivation of the physical realm, and he was willing to help the Shen family get through the danger of hostility of the strong.

It was also that time that Wenshan ignored his hatred with the Shen family and killed the strong in the realm of gathering energy with the confrontation between the strength of the peak of Wusheng at the ninth level of his physical body and the strength of the strength of the gathering realm. Whether it's because of being moved or Wenshan taking care of the Shen family like this, it is a deeply moving existence for Shen Bing.

is also a kind of situation, so for Shen Bing, it is a deep move in the true sense of Wenshan, which gradually developed into a real worship. After all, for Shen Bing now, she is just a little girl in the secular world, or a young lady of a family in the secular world.

For the existence of a big lady in a secular world like her, when have you really seen a master of gathering energy? That's exactly the case, so for Shen Bing, Wenshan's strength is a brand-new height in her heart.

That's it. Wenshan slowly engraved a deep impression in Shen Bing's heart. It was also like this, from the original sense of security, to later worship, to the last true meaning of the heart of Wenshan. A real nostalgia for Wenshan.

Today, when Shen Bing suddenly saw Wenshan again, the missing in her heart was finally sprouted. It is also like this, in Shen Bing's heart, it is still a kind of real nostalgia for Wenshan in front of him. It is also the existence of such a nostalgia that makes Wenshan really determined by Shen Bing in his own heart.

However, the current strength of Wenshan is becoming more and more incomprehensible to Shen Bing. It is that Shen Bing can't understand the strong man in Wenshan's eyes. Those, which are quite rich in Shen Bing's eyes, are equivalent to very cheap gifts in Wenshan's hands. That's right, so for Shen Bing at this time, he feels that there seems to be a big distance between himself and Wenshan.

It was exactly like this. Shen Bing suddenly felt that there was a big gap between herself and Wenshan. Or the distance between himself and Wenshan is getting bigger and bigger. I feel that although Wenshan is still Wenshan, it is completely different from the previous one that I could really climb to Wenshan.

At that time of the Shen family, Wenshan was still a strong man at the peak of his body. In Shen Bing's heart, such a high level of strength can still be truly achieved. But for Shen Bing now, the gap between such strength and Wenshan seems to be even farther.

But Shen Bing didn't expect that Wenshan would let her really improve her cultivation overnight. Originally, Shen Bing thought. I still have at least 30 years to really improve my strength. But what I didn't expect was that when I was less than 20 years old, I was already in a state of concentration.

It's exactly like this, so I'm really happy for Shen Bing, who is already in the current state of gathering energy. That is, after such a thing happened with Wenshan, the question considered for Shen Bing at this time is whether Wenshan really likes her and whether he will really lose Wenshan.

"Actually, I like you very much." Wenshan looked at Shen Bing in front of him and looked at his eyes, which made Wenshan a little unbearable and didn't know whether he should do this. After all, I and Shen Bing really took such a step. It's nothing to regret.

In Wenshan's view, between himself and Shen Bing, he originally had this kind of love for Shen Bing. If he didn't like Shen Bing, he would not help the Shen family in front of him in this way. That's exactly what it is, so it is obviously very happy for Wenshan now.

But no matter what, for many things, it is more or less really such a situation. That's right, so for the current situation, it is obviously a kind of reliance on Wenshan in the true sense.

Wenshan tightened Shen Binglou in his arms. For Shen Bing in his arms, Wenshan came from his inner joy. For Shen Bing, if Wenshan really doesn't like it very much. It won't really do such a thing to Shen Bing.

It was also under the circumstances of Shen Bing's true feelings that Wenshan really happened to Shen Bing. After all, even Wenshan did something about this kind of sex after something happened between men and women**. Anyway, for Wenshan, it can be well restrained.

is also like this, so for Shen Bing, he still has such a position in Wenshan's heart.

"The Shen family is the real home of my Wenshan." Wenshan hugged Shen Bing tightly in his arms, giving Shen Bing more sense of security in his heart. After all, it is the most ** period for Shen Bing at this time. It's just like this kind of **. It is the real heart of Wenshan in front of him.

"I know that you won't stay with me all the time. However, I hope you don't forget me. When you miss me, you can really come back to me and take care of me. Comfort me." Shen Bing looked at Wenshan in front of her, thought of something in her heart, and said.

For Shen Bing at this time, he also knew what the level of Wenshan's real strength was like. I also know the gap between such levels in the state of gathering gas. For Shen Bing, she is also the existence of a real strong person in the realm of gathering energy. That's exactly the case, so for Shen Bing, he still knows very clearly about the level gap in the realm of gas gathering.

also knows the existence of a huge gap in the level in the realm of gas gathering, so for Wenshan, it is more or less clear about the existence of something. He also knows these things, so for the current Wenshan, in his heart, he also knows that he can't accompany Shen Bing for a long time.

After all, for the current Wenshan, he needs more time to constantly practice and improve his strength. That's exactly what Wenshan needs. He doesn't want to be haunted by a woman. After all, for Wenshan now, the real importance is, of course, to improve his level strength.

This is exactly the existence of this idea, so for Wenshan now, perhaps more needs the separation between Wenshan and Shen Bing. It is precisely the length of separation that really determines a lot of things. It determines the length of companionship between Wenshan and Shen Bing.

However, this is not impossible. Shen Bing's strength is still very weak. If Shen Bing can really improve his strength and help Wenshan at all times, he may really be able to follow Wenshan.

However, if Shen Bing's strength is also like this and can't be further improved, for Shen Bing, he can only be the existence of Wenshan's drag bottle beside Wenshan. If this is really the case, I guess you can't really stay with Wenshan.

This is exactly the case, so for Wenshan now, it is basically impossible to really follow Wenshan. It's just that I can't follow Wenshan's side. At this time, Wenshan felt that he was very indebious to Shen Bing.

After all, in many cases, there is a gap in strength between Wenshan and Shen Bing. It is also this kind of gap in strength. So for Wenshan now, it's really not so easy.

is also such a situation, and Shen Bing also understands it. Shen Bing's experience over the past year was trembling under Wenshan's narrative. Especially when Wenshan talked about the experience with Tianmo Youji. Shen Bing still has a little jealousy about the existence of Tianmo Youji in her heart.

After all, Tianmo Youji is also one of the women in Wenshan, and she is competing with the same man. And they are all women that their men like. For any woman, the first thing is jealousy. Only the existence of such real jealousy is a gesture that a real woman should have.

However, when Shen Bing really knew the real strength of Tianmo Youji, all she had in her heart was a feeling of envy. Because of the existence of such envy and hatred, what Shen Bing said now will really only be a real feeling of envy and hatred.

Otherwise, for Shen Bing, for a woman like Tianmo appeared in the world of Wenshan, and now appeared in her own world out of thin air. Shen Bing really didn't know how she would face the existence of such a strong woman in the future.

After all, for the identity and status of Tianmo Youji and the existence of that strong strength. For Shen Bing now, if Tianmo is Wenshan's wife, he may not even be qualified as a concubine in Wenshan. After all, I really stepped on a road of cultivation, and the error of strength between me and the real demons is quite large.

is also the existence of such a huge error, so for the heavenly demon Youji in front of us, there is still a large error more or less. It is also the existence of such an error, so for Shen Bing at present, it may still be the direction of Shen Bing's efforts.

After all, it is strange to the current one, which makes Shen Bing have a strong pressure. For Shen Bing, it is really a strong motivation. It is also a strong motivation, so for Shen Bing, it is really a real momentum.

For Shen Bing, what is needed is to constantly improve her strength. She can't be Wenshan's wife, or at least be the qualification of Wenshan's concubine. If you can't develop to the end, you can't even get a lover's share.

For Wenshan, he has such a strong experience. Wenshan really faces a lot of life and death. That's exactly the case, so it's obviously because Shen Bing saw the demon Youji beside Wenshan. After all, if there is a heavenly demon Youji beside Wenshan, it may be of great help to Wenshan.

is also the existence of a strong man with an immortal realm like Tianmo Youji, which may be a ladder of progress for the men around him. Only a woman like Tianmo Youji is really the real woman of the man around her.

So, whether it is the order, strength or status. Tianmo Youji followed Wenshan, which made Shen Bing unable to say anything. After all, Tianmo and Wenshan were good before Shen Bing. Whether Tianmo wanted his status or strength, it was estimated that his figure, waistline and face would not be very bad.

Wenshan didn't know what the demon Youji thought at this time. On that day, Mo Youji really found a little girl like Shen Bing. I don't know if Tianmo Youji really accepted it in her heart.

Since last time. After participating in the mission of the sect, Wenshan experienced a blood sacrifice event, and the spiritual idea of Tianmo Youji in Wenshan's mind no longer followed Wenshan. But the real existence of freedom for Wenshan. Only in this way is a real let go to Wenshan.

That is, after Wenshan and Tianmo Youji really experienced a real blood sacrifice, the spiritual idea stored in Wenshan's mind is completely in a stage of continuous exercise. Closed meditation stage. Unless Wenshan is in danger, such a spiritual idea should not wake up.

The reason why Tianmo Youji has such a spiritual idea in Wenshan's mind is that she wants to know whether Wenshan is really in danger. In this way, you can know what Tianmo Youji said as soon as possible and rush to Wenshan's side at the same time.

This is a real idea in the heart of Tianmo Youji. For Tianmo Youji, I didn't think of really controlling Wenshan. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for Tianmo, the spiritual idea in Wenshan's head really cares about Wenshan's safety.

It was also after that blood sacrifice and energy storm that the control ability of Wenshan has been greatly reduced. It's exactly like this, so there is not much worry about Wenshan in the current state, and it's exactly like this, so for the current Wenshan, maybe it's really not a problem.

"The Shen family, the future development will not be carried out until I participate in a task." Wenshan looked at Shen Bing, the woman in his arms and said.

"Why? Can't you help my grandfather recover and then break through the strength of the current stage? Shen Bing, with bright big eyes. For Shen Bing's words at this time, perhaps for Shen Bing's words under a state like this, there is still some grudge in his heart.

After all, Wenshan does not agree to directly improve all the strength of the Shen family. Obviously, Wenshan has not really wanted to do the good of the Shen family. If it were really for the good of the Shen family, I wouldn't have done this. After all, for the current Wenshan, in Shen Bing's view, Wenshan has such ability, which can help the Shen family completely upgrade all their strength to the realm of gathering gas.

For Wenshan's current ability to do such a thing. After all, for the cultivation of the peak of the divine power stage, in Shen Bing's eyes, he is a real master among the masters. After all, in Shen Bing's view, the characters in the gathering stage are all masters.

For example, today's Dragon Vener, and the two girls, Xiaochu and Muling, are at the primary stage of gathering energy and the peak stage of energy respectively. However, from Wenshan's mouth, it is really known that there is a huge gap between the vigor stage and the aura stage.

This is also the gap. There are many levels between the strength stage and the aura stage. It is also the existence of such a huge level, so for the dragon master in the current state, Xiaochu and Muling, in Wenshan's words, the little people in their energetic stage standing in front of them are like children.

That is to say, if Wenshan wants to solve such a master in the stage of gathering energy, it is directly a problem of one sentence. It is also the existence of many such gaps that lead to many things. In many cases, there are still huge gaps.

It is in Shen Bing's heart that the clear and further improvement of Wenshan's strength, so the strength of Wenshan still exists in Shen Bing's heart. But at this time, Wenshan actually gave up the improvement of the overall strength of the Shen family, so he also had a lot of loss in Shen Bing's heart. He felt that Wenshan in front of him did not seem to care much about himself and his Shen family.

"What do you think of your current status in your Shen family?" Wenshan looked at Shen Bing in his arms and said with a smile, "Your current status in the Shen family is entirely because you have a sister Shen Jie in Taixuanzong. It is in this way that you, a yellow-haired girl, can have such a status in the Shengjing city and the Shen family, the largest family.

That's right, so for you, do you think your current position is really consolidated like this? If Shen Bing doesn't support you, Shen Jie, your Shen family is really not the one who can be completely in charge. The purpose is very simple. That's because you are the master. They have resources, and they will also be protected by Shen Jie.

That's exactly what you think you can really think about what things are like. For you now, you may not feel anything. For the Shen family, if you want to really become bigger and stronger, what you really need to do is to make the people of your Shen family truly obey the management of the system.

However, there is still a strong disobedience to the current Shen family. Although now I have entrusted the whole Shen family to Xiaochu and Muling for management. This is exactly the case, so it's for them. With the existence of Wenshan and the existence of Shen Jie, the two of them dare not take action against the Shen family. Because they know how powerful Wenshan is.

However, for other people and some people in the secular world, I don't know how powerful Wenshan is and how powerful Shen Jie is. If the strength of your cousins of the Shen family has been fully promoted to the current state of gathering, for them, it is enough to seize the power of the Shen family first.

This kind of competition in the secular world cannot be really stopped. For them, what they can really do is to give their resources a complete monopoly and give them corresponding normative resources every month. Only in this way can we really play a real regulatory role for them.

For those people in your Shen family and those who are absolutely competitive with you, you should have clear precautions, not that they will really have a strong threat to you after they become strong. For those brothers under your door, there is still a supplement of spiritual beans, and when their strength can be truly improved, give them Taixuan Jindan.

In this way, they rely on their own skills to improve their strength. Although the speed is relatively slow, it is very helpful for the Shen family to really develop and be able to gain a foothold in the future. For the children of the Shen family, the only advantage is that the allocation of resources is sufficient.

But for such resources, it also requires their efforts, so as to allocate how much of their resources. Otherwise, for them, it is a real dependence on the Shen family. After all, if their strength is improved at one time, or their resources are allocated in place, for them, the unexpected strength and such resources will not be cherished too much.

It is the existence of ingredients that they don't cherish very much, so for them, they still need to be restrained. As for your grandfather and these old guys, let's wait for me to come back and help them improve their strength.

For your Shen family, what is needed is the existence of a real strong man. Only in this way can you really grow up is a powerful help to your Shen family.

First of all, I hope to see that my women grow up. For the whole Shen family, when they merge into a big family, they can really have the absolute right to speak in the whole big family. This is a real development for your future Shen family, otherwise, for you Our Shen family also has an obvious binding force.

I believe you don't want to see the development of the Shen family fall into such a restriction. Now Xiaochu and Muling are both at the peak of their strength. For the two of them, with such sufficient resources, in terms of their strength, they may really be able to really promote the merger of several big families.

At that time, I don't think the two girls will really compete with you. However, if the wings of the two of them harden, it is estimated that when the two of them really mature, they will really cultivate the power of their family in the big family.

It is exactly like this. You have to have your own reward system. For the whole big family, in addition to the reward system of a big family, your Shen family should have the reward system of the Shen family. Of course, for other domestic slaves, there should also be a reward system for your Shen family. Only in this way can the real development of the Shen family be the fastest after the merger of the three major families.

In the early stage, before your strength is fully exposed, I believe that Xiaochu and Muling will not really doubt your existence. But if you really see your strength, I guess your threat will be really valued by them. Only in this way is it good for your Shen family.

What's more, for you, it's a real retreat, consolidating your current cultivation. When I come back, I will improve your strength again. At that time, if your strength is steadily stronger than the two girls, Xiaochu and Muling, I guess you can really Become the core figure of a big family.

is also one of the reasons for this, so for the current situation, it is really a breakthrough in the true sense. Your strength needs to have a certain shadow at the right time.

At this time, Shen Bing looked at Wenshan in front of her with a surprised face. In Shen Bing's view, she didn't expect Wenshan to think so much. For Wenshan now, it has really changed a lot. He is no longer the impulsive man before, but everything is moving his head.

In the past, Wenshan was able to steal the Taixuan Jindan beside Shen Bing for the sake of a goblin like Su Linger. However, after entering a large sect like Taixuanzong from Wenshan, a new understanding of the management system of large families.

Only by truly understanding such a management system in such a large family can it truly be reflected to a large extent. Shen Bing is also a figure who has been managing the whole Shen family for so many years. It is this degree of management that makes Shen Bing understand a lot.

But for the current Wenshan, he actually entered the Taixuanzong, and he really understood so much. And what Wenshan just thought of are all very profound problems. For these problems now, it can still explain a lot of problems. However, for the current Shen family, what Wenshan said is really what Shen Bing hopes to see.

For such a problem, Wenshan has said so much. So there is nothing to say about Shen Bing now. It is this idea that exists, so for the current situation, it is obvious that all these things of the Shen family will not be considered, because the men around them have already thought about it.

At this time, Shen Bing lay in the arms of the man beside him, but he had a more ambitious ideal in Shen Bing's heart. For Shen Bing now, perhaps when his strength is further improved, he will have to go out and travel by himself. For Shen Bing, it is impossible to really tie the men around him to his side.

However, if you want to really follow this man's side, you need more opportunities to improve your strength. Only when you really improve your strength is the real help for the man around you. Otherwise, it's really just a vase with no effect.

For Shen Bing's words, if Wenshan does this and improves Shen Bing's strength, perhaps in Wen Shan's eyes, Shen Bing is suitable for such a large family as the Shen family, and it is very normal to live a stable life. However, it is obviously impossible to really make Shen Bing live in the status quo.

While Wenshan improves Shen Bing's strength, it is also an expansion of Shen Bing's real vision to the true meaning. It is also the existence of the expansion of such an ability. For the current Wenshan, it may really be a good change.

After such a huge change in strength, I don't know Shen Bing's inner thoughts for Wenshan now. I don't know that Shen Bing has a kind of toughness in his bones like Shen Jie. And there is still such an unyielding spirit.

For Shen Bing, although Shen Jie's talent at the beginning, without Shen Jie's luck, he first entered the Taixuan Sect and made continuous breakthroughs in strength. However, Shen Bing was the real management work of the Shen family at the beginning.

However, for the current Shen family, there may really be no way to really solve such a problem. It is also the existence of such a problem, so for the current Wenshan, there may really be another change brought about by the huge improvement of strength.

Shen Bing is like this. For Shen Bing, she hopes to be a little woman beside Wenshan and have the love of others every day. This is the real woman's idea in Shen Bing's heart. However, reason told Shen Bing that it was impossible. It is such an impossible existence, so Shen Bing told herself that only when she really becomes strong and is no longer a burden to Wenshan, can she really follow a man like Wenshan.

The two hugged and talked, and did nothing more. They didn't sleep until there were too many sleepers.

Wenshan had a lot of dreams. In his dream, he was the demon Youji, and Shen Bing before him, who was staggering in his sleep. Even Shen Jie's beautiful face and his sister Dai Mingqiu, a beautiful beauty, were all in his arms.

When he woke up, all these dreams disappeared and they couldn't remember at all. Shen Bing lay by the bed and was sleeping quietly. In the cold air in the morning, he exposed a piece of jade color, transparent white and tender, slender waist with a touching curve.

At this time, Wenshan's hand directly covered Shen Bing's strong **. For the newly developed ** on Shen Bing's chest, it is still the favorite for Wenshan.

At this time, Shen Bing, who was sleeping, also felt it. For Wenshan getting up early in the morning, he still felt a little embarrassed about Shen Bingchu's personnel. At this time, Wenshan grinned, stretched out his hand in the quilt and wrapped around Shen Bing's waist.

"I haven't got up yet. It's so late. If I get up late, it's not good to be seen." Shen Bing looked at the man beside him, didn't dare to raise his head, and said shyly.

"Get up early in the morning, of course you have to exercise. I think of a better way to exercise. I'm going to show you." Wenshan said.

"What way?" Shen Bing asked curiously and watched Wenshan lean against the head of the bed, naked half of his shoulder, and helped him pull the quilt and hold it. He was afraid of catching a cold.

"Lying over, I'll tell you how to exercise." Wenshan said.

That is, when Shen Bing approached Wenshan, she instantly thought of what Wenshan said about her exercise method. Her face turned red with shame, as if blood was about to ooze out. She made her face look delicate and pinch Wenshan: "Bad hooligan, wake up in the early morning and doesn't get up, and her mind is full of dirty things..."

Wenshan was thick-skinned, and his whole body leaned towards Shen Bing's body.

Shen Bing quickly said, "There will be more people in the yard soon. If you don't leave, how can I go out to meet people..."

Wenshan was afraid that Shen Bing would run away and dared not let her get up. He was afraid that after Shen Bing got up, his thoughts would be ruined like this, so he hugged the beauty in his arms tightly.

Shen Bing looked at Wenshan's anxious appearance, covered her lips and smiled, and shyly felt the tall cylinder under Wenshan. She looked ferocious and powerful, and she was so scared that she hid straight back, but she didn't move faster than Wenshan, and she hugged her and stuck it tighter together.

"I'll just lie down with you for a while and ask you to hold me for a while. Don't do anything. I'll get up later." Shen Bing said shyly.

"Just let you lie with me for a while. I just want to lie down with you, and I don't want to do anything. After all, you are my woman. It's not a big deal to hold your woman and love her. Where do you think you are?" Wenshan pulled her hand away and said coaxingly.

"Don't move your hands in the quilt, okay? You'll get up later. There are still a lot of things to do when they get up.

Shen Bing saw that at this time, Wenshan's hands were still touching his chest unscrupulously, and he quickly grabbed his hand and looked at the time. I have to get up. If Wenshan really gets up with her and is seen, it is estimated that it will be spread by the whole Shen family.

How can a girl accept such a thing? After all, many people still don't know about being with Wenshan. Therefore, for Shen Bing in front of him, there are still a lot of scruples.

"If I don't touch my little baby, I won't feel very comfortable." Wen Shanjian is going to touch Shen Bing's body like this.

"Don't come in, you stinky hooligan, you know how to deceive other girls..." For Shen Bing's words at this time, it was a very shy state. After all, what Wenshan is doing now is done in such a broad day. How can Shen Bing, who experienced this for the first time, stand it?

"I just touched it. I didn't touch it well last night, just let me touch it; just touch it..." Wenshan's hands directly grabbed the two white rabbit-like snow breasts, round, big, soft, smooth and tender, holding Shen Bing's soft lips, sucking her smooth tongue, and kissing her in a moment. Constered, she took the initiative to hold his head, and then freed a hand to reach down.